Chapter 12

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The five of them sat down for dinner next to Kathy and Doris. Eleanor filled up her plate and stared out in front of her as she was eating.

In the corner of her eye, she noticed someone looking at her. When she looked over to see who it was, her eyes met Regulus'. When he saw she had noticed him he immediately looked down, as if his food had suddenly become very interesting. She smiled to herself.

"The Blackinator has come to bless you with his presence," Sirius grinned as het sat down opposite. Eleanor rolled her eyes. He ran a hand through his damp hair before he decided what he wanted to eat. A pleasant scent of coconut entered her nostrills.

"Lily," Remus began, looking over to his left. The red-headed girl looked up. "I heard that we have to patrol tonight," Lily nodded, "So do you want to meet up at around eight-thirty by the Fat Lady?" he asked. Lily nodded again and smiled.

James eyed Remus, poking around the peas on his plate. He didn't look amused.

After dinner, almost everyone immediately went up to their dorms. The first week of school was always very tiring.

Eleanor sat down at her usual table with Kathy to quickly go over their History of Magic homework. Eleanor hadn't cared much for the subject in previous years, but now that she knew they were going to be continuing to discuss the Goblin Rebellions she absolutely loathed it.

"I don't understand why we don't learn a bit of Muggle history as well," Eleanor suddenly said while writing down some very strange but apparently important Goblin names. Kathy shrugged.

"Is it more interesting then?" she asked, looking up at her. Eleanor thought for a second. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it again when she couldn't come up with a response. Kathy laughed and shook her head, continuing to write.

Eleanor sighed, she honestly didn't want to waste a perfect Friday evening on more homework when others were just having fun. By others she meant her brother and his friends, who seemed to be having free evenings every day.

Eleanor wasn't sure whether they were really just that smart, or if they cheated all the time. But then again, that was nearly impossible to do at Hogwarts, and if you got caught, severe punishments awaited you.

Having zero focus at all, Eleanor stood up from her chair.

"Where're you going?" Kathy asked, frowning.

"No idea, but as far away as possible from that bloody book, " Eleanor said, pocketing her wand in her robes.

She climbed through the portrait hole. Eleanor knew she probably shouldn't be doing this because it was close to curfew and her brother was on duty, but she just wanted to be on her own for a little while. Not even thinking about it where she was going, she let her feet lead the way.

After about fifteen minutes she looked around and noticed she was in a part of the castle where she rarely came. It was getting darker and it dawned on her that she should be going back before anyone saw her.

She looked around to see where she had to go and decided to take a right. Humming a song to herself to zone out the quiet, Eleanor walked around. Then as she turned around a corner, she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Snape with two of his friends.

Like he had sensed her presence, Snape turned around and looked straight into her eyes.

"Well well, look who we have here," his cold voice said.

Eleanor gulped, she turned on her heels and wanted to run away, but he was ahead of her.

"Flipendo!" Snape uttered.

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