The Sun and the Moon

Da Daughterofthebatfam

13.9K 390 95

Theo had been planning on proposing to Liam for a while now, now that he was a high school graduate. but what... Altro

With all my heart
An unforseen suprise
Interrupted program
A terrifying reason
story update
Careless leads
Impulsive escape
The howl
Finding Liam
Character stuff
An extra heartbeat
Hard conversation/ Theo's scent
Story update 2
Panic attack
You're safe
Story update 3
No matter what
So scarred
Gonna be just fine
Take care of me / I'm here for you
The way we do this
We need to talk
The night it all happened
Story update 4
More at stake
Just hold me
Uncle Stiles / Party favors
Perfect proposal
Nursery pics
Strange scent
Now what? / Finally
Something spontaneous / We did it
Dont tell
Story update
Its all about family

Relaying information

382 14 10
Da Daughterofthebatfam

Scott's POV. 12:45am

I woke up when Isaac let out a soft whine and immediately sat up, looking at him worried.

He'd been doing this for over a week now, but whenever I asked what he was dreaming about, he avoided the question. I was worried about him, but didn't want to push if he wasn't ready to talk.

He let out another whine and tensed up, grabbing onto the sheets tightly. "Isaac, baby you're just dreaming." I reached a hand out, gently cupping his cheek.

He immediately leaned into my touch and sighed out. His face was still scrunched up, uncomfortable, so I thumbed at his cheek before moving my hand up and running my fingers through his hair.

I had learned, over the time we'd been together, that just grabbing him to cuddle him, only made things worse. Sudden contact could make him shift in his sleep and thrash around scared.

I was glad I healed supernaturally, otherwise I'd have some pretty horrific scars. Luckily, any signs of them were always gone before he woke up.

I knew that would make him hate himself, so I never told him. Instead, I learned that gently touching his shoulder or cheek, then running my fingers through his hair seemed to work like a charm.

He relaxed and slumped onto his side, breathing out fast still, but slowly catching his breath.

Moving closer, I gently pulled him into my chest, letting him tuck his face into my neck. "Shh, you're safe babe." His heart was beating rapidly, but slowly calmed down as I rubbed his back.

It only took a minute for him to be completely relaxed again, still sound asleep.

I sighed out softly and kissed the top of his head. He didn't show any more signs of distress, so I let myself relax and closed my eyes, falling back to sleep.


A banging noise jolted me awake, causing me to clutch Isaac tighter to my chest. He groaned, but otherwise stayed asleep. Surprisingly.

Breathing out in a panicked annoyance, I gently moved him over, back onto his side of the bed before getting up.

"Who the hell at...2 in the morning!?" I grumbled as I looked at my phone then stopped, eyeing the missed call notifications from Theo, Derek and Ethan. "What the hell?"

Another round of banging had me jumping up and sprinting to the door, now panicking for a different reason.

Theo's scent hit my nose before I even turned the doorknob and when I opened the door, he was frantic, hugging himself and looking down.
"Theo?" He sniffled, shaking. "Theo, what's going on?"

Normally, I wouldn't have concerned myself too much with his well-being, but ever since he found out Liam was his mate, I've made more of an effort. For Liam. He was my first Beta. I'd do anything for him.

"S-someone took him." When he looked up, I noticed all the tears. His eyes were puffy and red as he choked back a sob. Theo never cried. Not like this anyway.

Grabbing his arm, I pulled him inside and shut the door again. "Who, Theo?" Part of me almost didn't want to know, but the other part of me guessed exactly who he was talking about. No doubt.

"Liam. Someone took Liam."

Theo was shaking, an odd smell was lingering around his scent. It smelled awful. Like..."Hunters." I growled out, clenching my fists as I watched Theo nod, gasping out as he tried to breath.

"I can't...I can't pick up his scent. Dammit, Scott I can't." His hand moved to his forehead, moving his hair back in frustration as he leaned over slightly. I'd never seen him this shaken up before.

"Theo, breathe. We'll find him. When did this happen and where?" I moved my hands to his shoulders, trying to gain his attention as he nodded and tried to breathe in.

"I don't know when. Maybe, maybe around eight or nine. I got off work late and...when I got home...he had cooked and decorated, but he was gone."

He heaved out and I helped him to the couch. I could hear both our hearts hammering. Mine in anticipation and worry and his in panic and distress.

"His phone was on the floor and the smell in the apartment, it was bad, Scott. Not just hunters, but something else too. I got in the car to come here...about half way here I...I just lost it."

He whipped his face, looking away from me. My head was racing, trying to figure out why hunters would want him. Unless it was to get to me, but then...why not try to take Isacc?

Shaking my head, I stood and grabbed my jacket and keys. "Come on, let's go find him."

I turned to go wake Isacc just as he walked in on the phone, rubbing his eyes still half asleep. "Babe, Derek." He handed me the phone then looked over at Theo oddly. "What's going on?"

I ushered him to get ready to go as I took the phone, wondering what Derek needed and of it was related to all this.

"Derek? What's going on? Why did you call? Why did Ethan call?" I heard him huff and stopped asking questions so he could start answering them.

"Jackson called. Said something about finding hunters and Liam. He was cutting in and out really badly, but said something about Ethan coming to get you."

Theo was watching me, trying to listen to Derek too. "Who found Liam? Where is he?" I held my hand up, placing it on his shoulder. "I don't know Theo. Jackson called Derek, but the signal was really back." He huffed out, holding back fresh tears.

I was scared, but ultimately pissed. Whoever did this messed with the wrong pack. "Derek where are you?"

I watched Isaac try to calm Theo down and was glad he was distracting him so I could focus on this conversation. "I'm almost to your house. About seven minutes out."

"Okay. I'm gonna take Theo back to the apartment and try to pick up Liam's scent. Try to get a hold of Jackson and wait for Ethan here. If they found Liam, hopefully he'll know where to go. Assuming they're still there." I sighed out as Derek agreed then hung up.

"Theo let's go. Isaac, wait here for Derek and Ethan. If anyone else calls tell me immediately." He nodded, but grabbed me as I turned to leave, looking at me concerned.

"Isacc, baby what is it?" He opened his mouth then shook his head. "Just, be careful please. Who knows what these assholes have planned."

I sighed and placed my hand on his cheek, holding his gaze as I let my eyes change color. He did the same. "I know. I'll be careful. Text me when Derek gets here. I love you."

I kissed him deeply then turned to leave. He said it back and just stood there as I got into my car and left with Theo.

I knew something was up and as much as I wanted to stay and find out what it was, I needed to find Liam. He had to be top priority right now.

Whatever reason they had for taking him, they'd regret it as soon as I got my claws on them.

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