Ark Lore Part 1: The Goal

By bladeofdeath69

51 1 0

this is part one of a story I have been working on since my freshman year of high school AKA my last full nor... More

starting information
30 Minutes latter
Next Morning
A Week And A Half Later
The Next Day
That Night
An Hour Later
Two Days Later
10 Minutes Later
30 Minutes Later
Later that Night
An Hour later
Two minutes Later

Moments Later

1 0 0
By bladeofdeath69

"Good, f-finally at the gate," Kaitlyn said while winded.

"What are we going to do about this thing?" One of the Inverted shouted.

"Zac, do the thing we talked about earlier!" Lars yelled, getting inpatient. Zac walked up, opened his tome, pushed his glasses up, sighed, and pointed at the gate. At his command, a beam of flames raged at the gate causing it to cave in. Everyone lifted their weapons to charge, but before they could pass the gate, a pinkish red beam came plummeting at everyone. Zac reacted quickly and summoned a wave of purple sludge hoping to cover those inside, a single sweatbead formed on his temple.

"I have never seen any magic like that." Zac thought to himself in a sweat. After the debris cleared, a male human teen with a green top and a brown bottom, who was wielding gauntlets, was left stuck while a small group of Phayor soldiers were behind him. The new face had two round earrings pierced on his ears and defining red pupils.

"Now!" Lars yelled, pointing towards them. The soldiers charged but got stuck in some of the sludge. The Inverted charged and started attacking the soldiers. Kaitlyn looked up frantically to see a male and a female teen, one with demon wings similar to Lars. The one with wings was flying and firing pinkish red magical beams down on the battlefield.

"I have to get her out of the air," Kaitlyn thought to herself. She took quick inaccurate shots in hopes of scaring them down. It worked, the duo landed. "H-Hey Lars, I'm going to get the female," Kaitlyn said, sweat dripping all on her face and down her neck.

"Fine, I will go for the male," Lars replied.

"Alright I will go for the imbecile in green and brown in the sludge," Zac stated. Kaitlyn ran and had to roll to the right after a beam was heading her way.

"Not bad," Said the mysterious girl with a red and blue shirt and the blue demon-like wings. "The names Mallory, what's yours?"

"I'm K-Kaitlyn, and you're going to remember it, Mallory," Kaitlyn anxiously spoke with fake confidence. Kaitlyn fired a powerful and blazing shot. Magical energy fluttered around the tip of the arrow, waiting to be released. Kaitlyn yanked back the arrow and it grazed Mallory's shoulder.

"Is that all you got?" Mallory said while laughing. Kaitlyn stood frozen in her place. "I will show you what real fighting looks like," Mallory's fingers suddenly hardened into black, sleek claws with sharp blue nails. Mallory jumped and charged at Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn was gripping her bow with no arrow loaded. Kaitlyn was still frozen in shock. Before Mallory could swipe at Kaitlyn, she ducked instinctively, shielding her hands over her head.

"Oh you're still alive? I thought you fainted standing up," Mallory taunted. While Kaitlyn was still ducking, Mallory threw back her leg and kicked her, causing Kaitlyn to be thrown back. Kaitlyn didn't make a sound as she laid helplessly in the dirt, still clutching the Bow of Loyalty.

"GET UP!" Mallory yelled, her green eyes thinning. "I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!" Kaitlyn lifted her head up off the ground. Her tears caused the dirt on her face to turn to mud.

"J-Just finish me. Please. I'm not good at any of this w-war stuff. I'm just a burden to Lars and e-everyone else. Please..." Kaitlyn pleaded, her fingers scratching the dirt. Mallory stood there, conflicted.

"Well I don't know. Something tells me to kill you, while something else tells me to spare you. You just somehow remind me of someone I want to be, but can't," Mallory rambled on. "For that, I will let you live,"

"R-Really..?" Kaitlyn lifted her head up to see Mallory's palm open. Kaitlyn grabbed Mallory's hand and she pulled her up on her feet. Kaitlyn blushed when she felt the soft skin on Mallory's hand.

"You know, you shouldn't say that again. Lars and everyone else might really need you. I wouldn't let anyone tell you otherwise." Mallory spoke with a glimmer in her eyes while looking at Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn dropped her bow, smiled, and fidgeted.

"W-Well I-I mean if you say so Mallory." Kaitlyn spoke back with a happy tone and Mallory grinned.

"Maybe they actually do need me." Kaitlyn thought to herself while smiling. Mallory jumped in the air and flew away in the other direction.

"Uh- thanks Mallory!" Kaitlyn said as she picked up her bow and fled Miradoor. Mallory turned her head to see Lars and the other teen with demon wings fighting.

"Man if that idiot can't land any of his attacks, then Shawn should have no problem," Mallory thought to herself. She turned her head more to see Zac overwhelming the boy with the gauntlets. Zac had him in a choke hold with his shiny magical aquamarine snake. He was chucking purple sludge and fire at him as well. "Shit, Zephyr could use some help," Mallory thought to herself. "HEY YOU, IDIOT IN THE TRENCH COAT!" Mallory yelled. Zac turned to see Mallory charging a bright and gleaming blue beam in the palm of her hand. Zac jumped back right after she fired and flexed his arm back commanding the snake to throw Zephyr into the beam. The beam caused Zephyr to fall to the ground. Mallory stood in shock. Quickly her face contorted with anger. She flew low and fast. Before Zac could realize it, Mallory was behind him. Zac lunged forward, but not enough. Her claws dug into his jacket, tearing it. Zac scowled and squinted at his jacket. Zac's body moved too fast and he fell face first on the ground. Mallory took this opportunity to kick Zac with full force. The kick was so powerful he was flung towards Shawn and Lars. Mallory helped Zephyr get up.

"You okay?" Mallory asked Zephyr, visibly concerned. Zephyr's neck was all a giant rash, most likely from Zac's snake.

"Yeah, but we should help Shawn. He needs more help than me." Zephyr replied.

"Nah, his opponent is so bad he can't land any of his attacks," Mallory snarked, raising her shoulders, trying still to get used to fighting in her demon form 

"Uhhhh think again," Mallory turned around to see that Lars had thrown Shawn on the ground, and was ready to deliver the finishing blow.

"This is what you get for not taking this seriously idiot!" Lars said while lifting up the Axe of the Oppressed with a horrendously strong grip. Before he struck down, he felt an abnormal wind come from his left. He glared over to see a giant electric blue colored beam of crackling energy rushing at him from a pissed off Mallory. Just a dozen yards away from Lars, Zac was able to get himself up, still reeling from Mallory's attack. He opened his tome with deep breaths and held it in front of him, in hope of absorbing the magic. It quickly failed and the beam pushed the two up against a nearby wall. Lars opened his one eye to see that Zac was passed out; his rectangular glasses were broken and his jacket was torn from various attacks. He looked up to see the dynamic trio was charging up a group attack, all with determined looks on their faces.

"RETREAT!!" Lars yelled while grabbing Zac, his tome, and the Axe of the Oppressed. Lars flew off before Zephyr's gauntlet hit the wall and shattered the concrete into a million pieces. 

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