The Hunted • Teen Wolf

By BlackPhyre

80.6K 3.3K 2.5K

BOOK 2 to 'True Survival - Teen Wolf' The riddles have been solved, the truths have been revealed and the sto... More

Time for Introductions
3B - One
3B - Two
3B - Three
3B - Four
3B - Five
3B - Six
3B - Seven
3B - Eight
3B - Nine
3B - Ten
3B - Eleven
3B - Twelve
4 - Fourteen
4 - Fifteen
4 - Sixteen
4 - Seventeen
4 - Eighteen
4 - Nineteen
4 - Twenty
4 - Twenty-one
4 - Twenty-two
4 - Twenty-three
4 - Twenty-four
5 - Twenty-five
5 - Twenty-six
5 - Twenty-seven
5 - Twenty-eight
5 - Twenty-nine
5 - Thirty
5 - Thirty-one
5 - Thirty-two
5 - Thirty-three
5 - Thirty-four
5 - Thirty-five
5 - Thirty-six
5 - Thirty-seven
5 - Thirty-eight
5 - Thirty-nine
5 - Forty
5 - Forty-one
5 - Forty-two
5 - Forty-three
5 - Forty-four
6 ~ Forty-five
6 ~ Forty-six
6 ~ Forty-seven
6 ~ Forty-eight
6 ~ Forty-nine
6 ~ Fifty
6 ~ Fifty-one
6 ~ Fifty-two
6 ~ Fifty-three
6 ~ Fifty-four
Final (1) ~ Fifty-five
Final (2) ~ Fifty-six

4 - Thirteen

1.8K 65 61
By BlackPhyre

4 x 01 ~ The Dark Moon


Leo's PoV (Desert attire above^^)

"I want it on record this is all Stiles' fault," I said from my laid position on the floor, I stared up at the grey ceiling and sighed as I couldn't tell if it was day or night, given how long we were down here,

"How is this my fault!?" Stiles asked back sounding offended, I pushed myself up to look at the boy as he stood beside Malia, with his arms crossed,

"You were the one who said I'll handle the negotiations," I snapped at him, mocking his words from before we split up, "and look at what happened,"

"She wasn't going to negotiate with you or Scott," Stiles said back to me and I scoffed before laying back down, "your both Alphas and technically we broke into her property,"

"And now she's holding us against our will, and only god knows what she's doing to Lydia!" I said angrily,

"Well if you two could stop yelling at each other maybe we could hear, what's happening," Kira spoke up, I looked over at the girl and she raised her hands in silent defeat, "or, I could just let you two argue it out,"

"Well, we wouldn't even be here in the first place if your boyfriend hadn't gotten himself kidnapped," Stiles said to me and I glared at him, he put on a cocky smile, "Boom! Facts!"

"I hate you so much," I muttered before laying back down, I didn't really hate him, he was just annoying at times,

"Leo's boyfriend is Derek, right?" Malia asked and I groaned loudly,

"Yup," Stiles popping the 'p', "The sour wolf, and his mean boy, alpha, boyfriend,"

"I am not the mean boy!" I said flying up to look at him and he laughed, then Kira and Scott joined in,

"You kind of are," Scott said to me and I threw him the most offended look I could muster, "I mean you, I remember being scared of you all freshman year,"

"See," Stiles said before pointing at the others, "Scott's the golden boy who's also the jock. Kira's the innocent one. Malia's unfiltered. Lydia's both beauty and brains. I'm the sarcastic one... which leaves you as the mean one and Derek as the bad boy,"

I stared at him with my mouth opened, I looked over at Scott and Kira who nodded along before scoffing and pouting at them.

"I hate all of you," I said softly but they heard me and chuckled lowly at my words,

"See, classic mean boy," Stiles said sounding a bit too triumphant, I sighed harder before laying back down and staring at the ceiling again,

"I just wanna get my boyfriend, and my best friend and get the hell out of Mexico," I said to myself, I groaned as I looked at the walls and saw the hundreds of claw marks along the walls,

"Agreed," Scott spoke up, I looked over at him as he stood in front of the metal door, "we need to find a way out of here,"

"And, what she wants with Lydia," Kira added, and I nodded before sighing again,


"You brought a wolf in my house?" The elderly huntress asked the pair that sat before her,

"Actually we brought an Alpha," Stiles answered her with a calm tone, but the corner of his lips slid upwards slightly to smirk at her,

"Two Alphas," Lydia chimed in with tilt of her head,

"You're a monster," The man coughed up as I pressed him against the wall, his bruised face stood out in the darken hallway and the only source of light was the red glow that came from my eyes,

"Technically I'm a werewolf, but that's close enough," I said with a shrug, I gripped his shirt and pulling forward into a punch which knocked him out cold, I released his body and it slid down the wall, I scoffed before turning around to look at the other three hunters who tried and failed to stop me, so I sighed, "Is it just me, or does this seem to easy?"

The sound of approaching footsteps made me look over, I watched as a pair of red eyes appeared in the darkness, then they came closer and Scott's face appeared from the darkness.

"Or maybe we're just that good," Scott said with a confident shrug, he reached down and picked up one of the walkie talkies and hooked it to his pants,

We turned and walked out of the hallway, the music from the dancehall got louder as we got closer. It was hard to hear people talking over the music, but we could hear as persons jumping in time with the music, and someone was approaching us, quickly. I looked around the hall and saw three party-goers walking towards us, and I looked back at Scott, who looked back at the fallen body of the hunters.

"We can't let them see the hunters," Scott said to me in a panicked voice, he talks an Alpha but at times he sounds like a teenager,

"Okay, so how do we distract them?" I asked him, and he shrugged, he started to look around for something to use as a distraction, I looked back at the persons who were talking and getting closer before an idea came to me,

"Stiles is usually the one with a quick ideas, not me," he said to me and I nodded,

"PDA," I muttered to myself, I turned and looked at Scott, who gave me a confused look, "Scott, trust me on this, but you have kiss me,"

"What?" Scott asked and I saw his cheeks turn red for a moment,

"Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable, and they'll look away, so drop the good boy act and kiss me," I said to him, he swallowed nervously and opened his mouth to say something, but I could sense the persons coming up beside us to I stepped forward and locked lips with him,

Scott panicked at first, but then kissed me back. He closed his eyes and I smiled at the act before doing the same. I pushed his body onto the wall, my hands looping around his neck, and his hand slowly falling on my waist, I pushed my thigh between his legs  and kissed him as hard as I could to sell the act.

I heard slight murmurs and footsteps quickly walking away, I waited a moment before pulling away and looking around, only to see the persons heading back towards the dancefloor. I smirked and looked back at Scott as I felt something twitching against my thigh.

"So, are you uncomfortable?" I asked him, I pulled him and he shifted in place, obviously trying to readjust himself in his pants,

"Not the word I was going to use," Scott said swallowing the lump in his throat and I smirked before rolling my eyes, I looked down at saw the outline of his lower region before looking back up at him,

"Kira's a lucky a girl," I said to him before turning and walking down the hall way until I came to edge of the party area, and Scott follow close, but not too close for reasons,

We turned and walked towards the edge of the party and scanned the crowd. Kira and Malia were supposed to be here, but I couldn't see them near of the tables or the bar.

"Do you see the other's?" I asked Scott, who only nodded and pointed towards the dancefloor, I looked over and smiled as I watched the two girls dancing together in sync, gaining the attention of many of the other dancers, especially the men, "I thought the plan was to blend in? Not stand out,"

"Go get them, something happening, I can hear their chatter over the radio," Scott said with a commanding tone, I looked at him and sighed before easing my way onto the dancefloor,

I danced up to the pair and landed my hands on Malia's shoulders.

"You two have singlehandedly made every straight guy in hard," I said as I leaned down close to Malia's ear, Kira leaned forward and I watched as the blush crept onto her cheeks,

"And you're not?" Malia asked as he looked back at me, I shook my head,

"Nope, what you have I don't want," I answered with a smirk and Malia chuckled,

"Good! That means I can do this!" Malia said over the music, she quickly spun around getting behind me faster than I could react and placed her hands on hips, she grinded into me in beat with the music, Kira's hands came up to my neck and I placed my hands around her waist,

We danced and laughed, playing the roles of dumb teenagers making bad decisions really well, but not well enough. I looked around the room, and noticed a few hunters looking around the crowd, eyeing the crowd. The music changed and the crowd danced around more. It went on like this for a while, until Kira nodded behind us, we looked back and watched as a man walked towards us with his glare set in stone. Another woman came up on our left, and walked behind Kira, I glanced to my right and watched as a bigger man stepped away from the bar, he reached into his jacket and pulled out a stun baton, and I watched the electricity danced up and down the baton.

"Alright ladies, time to change up the tempo," I said to them, Kira readied herself and I felt Malia's hand drop,

"Ready?" Malia asked, and we both nodded,

We all turned and I stepped up as the big man came towards me. He swung the stun baton and I avoided each swing, until he swung back and I caught his wrist, I used his momentum to twist his arm down and up, and the baton went sailing upwards into the air. He looked up at his weapons but I kept my gaze on him, I reeled my arm back and delivered a quick blow to his stomach and he fell to his knees. I looked up and caught the baton as it came back down, and drove it into his chest, his body convulsed and fell to the floor.

I looked up from the man and saw a boy who looked a year younger than me watching the scene in awe. His eyes gleamed with excitement and his mouth hung open, so I winked at the boy which made me flustered and I got a laugh out of it.

I turned and looked back as Kira and Malia stood over the hunters' body, and soon Scott came up to us, and grabbed the fourth hunter, slammed him into a beam and threw him across the room. He nodded to the others who followed him, while I went to secure our exit.

I walked off the dancefloor and into a backroom, which was close to the exit, I looked around and couldn't see anyone, so I determined this to be a good place to wait for the others, until I heard footsteps approaching me, so quickly I spun around ready to fight, only to see the boy from before.

"Oh! You shouldn't be back here," I said to him and he smirked at me,

"Neither should you," He said with a cocky tone, he slipped his hands into his pockets and looked me up and down, "that was impressive, I've seen my fair share of fights, but I've never seen someone take down a bigger opponent so fast,"

"Um, thanks I guess," I said to him as I scratched the back of my head, I looked away from the boy and walked over to the side of the room, where a door could be found, but it barred from the inside, and it looked like I would need Scott to rip it open,

I heard the boy walking closer to me and I sighed at the action.

"My abuela was right..." The boy spoke and I froze, " werewolves are dangerous,"

I spun around again, but this time something blue flew into my eyes and nose. At first it burned, and I struggled to breathe, my body started to give out, I leaned back against the wall and slid down it, I looked up at the boy, he was blurry but I could see his smile plastered on his face.

"Though, it's a shame... I'd r-really lik-e to see what t-hat we-rewolf d-dick can do-" he spoke, his voice got choppy and it became harder as it faded away

I couldn't process anything more as my vision turned black and my body gave in.


Derek wasn't here. He was never here. The Calaveras didn't take him, and they didn't have him. His scent wasn't in this room, or in any of the rooms actually. But if they didn't take him, and he wouldn't have left town without a word, then that meant that someone else took him.

I drowned out the other's talking and tried to listen for movement on the other side of the door, because now, they had Lydia.

Footsteps approached, and I backed up from the door. It slid open and a bunch of men walked in with guns and stun batons. Then everything went back, again.

This time around, when my eyes opened, I wasn't in the room with the others, I was... back on the dancefloor?

"He awakens," a voice shouted, I flinched at the noise, before pulling myself up, I looked around the room for the source, and my eyes landed on the boy from before,

"What is your issue?" I asked him with a scoff, I got up and tried to walked over to him, but a purple glow formed in my path, I looked down and saw that I was standing in a circle of mountain ash, "seriously?"

"We can't have fun without some precautions, now can we?" he asked me, I looked up at him and I saw the wicked smile that graced his lips,

"Are you scared that I might hurt you?" I asked as I folded my arms, looking over at the boy with bored look,

"Oh no papi, I like to rough," he teased and I scoffed, he pointed to the circle and I glanced at it then to him, "that was my abuela's doing, but if I had my way... you'd be strapped to the bed upstairs,"

"What do you want from me?" I asked as I tried to avoid his inappropriate tone and suggestions,

"Answers," he spoke, he got of the seat and slowly walked over to him, I noticed he was short, his skin was a light brown shade and his hair was curly, his face was a display of innocent, but now, I knew better,

"Answers to what?" I asked him, and he chuckled, he tilted his head to the side and smiled at me,

"Derek Hale," he said, I gripped my arm at the mention of his name, but he noticed that and laughed, "I'm curious, you see, most people expected Derek Hale to spend the rest of his life being sad and alone, but, as it turns out, he not sad and he's very much not alone. So, I want to know, why him? What about him was so special, so great, that you and your little friends had to risk your little lives to come and find him,"

"We care about him," I answered him, and he scoffed,

"Wrong!" he shouted and I narrowed my gaze on the boy, he started to walk around me, so I had to turn my body to follow his movements, "The others care for him, sure, but not you... there's something different about you. So, I ask again, why Derek Hale,"

"It's like you said, everyone expected him to be sad and alone for the rest life, and honestly for a while, he had hit rock bottom," I said to him and he listened to my words, "but, when your down, there's only one way left for you to go, up. He was down, so I helped him get back up,"

"That's cute," he said before stopping, he turned to face me, "so you fixed him,"

"No, he fixed himself, I was just the one person lucky enough to see him become a better man," I answered back, "And I know you and your little hunters don't have him, so why are we having this conversation?"

"Because I wanna get to know you better," he said taking a step closer to the circle, I glanced at his feet then to him, I saw his eyes watching me, calculating my every move, so I couldn't play his game, "I wanna know what kind of Alpha you really are,"

"Well, according to my friends, I'm the mean one, but I'm also the type who'd risk it all if it meant saving the ones he loves," I said to him, and he smiled,

"The one he loves~" he mocked me, "does this include Derek?"

"Yes," I answered my irritation slowly becoming apparent, "and you're starting to get on my nerves,"

"You're cute when your mad," he said with a smile and I scoffed at him,

"Keeping talking, and soon this bubble won't be enough to keep us apart," I said to him with a head tilt and he smirked,

"And what would you do to me if it weren't here? Choke me like you hate me?" He asked and I chuckled at him, his smirk fell and his eyes turned cold, "did I say something funny?"

"Your attempts at flirting with me are funny," I answered him, he frowned at me and I smiled back at him, "So, let me give you some words of advice, you're not my type,"

"I'm everyone's type!" he snapped at me, he stepped closer to the circle, and I shook my head,

"I'm. Not. Everyone," I said to calmly, I threw a punch forward and it collided with the circle, but the amount of force and the sound made him jump back, and I laughed at him, his face flushed red and that made it even more amusing, "you're cute when your flustered,"

"I am not- Shut up!" he snapped at me, his face was red and I shook my head at him,

"You're little temper tantrums are cute too, but let me tell you something," I said as I stepped closer to the circle, it crackled to life due to my body being so close to it, and I dropped my voice and flashed my eyes at the boy, "you're not old enough to ride this dick, so why don't you do us both a favor, go find someone who is, because I'm done playing babysitter,"

He huffed and puffed at me, clearly he was accustom to having his way with things, so when I spoke to him in a uncaring manner, it clearly struck a nerve. He paced around the room, before turning back to me.

"I'm going to be 17 in a few weeks, you know!" he snapped and I scoffed,

"And you might not live long enough to see, if you don't stop talking to me," I said to him, he stepped up to the circle and I watched as the purple energy vanished, his eyes went and we looked down to see his foot breaking the line, he looked up at me and I smirked, "what was that you were saying earlier about precautions?"

Panicked filled his eyes and he reached into his pocket but I was faster, I got a gripped on him, I pulled his hands upwards and held them with one hand, I moved us over to a pillar and I held him up against it.

"In a different situation, this would really hot," he spluttered out as he struggled to get free,

"Stop talking," I said to him, I looked around the room, and I saw the door, that Scott and the others went through, "Where are my friends? Where's your abuela?"

He looked around nervously and I tightened my grip on his hands.

"Don't even think about lying to me! Talk! Now!" I said to him, my eyes turned red and he swallowed nervously,

"That way," he nudged towards the door, I looked at it then around the room, I spotted the bar, so I dragged him closer, and I smiled at what I saw on the counter, "zip-ties, kinky,"

I reached over and placed the boys hands in them, after placing his hands behind his back. I patted him down, and found a knife in his back pants pocket and a pocket knife in his boot. I turned and pushed him towards the door.

"Move," I said to him, he looked back at me and slowly started to walk,

"You are so hot when you mad," I heard him mutter and I scoffed,

"You are so annoying," I mutter back as I followed him down the dark hallways,

We walked for a while, until I heard the hum of electricity, and a pained groan. I gripped the boy and stopped him from walking off. I looked around and focused on the voice.

"Scott!" I whispered, I looked down at the boy who had his eyes trained to the ground, "What are they doing to him? What do they want?"

He didn't answer and I was beyond impatient with him, I gripped his neck and slammed him into the wall, roughly, my voice got deeper as I got angrier, "Answer me!"

"They want to know who took Derek," he croaked out, I glared at him and I saw him swallow nervously, "she didn't tell me much, she just said, that someone who the world thought was dead didn't actually die,"

His words made me think of Peter, but Peter wouldn't have kidnapped Derek. So then who?

I pulled him off the wall and pushed him towards the source of Scott's groans. We moved faster as the groans and hums of electricity got louder, we turned down another hall way and that's when a roar echoed towards us and shook the walls around us. I felt my body react to the voice, and my eyes glowing in response to another Alpha's call.

"Say the name, Scott,"


My body froze. My grip on the boy tightened as I stood there in the hall. There was no way, no, it was impossible for her to still be alive! Because, if she was alive, our lives were about to become a lot more dangerous.

I gritted my teeth and pulled the boy towards the room, we stood outside the door. I threw him a look, before covering his mouth with my hand, he struggled but I was over his little antics. I reeled my foot back and kicked in the door, and all eyes turned on us. I extended my claws and placed them on his throat as the hunters in the room turned and pointed their guns at me.

I looked from them, to their leader, to Kira, Lydia and then Scott. He gave a worried look, and I knew exactly he was telling the truth when he uttered her name.

Kate Argent was alive.

"I was wondering when you would arrive," Araya said to me with a smile similar to her grandson's, she waved her arms and the hunters lowered their weapons, "though you are a little late to the party,"

"An Alpha's never late, everyone else is just early," I said to her and she smiled at my response, but her smile dropped as she looked at her grandson,

"I expected better of you neito," she said to him, and I chuckled before I released the boy, "All you had to do, was keep him talking, and yet you couldn't do that simple task,"

"You sent a boy, to do a man's job," I said to her and her eyes landed on me, I knew that look because I had seen it on Peter's face before, "But you knew that, you just wanted to see his resolve,"

"And he failed, miserably," she spat as the boy walked over to her, his head hung low and I smirked at his defeated state, he looked up at me and I smiled at him, he blushed before looking down at his feet, I looked over at her and she smiled at me, "Though, I expected nothing less from a Winchester... you are you're father's son,"

I gave her a confused look, as I didn't know why she just called me a Winchester, but I played it off, as we now had bigger problems to deal with. We all waited outside the club as Scott talked to Araya one last time, I looked from them over to the window of the club and I spotted the boy who's name I didn't get glaring at me, so I blew the little monster a kiss, he blushed before stomping away and I chuckled.

"So what now?" Stiles asked as he walked up to Scott,

"She thinks she knows where we can find Derek," Scott answered him,

"She gonna tell us where?" Malia asked him,

"Uh, actually, she's giving us a guide," Scott answered her, I looked at the boy in confusion until I heard the sound of a motorbike revving towards, we all turned and watched as a biker drove towards us, and it was girl,

She pulled off the helmet and the first thing I saw was a scar across her face going down into her neck. She looked familiar, but I could tell from where.

"You know her?" Stiles asked Scott,

"Braeden," Scott answered,

"Who's Braeden?" Malia asked,

"She's a mercenary," Lydia answered in

"Right now, I'm the only one who's gonna take you to la iglesia," She said to us in snippy tone,

"The Church?" Lydia questioned,

"What's The Church?" Stiles asked,

"For the record, four out of the six of us are all members of the LGBT community, so taking us to The Church might not be the best option," I said to her and she turned and gave me a bored look,

"It's not a place you'll find God," She answered us,

"Well, Halle-Freaking-luiah," I said with shrug before I walked over to the other side of the jeep, "Let's go already,"

We all cramped into the jeep and we followed Braeden out of town. Kira who was the small of the girls sat in Malia's lap, but that didn't help as we all folded in the backseat. It was bumpy and uncomfortable, both the ride and the silence, seeing that no one wanted to talk about the elephant in the Jeep.

"I still don't understand why you didn't take your own car Leo," Stiles whined from the driver seat and I gave him a disgusted look,

"I'm not driving, Baby, through the desert, I just got her polished and wax," I said to her and he shook his head,

"Okay, I'll ask. Who's Kate Argent?" Malia asked, seeing that she was the last to join our friend group, she didn't know about the stuff that went down last year,

"Uh, I'd like to know, too," Kira piped up as well, the two girls looked over at me and I sighed,

"Well, we were at her funeral. So, I'd like to know how she got out of a casket that was buried six feet underground," Stiles said in his sarcastic manner,

"Don't ask me, I skipping the funeral to have sex with Derek in his old house," I said to them and all eyes turned on me, "What? I wasn't going to skip good dick for that murderer, who somehow crawled out of her grave,"

"She was never in it," Scott said to us and we looked at him,

"She was Allison's aunt. And a total sociopath," Lydia told them, I looked at Scott and I saw his face fall, so I reached forward and gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze, and he nodded softly at the act,

"You don't have to talk about it now if you don't want to," Kira said to him,

"Um, yes, he does," Malia snapped,

"Yeah, she's right. You guys should know. You need to know," Scott said looking back at them,

"All right. Kate was the one who set the fire that killed most of Derek's family," Stiles told them and I closed my eyes as the faint memories of Derek and Peter's lives after the fire came back to me,

"Some of them survived, like Cora, and Peter," Scott told them,

"A very angry Peter," Lydia added and I scoffed and nodded,

"Yeah, he's the one who bit and turned me," Scott told them,

"He also indirectly activated Lydia's Banshee's DNA, and forced me to relive my childhood trauma which gave me these bad boys," I said to them as I popped my claws, Kira nodded and Malia looked at my claws taking in the information, bit by bit,

"And the one who finally caught up to Kate and killed her," Lydia told them,

"And we saw her buried," Stiles spoke,

"No. We saw a casket, remember? She wasn't in it. The Calaveras heard that Kate had been killed by an Alpha's claws. They wanted to make sure she was really dead. Her body was healing. More and more, as she got closer to a full moon. She was coming back. So they switched out the bodies. If a hunter is bit, they have to take their own life before they change. The Calaveras, they treat the code like law. They make it their responsibility to enforce it," Scott told us, the rest of what Araya told him,

"Good for her. I wouldn't do it either," Malia said with nod,

"Would you kill half a dozen people to get out?" Scott asked and Malia paused, "Because that's what she did,"

"So Kate's a werewolf now?" Kira asked,

"I don't know. You know, there's a saying, sometimes the shape you take reflects the person you are," Scott told them,

"A cold-hearted, narcissistic, jerky, teenage boy with control issues can become a homicidal lizard," I said with a fake smile, which gain a groan from Stiles and a sigh from both Scott and Lydia,

"What kind of shape is sociopathic bitch?" Lydia asked him, and I chuckled, but then there was a loud thud and the jeep shook,

Stiles stopped the jeep and we all got out and tried to look for whatever we just hit.

"What happened?" Braeden asked as she drove back,

'I don't know. It felt like we hit something," Stiles told her,

"Scott, we need to get there by night. It's too dangerous otherwise," Braeden said to him, Scott looked around trying to find an answer before he looked up at us,

"Go," Stiles said to him,

"Not without you," Scott said to him, then he looked at me, "And if anyone should be saving Derek it should be Leo,"

"I would a bunch of irrational decisions, especially since I know now, that Kate Argent stole my man, literally," I said to him and huffed at the mention of that bitch,

"Dude, someone needs to find Derek. We'll figure something out. We always do. Just go," Stiles said to him,

"Okay," Scott said with a sigh, before he turned and walked after Braeden who got back on her bike, I turned back to the others as Stiles popped the hood of the jeep which was now smoking,

"Scott... " Kira said as she went after him, "I can't think of anything else to say except for be careful. And... and I know "Be careful" sounds kind of lame and I'm totally sure the second you're gone I'm gonna think of something much better, but I..."

"Uh, "Be careful" works for me," I heard Scott say to her, I looked over and saw the two smiling before I smiled at them, Scott looked over at me and I smirked before looking away,

"Scott, the sun's going down," Braeden shouted,

"Hey, I gotta go," Scott said as he ran off on got on Braeden's bike, we watched them drive off,

"Stiles," Malia called out and it gained everyone's attention, we turned and watch as she pulled out something from beneath his engine, "I don't think we hit something. I think something hit us,"

"Please tell me that's not a tooth," I said to them, as Stiles took the bone,

"No, it looks like a danger," he spoke timidly, as he looked over the item,

Stiles worked on the jeep, and I opted out of helping him. Derek was the one who fixed the cars, and cooked, and cleaned...

"Maybe we should just walk," Lydia said to the boy, I looked over at the pair and sighed,

"Hey, I will never abandon this jeep," Stiles snapped at her, "You understand me? Ever. Ever. Ever,"

"Yeah, besides, these boots are adorable, but I'm not walking them through desert sand," I said to from the front seat and she threw a glare back at me,

"You won't drive through the desert. You won't walk through the desert. Name one thing you'll actually do in the desert," Stiles said as he struggled to do something,

"Probably have sex in it," I answered and he looked up at me, "Remember when I said irrational decisions, yeah, that's one of them,"

"Work faster, Stiles," Malia said to him, and we all looked over at her, she walked at the front of the jeep, scanning the open field cautiously, I did the same trying to any movement, "There's something out here with us,"

Night slowly began to set, and Stiles worked by headlight and flashlight. Malia stood near the front of the jeep and I paced around the back, my vision was better a night than Malia's seeing that she needed more practice using her abilities while as a human.

Kira walked up to the back of the jeep and grabbed her sword, she looked at me and I shook my head. We turned and walked over to Malia, who was still struggling to see.

"Lydia, could you please hold the light still for a second? It's really hard to see anything if you keep shaking it like that," Stiles bickered,

"I'm shaking it like this because we're in the middle of nowhere with your broken down jeep and we're being attacked by yet another razor-clawed monster. And I'm terrified," Lydia said to him,

"Well, just be slightly less terrified. And hold this," Stiles said to her,

"What's this?" She asked him,

"I don't know. I'm hoping it's not important," Stiles said to her and I scoffed,

"If it came from the engine, its probably important," I muttered to him and he groaned,

"Oh, God," Lydia muttered,

"Anything?" Kira asked,

"It's too hard to see. We should've brought another flashlight," Malia answered, I stepped away from the two and stared out into the darkness, I scanned the hill tops but I couldn't see anything, Kira walked back to Jeep and used her sword to reflect the headlights into the darkness,

I followed the path of the light, and something moved.

"Did you see that?" Kira asked as she spotted the light at the spot, I saw something move and then I heard a roar,

I flashed my eyes as Malia roared, she took off and I moved after her, Kira coming after us.

Malia leaped over the boulder and I was hot on her trail. We chased the thing until it came to a dead end, but when it turned to face us... it was bigger than expected, and it smelt horrible, like rotten flesh.

Malia rushed it, and I circled around, she slashed at it while I ran up the side of the hill and jumped onto its back, but my landing was off, it felt like it was wearing something of armor made of bones. I got off the creature, and ducked as it swung at me. Malia tried to tackle it, but it swung and knocked back, and I smelt her blood.

It raised its hand and dropped it at me but I caught it with both hands, but I struggled under the weight, this thing felt like a truck. It snarled at me but I kept my cool, I kicked at its knees, until it gave out and the creature fell. I moved over to Malia and I helped her up before turning and running away. We ran until we came to Kira, who almost slashed us.

"It's us! Uh, it's us, it's us," Malia said to her and she lowered her sword,

"What happened? What's out there?" she asked us,

"Whatever it is, it is not a werewolf, and it's not a hunter," I said to her as I caught my breathe, "I don't even think its human,"

"I don't know, but it is big and fast. And it cuts deep," Malia said to her, I looked at her and I saw the wound along her side, we shared a breathe and the sound of the jeep revving to life, made us all turn and run back to it,

"You... you please don't do that ever again!" Stiles scolded Malia,

"Do what?" She asked,

"I... I thought you just took off. I thought you were running," Stiles said to her,

"I was running," she said to him,

"No, I mean, like, I thought you were leaving," Stiles said sadly, his feeling for the girl clear as day,

"I wouldn't leave without you," she said to him bluntly,

"Really?" Stiles asked,

"I would never leave without you," she said to him and they shared a moment, then she looked back at us, "Them I would leave,"

"Yeah. Uh, it's progress," Stiles said looking back at us and I nodded,

"That doesn't look good," Lydia said looking down at Malia's wound,

"It's okay," she said to her,

"Are you sure? It looks deep," Kira said voice her concerns,

"I can feel it healing," she said with a nod,

"You two didn't see anything?" Lydia asked and I shook my head,

"It was too big, and too fast," I said to them and Malia nodded,

"Barely. It had a strong scent, though," Malia said to them,

"Like what?" Stiles asked her,

"Like death," Malia answered, and we all shared a look,

As we drove through the night desert, I looked out the window at basically fields of darkness. But then I heard something in distance, it was deep and bone-chilling, and I felt it before. My eyes glowed at the sound, Malia looked back at me and I saw her eyes glowing blue.

"We're getting closer to Scott," I said to them, Stiles looked at Malia and myself before stepping on the gas,

We drove until we came to small, destroyed town. Stiles kept to the main road until we came up to a large building, which looked very much like a church, and we watched as three persons emerged from the building's fallen door.

I hopped out and ran over to them, I saw Scott and Braeden, dragging a third person. I was confused but then I caught the person's scent, and it was a scent that I knew, but the face I didn't. Stiles soon came up behind me, and the rest followed.

"Is that him? Is that Derek?" Malia asked, and Stiles tilted his head in confusion,

"Uh, sort of," Stiles answered, I kept my eyes on his body and I was just as confused as the others,

"Der," I called out and he looked up at me weakly,

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