My Superhero (Ziall Horlik) AU

Door BriannaLynnC98

243K 10.8K 6.5K

Niall Horan isn't like other boys his age. Some people say he's just immature, but they only say that because... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 7

10.8K 427 338
Door BriannaLynnC98

Zayn's POV

Niall and I both walked back into the school building just before the bell was going to ring for the first class to be over. Once the bell rang, we both stood a little hidden from the door to Mr.Cowell's classroom.

The last boy walked out and I took Niall's hand in mine and led him into the class. Niall went to get his backpack and I did too, but I wasn't so lucky to just get my backpack and leave Iikr I wanted.

"Mr.Malik, may I speak with you?" Mr.Cowell said from behind me. I looked over to Niall and saw him smile at me, then start walking to the door. I watched him the whole way to the door and saw him reach out to open the door knob. With all my heart, I wanted him to stay with me because I knew I was about to get in trouble for running out of class. For some reason, just being near Niall made me feel stronger and braver. Now that I'm about to be in trouble, I really need that. The blonde haired boy just left the class room after giving me another smile.

"Zayn, is there something you have been lacking to tell me?" Mr.Cowell said as he walked so he was face to face with me. I didn't want to tell him because I knew he would try to help me and give me personalized leaning plans that I've had to deal with my whole life. I don't want that shit though.

"I'm a bad dancer." I told him, and started to walk away. Hopefully that would keep him confused long enough to keep him out of my business, and to get me out of his class.

"No, that's what I'm talking about. Zayn, do you have dyslexia?" He asked me as I got to the door. I turned to him and nodded sadly.

"Well, I'll work with you if you need it. Try to do the reading homework and we'll figure something out as we go. It's not a bad thing to have. I also noticed how much Niall looks up to you. Don't think just because you aren't perfect doesn't mean he doesn't think that you are. Keep setting a good example for him, he needs it." He told me, giving me a sympathetic smile. I nodded and left, just really not wanting to talk about this anymore. I fell like being dyslexic makes me less of the man that I'm wanting to be. It makes me fell like I have a mental defect and I'm permanently different from everyone else. I guess this is how it is for Niall, but he doesn't notice it.

I walked down the hall to go to my next class, but just as I walked past a janitors closet, it opened and I was pulled in. The closet was dark for a few seconds until the lights were turned on and I was face to face with Louis.

"What the he-" I was cut off by Louis kissing me hard. I knew what he wanted, but I didn't so I push him off me.

"Not now, Louis. We have to get to class." He huffed and linked his hand in mine. The gesture was so different than anything we've ever done before. I looked down at our hands and moved mine from his. I liked the way Niall's felt better. This was just weird for me.

"What about tonight? We don't have practice after school either so we could actually hang out, not just have a quick fuck." He offered, his deep blue eyes begging me to answer him. I looked away from him and to the door.

"I already have plans tonight. Maybe another time, Lou." I told him, then left the closet. I don't honestly know how to tell him I want to stop the deal we made a year ago when we first met. I don't even want to be his friend anymore, but he scares me a bit. He may be small and be as gay as they come, but he has a serious temper that once almost caused him to beat some kid to death over a joke. All the kid said was Louis had a girly bum and that was all it took for Louis to smash his head into a wall.
The rest of the day went pretty quick. I just really wanted to get this all over with so I could go back to my room and have a movie night with Niall. I don't even care what movie it is or if Liam is there, I just want to try seeing what it's like to cuddle the beautiful boy. Gosh, I can't get the image of just how perfect he looked sitting on the pitch with the sun shining just right in his skin. I hate that I think about him in such ways that make my stomach heat up in weird ways, but I really can't help it. He's so cute, but also the most beautiful thing I have ever set my eyes on. He's just perfection.

I literally ran down the halls of the dorm rooms after school ended. I got into my room and took off my school uniform, slipping on some basketball shorts and a tank top. I hated my school uniform and just wanted to get out of it as soon as possible. I heard the door open as I was hanging up my jacket and turned to see Liam standing there with a black eye and a pissed off look in his face.

"What happened to you?" I asked him, stopping what I was doing to go see if my best friend was okay.

"Calum looks worse." He told me, placing a hand on the small of my back. I saw right through his fake smile he was giving me and saw how angry he was, but I felt even more angry that he would get in a fight in the first place. He's such a good person that I absolutely hate seeing him get into trouble.

"Li, please tell me you didn't do that over him making fun of me in class." I huffed and guided him to his bed. He just shrugged and threw his backpack down on the floor.

"How can I just let him do that to you? You were almost crying just looking at the book. I know how hard it is for you, he doesn't need to be making fun of you when he knows nothing about this. You're like a brother to me, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you." I saw in Liam's eyes that he ment what he was saying. I  just felt like I was so weak having Liam beat up someone because of me.

"You shouldn't have done it. Anyway, Niall is coming over later to watch a movie with me. Do you-"

"I'll go to Harry and Louis room so you two can be alone. It's really fine." Liam cut me off by smiling and placing a hand on my leg.

"You don't have to leave. If Louis asks what I'm busy with, just cover for me. I owe you so much already, Li." I told him while swinging an arm around his shoulders.

"Just keep Niall around. I see how happy he makes you." He told me, but I felt a pang of pain in my heart because we both knew why he made me happy.

"He reminds me so much of her... God, I miss her." I said sadly, but shook it off and continued to clean up my clothes. Liam started changing his clothes, then told me he was going down to the track to run a few miles. I don't know how he does it, but everyday he wakes up early to go for a run then runs after school.

The night went on and soon I found myself walking to Niall's door and tapping on it. I heard some humming behind the door. It was actually really pretty humming, so I opened the door and saw Niall sitting on the floor playing with some of his action figures. He looked up at me and smiled, then went back to making his toys fly around and jump in the air while humming tunes to songs I'm sure he was making up. I just went and sat on the floor next to him and watched him.

His face was completely lit up in what he was playing with. I let my eyes wonder over his face, starting with each tiny freckle on his rosy cheeks. They looked as if they were placed there by an angel, I wouldn't be surprised if they actually were. I looked over his nose and saw it had a tiny scoop on the tip, making it just the cutest thing ever. His eyelashes were thick as they blinked every few seconds, fanning over his cheeks if only for half a second. I looked over his lips and saw they were thin, yet so pink and plump. They would move into a smile or purse just a bit, but they made me curious on how they would feel on mine. I knew in my heart I would never be able to find out though.

He's too young to understand what kissing on the lips means or even how to. I just stayed looking over his face, memorizing every inch because somewhere in my mind I thought it was important and it needed to be done. A small tap on my knee broke my thoughts, and forced me to look up from those pink lips to Niall's eyes. Those were another beautiful thing that I don't even know where to get started on explaining.

"Hi." He giggled and scoot closer to me, handing me his superman toy. I took it and returned the smile.

"Want to go to my room and watch a movie?" I asked him, not sure if he really remembered me asking him earlier this morning. He stood up and ran to the bathroom, faster than I've ever seen anyone move, shutting the door behind him. I hope that didn't mean he didn't want to come to my room because I kind of wanted to cuddle him up if he would let me. A few minutes later the toilet flushed, making a small laugh leave my mouth.

I stood up off the floor and started to look around his room at all the things he had. He had drawings on his walls, that no doubt he did, and they were all of superheroes. They were just random scattered papers taped up on the wall, but they made his room look so childish. That, and the Spider-Man bed spread he has along with the few toys he had. I felt a cold hand slip into mine, fingers lacing between mine, then turned to see Niall smiling widely at me. I kissed his cheek and started to lead him out of his room.

No one was in the halls, so I continued to hold his hand as we walked to my room. I didn't even let go of it when we walked into my room to see Liam spread out on his bed doing homework. He looked up at us and smiled, but when he saw our hands linked together the smile grew so wide I could feel how happy he was. I'll never understand him in this way ever.

"Liam!" Niall said excitedly, dropping my hand to run to the brown eyed boy. Liam shut his book and sat up with his arms open, just in time for Niall to run into them. I felt a pang of jealousy fill my stomach when Liam rubbed Niall's back, but it dissappeared when Niall let go and came running back to me.

"Zayn said we were watching a movie!" Niall told Liam, as he jumped a little. Liam got off his bed and packed his book away.

"You two have fun! I'm going to the library to finish this homework. Zayn, text me when your little date is over." Liam whispered in my ear as he pat my shoulder on the way out.

"Very funny, Payne! Just for that, sleep in the library!" I yelled at him down the hall, making him laugh and flip me off. I shut the door and turned to see Niall was sitting on my bed, bouncing up and down a little. I chuckled, then went to get the Toy Story DVD from Liam's bookshelf. This kid is obsessed with Toy Story, he has all the movies stashed away on the top shelf, in order, so nothing bad will happen to them. I wish I could do that with Niall, but unfortunately I can't.

After putting the movie in, I went and got some juice boxes and grapes from the fridge. I wish I had a microwave to make popcorn but, long story short, Harry came into out room and he walks like a new born giraffe and knocked it over. He keeps saying he's going to buy us a new one, but it's been five months now.

I turned off the lights, then went to sit next to Niall on the bed. I saw how his blue eyes were trained on my every move like he was trying to learn something from me. I set down the food and drinks, still watching how he was looking at me, then picked up a juice box. Niall copied me, so I took the straw off the side and slowly took the plastic off. Niall did the same, then bunched his eyebrows together as he watched me poke the straw through the hole. He looked down at what he was doing and kept trying to get it in there. His hand was shaking because of how weak his fine motor skills were. After three minutes of trying, he dropped the straw and bit into the top of the box gently. One of his teeth must have punctured the top because he started drinking from it. I shook my head as I looked to the TV screen as the movie was starting. He's just really something else.

The movie played on, with Niall telling me which toys made him happy, while both of us ate the bag of grapes in front of us. Niall had a hard time with grasping the fruit in his fingers at first, then got the hang of it after a while.

"I like Buzz because he's like a superhero." He told me as he yawned and leaned back into the pillows in my bed. I looked at him for a minute, seeing he was comfortable like that, then something changed. He sat straight up and looked at me with worried blue eyes.

"I'm sorry!" He squeaked out and start to climb off my bed. I reached out and grabbed him by his thin hips, pulling him back to sit on the bed.

"What are you sorry about, princess? You didn't do anything wrong." I told him as he looked at me, letting out a deep breath. I have no clue what that was about, but I wasn't sure if I should ask him or if he would tell me. I decided to go with the first.

"Why were you sorry, Niall?" I asked him, moving the empty juice boxes and bag off grapes off the bed to the floor. He yawned again, but he still looked on edge about something.

"Daddy didn't like me on their bed. He told me not to touch his things because, 'Niall is stupid.'" Niall mocked the last part in a deeper voice, looking down at his hands. I waited to see if he would continue his story even if it hurt me to here his own parents didn't treat him well.

"I have a bed now! Not at home, but I do now!" He told me happily while rubbing his eyes. This made me sit up from my leaning position and look at him in disbelief.

"You didn't have a bed at home?" I asked him gently. He shook his head and, in the light even off the TV, I saw a blush on his cheeks.

"Not allowed one because I had an accident... Not anymore now, I'm a big boy!" He told me. I smiled sadly at him because he didn't see how horrible that is. His parents got rid of their own sons bed because he had an accident. That's just disgusting on their part. Is it really fair to punish him for something his mind was too immature to control?

"Zayn is sad! Zayn be happy!" Niall squeaked out worried as he grabbed both my hands in his. I smiled at him to show him I was okay and wrapped my arms around to boy that was too sweet for his own good. He moved around in my arms until he was comfortable, his head on my chest and his arms and legs wrapped around me. This is how I wanted tonight to go and now that I have it, it's better than I could have ever wanted.

"Night night to Zayn." Niall mumbled in a tired voice into my chest. I leaned down and kissed his forehead and moved slowly to get us both under the blankets. I was glad Niall wasn't wearing shoes or jeans because he was out for the count now. I reached over and text Liam that Niall was staying the night and he could come back anytime he wanted. Anytime he wanted came so much sooner than I even expected.

The door swung open quietly and Liam looked over the room with angry eyes, then landed on me and Niall. He stormed over to my bed and lifted the blankets for his own reasons, then set them down.

"He's just tired? Nothing happened that made him not be able to walk to his own room?" Liam asked me in a hushed voice. I rolled my eyes and felt hurt that he would think so low of me. There's only one guy in this whole school that I've has sex with, and that Louis. I'm not a slut and I'm not planning on doing anything with Niall ever. He's innocent and won't understand anything that would be happening anyway. Really, he wouldn't understand what it is to be in a relationship so I don't know why I'm letting my heart so fondly get attached to him. This is only going to end up with me hurting and being frustrated. Or my heart hurting just like what happened with... her.

"I may make bad decisions, but I want to protect Niall. Not shag him and take away his innocence like you think I will." I hissed at Liam. He looked hurt by my words, then kneeled beside the bed.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean that. I just- I'm sorry, Zayn." He whispered and kissed my cheek as an apology. I nodded and figured he's done so much for me today alone, that I have no right to be mad at him. He got out of his clothes and I looked over at him as he slid into his bed in just his boxers. Niall snuggled into my arms and I placed a kiss in his hair, then closed my eyes to get some sleep after turning off the TV. I held him tight in my arms, letting sleep take over me. I heard Liam sigh in his bed and make a quiet comment, I bearly caught it. It didn't make sense, but with the heat of the little boy in my arms and the fluttering feeling in my heart, I didn't want to figure it out.

"I can't wait until they both know."

A/N: so there's some mystery going on here! Ooooooo!!!! Comment / Vote!
                               - Bri;)

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