Who are you?

By Komahinashipper2

8.9K 299 5.1K

In a world where injustice is normal. Ultimates and Reserves live totally different lives ,for centuries this... More

Just You and I against the world
Papa to the rescue
Ready or not here he comes
Enough is enough
No more nice Izuru
Congratulations your fired
Out with the old fam in with the new
Once a reserve always a reserve
The truth
Not all deaths are sad
Nagito's offer
How I met my bestfriend
Expect the unexpected
Long over due praise
More questions than answers
Lies we told ourselves
His mine
Falling inlove again
Don't touch what's mine
Junko's victory
If I fall,do you promise to catch me?
Yes I will
The truth shall leave you dead
Task failed successfully
Pick a side or go with the tide
Running out of time
A mother's price has been paid
Who are you?
You 31 chapters in the future
I am Hajime Hinata
Epilogue: Here comes the reserve
Walk down memory lane

The price to pay for a mother's love

222 9 167
By Komahinashipper2

✍🏽So here's another memory enjoy ✍🏽


Author's note 'A characters inner thoughts'

When the a character is remembering the excat words someone else said before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point



Maki's POV
Hello my name is Maki Harukawa Kamukura I would like to tell you my story.

All my life I was told to work hard,never being good enough always underestimate because I was a girl.

This irritated me,always did and I had a resentment to all men but that all changed when I met the love of my life Hajime Hinata.

Even right now I still have a smile on my face remembering how we first met.


I was running late for a job interview and it was raining heavily,I just couldn't take it anymore school was stressful enough and now I won't get the job.

I saw a nearby park and decided to go there I was so frustrated with myself,never doing anything right. So I lay on the grass in the pouring rain and cried.

I let the tears fall until I felt the grass shift a little beside me. I turned to see a young tan boy laying next to me.

His hair was chestnut brown and he smelled like orange juice and summer,he shut his eyes smiling widely,I could feel myself blush the more I stared at him.

"I saw you laying here on the grass all alone so I decided to join you,that way we both look stupid together" He laughed "now that I think about it this is actually relaxing"

I couldn't bring myself to say anything else except "wow"

"Huh stop looking at me like that you'll make me blush,names Hajime Hinata and you are?" Hajime asked

"I..Maki Kamukura" I whispered "

"Well Maki let's enjoy this moment and forget our worries for a moment ok" He whispered "something tells me you and I will get along just fine"

《End of Flashback 》

Even back then Hajime was hard to understand but I loved him so it didn't matter.

We got married despite everyone telling me not too and I never regretted it since,I couldn't be happier when I got pregnant with our now son Izuru,Hajime cried when he heard the news.

《Flashback 》

I was feeling sick lately,so Hajime decided to stay home and look after me even though I told him not to worry.

"I'm ok honestly" I laughed as Hajime massaged my shoulders

"Yeah but what if-.."

"Relax it's not like I'm pregnant or something" I teased

"Pregnant huh? Would you like to be?" He took a seat playing with my hair

"We never did talk about having kids but I would love to have them" I refused to look at him because I could feel myself blush

"Hey let's pretend you were pregnant what gender would you want?" Hajime took out a small orange coloured notebook

"Well any gender is alright with me but I've always wanted a boy" I yawned

"Hmm I don't mind either I hope they have your long black hair and those beautiful red eyes" Hajime smiled looking back at me with love

"My eyes are scary"

"Not to me,to me their the most mesmerising eyes I've ever seen"

"Fine,fine my hair and eyes" I laughed "what about names?"

"Well..anything as long as its not junior or something" Hajime scrunched his nose in disgust

"Hey I like that,imagine two Hajimes in the house" I cupped my husband's cheeks "I just hope he or she looks like you,your just so handsome"

"Pfft no way" Hajime lay his head on my stomach and shut his eyes "honestly as long as their happy that's all I want"

"Me too" I smiled

A few seconds later I felt something hit my stomach,Hajime jumped too we both looked at each other in shock.

"Maki...if you were hungry you could have just said so" Hajime teased "I'll make you something"

"No wait Hajime..I think that wasn't my stomach rambling I think that..that was a baby kick" I stroked my stomach slowly

"No way...right? No wait" Hajime went to the bathroom and came back with a pregnancy test

"Why do we have this in our bathroom?"

"You'll never know when we'll need it,like right now"

I laughed and took the test,the wait was longer than I expected and I came out with a positive result.

"Hajime...we..I.." I could feel my eyes water

"Maki" Hajime spun me around laughing with tears of joy "Your going to be an amazing mother I just know it"

After he put me down we started to look at the orange notebook writing down everything we need and all the fun activities will do with the baby.

"Hey I thought of a name for our baby" I got the notebook and wrote " 出久  Izuru "

"Oh meaning out a long time" Hajime read out loud "why?"

"Well we found out I was pregnant after a long time soo" I trailed off

"I love it" Hajime hugged me tight "Kind of funny Izuru in English means boring, imagine of our child literally finds everything boring"

"No way" I laughed "with parents like us,I doubt life will be anything but interesting"

《End of Flashback 》


All my life I knew my son was special,Izuru was absolutely perfect I was so happy when I had him but Ofcourse that happiness only lasted for so long.

The doctors all gave me a look of pity as they came back from his hologram scan. Then they said the words that broke my heart.

"Miss I'm sorry but your son,your son is useless" One nurse laughed "clearly those reserve traits from your husband fucked up your son too"

Before I could respond Hajime scooped up Izuru in his arms covering his baby ears,it was cute I couldn't help but smile.

The two left to pack everything in the car while I waited for the doctors to give me the green light.

One surgeon Yasuke Matsuda walked in looking stressed and exhausted. My curiosity got the better of me.

"What's wrong with you?" I sat up straight trying to smile but by the look he gave me it probably looked scary "you look like you got your heart pulled out from your chest"

Instantly he broke down and cried "I just found out my this woman I like no not like love wants to spend her life with md"

"What's wrong with that then? Your the ultimate surgeon I'm pretty sure anyone would want to spend 5 minutes with you" I scoffed

"She's..she's married to someone else and I just did some pretty fucked up things to the couple" He confessed I could see the guilt in his eyes

"It can't be that bad-.."

"They couldn't afford his cancer treatment so I made her have sex with me as payment"

"That's..well..I mean its not so bad-"

"And we've been doing that for years even after the treatment was successful"

"The more the story goes the worse it gets.."

"She already has a daughter with this guy too but he doesn't appreciate her like I do,its always about their child never her and she calls me crying about it" The doctor sobbed even harder "I know it's bad but I've fallen in love with her and I can't see my future without her"

"Well this conversation is going deeper than I expected" I mumbled "didn't we just meet?"

"What should I do?! I can't break that family more than I already have and..and..and..I just love her" He cried even harder till his voice broke "Why does love have to be so hard,I find the love of my life but she's married but she's not happy in her relationship"

"Listen we all do pretty fucked up things in life and it's not easy to move past it but I think you should just let her go" I explained bluntly "she wasn't yours to begin with"

"This affair will break her and her husband further maybe your right she should just..get forget about me" The doctor laughed bitterly "Fuck me I finally get the woman of my dreams just for it to be taken away from me"

Before I could respond Hajime walked in with baby Izuru sleeping in his arms,he smiled at the doctor who simply rolled his eyes back because of his status.

"Hey ready to go princess?" Hajime whispered helping me up "I'll take of everything at home just rest ok"

I smiled this man really does spoil me,yet his treated like shit because his untalented. I  looked at the sleeping baby in his arms and instantly felt pity for him.

"Izuru is going to be hated most his life Hajime " I could feel tears in my eyes "I just got him into the world and now the world will take him away from me"

"Hey hey he'll be fine his strong and he has us remember" Hajime smiled "besides his mother is the ultimate assassin so that helps too"

I laughed but at the back of my mind was my son,I needed to do something but the question was what.

"Oh princess could you hold him please I just need to make sure the car is safe for both of you" Hajime blushed "now that I'm a dad I need to be extra careful"

I laughed he was really taking these 'father duties' seriously just like he took his 'husband duties' seriously.

"Sure gimme my little dagger" I stretch my arms a little

Hajime smiled and gently put the sleeping baby in my arms,he really was beautiful looking excatly like my Hajime you'd think they were the same person,only difference were that his eyes were red and hair jet black and long traits he got cursed with from me.

I rocked Izuru in my arms when a group of nurses walked in looking at Izuru with disgust.

"You should be disappointed with yourself now look your son is a reserve just like your husband" One nurse hissed "if I were you I'd kil-.."

I threw a dagger on her direction almost cutting her lip thanks to Izuru my aim was off "Leave my husband and son alone they're perfect whether you believe it or not so shut the hell up before I fuck you up"

The nurses ran away crying,then I heard clapping I turned to see the same doctor smiling by the door.

"I'm very impressed you really do love your son and husband" Doctor Matsuda applauded yet again

"Ofcourse they're my family I'll do anyway for my family" I played with Izuru's hair soft to the touch good he doesn't have his father's spiky hair or ahoge

"What if I told you these a way to give your son a talent?" The doctor suggested

"What? How?"

"Hell why stop at one when you can give him all the talents" The Doctor took out a permission form from behind his back

"My son...?" I whispered in shock

"Every single talent" The doctor confirmed

"Every single talent?" I asked

"Every single talent!" The doctor gently squeezed my hand

"Every single talent! I laughed

"Can you picture it Maki Kamukura?" He waved his hand as though he could actually see it

"No your the only one who believes in it"

"Good then believe in me" The doctor took out a pen "We'll even call it the Kamukura project just for him"

I didn't hesitate and signed this was it,my son was going to be safe the world will love him and I can finally rest peaceful at night knowing this.

I'm sure Hajime will understand but the moment he walked in and read the document I signed he looked up at me with disappointment.

"What is this?" Hajime asked gripping the paper "Maki what did you do?"

"I got our son a bright future I thought you of all people would understand" I rolled my eyes

"Bright future?" Hajime laughed "You sold our son out to science and for what? A talent!"

"Atleast he won't be treated like trash! I'm doing what any mother would do" I argued

"Our son will basically be a lab rat!"Hajime looked at Izuru with pity

"Atleast he'll be happy" I smiled "his happiness is all that matters to me"

"Your making a big mistake Maki he'll literally be taken away from us right now till..till only Atua knows when!" Hajime refused to let this go "I..can't lose my son"

"If it means Izuru will have a happier and successful life then I can sacrifice missing a few years of his childhood"


"If you love me you'll agree to do this with me Hajime Hinata! I don't want him to turn out like you!" I yelled

Hajime was speechless his eyes full of hurt, I started to regret what I said but it was too late to say anything now.

"I'll be in the car waiting for you" Hajime looked at Izuru and kissed his forehead "I love you so much Izuru we'll see each other soon"

It took every bone in my body not to reach out and hug Hajime but this needed to be done.

I even forgot Dr Matsuda was still here until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You did the right thing for your son,now he won't be abused by anyone at all and he'll be happy" The doctor gently got Izuru from my arms "I know letting go of your son is hard but think of the talents"

"I know I just hope I won't regret this later on in my life" I sighed "thanks doctor"

Ever since Izuru left me and Hajime were very distant,he put all the baby supplies in the attic and never went to Izuru's room ever again.

I don't blame him but I'm doing this for Izuru,I wonder if Hajime hears me crying at night? Or has noticed my weight loss? The bags under my eyes?

Yes I took my son away but I had no choice.

One night was the worst night of my life it was filled with sadness,anger and despair.

It was Izuru's first birthday and he was spending it at the hospital I walked out leaving Hajime to watch Izuru through a glass.

That's when I met her Junko Komaeda at a cafe,we were the only two people there and she looked like she could use a friend.

I told her my story and she told me hers, about how she fell in love with someone else even though she's married,the story sounded pretty familiar.

"Listen Maki I like you" Junko leaned her chair further to ground

"Sorry to break it to you but I don't swing that way and I'm not a fan of cheating on my husband" I stood up getting ready to leave

Junko laughed and held my arm "what if I told you there was a way for you to get revenge on all those ultimates who hurt reserves?"

"I'd say you got yourself an ultimate assassin  then" I crossed my arms staring at her "Why are you helping me? Don't you hate reserves?"

"Ofcourse I do but I love despair more think about how much suffering you cause all the ultimates you live behind as you kill their loved ones" Her eyes were filled with passion and excitement "all you have to do is join the Hope's peak secret council"

"No one gets to find out about this?" I needed to be cautious I don't want to hurt Hajime and Izuru more than I already have

"Not a single soul Maki besides you might actually love it afterall causing other people despair tends to be very addictive" Junko put her hand out "So?"

"Fine I accept" I shook her wrists

That day I made a deal with the devil and instantly regretted it.

I spent so much time hunting down ultimates that I didn't have time for Hajime

After a couple of months Hajime got tired and got Izuru back but my poor boy was never the same again.

To be honest no one in the family was,Hajime's eyes didn't shine anymore,he stopped laughing we never even said I love yous anymore but I understand.

Izuru was worse never even called me mum at all,he found everything boring and would rather be left alone. He had all the talents that was true but at what costs?

To be an assassin means you need to let go of all your emotions and that's what I did but I was hurting Hajime and Izuru in the process.

⚠️TW small mention of child R*** please don't read if your uncomfortable⚠️

《Flashback 》

I just got back from a killing a ultimate who raped a reserve,the poor girl was no older than 2 years old,she died right on the spot bloody while he laughed however his friend got away sadly.

The child reminded me of Izuru so it was very satisfying killing him.

⚠️Tw over please proceed⚠️

I was angry and just really need to sleep but as soon as I came home I couldn't believe my eyes.

There was my husband Hajime and Izuru laying in each others arms asleep on the sofa,It was cute and yet all I could think about were the opened orange and lemon juice boxes left laying around.

The kusamochi sticking on the table this whole place was a mess and there the two were sleeping.

Here I was working my ass off both in making the world a better place and at my day job.

While Hajime stays home doing nothing but look after Izuru and he has the nerve to mess up! How dare he?!

I hit his arm trying to wake him up but I guess I used more force than I expected because it formed a bruise.

"Maki..what are you..huh?" He mumbled still sleepy

"What the fuck Hajime,I come home from work and my living room is a mess why?"

"Shh please Izuru is aslee-.."

"No fuck that let him hear how much of a failure his father is" I bit my tongue I didn't mean to say that and the hurt look on Hajime's face showed he didn't expect it either "wait Hajime I'm so-.."

"It's fine I'll clean up I'm sorry that the living room is a mess" Hajime smiled "I'll start right now"

"No wait don't-.."

But it was too late Hajime left my guess to get cleaning supplies.

《End of Flashback》

I felt horrible I didn't mean to let out my anger to him but I did,things only went downhill from there.

I was never home and when I was I'd always let out my frustrations on Hajime. I know it was wrong but I just couldn't help it maybe it was the despair I gave him either way Junko was right despair is addictive.


It was Christmas and I was busier than ever so many ultimates loved the holidays to take advantage of reserves.

My day started off the same,Hajime and Izuru asleep while I sneak off.

At this point I think Hajime is afraid of me because everytime I try to hug him he finches while Izuru just doesn't speak to me at all.

I went to Izuru's room to give him a kiss on the forehead,something I always did when he was alseep but this time red eyes stared back at me.

"Why do you do this?" Izuru asked

I smiled,my boy was definitely the ultimate psychologist "There certain sacrifices a mother must make for their child"

"You were and never will be a mother to me only the woman who gave birf to me dats all" Izuru glared at him,I never knew how intimidating red eyes are until I saw his

"Look after your papa for me Izuru" I smiled  walking to the window,I took one last look at my son "I'll see you soon Izuru"

Then I jumped out and went about my way.

Everything was going perfect almost too perfect,I watched as the ultimate bleed to death but something at the back of my mind was telling me something isn't right.

And then I saw it a gun to my head a silver 2016 silver revolver looked freshly polished too.

I knew that gun anywhere,I raised my arms up as a sigh of surrender and turned to face my murder.

"If it isn't ultimate inventor Miu Iruma" I sighed

"Hello to you too sexy damn your even hotter up close" Miu used the gun to scratch her back "man can't we just fuck and call it a day?"

"I'm guessing someone sent you here to get rid of me" I yawned "Alright go on I have nothing left to live for"

"Alright say cheese" Miu pointed the gun at my face and pulled the trigger


I heard the gun shot but felt no pain,did she miss? Why aren't I dead?

"Man killing you isn't as fun as I thought it would be" Miu whined "you didn't even flinch!"

"I don't understand so you didn't kill me because I didn't give you the reaction you wanted?"


"Your insane" I rolled my eyes looking at Miu who kept shooting at the sky "now what?"

"Well your hot so I'll let you live plus we could use your help in something" Miu smiled "although I'm never helping the damn organisation ever again just this once"

"We..whose we?" I asked "what organisation?"

Two more ladies stepped out from the shadow,I recognised one Celestia ludenberg famous judge of Hope's peak but I had no idea who the lady with purple hair was and by the way the two were holding hands I could tell they really close.

"Kiyoko Kirigiri a pleasure to finally meet you" Kiyoko stuck her hand out

"Pleasure is all mine" I smiled shaking her hand

"I already know you recognised me Maki so these no point in pretending to be nice to you" Celestia rolled her eyes

"Aren't you just a great big ball of sunshine Celestia" I responded sarcastically "now what do you need my help for?"

"Tell me have you ever heard of the future foundation?" Kiyoko asked

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