By bangtan_parkchim

59.1K 1.9K 1.9K

╚»★«╝ Book 1 of Where We Come Alive The New York Institute and its' shadowhunters, Jace, Alec, and Isabelle... More



1.6K 62 11
By bangtan_parkchim


      Lyra's stele was wrapped in flames like sun flares, true to the Sommercrest family name. It was her fathers' stele, passed through generations, and Lyra knew that one day she would need to also pass it on.

One of the things she cherished deeply.

When the stele did its' job of activating the angelic rune on the inner part of her forearm, she safely tucked the stele into her right boot like she always did. Before she began to tug at her leather straps to ensure she had everything she'd need: sensor, witchlight, her twin sai blades tucked at her back for reach, and her stele.

Lyra nodded before she exited her room, instantly she yelped at the surprise figure standing there waiting for her. Her hand went over her heart as she took deep breaths to calm herself.

Henry leaned off the wall, amusement in his small smirk. "Fidgety over the mission, huh?" He taunted playfully.

Much like her, he was battle ready. His katana was strapped to his back, much like her sai blades, but he had more straps around his torso with smaller blades and little trinkets. His gear looked more—advanced, than her own.

"Woah." Lyra stared at the intricate engravings of gold on the handle of the katana. She almost wanted to reach out and touch it as the light bounced off the gold and called to her. She'd also eyed the characters on the side of the handle, and she wondered what the words meant to him.

To have them on his battle weapon—it must be something to the heart.

Henry knew she was staring at it and he'd turned slightly to gain her attention with his eyes again. "Hodge says we have to meet downstairs soon," He reminded. He began walking, albeit, slow so that the smaller girl could catch up to him.

"Oh," Lyra quickly closed the door behind her and hurried to catch up to his long strides. She adjusted the strap of her belt as she walked alongside him. He was taller so she strained to look up at him. "I'm pretty nervous about our first mission together. All of us," She clarified.

He had laughed, more of a chuckle. "You don't trust us to watch your back?" He taunted.

She was quickly learning that he'd like to play with her a lot. And she appreciated that someone wasn't as cutthroat as the others around here.

"It's not that." Lyra turned slightly serious as she leaned closer to him, both of them nodding at another who'd walked passed them. "We don't work well together. Our training sessions have been more arguing than cooperating."

"Not for lack of trying." Henry slid his hands in his pockets in a relaxed posture. His expression turned annoyed for a moment, before he glanced at her with seriousness. "Look, just stick with me. The three of them can hold hands and walk down the yellow brick road. You and me, we got this." He nodded that he wasn't messing around this time. "You watch my back, I'll watch yours."

Lyra felt her tense shoulders relax at that. She quirked up a small smile and nodded in agreement.

They entered the briefing room where the three others stood waiting with Hodge by the large monitors in the center of the room.

Together, they walked up to the others who'd stopped talking in their presence.

Jace was the first to greet them, more or less. "You're late." He wasn't talking to Lyra, because his eyes were directed at Henry.

Henry leaned on the table. His chin raised in a haughty manner before he pulled out his coin, and began tossing it into the air like he did the first time they'd met. "I don't remember answering to you," He hummed.

Lyra stood next to him awkwardly, while showing her awkward wave. "Sorry, it won't happen again," She promised.

Jace glanced at her and backed off from his glaring match with the other. He turned to Hodge and motioned for him to hurry. "Whatever, let's just get through this briefing," He grumbled.

Alec and Isabelle stayed quiet, though their hard expressions showed that they meant business tonight.

Hodge began by flipping the monitor to show them a map of a block. His fingers tapped on the screen and widened the eagle view to show shabby apartments and old buildings. "We've been getting disturbances throughout the week of Ravener's snooping around this area, just a few blocks away from the Institute. We don't know what they're after, only that they have taken up shop in one of these abandoned buildings. It's a classic case of nesting and infestation. Your assignment is simple—take out the nest," He explained.

"What are they after?" Lyra frowned.

Ravener's—grotesque little vermin with their multiple legs and slimy bodies. They were low level demons, but as usual, where there were a group of ravener's, there was a puppet master pulling the strings.

"It doesn't matter." Jace paced by the monitor, already amped up. "We take those out, then whoever called them here will go running. We clean out and it'll go smoothly," He said.

"Until you get in my way again," Henry chided with a taunting smirk.

Jace opened his mouth to refute this, until Alec nudged his arm. "Enough, Jace. We have to focus," He shared a momentary glance with Henry, and instantly, Henry's face grew angry but he stayed silent.

"Alec's leading the mission," Isabelle said while glancing between Henry and Jace with an excited glint in her eyes, "We can fill you in on the rest. Should we go?" She turned with her brunette locks flaring for a moment across her back. She strutted her way to the elevator.

Henry caught his coin in hand and moved to follow after her. He glared toward Alec as he passed, before he whistled in a calling manner.

Alec had to bend back as the small mass of shadow and a flutter of wings darted forward.

The raven sat atop of Henry's left shoulder, cawed at them, then flew off again.

Henry looked to Hodge. "Take care of him while I'm gone," He ordered, then walked off.

Lyra moved after him, muttering an apology towards Alec as she squeezed past him and jostled down the hall to the elevator with the others.

She could already tell this mission was about to be rough.

After an extremely silent and cramped elevator ride, they exited the Institute and into the cool Manhattan air. The temperature was rapidly dropping every day, and soon, it would begun to show through icicles instead of rain. The moment they stepped out of the doors, Henry grabbed Lyra's wrist and diverged from the group.

"Hey!" Jace snapped, "It's this way!" He pointed in the opposite direction.

Lyra glanced back at the others, utterly confused until she yelped when Henry grabbed her by her waist. "What—" She was dazed as she looked down at the motorcycle.

Henry slipped in front of her while handing the helmet into her freezing fingers. He shot another glare out at the two men, more notably Alec. "We'll scope the area out. Is that okay, Captain?" He hissed the word.

Alec scowled back in confusion.

Lyra latched her arms around Henry's abdomen when the engine roared to life. Her body shook from the strong motor, but she couldn't hide the small burn of excitement that came when her friend revved the engine.

"Hang on tight," He called back to her.

Lyra squealed with laughter when he sped off down the street. Leaving the others in a trail of smoke and mist.

True to his word, Henry and Lyra checked the perimeter before the others arrived. They were stealthy, but Lyra was truly impressed with the man beside her.

Henry was a different person on a mission. He did use sarcastic comments, nor did he taunt her. He didn't smirk or grin. He was so insanely stoic and professional that it was almost scary.

Nothing like the missions she did with her brother and father back at home. Even her father would crack a joke or two to lighten the mood.

As they finished and made their way to the front of the building, the two walked side by side with their weapons out and still on guard.

Lyra tightened her grip on the handles of her twin sai. "Are you okay?"

He didn't look to be focused—or, he looked to be bothered by something. By his faithful silence, she wonders what could possibly bring down his mood to such lengths.

"Peachy," Henry muttered.

"Is this about Alec being Captain?"

He looked at her with a deep-set frown. "Why would that bother me?" He questioned.

Lyra shrugged in turn. She didn't think it did, but she'd seen how he glared at the man before they left the Institute. There was some kind of hidden malice there now. "Jace didn't get to you, then?"

Henry faced forward while shaking his head.

They remained silent for another few moments until they reached the front entrance where the doors were boarded up. Graffiti and shabby art colored the brick building.

However, to any mundane, they wouldn't notice the black goo or the smell of rot and death that emitted from the building—the scent of raveners, many by the strong smell.

In the distance, the three silhouettes were coming from down the street. Walking as if they had all the time in the world.

Henry scoffed at their appearance and turned to look up at the building instead.

Lyra watched him as he grumbled to himself for a few moments, before speaking. "I know that we aren't friends, but you can confide in me about anything. I swear it," She promised.

Henry glanced her way, and surprisingly, his eyes softened for the briefest of moments. Before he turned his head away from her. "Thank you," He mumbled, surprisingly.

She is shocked herself, but still manages to smile back at him.

"Did you two check the perimeter?" Isabelle spoke first as the trio approached, her whip in hand gleamed under the moonlight.

They nodded.

"The front's compromised but there are entrances on the rooftop and through the backdoor." Henry eyes the building, as if scaling the height of it. "I can smell them inside. Dozens, at least," He stated.

"They're like bees, they group together and nest," Jace glared at the doorway in disgust.

"Which is why I think we should split up," Lyra prompts, for once her voice doesn't waver, "If we can flank them, they can't run away. We can take them out one by one and drive them into one another," She looked to Alec for approval.

Alec seemed to agree, and he even gave her an affirming nod at the plan. "Two can take the roof. Another two can go through the back. One of us stays out here, pick off any stragglers," He decided firmly.

"I'm taking the roof." Henry was already walking forward while slipping his katana in its sheath. He passed Jace while shooting the man a glare. "You cut me again, I'm gonna feed you to the raveners," He threatened darkly, before heading towards the side of the building.

From their view, they watched as he jumped effortlessly onto the fire escape and began to climb the ladder up to the roof of the building.

"Prick," Jace scoffed, as he rounded towards the backdoor, "Come on, Alec."

Alec shook his head. "I'll be at my advantage on high ground, I'll take the roof with Henry. Lyra, head through the back with Jace." He stepped toward her with a serious yet calming look. "You don't fumble, got it? Just take your time, and control your swings. We can't afford any mistakes."

It is meant to be words of encouragement, she realized.

Lyra smiles up confidently and nodded, before moving toward Jace who didn't look too happy that his parabatai was going in without him. Still, they walked away and headed for the entrance.

Alec ran to catch up with Henry, who was already halfway up to the top.

"Careful!" Isabelle called out to them. She stood guard, readying herself for the fight.

The hunt now begun.



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