Golden Dandelions|Teen Wolf

By Raina_Boi

138K 4.4K 449

"An alpha that leads by fear will only receive fear. But an alpha that leads with love and respect will earn... More

summary & cast
1|home sweet home
4|the grave
5|sheriff station
8|poisened bullet
9|first meeting
10|anger management
13|not the same
14|meet Miguel
15|there's a risk
18|new alpha
20|so that's Lydia
21|jail break
22|good day (for most)
23|ice skating
26|late-night swim
27|protection squad
28|side effects
29|two messed up peas in a pod
31|same class
32|time to rave
33|trunk of memories
34|cheers to spiked drinks
35|hostage situation
36|therapy session
37|game night
38|it won't work
40|they're coming
41|who wants a tattoo
42|first day crazies
43|crimes to pay
44|ice bath
45|ten hours later
47|he deserves it
48|getting even
50|it's a bird
51|enter the witches
52|do we have a deal
53|lesson one
54|new tactic
56|morning after
58|long night, even longer day
59|story time
61|so that happened
62|hospital from hell
63|ancient ritual
65|it's actually not a bird
66|the calm and the storm
67|seeing things
70|human again
71|mischief night
74|wellness check
77|the bomb
79|no matter what
82|blue eyes
83|the return
84|the wait
85|he's sixteen!
88|party? party!
90|Devonford Prep
91|Eichen House
92|the funeral
94|did you know
95|idiotic plan
96|something borrowed and something discovered
97|but wait there's more
98|burn baby burn
99|last stand
101|money problems gone
103|first game of the season
104|lo que pasa en México, se queda en México
106|last day of summer
107|first day of a new year
108|car crash
109|slight cough
110|sick day
111|social worker
113|new book, dark secrets
114|the legend of Selina and Lucian
115|who's next
117|everything's not okay
118|supermoon madness
119|band back together
120|escape plan
121|burn the witch
123|late-night talks
124|wednesday night's alright for fighting... monsters
125|born, not made
126|new life
128|worst date
129|Schrodinger's cat


561 25 2
By Raina_Boi

"I CAN'T BELIEVE you guys snuck out last night to look for a dead body. Again." Beck muttered with a shake of her head as she walked down the high school hallway, Scott and Stiles on either side of her. "If I remember correctly, the last time you two did that, Scott got turned into a werewolf."

"Yeah, well this time we found a werecoyote, which is apparently a thing."

"There are different kinds of supernatural creatures, if you forgot," Beck smirked. "Remember Jackson turning into a murderer-seeking killer lizard."

"But Beck, she was an actual coyote. Is that possible?"

Beck stopped, turning on her heels to look up at Scott and Stiles. "It's called being evolved. It's rare, very rare. It's when a werewolf has found a perfect balance between their wolf and human sides. Being evolved allows the werewolf to shift into an actual wolf whenever they wish. My Mom was evolved, it's why the other packs respected her. Laura was evolved too."

"Okay, so how do we turn Malia back?" Scott asked, turning from Stiles down to Beck.

Beck shrugged her shoulders with a shake of her head. "I don't know, it was too long ago for me to remember."

"But you remember everything," Stiles snapped.

"All I remember is Mom shifting from my mom to a wolf and back, that's it," Beck snapped back.

"And what about Laura?"

Beck shrugged again. "Laura left me and Derek one time a couple of years after the fire. When she came back, she was evolved, never indulged in how or what happened."

Scott sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Have you heard from Derek at least?"

Beck's shoulder's deflated as she shook her head. She hadn't heard from her older brother since Derek and Cora left. So much for keeping in contact.

The bell rang as Scott and Stiles sighed, sharing a look.

"Well, thanks for the information, Beck," Scott smiled.

"Yeah, see you guys later."

BECK RUSHED DOWN the hall. Scott had texted Beck saying something happened to Stiles and she needed to hurry. Beck knew she had to try and help, but she didn't know how.

Turning a corner, Beck adjusted the strap of her bag as she looked over the hall pass her teacher gave her. Suddenly a familiar sound reached her ears, making the small blonde stop.


Slowly lifting her head, Beck was met with the hunched-over figure of a coyote standing in the middle of the hall. The coyote bore its teeth at Beck, snarling.

"Malia?" Beck gasped softly, earning another snarl. Slowly raising her hands, Beck tried to make herself as unthreatening as possible.

Malia stepped forward as Beck stepped back. Each one watching the other.

"Malia, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you." Beck spoke cautiously, keeping her hands raised as Malia growled.

Suddenly, Drew turned the corner, appearing right between Beck and Malia. "Hey, Beck. I was looking for you earlier," Drew smiled at the sight of his girlfriend. But the smile fell when he saw the shocked look on Beck's face. "Hey, what-"

"Drew," Beck whispered. "Turn around slowly, don't make any sudden movements."

Stiffening, Drew followed Beck's orders, turning slowly till his eyes landed on Malia. "Oh my..."

"It's okay," Beck whispered as Drew backed up till he was standing right next to her. "Just remain calm." Slowly, Beck glanced around, forming an idea. "There's a janitor's closet on your right. When I give the signal, run in, and shut the door. Don't look back. On-"

Suddenly Drew yanked Beck into the closet. Malia growled as she followed, running into the door as Drew tried to close it shut. Growling and snarling echoed from the other side of the door as Drew finally slammed the door shut before clicking the lock.

"What are you doing?" Beck snapped as Drew tried to shield her from the door. "I said wait for my signal."

"Well, the coyote wasn't gonna wait," Drew snapped back as he pointed a finger at the door.

They listened as the growling started to grow faint. Malia was leaving.

Drew quickly pulled out his phone. "I'm calling animal control," Drew announced.

"What? No, they'll kill her!"

"Beck, there is a freakin' coyote loose in the school, it needs to be stopped," Drew said, before turning his back to Beck. "I'm sorry, but I have to call animal control."

Releasing a sigh, Beck knew what she had to do. "Yeah, I'm sorry too."

Drew turned to Beck with a raised eyebrow. "What are you-"

Quickly, Beck darted to the locked door, twisting her hand so it would fling open before slamming it shut behind her. "Vis porta."

"Beck!" Drew shouted as Beck ran down the hallway, still locked in the janitor's closet. And he'll stay locked in for his own protection.

Still running, Beck pulled out her phone as she searched the halls for Malia, calling Scott.

"Hey, Beck I thought-"

"Malia's in the school," Beck gasped as she came to a stop, the bell ringing as students exited their classrooms. "Malia's loose in the school, but I don't know where. Scott, you gotta do something."

"I'll find her," Scott said before hanging up.

DEPUTY PARRISH ESCORTED Beck down the hall as other deputies and animal control officers swarmed. Students looked on from the doorways of classrooms, curious to know what was going on.

"Oh, thank God you're okay," Stilinski gasped as Beck approached him and Stiles. Deputy Parrish left as Stilinski checked over the small blonde. "Stiles said the coyote tried to attack you."

"Yeah, I'm fine," Beck said, waving off Stilinski's concern. "What happened? Where's Malia?"

"She got away," Stiles answered as Stilinski rubbed at his forehead. "She almost attacked that girl Kira but Scott scared her off. She escaped into the woods."

"Oh, thank God," Beck sighed as she placed a hand on her heart. "At least no one was hurt."

"Beck!" A shout echoed down the hall, making all three turn to the owner.


"I'll be right back," Beck whispered to Stilinski and Stiles before making her way to her boyfriend. "Dre-"

"What the hell Beck?" Drew snapped glaring down at the small blonde. "Wha-why did you just leave me locked in the janitor's closet? We were almost attacked by a wild animal and you just run after it. What the hell?"

"Hey, can we talk about this somewhere a little less public?" Beck hissed as she grabbed Drew's arm, pulling him out to the quad. Drew followed stubbornly, crossing his arms across his chest once they were outside.

Beck released a breath as she held her arms close. "Look, Drew, I'm so-"

"God, Beck, enough of the sorries," Drew snapped, running a hand through his hair. "For once can you give me an actual explanation? Please." Drew begged, grabbing a hold of Beck's hand.

Gasping, Beck snatched her hand out of Drew's grip, pulling it close to her chest. The tingle of Drew's energy sparking through the contact. Drew was angry, Beck could feel it.

"You can start with that," Drew growled, glaring down at Beck's hand clutched to her chest.

"Wha-what do you mean?" Beck stuttered, slowly shaking out her hand.

"I mean, why whenever I go to hold you, touch you, or even kiss you, you flinch away like I'm about to hit you?"

Quickly, Beck shook her head, eyes darting down to the ground. "It's nothing."

"Obviously it's something," Drew argued, waving a hand at Beck. "I mean every single time, Beck."

"It's nothing."

"No, it's not," Drew snapped loudly. "At first I thought the 'trauma' you were joking about was abuse or something, but now..." Trailing off, Drew ran a hand over his hair, messing it up. "Can you please just tell me what's wrong? Please. Beck, you can tell me."

Beck shook her head, looking down to the ground. She couldn't tell Drew, if she did Beck would have to tell Drew everything. About the supernatural, about her family, about Scott and the others, about herself. She couldn't tell Drew. It would change him, put him in danger, maybe even scare him away. Beck couldn't do that.

"I can't."

"Beck, yes you can," Drew said, grabbing ahold of both of Beck's hands.

But the small blonde snatched her hands away again. "No, I can't. It's not mine to tell."

"Beck," Drew whispered, stepping closer to Beck as he grabbed her hands again. "Please, maybe I could-"

"It hurts!" Beck yelped, pulling away for the third time. "Every time you touch me it hurts."

"What hurts? Tell me."

"I can't," Beck gasped, tears starting to fall down her face. This was so frustrating, he wanted to know so badly, but Beck just couldn't tell him, not without revealing everything. "I'm sorry, I can't tell you."

"Why? Why can't you tell me?" Drew asked desperately, anger rising in his voice.

Beck shook her head, looking down. "I just can't."

Drew sighed as he glanced away. "Then I can't be your boyfriend."

"What?" Beck gasped, head snapping up to look at Drew.

"I can't date someone who'll keep secrets from me." Drew shook his head as he stepped away. "That's not how a relationship works. I'm sorry Beck, but we're through."

"What? Drew, no."

But Drew walked away, heading back inside the school as tears fell down Beck's face.

Beck covered her mouth as she sobbed, sinking to the ground. He broke up with her. Drew broke up with Beck. It felt like Beck's heart was breaking as she sobbed.

He broke up with her.

Hugging herself tightly, Beck began to feel everything around her. Every emotion. Every flicker of life. Every little thing around her. It was happening again.

He broke up with her.

Tears fell down her face as her body began to shake from her sobs.

Drew broke up with her.

Beck could feel someone as they drew closer to her, kneeling on the ground. "Hey," Kira asked softly, resting a hand on Beck's shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Beck quickly shook her head, glancing away from Kira.

"Well, um, is there something I could do?" Kira asked awkwardly.

"Go away," Beck whispered, wiping at her nose.

Kira hesitated, glancing around before looking down at the shaking blonde next to her. Shaking her head, Kira grabbed Beck's arm before struggling to pull her up. "Come on, let's get you inside and cleaned up."

Beck tried to pull away, but Kira had a death grip on Beck's arm. "I said go away," the small blonde murmured as Kira pulled her inside.

"I know," Kira said before smiling at Beck. "But you looked like you needed someone."

Beck returned the smile weakly, allowing Kira to pull her inside. "I'm Beck."


"I know, I met you the other day."


"Yeah, you were listening in on me and my friends' conversation and told us about bardo."

Kira cringed as they neared the girls' bathroom. "Oh, yeah."

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