Who are you?

By Komahinashipper2

8.9K 299 5.1K

In a world where injustice is normal. Ultimates and Reserves live totally different lives ,for centuries this... More

Just You and I against the world
Papa to the rescue
Ready or not here he comes
Enough is enough
No more nice Izuru
Congratulations your fired
Out with the old fam in with the new
Once a reserve always a reserve
The truth
Not all deaths are sad
Nagito's offer
How I met my bestfriend
Expect the unexpected
Long over due praise
More questions than answers
Lies we told ourselves
His mine
Falling inlove again
The price to pay for a mother's love
Don't touch what's mine
Junko's victory
If I fall,do you promise to catch me?
Yes I will
The truth shall leave you dead
Task failed successfully
Pick a side or go with the tide
Running out of time
A mother's price has been paid
Who are you?
I am Hajime Hinata
Epilogue: Here comes the reserve
Walk down memory lane

You 31 chapters in the future

37 3 8
By Komahinashipper2

Author's note 'A character's inner thoughts

When the character is remembering the exact words someone else said before

(Small commentary from me or the character)

When a character emphasises a point



Hajime's P.V.O

I couldn't sleep all I heard were the voices of all the ultimates I killed yesterday, if Maki was here she'd probably be ashamed of me.

Izuru still doesn't trust me to be honest I didn't either, I don't blame him the look of betrayal in his eyes hurt.

《Flashback starts》

Keebo ran to his best friend and raised his arms to protect him "go away you hurt Zuzu!"

"Keebo it me..uncle Hajime I'd never hurt my Zuzu" I tried to move closer but even Kazuichi and Gundham blocked his path

Izuru looked at me with pain and shook his head "only my papa can call me dat...he would never hurt me or anyone!..so Mr who are you?"

《Flashback ends》

It hurt and I don't know what to do hell even Junko had a point yesterday.

《Flashback starts》

Junko laughed staggering to my side "hurts, doesn't it? To watch everyone in the world suffer"



"...What?" It was then that I took a good look at Junko and noticed how exhausted she looked

"The world didn't care when my husband was diagnosed with dementia and couldn't even remember his daughter, I had no choice but to explain to that little girl that dad still loves her his just sick at the moment!" Junko was hyperventilating now forgetting about the plan and speaking from her heart "I watched as Nagito rejected my love time and time again because he didn't know the woman he married

She started to cry at this point, her voice laced with pain and stress "The world didn't care when I...when I...had no choice but let a doctor use my body just so my husband's body was better!.. I can still feel the steam of hot water on me as I scrubbed long and hard just so my body felt like...mine again"

Junko hiccuped "The world didn't care when my family left me all alone..all those nights I cried myself to sleep all those birthdays I never got to see! Anniversaries I and Nagito didn't get...because I picked my career over my family"

She fell to her knees and cried she was hurt and tired "No one in the world cared about me so why should I care about anyone in it?" Junko hugged herself

"You Hajime Hinata ruined everything so don't blame me for this!" Junko threw her arms around emphasising her point "The only person to blame...is yourself"

《Flashback ends》

None of my friends wanted to see me, my son abandoned me I guess in a sick twisted way Junko and I are alike.

I was living one of my biggest fears being alone and I don't know what to do.

⚠️T.W talks  of insanity and voices please  don't  read  if triggered thank you!⚠️

Each time I close my eyes it's just a constant repetition of yesterday.

"I'm sorry" I whisper to myself as I reminded Hiyoko ultimate dancer losing her leg yesterday

Mahiru gasped at the sight "your leg Hiyoko honey...I don't think you'll be able to dance-.."

"I know damn monobot got me when I wasn't looking.." Hiyoko winced

"Your dream.. you're never... you never going to make it happen dancing at the big festival.."

"It's ok...I don't like dancing as much anyway"

"You hear me? I said I'm sorry ok" I hang my head still hearing all their voices, Makoto pleading with reserves

Makoto shielding Byakuya from a reserve aiming a baseball bat at them "We didn't do anything to you please leave us alone"


So much of Byakuya's blood

And this was all my fault.

"...why can't you damn voices leave me alone?!!" I hit my head trying to block them out, now I heard a little girl crying out for help

A kid no older than 8 held her mother's head as she bled to death "Mummy please don't go I promise to eat my vegetables just please wake up!"

"I get it ok please just stop!" I hit myself over and over and over again but the voices just kept getting louder, now I heard the love of my life Nagito screaming holding a bleeding arm

"Ahh!" Nagito held his injured arm glaring at the reserve who did it "did you have to take away my arm too?"

The reserve yelled back "You took away my rights so this is nothing!"

I need to shut these voices out before I go insane..or maybe I already am.

I kept thinking of a way to stop them when I found myself at the top of a building, I don't even remember getting here.

⚠️T.W attempts to unalive themselves please don't read if triggered ⚠️

The voices weren't leaving me alone! I have no choice now, shutting my eyes I walked to the farthest end of it.

I remembered my son Izuru hugging me even though I call him that nickname he hates.

"My name is Izuru, not Zuzu papa! You named me remember" He hugged me "I still love you though!"

I started a small jog remembering all the times I got help from my soul bro Kazuichi.

"Why do I help you? Dude your my soul bro" Kazuichi grinned "that means our souls are meant to be together as bros, you're my platonic soulmate I'd live in hell for you bro"

I smiled at the memory of Nagito and me talking while the kids were asleep speeding up my pace.

"I'm surprised you asked me out I didn't think I was your type" I confessed "or that you even liked me"

"The idea of types always sounded funny to me" Nagito smiled "Forgive me perhaps I am only thinking about it from a trashy person's perspective but a person's type is usually someone they ask out and I only asked you so doesn't that mean that you Hajime Hinata are exactly my type?"

Finally, I remembered Maki, we had our first and I didn't know the last conversation out in the garden.

"You know after all these years I still can't seem to convince myself that you and I were a mistake, that you being a reserve ruined us" Maki looked up at the stars "because once upon a time you Hajime were my everything, I just hope I was yours too, so thank you"

She turned to me and smiled I think she knew this was going to be the last time we would ever speak like this "I'm not sure if I was an important page to your story but at least I know you were an important chapter to mine"

I was almost at the edge, it was like I could hear Maki welcoming me to the afterlife, my lungs were burning as I kept running.

'Almost there' I thought and I just did it I jumped.

"If I had one wish its that someone out there remembers my story" I whispered
"You're trying to use death as a way to escape your problems? Pathetic" A voice spoke out to me

I opened my eyes and found myself dangling off the roof of the building, I looked up and was shocked to see my saviour.

Holding onto me, keeping me alive was one of the people that lead to my misery, to begin with.

Dr Matsuda showed no emotion as he pulled me back up "What were you thinking? Jumping to end your stupid problems after everything you've been through, everything your friends did all for nothing because Hajime didn't get a happy ending. That is the most selfish bullshit I've ever seen"

He was right what was I thinking? Doing this wouldn't have ended my suffering just passed it on to someone else.

⚠️T.W over proceed please ⚠️

Seating at the edge with the crazy doctor wasn't something I had planned in my school then again neither was jumping off a roof of a building.

The sun was setting all the bodies of the victims were still down below, streets stained pinks, buildings destroyed its like the nightmares of yesterday were still haunting me.

"Dr Matsuda, why did you help us?" I asked

He looked taken back by the question still he quickly recovered keeping a straight face as he watched the sunset "Don't be mistaken as I said before I didn't do any of this for you and your friends, I was merely thinking of myself I have committed many sins and I needed to atone for them"

Taking a deep breath he continued "my only hope is whatever greater being is up there may look down upon me and grant my unclean soul mercy I am too dirty to ask to be spared but perhaps mercy would be more appropriate, I suppose"

I looked at him but he refused to meet my eyes "Why are you here then?"

"Junko wishes to speak to you, it seems that your day of judgement has finally arrived Mr Hinata"

I nodded knowing what was coming next "I guess not everyone is as lucky as Nagito and Makoto" standing up I offered the doctor a hand shockingly he accepted "Alright let's not keep the Queen waiting, you can lead the way I won't fight back or run away I've done too much of that these days"

We were walking in silence I knew I was now a dead man so I had a lot on my mind but Matsuda seemed to be weighing out options in his head silent people are always busy people and scary too.

Now at Junko's office door I turned to look t Doctor Matsuda for the last time and gave him a smile "hey can you do me a favour and tell my family and friends I love them"

Yasuke simply looked at me without saying another word and walked away. Rude

End of P.V.O
No one P.O.V

The Doctor walked away not before whispering "you can tell them that yourself"

Hajime opened the door and was surrounded by darkness, he used his arms to press against the wall looking for a sort of light switch or something.

'Ah I think I've got it now' He thought as he heard a click from the wall

Now in view, Hajime could make sense or at least try of the room, it was all white not a single other shade in sight. There was a circle in the centre with 4 chairs also white.

The reserve walked towards it using his finger to brush passed the table "what is this place? Where is Junko"

"Haven't you heard of knocking first or do I have to teach that to you too Hinata?" Junko walked in with so much confidence you would feel small

"You asked me to come through"

"Doesn't mean I don't expect some manners though" She pulled out a chair for him "At least I do, please take a seat we have a lot of lot to discuss "

Hajime sat down looking at his hands "I figured as much soo what am I here for?"

"I'll jump right to it, you have committed several crimes, Mr Hinata-.."

"So have you!"

"I am well aware of that but might I remind you I am the Queen of Hope's peak I built this city from the ground up so my crimes don't matter" Junko took a deep breath to compose herself "As I was saying you must be dealt with accordingly, it states on the constitution-.."

"Fine I'll do it" Hajime was too exhausted to argue "just please give each of the crimes my friends and Izuru committee to me"

Junko looked at him with pity "Those are a lot of charges, you are well aware that the penalty for all of them would be.."

"Death I know but it's ok" Turning away he could still see the bodies laying on the ground down below "A man I forget the man once told me...

"I was merely thinking of myself I have committed many sins and I needed to atone for them" Taking a deep breath Yasuke continued "my only hope is whatever greater being is up there may look down upon me and grant my unclean soul mercy I am too dirty to ask to be spared but perhaps mercy would be more appropriate, I suppose"

Junko knew those words all too well, leaning back on the chair she gave Hajime one more chance to turn it down "I may be the ultimate despair but at least I'm human do you want to reconsider? Think about Nagito and his kids, Kazuichi,Gundham, Keebo or at the very least your only child Izuru "

"I am thinking about them that's why I came up with this decision" Hajime wasn't going back on his word he even gave her eye contact to prove it "I'm the reason they all got involved so I should be the one getting punished for it"

"They say when a man has set his mind on something no being can change it soo" Junko was about to leave to make the arrangement when Hajime coughed to gain her attention

"Grant this dead man one last wish though, I want a court trial in the biggest court house of Hope's peak so that my friends don't suspect this was all your doing.."

"That means the judge will be"

"I know I trust she will set justice for my crimes, request two, keep Nagito, Kazuichi, Keebo, Gundham and everyone else out of that court house" he didn't want them getting in the way of this "I however want to say goodbye to Izuru"

"I will request for an adult to be there for him during the trial after they can escort him out" Junko wished she could change his mind, the only punishment his crimes alone would get him was 5 years in prison "As I said before you don't have to do this"

"And as I said before too I do" Hajime stood up taking his leave "how much time do I have left till the court date?"

"As much as you want"

"Good" now at the door he started to think about it, was he really getting through with this and then he remembered one important thing, his friend's and family were worth it "I have made my decision I want the case to be done tomorrow first thing in the morning"

"So soon?"

"Of course no point in delaying it"

"Before you go to court tomorrow" She hesitated was this happening? Nagito will be devastated, and her little girls too "see me in this very building"

Hajime smiled and bowed "I suppose it's the least I can do your majesty" and then he left.

"Hajime Hinata who the hell are you? An idiot I suppose" Junko chuckled "a very brave idiot


The next day Hajime dressed up in his best suit and stood in front of a jury in court.

Hajime's P.V.O

The courtroom was dead silent. Not a lot of people were in there to fair, only the occasional lawyer, judge, witness, some bored ultimate who loved to see reserves suffer and guards.

Oh, and did I mention my baby boy Izuru was here too, the poor guy is only 8 years old and yet he already gets to see how cruel the world is to reserves.

I pity him sometimes having me as his father, he has to use his mother's maiden name Kamakura just to survive but that's a story for another day.

The handcuffs I had on started to irritate my skin even though it's tan, with how tight my cuffs are it's no wonder I have red bruises.

I was hungry no scratch that starving and thirst and my chapped lips didn't help either everything in my body ached but I refused to show it.

The ultimates don't deserve to see another reserve cry, it will only boost their huge egos. My Izuru stared at me with puffy red eyes probably from all the crying his been doing. At least he had his black and white stuffed bear Monokuma by his side.

Sadly I couldn't comfort him because...

1. It's illegal for reserve and ultimates to mix

2. A guard with a tight grip was holding me back

3. A glass barrier blocked both of us

4. I don't have the strength to move anymore

"Don't hurt my papa please" Izuru pleaded with fresh tears in his eyes "Papa I want to go home*hiccup* I..I...papa...please...I want you to give me cuddles and and tell me stories from work"

"It's ok my little rosebud papa will be fine" I lied with a raspy voice "You always have the memories of the stories at least"

"But papa I don't wanna memories I wanna yo-.."

"Hush now child" The guard beside me scolded him, gripping my sore arms tighter "honestly the fact that talentless trash like he could reproduce the ultimate hope is surprising"

"What can I say I'm built different" I teased instantly feeling his grip get even tighter, I winced but whispered"totally worth it"

*Bang bang bang *

The infamous judge Celestia Ludenberg banged her gavel to start the court case.

I sat up straight mentally preparing myself for my fate. I know I shouldn't have made her go through this but it wasn't my fault she is the judge of the Supreme Court of Hope's peak.

"Hajime Hinata" Celestia began "you have been charged with breaking into the ultimates only zone multiple times, even going as far as sleeping in the same house as an ultimate how do you plea?"

"Guilty" I responded

"You were also seen associating with talented children knowing fully well that your not worth to even breathe the same air as they do" Celestia's eyes soften reading what she said from a paper "how do you plea?"

"Guilty again" I replied with a smirk


Different gasps filled the courtroom but I didn't care if anything their shock gave me confidence.

"You were also seen placing your hands on the ultimate luc-.."

"Nagito" I interrupted

She was conflicted with herself, on one hand, Celestia was my friend and helped out too on the other she was a judge and this had to be treated like a normal court case "Please inform the jury of how much he meant to you perhaps it can sway their hearts"

"Of course" My voice echoed with newfound confidence looking straight at the judge "His name is Nagito Komaeda, not ultimate luck and those children you spoke of are his beautiful daughters Chiaki and Sonia Komaeda or maybe you were talking about my son Izuru Kamakura
the ultimate hope? I can't even touch him in public because of this stupid separation law!"

"That is not our concern" One ultimate in the Jury seat rolled her eyes and continued to speak " By the laws given to us by her majesty Junko Enoshima we as the jury find the defended Hajime Hinata guilty of all cha-.."

"When will society learn that life is more than just our talents?" Celestia questioned looking around the courtroom to a jury who looked like they couldn't care less

"I can't even take my son to school because he's an ultimate" I confessed," or take him to the park, eat with him in public, use the same damn restroom!"

The jury didn't like that and started to yell at Celestia to do something.

*Bang bang bang *

"Order in my court" Celestia banged her gavel "Hajime as much as I agree I have to ask you to refrain from speaking or I will have no choice but to force you-.."

"We were in love!" I wailed with newfound strength "Nagito and me. We were so in love so deeply in love that we didn't care if people like you looked down upon us"

"I'm warning you reserve shut your dirty mouth " The ultimate guard holding me threatened glaring at me

"We were all going to be one big happy family" I raged, ignoring the logic in me telling me to stop talking " A reserve and a group of ultimates, all living together happily but of course, even fairytales have a sad ending sometimes here's mine"

"Last warning criminal" The jury members yelled each throwing insults

"Listen to me don't let something as small as talents separate us from each other " I screamed with all the strength I had left "at the end of the day we are all humans. How long will we let this stupid rule go on huh?
The real question is..."

"Hajime Hinata please" Celestia begged "I'm trying to make the jury like you to lessen your sentence"

"If we were to strip you off all of your talents then who would you all be?" I concluded with a smile

*Silence *

The words I said seemed to sink in and slowly different ultimates started to question themselves, but sadly this happy moment didn't last long.

A jury member stood up "we still stand by our decision judge"

Hanging her head in defeat Celestia looked at the court, eyes soften towards Izuru and me "let it be known that from this day forward Hajime Hinata has been sentenced to death"

As soon as she said that, something in me broke, this was happening huh? I asked for it yet I was still shocked by it

Something must have broke in Izuru too because instantly he came running to the glass barrier banging his tiny fists against it trying to get to me.

I couldn't stop myself and ran towards him placing my palms on the glass trying to align it with his. Imaging we were holding hands again, surprisingly no one stopped me.

"Papa papa papa papa papa!" Izuru wailed louder and louder

"His child Izuru will be taken to Foster care until a suitable parent takes adequate care of him" Celestia explained getting emotional

"It's ok Zuzu papa loves you ok" I whispered crying silently "find Nagito and let him adopt you"

"The death penalty is usually carried out after 3 weeks but because the criminal is a reserve and the large number of offences committed then it can be done as soon as possible" Celestia whispered

"I don't want to lose you papa I'm scared" Izuru confessed looking up at me with desperation "Pwease papa I wanna go home wif you"

"Shh it's ok baby I'll always love you" I smiled sadly at my beautiful little boy" I will always look out for you"

"Guards take Mr Hinata out of my court room" Celestia looked away getting emotional "now"

I could feel rough hands all over my body as Izuru's face slowly started to fade into the distance.

"No Papa!" Izuru screamed hitting the barrier, "bring my papa back now!"

"I love you so much Izuru never forget that ok" Was the last thing I remember saying until everything went black. I could still hear the pleas of Izuru replaying in my head.

Now that you know my story its time for you to get to the ending afterall every great story must come to an end someday.

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