our last winter || james pott...

By notcoucou

229K 7.2K 1.6K

With his hands crossed in front of him, the Professor watched the girl carefully, as if expecting her to brea... More



12.2K 272 132
By notcoucou

December 19th, 1976

"Bloody hell, Donna, you're looking fit," Casey said as Donna passed some lip gloss. Donna smiled at her friend, suddenly feeling self conscious.

"Are you sure it's not too much?" the girl said, while stretching her dress with her hands.

"Hell no! You're hot as fuck and I'm not letting you see yourself as anything but that." Casey crossed her arms, trying to intimidate her best friend. She walked towards her friend and entangled their arms. "Now, let's go get plastered."

The two girls left their dorms, as their other roommate, Alice, had already went to the party downstairs to meet her boyfriend, Frank.

The Gryffindor common room was already filled with drunk teenagers, almost every single one of them dancing or snogging someone. Donna and Casey went straight to the table where the drinks were, both downing a shot of fire whiskey.

"Never gets easier." Donna said, as she pulled a face.

"Oh Donna, sweet Donna..." her best friend started. "That's the whole fun."

The two girls suddenly were embraced by thin but strong arms, pulling them both in a hug and making Donna and Casey hit their heads.

"Blimey, Alice!" Casey said while stroking her head. The third girl just gave them a sheepish smile.

"You're finally here! I thought you were never coming." The girl said, still hugging her two best friends as if she had not seen them a few hours before.

"You're such a drama queen, Al." Donna said, laughing a bit.

"Well, the drama queen brings hot gossip..." she started, smirking when she got the attention from her best friends. "The golden couple is officially not a couple anymore."

"James and Lily? What?" Casey said.

"Are you sure?" Donna asked suspiciously, knowing Alice was one for taking presumptions.

"I am pretty sure, thank you very much." Alice scoffed.

"How exactly sure are you, Alice?" Casey asked.

The pixie haired girl rolled her eyes, sighing.

"I'm 85% sure." She admitted, and both girls shared a look. "But I'm not the only one. The two of them weren't seen together for a while, and I know for a fact that Lily was seen with Diggory!"

"Diggory? As in Diggory her ex?" Casey said, shocked. Alice nodded. "As in Amos Diggory, her ex boyfriend, captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team?"

"Yes, woman! That one." Alice said, rolling her eyes.

"So what? Can't they be just friends?" Donna asked.

"Oh Donna, sweet sweet Donna." Casey said one more time. "Everybody knows that exes can't be just friends." Donna's eyes went straight for the bespectacled boy, who was drinking as if there was no tomorrow. She felt bad for him, knowing he was probably heartbroken.

"Anyway, who wants a shot?"

❆ ❆ ❆

"Oh how can my slutty best friend look so good on this bright evening, I wonder to myself." The girl's attention went to the blonde boy, who had a cigarette in his lips. She rolled her eyes.

"Peter, remember when I said that we were friends enough to call each other names?" She questioned, glaring at the boy. She stole the cigarette from him, placing it on her lips and taking a drag on, making him narrow his eyes at her.

"Yeah?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I take it back." She blew the smoke on the boys face.

"Oh, my precious tramp, it's too late for that now." He smirked, bringing the girl to a hug and making her groan. "I missed you. I feel like we haven't talked much lately." He said, pulling the girl for a hug.

"I know, I've been kinda off this last few weeks, but I promise after holidays I won't stop annoying you about your tiny little crush." She tickled him, making him let out a yelp. He took his cigarette back from her and pointed at her with it.

"You listen to me, Lombardi-" he started, but was interrupted.

"Fuck you, Potter!" A scream was heard over the music, making all heads turn to the so called golden couple.

Everyone gasped when Lily Evans threw her drink at James Potter, who looked angry, but also hurt. The red head stomped away from the common room, smoke leaving her ears from anger. The messy haired boy also left the party.

"I think I need to go comfort him." Peter said, pointing to where his best friend had just left.

"Yes, of course. So it's true? They broke up?" Donna asked, brows furrowed as she was feeling bad for the boy. Peter sighed.

"I have no idea." He gave her a last smile and went after his friend.

Donna went once more for the drink tables, deciding to pour some butter beer for herself. She was bringing the cup to her lips when someone bumped into her, making the drink fall.

"Oh Godric, I'm sorry! I wasn't looking to where I was going." Donna turned to see who had bumped into her, and her eyes met a sandy haired boy. Remus Lupin.

"It's okay." She chuckled, smiling at the boy who had a guilty expression on his scarred face.

"Let me get another one for you! I'm so sorry again." The boy took a new cup from the table, asking her what she wanted. After pouring butter beer for her, he gave her the cup and took his wand out to clean the mess he had made on the floor.

"I'm Remus Lupin, by the way." He said, smiling at the girl. She chuckled once more.

"Yeah, I know. We are kinda house mates, you know?" She joked, and the boy's cheeks blushed.

"Yes, right. Of course." He said, awkwardly scratching his neck. She smiled at his awkwardness.

"I'm Donatella, but you can call me Donna. It's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled, extending her hand to his. He smiled as he held it, shaking it.

"The pleasure is all mine." He answered, with his signature smirk.

Oh, how that was true.

❆ ❆ ❆

"No, Rem, I'm serious!" Donna said, her words slurred because of the drinks she and Remus had. The sandy haired boy smirked.

"No, you're Donna! He is Sirius" he pointed to the black haired boy snogging a blonde girl.

"Ugh, you're impossible!" He gave her a drunk smile.

"Wrong again. I'm Remus." The girl narrowed her eyes and he chuckled. "Ok, now what is this new found thing you were so siriusly telling me about?" He teased her with the pun.

"Dumbledore is Santa Claus." She whispered, looking to the sides to see if no one was listening in to her secret. Remus snorted.

"What?" He asked, smiling drunkenly at the girl.

"He is! Have you ever seen the two of them on the same place at the same time?" She said, and the boy raised an eyebrow at her.

"I'm actually worried with the fact that you think you saw Santa."

"Oh, sod off." The girl slapped his shoulder, smiling a bit. "But you have to admit that my theory that Mrs. Norris is actually an Animagi and is a married woman is right!"

"You're aware she is a cat, yes?" Remus asked, bringing the cup to his mouth to hide his smile.

"Very funny." Remus chuckled.

"Well, at least that would explain why he loves that cat so much."

"Right? It's a bit creepy." Donna whispered once more, afraid that Filch would spot her talking badly of the love he shared for his cat.

"He is creepy."

"I'm only glad we'll have two weeks away from the Norris couple." Donna snorted.

"You and I both, darling." He booped her nose, smiling softly as she scrunched it. "Speaking of holidays, are you excited about getting back home tomorrow?"

She smiled, thinking of how Christmas was just a few days away.

"Yeah... I really miss my Nonni." She smiled fondly, remembering her grandparents.

"Nonni?" Remus asked, but before the girl could answer, someone bumped into him, making him fall on the girl in front of him, who gladly was leaning on a wall behind her.

Donna held Remus and he got to raise his hand to the wall in time to stop him from hurting both of them.

But they were very close.

So close that Donna could feel his warm breath lingering on her ear. She looked up to him, seeing as he was a few good inches taller than her, and met his hazel eyes already looking down on her.

His gaze dropped to her lips, and her eyes did the same.

"His lips are so pink. I wonder how soft they are." She wondered to herself. Or at least she thought she did. The boy chuckled, and Donna widened her eyes. "Did I say that out loud?" She asked, more to herself.

"Would you like to see for yourself?" He smirked, feeling a boost on his ego at the girls words. Donna held her breath, and soon their lips connected.

His lips were indeed very soft.

❆ ❆ ❆

The duo hurriedly climbed the stairs to the boy's dorm, and they rushed to enter Remus's dorm, thanking Merlin that it was empty. The boy took his wand and charmed a locking spell.

Donna kissed his neck, while unbuttoning his shirt. Remus hands were on her waist, holding her tightly. He couldn't help but moan when her lips touched a certain spot right under his ear. He moved his hands and held her head, bringing her lips back to his, hungrily kissing her. The two of them were already panting.

She finally finished unbuttoning his shirt, this job being ten times harder when drunk, and she dropped her hands to his belt, beginning to undo it, when she felt Remus freeze under her touch. She quickly raised her hands and stopped kissing him, still out of breath.

"I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to go so fast, it's just-" he held her hands interrupting her.

"You didn't do anything wrong, darling. I promise." He whispered back, smiling softly. "It's just... I've never done it." He felt his cheeks burning up, and he avoided her gaze.

Donna gently grabbed his chin, making him look at her. She smiled softly at him.

"It's okay, we don't have to do anything." She assured him.

"N-no, I want to." He said.

"Are you sure?" she asked, not wanting him to feel like he had to.

"Yes. I just... I'm a bit nervous. But I really want to!" He said, and the girl kissed him again.

"I know just the way to make you relax." She smirked, kissing his neck and slowly getting on her knees.

"What- Oh good Godric."

. . .

author's note:
and here it is, the first chapter! I'M SO EXCITED!!! if you're reading this, thank you so much! i really hope you enjoy it!
follow me on TikTok (ourlastwinterwp), i sometimes post videos there!
thanks again for choosing to read my fic! pleaseee, comment a lot, i absolutely love to see the comments lol

anyways, thoughts on moony?

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