Deal with the devil

By stylesslutss

129K 2.3K 456

Two friends are on the Way home until they find themselves twisted into a deal Two brothers. One year. Can th... More

Chapter 1- Pavements
Chapter 2- call
Chapter 3- meet
Chapter 4- the deal
Chapter 5- mansion
Chapter 6- breakfast
Chapter 8- training
Chapter 9- painkillers
Chapter 10- public
Chapter 11: tour
Chapter 12- nightmare
Chapter 13- dinner
Chapter 14- ride
Chapter 15- feel something
Chapter 16- undertand
Chapter 17- forgot
Chapter 18 - sorry
Chapter 19- distraction
Chapter 20- headache
Chapter 21- papers
Chapter 22- fake
Chapter 23- Belladonna
Chapter 24- attention
Chapter 25- keys
Chapter 26- blades
Chapter 27- kiss
Chapter 28- throw
Chapter 29- date
Chapter 30 - talk
Chapter 31- plan
Chapter 32- try
Chapter 34- mission
Chapter 33- fly
Chapter 35- Lottas
Chapter 36- shots
Chapter 37- jealous
Chapter 38- babysit
Chapter 39- farm
Chapter 40- sensitive
chapter 41- pantry
chapter 42- burglary
Chapter 43- pool
Chapter 44- zoning out
Chapter 45- childhood
Chapter 46- pancakes
Chapter 47- drive
Chapter 48- flight
Chapter 49- Mykonos
Chapter 50- bed
Chapter 51- strawberries
Author Note
#2 Author note
#3 Author note
Chapter 52- waterfall
Chapter 53- kidnapped
Chapter 54- traditions
chapter 55- Yours
Chapter 56- moping
Chapter 57- Home
Chapter 59- dance
Chapter 60- Him

Chapter 7- observance

3K 57 2
By stylesslutss

Kiara POV:

" We're here"
Nik jumps out the front to open the door for Celeste and I. We both hop out quickly.
Immediately my gaze snags onto the building.

Tall walls, tinted glass, the whole entrance lit by chandeliers.

I can't help but let my jaw drop.

Looking to my left, I notice Celeste no different.
" Follow us" Raffe grumbles.

We begin to trail behind the two brunettes and slim blonde until finally meeting with two muscular men.
The hallways are painted a rich blue with mirrors, statues and weapons lining the walls.

"Percy this is me and my brothers fiancés, we would-
Raffe hesitates but he still manages to blurt the words out.

I'm close enough to nudge him lightly in the rib.
But not close enough to hit hard.


"As I was saying," he coughs.

A smirk forms on my lips as he desperately tries ignoring me.

"We got a call for the recruits so where are the supplies?" Quickly he grabs the paperwork offered by the man.

"Down the hall room 76 and 82 has both groups with both supplies and Zack needs Enzo so you'll have to take your lady to help" Percy explains.

Raffe lets out a loud huff before taking my hand to lead me off. I turn my gaze back to Celeste however she only shrugs.
I am once again alone with him.

Raffe drags me to a dim corridor with doors labelled 75-85.As he places his thumb lightly on the keypad for room 78 it unlocks with a clean click.

I stepped forward but he quickly slides before me and struts in.
I can't believe this guy.

" What the fuck Raffe"

I hear an intake of breath from his direction but not another word.Rolling my eyes, I follow him in to wait for instructions.

Instead he turns around swiftly and places a box of metal weapons into my arms.

I stare at him blankly.

Who does this man think he is?

"Well don't just stand there, we have work to do". Raffe pushes me ever so slightly back causing me to stumble.

"We?" I try to look back into his eyes whilst desperately grabbing onto his shirt.
He only shrugs me off forcefully.

" First don't fall over. You wanted to be here so I suggest you help" Not saying anymore he stalks out the room.

"With what exactly?"

Yet again I'm the next to speak.

"Well-" I try grabbing an object from the box however it only slips through my fingers.

Raffe swiftly grasps onto the object as he re-enters the room, fixing his eyes onto mine.

I didn't like whenever he did that. It made me feel...controlled?

I turn my gaze away, hopelessly trying to escape contact.

He keeps his stare for no longer than a second more, then turns to the door.


"I need help with the recruits and since you are my fiancé" Raffe hesitates on the last few words.

"You can help me. We are just showing them how to work with the daggers and blades, nothing too complicated"
He shrugs,strolling over to a room reading '82'.

I follow him in to see a set of about 20 eyes glaring back at us.

Teens in rows sitting behind each other. All of them look completely different. From their hairstyles to the heights, none are the same.

"Right. Recruits. Get in a line so I can do this quickly ok"
Raffe drops the box to the floor, a loud clatter proceeding.
Surprisingly the cluster of teens obey his orders.

"We all know the basics of handling minutes already, hence we are moving on to the blades and daggers. Sharper, lighter and far more dangerous."
Raffe glances over towards my direction. Somehow he can tell I'm not paying nearly enough attention as I should be.

"And one of the first things you need when handling a dagger" He swivels his body to face me.


I copy his movement, however not even a second later I find my myself gasping for air.

A silver dagger drives straight towards me. Without thinking I shut my eyes.
Fear, maybe an immediate reaction.
The sound of the thin object slicing the air echoes past my ears. Eventually it hits the wall behind me.

"And that is why observance is key," he chuckles lightly and starts handing out daggers to the teens.

If he nearly killed me what could they do?

"They are like five and you are giving them sharp objects that could kill someone? Some mafia you are" I roll my eyes and turn on my heels, towards the door.

"I don't recall asking you to leave" Harshly Raffe grabs the end of my wrist and pulls me into him.

My hands hit his chest.
His eyes lock onto mine.

I shove him off me and head off towards the door.

"I don't recall ever caring about your orders"

"They have been training with daggers for two years, they have far more capability of holding a dagger than you"
Raffe stalks towards me, a slight flash of anger flicking through his eyes.

Yet again he grabs my wrist.
Yet again I shrug him off.
"If they have better sword skills than me, why should I bother helping?"

"Who said you were helping them?" He raises an eyebrow whilst a cocky smirk climbs up his lips.

This time when he grasps my arm I don't try shoving him off. Raffe leads me over to a corner where the lights are dimmest, and throws a dagger into the air only to catch it by its handle.

"If you are to be my wife, you need to learn how to protect yourself in case of emergencies"
He takes a step back, creating an even space between us

"So what am I supposed to do? Arm wrestle?" I mutter.

"Fight me"
He steps closer, dagger ready in hand.

"I can't just-" before I can finish he dives, the silver weapon prepared towards me.

"Fine" I launch at him carelessly.

"Feisty much" he dives in again trying to get under my block.

"I never loose Rafael. Never" the words came out so effortlessly.
My confidence towards him even surprises me.

"It's Raffe". A huff escapes his lips as that familiar look of anger returns to his eyes.

"And I don't care" I go in for a dive but he swiftly dodges.

Fighting seems so effortlessly easy for him.
"You don't even know the basics Hawthorne,"
His glance skims over me before he begins speaking again.
Raffe knows so much about me and I don't know anything but his name. Not even the full thing.

"There are five rules when fighting with a weapon."
He dives. I dodge.

" You have a middle name Caldo?" I ask.
His eyebrow raises but he doesn't reject to answering.
" Theodore. I'm Raffe Theodore Caldo. Now can I carry on"

" Feel free" I grin.

"Number one, observance"
Flicking his gaze one direction he turns the other.

I'm almost hit.

"Two, strategy"
Raffe begins to bends in ways I never thought someone could. However I still manage to block.

He turns quickly to somehow whip the lower half of my back.

"Fuck" I wince.

Raffe moves inches closer and holds his dagger heavily down on mine in an effort to push it down.
Before swivelling his body the other way to pin me to the nearest wall.
With just the hilt of his weapon.
My eyes flick down to his grip.
It's tight, harsh.

I wince yet again from the impact.
My body is already beginning to ache.
As for Raffe, he looks as if he's only getting started.

"And temptation"
Leaning in close, his warm breathe tickles against my cheek.

He's close. Too close.

I slowly use the back of my palms to lift myself up.

"So don't give in"
A smirk curls in on my lips as I hit him where I know it will most definitely hurt.
A chuckle falls from my lips as he reaches down clutching where I aimed.

"Looks like I didn't need to help after all"

Trailing slowly down his jawline with my dagger, I inch my lips closer to his ears.
"Oh and glasses over there chopped her ponytail off"

I was finally leaving him.


I make my way back to the hallway, however there's no sign of Celeste.

"Hey Big guy in the blue shirt," I call over to one of the men before.

He saunters over to me, a cup of newly made coffee warm in his hands.

"Where's Lorenzo and the girl he was with?" I snatch the coffee to take a sip whilst he only gapes towards me.

"I'm sorry miss but they went with Zack to help with some of the recruits and it's best if they aren't disturbed."

"For fucks sake" I mutter. Slumping into one of the big leather chairs I begin to stare at my rings.

Until suddenly I hear a small buzzing from the ceiling.

The buzzing grows louder until it eventually turns into someone tapping on a mic.

"Ehem I request Miss Kiara Hawthorne to room 82, That's Miss Kiara Hawthorne to room 82. You are in need of clean up for your mess" A familiar voice calls into the room. A voice I've already grown to despise. The mic buzzes off as almost everyone turns to peer at me.

"Ugh" Pushing myself up I head towards the room.


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