Zuko's Baby Sister

By LoveBhabie

145K 3.2K 1K

"Mom is she going to be like Azula?" "No, Zuko. And there's nothing wrong with Azula." "Zuzu! Rat!"... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Tweny-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Auther Meeting!
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
New Story!!

Chapter Thirty Five

1.4K 29 6
By LoveBhabie

The next morning at the Western Air Temple. I woke up still cuddled against Aang, who was still asleep on Appa. I moved to get up just as he wakes up, yawning and rubs his eyes. I giggled at his cuteness and leaned down kissing his cheek.

The birds suddenly fly away as a bomb is launched their way, splashing through the waterfall fountain. I jump up with Aang, suddenly alert, before he rises and uses his glider to airbend the bomb away.Two more bombs pelt the building, waking everyone completely.

"Be careful!" I shouted at Aang, his back to me, as he races toward the edge of the building, glider in hand. A Fire Nation airship comes into view.

The bow of the airship launches another bomb that sails through the air and crashes into a nearby bridge. I jump to help Aang, who had ran back to the campsite, Appa following close behind, and we use airbending to force the large, ceiling-high metal doors surrounding their site to close. Several bombs continue to assail the temple.

A portion of the ceiling roof, as it begins to crumble and finally caves in.
Katara standing directly beneath the crumbling ceiling. She looks up, alarmed, only to be pushed out of the way by Zuko.

"Watch out!" I watched their interaction before looking at Aang.

"It's Azula isn't it?" He nodded slightly. I grumbled in irritation and nodded. Toph and Haru, who have created the exit way using earthbending in the wall.

    "Come on! We can get out through here!" Toph yelled. Everyone, besides Aang , Zuko, and I enter the tunnel.

"What are you doing?"

    "Go ahead! We'll hold them off. I think this is a family visit." Zuko said before running off. I followed him, ignoring Aang's shouts.

Debris continues to fall to the ground as Zuko and I race toward the doors and leap over to the other side just as another piece of the door falls and shatters. One bomb is launched and lands several feet before him where it detonates. Thick gray plumes of smoke rise; after a brief moment, Zuko emerges from the smoke cover, unharmed. I followed suit letting my flames lift me into the air.

Zuko firebends a large blast from his hand. Zuko standing near the edge of the temple, looking at the airships. A podium-like devise suddenly rises; standing atop it is Azula, who has an evil, maniacal grin on her face. I glared at her and felt my flames wrap around my body.

    "What are you doing here?" I said angrily.

    "You mean it's not obvious yet? I am about to celebrate becoming an only child!" Azula kicks a large blast of flame at our brother. Zuko dodges and runs backward into the temple, but falls. I sent several blasts to my sister as Zuko readies himself. He runs toward the airships.

As he jumps toward the ship, he sends several shots toward Azula, but fails to hit her and jumps onto the airship. He falls down into the misty floor below. I jump onto the airship and throw constant blows at my sister before swiping my feet under her. I collected lightening just as she jumped up and kicked me back.

"Ardema!" I watched the lightening cackle around my body as flashbacks of her hurting Aang entered my head. I stand back up quickly to release the lightening only to be blown back by her lightening meeting mine. I screamed out of a slight pain scorching my hand

Appa flies through to the outside of the temple, covered by a shield of rock in front. I felt my back land on the saddle and stood up absorbing the heat from my burn. I began to generate lightening once more.

"Katara move now!" I said, she moved just as I squat down sending a large stream of rainbow colored lightening directly at the war ballon. My sister fell off as I left my stance and stood on Appa's back. I watched Zuko began to fall and immediately jumped to the reigns and pulled Appa to Zuko. Zuko is caught by Katara, but Azula is left falling.

     "She's.. not gonna make it.."Azula uses her firebending to propel herself toward the wall, stopping her fall with her hair pin and saving herself. "Of course she did." Zuko finished

*short time skip*

    "Wow, camping ... it really seems like old times again, doesn't it?"

    "If you really want it to feel like old times, I could, uh ... chase you around a while and try to capture you." I snorted immediately spitting up my water. He smiles and the rest of the group laughs, except for Katara.

    "Ha, ha." Kat said sarcastically

    "To Zuko! Who knew after all those times he tried to snuff us out, today he'd be our hero?" I said lifting up my cup again.

    "Hear! Hear!" Aang nudges him with his elbow, before Toph lightly punches him.

"That's how Toph shows affection." I shrugged.

    "I'm touched. I don't deserve this." Zuko said. I noticed Katara's angry expression and shook my head.

"Katara, say it. I dare you." My eyes darkened in anger and she immediately clasped her mouth shut and got up. As she walked away the fire flared and then went down as I took a deep breath.

Later the next day m Aang is feeding Appa hay. Sokka fiddles around with a flower necklace. I lay upside down on Appa's head making weird faces at my boyfriend. Katara and Zuko approach the bison, Zuko carrying a sack slung over his shoulder.

    "I need to borrow Appa."

    "Why? Is it your turn to take a little field trip with Zuko?"

"No ZuZu isn't leaving me again." I said pouting as I flip forward off Appa landing on my feet beside Aang.

    "Yes, it is."

    "Oh. What's going on?" Aang's asked as Zuko patted my head.

    "We're going to find the man who took my mother from me." Sokka pauses and stands up, surprised.

    "Sokka told me the story of what happened. I know who did it and I know how to find him."

    "Um ... and what exactly do you think this will accomplish?" I said looking at Aang then back to the two.

    "Ugh, I knew you two wouldn't understand. Especially Princess Ardema." Katara said as she begins to walk away.

    "Wait! Stop! I do understand. You're feeling unbelievable pain and rage. How do think I felt about the sandbenders when they stole Appa? How do you think I felt about the Fire Nation when I found out what happened to my people?"

"You're not the only one who lost their mother to the fire nation." I remarked. "And I was 4." I said before turning and walking away. I felt my eyes water shook my head.

    Later that night Katara is dressed in a black cloak, tying her hair in a ponytail. Aang, Sokka, and I watch her from behind a rock before emerging from behind it. I rolled my eyes at the dumb girl and shook my head.

    "So you were just gonna take Appa anyway?" Aang said as I glared at the water bender.


    "It's okay, because I forgive you. That give you any ideas?"

    "Don't try to stop us."

    "I wasn't planning to. This is a journey you need to take. You need to face this man." Katara situates herself on Appa's head. "But when you do, please don't choose revenge. Let your anger out, and then let it go. Forgive him." Aang said.

    "Okay, we'll be sure to do that, guru goody-goody." My brother retorts sarcastically as he climbs aboard Appa.

    "Thanks for understanding, Aang. Yip-yip." Appa takes flight; Aang and Sokka look up at the departing bison, their backs facing me. I closed my eyes and sighed.

    "You know, you're pretty wise for a kid."

    "Thanks, Sokka."

    "Usually it's annoying, but right now, I'm impressed." He wants something.

    "I appreciate that."

    "So, can I borrow Momo for a week?"

    "Why do you need Momo?" Sokka simply shrugs.

    "Can we go to sleep now?" Sang nodded and turned back to me before pulling me to a temporary sleeping spot.

    The next morning as I watched Aang practice his fire bending I stopped and frowned slightly. I looked at Aang then stood up and stopped his bending.

   "I have a random question." His eyes  met mine and he smiled.


    "When's your birthday?"

    "Oh umm...June 19, 12 AG." He said smiling slightly. I nodded and kissed his cheek.

     "I missed it this year so I won't miss anymore." He blushed and then nodded. "Get back to work." I winked.

    *time skip*

     "I miss Zuko." I mumbled as I began falling asleep. I felt Aang's hand run through my hair just as I fell asleep.

    "He'll be back soon." He replied.

     "Katara? Are you okay?" Aang said as we approached her, Zuko with us.

    "I'm doing fine."

    "Zuko told me what you did. Or what you didn't do, I guess. I'm proud of you."

    "I wanted to do it. I wanted to take out all my anger at him, but I couldn't. I don't know if it's because I'm too weak to do it or because I'm strong enough not to."

    "You did the right thing. Forgiveness is the first step you have to take to begin healing."

    "But I didn't forgive him. I'll never forgive him." She smiles at Zuko and walks up to him. "But I am ready to forgive you." The two hug and Katara begins walking away.

    "You were right about what Katara needed. Violence wasn't the answer." Zuko said as we walked away.

    "It never is."

    "Then I have a question for you. What are you gonna do when you face my father?" I said looking back at Aang. His eyes widened and a worried expression covers his face.

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