DECIBEL | Golden Child AU

By Safaisma

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A Golden Child Fanfiction Crime Unit/Police Force AU Adapted from the Korean television series Voice (2017) S... More

Call One (Pt. 1)
Call One (Pt.2)
Call Two
Call Three
Call Four
Call Five
Call Six
Call Seven
Call Eight
Call Nine
Call Eleven
Call Twelve
Call Thirteen

Call Ten

118 15 12
By Safaisma

April 5, 2020
10:15 AM
Sungun Emergency Call Centre
Conference Room

“What is taking him this damn long?” Assistant Call Centre Manager Sergeant Bae Seungmin groans, checking his wristwatch and glancing at his partner who is looking at his phone. “I am really sorry for his tardiness, Chief.”

Joochan smiles and puts away his phone. “Please, Seungmin-Sunbae. If it is just the two of us, just call me by name. And he is reaching soon.”

Seungmin bats his eyelashes, wondering what he means. Little did he know, Joochan is listening through the walls, his eardrums picking up clearly of what is going on through the corridors.

Initially, Joochan always keeps himself alert, as the Call Center is just right next door. If he wants, he can listen to what are being exchanged between his operators and the callers in that room, without turning on his radio from his walkie talkie. He wants to be prepared if there is any emergency he is required to attend immediately.

Amidst his concentration, Joochan cannot ignore the small chitchat nearby, probably somewhere near the lobby. Joochan is still remembering voices, especially labelling the voice to its owner.

One of them sounds awfully familiar, the one who incessantly accompanies Detective Choi Sungyoon everywhere. Joochan has not known him more than just his voice and face.

“Seungmin-Sunbae, what is the name of the detective who's always with Detective Sungyoon?” asks Joochan.

Seungmin hums and recalls. “It must be Kim Donghyun. His closest dongsaeng. His specialty is in motor vehicles. He owns multiple driving licenses to his name.”

“Impressive,” Joochan grins, twirling his pen.

“Why did you ask about him?”

Joochan smiles. “He sounds feisty. But helpful.”

“Aigoo, he is a really nice guy,” Seungmin nods. “Although he can bicker all day long, he always means well. If it was not for him, Detective Sungyoon would have became a couch potato. Detective Donghyun seriously puts Detective Sungyoon on a pedestal, giving the senior the highest respect no matter what had happened to him. I also heard a rumour that Detective Donghyun owes his life to Detective Sungyoon.”

Joochan nods as he listens but knowing Joochan, Seungmin can tell he appears distracted.

“What are you actually listening to, Joochan?” Seungmin asks abruptly.

Joochan looks at Seungmin in the eyes and sighs. “I don’t think this meeting with your cousin will be a short one.”

Before Seungmin can ask more, the door to the conference room opens. Seungmin turns away from Joochan and finds the young uniformed police officer in a black jacket and cap entering the room. He stands facing the two higher ranked officers who are seated behind the desk.

With a sharp swing of the arm, the young man salutes the two officers.

“I am Corporal Choi Bomin from the Airport Police Team. My deepest apologies for my latecoming.”

Seungmin grins at the side, implying how ashamed he is of Bomin’s tardiness. Joochan shakes his head instead, and smiles widely.

“Well, it is better than not coming at all, Bomin-ssi. I’m sure you encountered a few obstacles on your way here and I applaud you for coming at all costs,” Joochan says and offers the seat across them. “Please take a seat.”

Bomin widens his eyes alittle, Joochan’s words struck a cord in him. Bomin hesitantly removes his cap and sits on the chair facing the two.

Seungmin coughs alittle and passes a folder to Joochan. The Chief of Call Centre opens the folder and flips some pages.

“Bomin-ssi, I was informed that you studied overseas.”

“De,” Bomin nods firmly. “I participated in a student exchange programme at Los Angeles and Auckland during my time in the university.”

“Amazing. I am very impressed with your extensive experience and skills, especially in your audio analytics,” Joochan suddenly pauses and looks up to find Bomin’s naïve eyes. “I have only one question that bothers me.”

Seungmin creases his brows, looking at Joochan from the corner of his eyes. He is not sure if he knows Joochan's question. Joochan tends to be mysterious sometimes.

Bomin however remains calm. “Ask me, Chief Hong.”

“Why Airport Police Team?”

“Mwo?” Bomin blurts in surprise. “Are you asking me why I joined that team?”

Joochan smirks, “De. Answer that question, please.”

“I was interested in the challenges it entails. We are not only facing the locals but foreigners too. We observe terrorism in the highest alert level. You have no idea how many terrorist attacks we have stopped from happening. In matter of fact, my specialty in audio analytics serves them well. Imagine tracing faces and voices in one of the most populated places in the country. Coming here would not compensate my absence in that team,” Bomin begins to sound boastful.

“Bomin-ssi,” Seungmin stops him from getting carried away. “Watch your words.”

“Stopping terrorism attacks is surely an act worth to be praised,” Joochan agrees and folds his folder, sliding it in a snap towards Bomin who catches it on time. “Please return to your team tomorrow. We don’t need you here.”

Bomin bats his eyes in disbelief while Seungmin stands after Joochan, watching the chief take his leave. Seungmin exchanges looks with Bomin, while his feet run towards Joochan’s side.

“Joochan, what’s going on?” Seungmin asks him softly. “You promised me to take him in.”

“His heart is unwilling,” Joochan confesses his thought and exits the room to quickly enter the Call Centre.

“That can’t be true! I told you before why he wants to be here.”

“But someone has poisoned his mind about our Golden Time team. And I never planned to beg a brat like him to join us.”

“B-brat?” Seungmin gasps. “What exactly did you know that I don’t?”

Joochan stands behind his central desk, fixing the headphones on his head. “The things he said about us. It’s best that I am the only one who knows.”

“Joochan,” Seungmin mutters his name.

“Chief,” an operator interrupts them. “There is an incoming call from Detective Choi Sungyoon.”

Joochan smirks and looks at Seungmin before looking at Bomin who is standing outside by the glass wall.

“Put him through,” Joochan answers and picks up the call. “Yeobseyo-“

“Yah, Hong Joochan! You stay where you are because I am going to come up there and whoop your ass for this stupid shit you are pulling!”

“Araso,” Joochan presses one finger on his left ear gear. “Don’t keep me waiting, partner.”

“Partner, your ass!”

The call ends before Joochan can respond to that angry burst. Seungmin wants to interject about Bomin when another operator distracts Joochan.

“Chief, there is a call from a seven-year-old boy who claims to be stabbed by his mother. The phone has no SIM card,” the operator explains concisely while Joochan nods to acknowledge. “It could be a prank call, Chief but I am not sure.”

“Please transfer the call to me,” Joochan orders and looks at Seungmin. “We will talk later but if he wishes to see what our team does, you can let him in.”

Seungmin straightens himself and nods. He quickly moves away from Joochan’s side and exits the centre. When Seungmin closes the door behind him, Bomin faces his older cousin with a slight remorse across his face.

“I don’t get what is going on. Why did he reject me?” Bomin wonders, asking Seungmin casually.

Instead of answering him, Seungmin asks him instead. “What did you and Kim Donghyun talk about?”

“Kim Donghyun?” Bomin repeats the name, as though he has not heard that name before until he recalls the last person he spoke to before entering the room. “How-how did you know that I talked to him or even met him? Were you stalking me through the cameras again?”

Seungmin sighs, “My guts were right. Joochan heard something was exchanged between you and Donghyun.”

“Heard? Are you serious? We talked at the lobby and it was at a far distance from the conference room,” Bomin argues. “Don’t pull the same bullshit he did with the barber pole.”

“Aigoo, jinjja,” Seungmin brushes his hair back in frustration. “Come inside now and watch us.”

“Mwo? Why would I when I am not accepted-"

“Shut up and witness it yourself!” Seungmin grabs his arm and drags his younger cousin inside.

Level Three Lobby

Sungyoon jabs the elevator’s button like he would poke Joochan’s eyes until its eyeball fall from the socket.

He is beyond mad.

How could Joochan seriously do what he wants? Reinstating his detective position and deploying him as the Co-Leader of Golden Time team.

“Choi Sungyoon-ah!”

The man with the name spins around to find the Chief of Violent Crimes Unit, Lee Daeyeol marching towards him with a brown folder in his hand.

“Yah! The first thing you do after being reinstated is to betray me! Joining some US ideology brat because he is sucking you up? Or is it because you’re missing the fame as a hero?!” Daeyeol speaks without holding back. “Jinjja, aren’t you selfish, Sergeant Choi?!”

Sungyoon sighs and faces him with gritted teeth. “If you are talking about that stupid team, I did not do bloody a thing about it. That prick with the headphones is the one you should be yodeling at!”

Daeyeol shakes his head. “He gave you a freaking table with a name plaque-”

“Are you seriously kidding me, Sunbae?!”

Daeyeol presses his thumb and fingertip on his forehead before connecting his eyes with Sungyoon.

“Look, Sungyoon. The Commissioner gave Hong Joochan a chance to have that team running because of the public and nothing more than that. We want the people to think that the person who saved that innocent girl is still picking up the calls. But that does not mean he works alone. He is just a call operator. And he wants to take command over all of us like some pharaoh on his throne, ordering us around. Don’t you get it?” Daeyeol explains calmly to Sungyoon.

The younger man sighs a loud one. “Don’t tell me something I already know. I will tell you what you need to know. That is, I never have the slightest thought of teaming with that asshole. He was the same call operator-”

“I know. I am aware,” Daeyeol nods and grips Sungyoon’s shoulder, assuring the younger police officer. “You don’t have to do this, being in his team or even talk about it to him. What I want you to do is to tell Hong Joochan in the face that you refuse to work with him. I will deal with the papers and have you back in the Violence Crimes Unit team, with Donghyun, Youngtaek and Jangjun. Araso?”

Sungyoon bats his eyes, looking at Daeyeol with relief. Before Sungyoon can respond to his former Chief, the radio clipped to his pants emits noises of dialing him.

“This is 112 Emergency Call Centre. Code zero, Code Zero.”

Sungyoon lifts his chin up, trying to catch his breath. Daeyeol can only watch and listen as Hong Joochan interrupts them.

“Within two kilometers' radius of 43 Burim dong, a child is injured and the mother is the suspect. She stabbed her seven-year old son with a knife, around his stomach and he is likely bleeding alot.”

Sungyoon avoids looking at Daeyeol as he presses both his palms against his face, pretending that the information does not bother him.

“Burim Patrol Division will be dispatched to the location right away. Sergeant Choi Sungyoon, Co-Leader of Golden Time Team and Sergeant Kim Donghyun, depart right away.”

Sungyoon blows a heated hiss and grabs the walkie talkie from his pants. He presses the receiver towards his mouth and makes the most intimidating growl Joochan can ever hear.

“Yah Hong Joochan. How dare you give me orders! Things are already a mess here and you have the cheek to tell me what to do! Bring your ass down and fix my reinstatement right now!” Sungyoon yells on the top of his voice.

The receiver suddenly turns on loudspeaker by itself, causing Sungyoon and Daeyeol to flinch in surprise.

“Can’t you hear the alarm, Sergeant Choi Sungyoon?” Joochan asks in a monotonous voice. “Go and do as you’re told or I will take away your badge.”

Sungyoon rolls his eyes and grunts. “My badge? Is that what you wanted all along? Fine. Take it! Take the bloody badge and I am not a police officer anymore. So don’t boss me around! Araso? I rather quit being a police officer than working with you!”

A pause ensues between them while Daeyeol watches Sungyoon blinded by anger. Daeyeol thinks that Joochan finally gives up on Sungyoon since he cannot threaten Sungyoon with his badge at all.

Daeyeol is wrong.

Joochan’s voice returns to the walkie talkie again. “Detective Choi Sungyoon, I am sure you know better that we don’t have time for this. The longer you take to get there, the bigger the danger is for the child."

"Yah, kiseki-yah."

"Detective Choi Sungyoon, do you want the child to die because of you?”

Before Sungyoon can respond, his hand is already raised to throw the walkie talkie away. Daeyeol is both upset and stunned to do anything. Donghyun appears out of nowhere and grabs the walkie talkie from Sungyoon.

“Hyung, let’s calm down for awhile, yeah?” Donghyun grips Sungyoon’s shoulder tightly. “We’ll save the boy first and deal with that asshole later.”

“Let go of me!” Sungyoon chides, showing reluctance to give in that easily.

Donghyun connects his eyes with Sungyoon, trying to get through the rage boiling in Sungyoon’s vision.

“Jihye,” Donghyun resorts to using that name, triggering Sungyoon to freeze with widely stretched eyes. “She’s a preschool teacher, isn’t she? Do you think she will be happy to know a child is hurt and we’re not out there to save him?”

Sungyoon eventually lowers his arms down, looking away and up and down. When he finally settles to look at Donghyun, he takes another deep breath and glares at Daeyeol for a few seconds.

“Don’t think or speak of any nonsense, Sunbae. I will settle it once I get back, araso?” Sungyoon speaks with clear dominance of the matter.

With those last words, Sungyoon nudges at Donghyun to follow him. Donghyun bows alittle to their Chief and tails behind Sungyoon. Daeyeol leans towards his right, glaring at the two officers who dash down the stairs. He cannot believe that Sungyoon is still following Joochan’s orders right in front of him.

Donghyun is obeying too. This is wrong!

Daeyeol bursts a yell of frustration and storms his way to the office. Jangjun notices his leader’s arrival first, exchanging looks with Youngtaek before approaching him.

“What’s up, Chief?” Jangjun asks out of worry.

Daeyeol darts his burning gaze to Jangjun and faces him. “You, I want you to follow Sungyoon right now.”

“What?” Jangjun cracks up a smile. “I’m not in that team.”

“Exactly,” Daeyeol grips his shoulder and he does it so tightly that Jangjun flinches. “I want you to be there and stop him from succeeding in his mission.”

Youngtaek creases his brows, somehow expecting this to happen. “Chief.”

Daeyeol looks at Youngtaek, the latter shaking his head hesitantly. “Yah, are you going against me?”

“Ani, Chief. Someone’s life is at stake,” Youngtaek argues.

Daeyeol pushes Jangjun aside and plants both his hands on the sides of his hip. “I am the Chief of the Violent Crimes Unit. It is my responsibility that my team rescues the boy under my orders and not him. Araso?! So get both your asses down there and show that prick that you don’t need his orders.”

Jangjun nudges Youngtaek to not provoke their Chief any longer. Youngtaek sighs, a sign of giving in. Both detectives salute their Chief and off they run out of the office.

Daeyeol picks a walkie talkie on the desk and dials the Call Centre.

“This is Chief Lee Daeyeol speaking. I am giving you twenty minutes to save the boy and if you don’t, I will make sure that you, Sergeant Hong Joochan, will be dismissed with immediate effect.”

Feeling satisfied with the threat, Daeyeol grins to the side and is about to put the walkie talkie away when a buzz enters, signaling a response.

“This is Chief Hong Joochan speaking. Thank you for your support. We will definitely make it in time, no worries.”

Daeyeol clicks his tongue in disgust. “What the hell is he thinking?”

Another buzz comes in and it is Jangjun. “Chief, we just hopped onto the van. Please repeat exact address of victim.”

“43 Burim-dong. Search up the place. Make it fast.”

“Roger, Chief.”

“Call Centre, Call Centre.”

Daeyeol quickly recognises the next voice to be Donghyun's. A sudden realization hits Daeyeol as he grinds his teeth.

“We’ve arrived at 43 Burim-dong. Show us to where the victim is exactly located, Roger.”

“Jinjja,” Daeyeol punches a fist at the table. “Why the hell did he take my fastest driver?! Donghyun bloody arrived there in 3 minutes from here! Ani, Ani, Ani! There is no way I will let them win this.”

Daeyeol marches out of the office and heads towards the Call Centre.

“I am not the Chief if I can’t stop them from succeeding!” Daeyeol hisses to himself. “I must stop them!”

A/N: Thank you for reading! I miss Golcha so much. I want them to comeback now lol but I would settle for more variety shows from them😍 Anyways their 'Milky Way' performance in their Summer Concert is beautiful 😍😍😍😍

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