Super Paper Undertoad (Mr.LXD...

By SilverStarWarrior

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Hush now, little ones... I have a story for you... A story about men and ancients... A human wakes in Princes... More

Before You Read!
Dream In The Garden
Stroll Through Toad Town
💙Pure Heart-break💙
Visiting The Mario Brothers
Men In Green
💚Killing With Kindness💚
Flip-Sight Seeing
🧡Brawn And The Brave🧡
💛Over-Priced Pure Heart💛
💙Going Home💙
🤍Champion de la Destruction🤍
Ultimate Show
Nightmare In The Garden
Killing Kindness
Repressed Memories
🖤Hearts Shine With SOULS🖤
Staying True To Word
Fixer Upper
Why'd You Come Back To Play?
Can You Face Him?
I Need To Find Him
All Together Now!
💜I Do💜
Don't Forget!

Come Home With Me

92 5 22
By SilverStarWarrior

I hit the ground running as soon as I made it to Flipside. I knew where he was, I just had to get there.

I passed many happy townsfolk who all waved hello to me. I would try to wave back as I ran to the elevator. I kept running until I was stopped by Mimi and O'Chunks.

O'Chunks: Oi! We got some questions teh ask ya!

Mimi: Yeah! What was-!

Mr.L: I can't talk right now, meet me at Castle Bleck in about an hour!

I punched in floor one and got in before they could ask anything else. I tapped my foot impatiently until the door opened again and I ran out only to be stopped by Olly and Olivia.

Olivia: Mr.L! It's so nice to see you! My brother and I are so happy!

Olly: Yes. And I would just like to say-

I quickly held a hand up to pause them.

Mr.L: Look. Normally, I would wanna hear. But, I'm on a VERY important mission and can't talk right now.

I pushed past them and started for the return pipe.

Mr.L: I'll talk to you when I get back! Meet me at Castle Bleck!

If I get back...


I hopped out of the return pipe and ran through the forest. I ran past the Mario brother's house and Luigi and Mario ran up to me.

Luigi: Mr.L! We want to know what-

Mr.L: Yeah, yeah! I'll tell you both later at Castle Bleck!

Mario: Uh, okay then...

They both fell behind as I kept on running for the town up ahead. I reached Toad Town and maneuvered through crowds as I made a beeline for my destination. I kept running and running up until I made it to where I wanted to go.

The garden beside Peach's Castle.

I debated climbing over the fence again but then decided that I should probably not break and enter this time. I walked over to the gates and knocked. A few moments later, two Toad guards opened the doors and greeted me while clutching wounds on themselves. I could tell that the wounds were recent.

Mr.L: What happened to you?

One of the Toad guards grunted as he moved aside to let me in, holding his hand over a gash across his forearm.

Toad 1: Some Pixl broke in and refuses to leave to the garden. We tried to shoo it away but it attacked us instead.

I let out a sigh as I started past the guards.

Toad 2: I advise that you steer clear of the garden, sir!

I chuckled a little.

Mr.L: Unfortunately, the garden is my destination. And don't worry. I'll fix the Pixl problem too.

I walked off as the guards watched on in disbelief. I kept on wandering even though it was starting to turn a little dark out. Eventually, I let my ears lead me on. I could now hear some form of quiet sobbing sounds.

After a few minutes of wandering aimlessly through the yard, I started to see flowers and butterflies around. I was getting close. I kept walking and then slowed my pace upon seeing him. I could see Dim, now back in his Pixl form, hovering slightly above the ground and muttering to himself.

Dim: They'll all forget... They'll think that it was all a bad dream... I can't hurt anyone else here... Oh, but those guards..!..

I took a step towards him and we both flinched at the sound of a twig snapping underneath my foot. My SOUL flashed and before I knew it, I was in a battle with him.

Dim: I'm warning you! Wait... L-L? W-what are you-?!

Mr.L: I came back for you!

He scoffed.

Dim: What~? Two victories not enough? Do you wanna toss me around like Mario does to Bowser too, hm?

Mr.L: You know that's not-

Dim: I told you to forget about me! I gave you a warning! But you were still stupid enough to go looking for me. You know that I can't feel anything anymore, right? Maybe as Dimentio, I could, but not Dim.

Mr.L: You are still Dimentio. You are STILL my friend. And I STILL love you!

Dim: ...You still think that you can SAVE me, don't you?

Mr.L: I don't think, I know.

He chuckled a little under his breath before looking up at me with a dark expression.

Dim: Ah ha ha... You really ARE an idiot.

He laughed as he summoned rings of projectiles. I couldn't get away as I got hit repeatedly.

HP 01/20

Dim: AH HA Ha ha ha...

His expression turned sad as he hardly attempted another attack. I easily dodged the one projectile as it slowly came towards me.

Dim: ...I...Why can't I bring myself to FIGHT you..?

My SOUL went to the options.


*Dim looks like he is confused.

I went to the [🎉ACT] and saw two options.

*Check            *SAVE

I used *Check.

*Dim - 80 ATK 40 DEF

*Your best friend.

My SOUL went into the box and some slow-moving projectiles came at me. I dodged easily and went back to the [🎉ACT] option. I selected *SAVE this time.

Dim: Just... Just leave me alone, okay?! You can be with anyone else, why me?!

Mr.L: I only want to be with you!

My SOUL went into the box and three rings of projectiles appeared, one blue and the other two red. I ran, stopped, and then moved again. I went back to the [🎉ACT] option and used *SAVE again.

Dim shied away a little.

Dim: Why are you doing this to me..?

I went into the box and bunches of projectiles came for me, most of them were green! I collected the green ones and was healed to full by the time I went back to the options.

HP 20/20

I used *SAVE again and Dim broke into a nervous sweat.

Dim: Ah ha ha... How is... How is this even possible..? I... I-I don't have a SOUL! I shouldn't be able to feel...

My SOUL went into the box and rows of red and blue projectiles swept by me. The attacks stopped and then my SOUL turned... white..?

Dim: When I had absorbed everyone's SOULS... I hadn't felt those sorts of feelings in ages... I had gone so many resets without those feelings... I can still remember how it felt. I just can't muster up any strength to harm you like this...

He looked up at me with a sad expression.

Dim: If you really want... I can go back with you... Even if I'm stuck as a Pixl... Hehe... What do ya say..?

I went back to the options.

*Dim is SPARING you.

I went over to the [❌MERCY] option and saw that the *SPARE wasn't yellow like it should be... I selected it.

Dim: This feeling... I-I can't quite grasp it. Y-you can go out from the garden now...

A brief silence passed between us, none of us moving.

Dim: H-hey... You seem kinda beaten up... Sorry about that...

A few green projectiles came out from behind him.

Dim: I can fix it. Just run into the GREEN bullets~! Take them as my apology to you!

I narrowed my eyes. This was oddly suspicious. He turned my SOUL white, what did WHITE mean? He threw the projectiles and I went to the side, just to be safe. Dim frowned at me.

Dim: Hey, you missed them...

He summoned some more green ones and I dodged. He looked a little more downcast.

Dim: A-are you rejecting my apology..?

He looked on the verge of tears. I quickly held my hands up.

Mr.L: No, o-of course not!

He threw some more and I reluctantly went towards them. They hit me and I took damage!

HP 13/20

Dim: Wow. Just WOW...

He took on a dark expression as I clutched my wound.

Dim: I can't believe that YOU would be so STUPID. 

My SOUL went to the options.

*The rules have been reversed.

I went to the [🎉ACT] and saw the two options again. I used *SAVE.

Mr.L: Dim! I thought that you said you would come back with me?!

He smirked at me.

Dim: Ah ha ha... You already know that Mario killed me all that time ago, right? But still, I woke up in Castle Bleck, in Nastasia's arms as she sobbed, thinking that she had killed me again. I couldn't feel my arms or legs, I was honestly a little scared.

My SOUL went into the box and three rings of projectiles surrounded me. The order of colors being red, blue, blue. But the rules were flipped when my SOUL was white! I stopped, ran and ran, and was unscathed! I was back to the options and used *SAVE again.

Dim: I had been revived as a Pixl, of all things! I called out your name, begging for you to rescue me from the nightmare they were putting me through. But nobody came!

Rows of green projectiles came at me and I dodged. I went to the options again.

*Dim cackles maniacally.

I used *SAVE again.

Dim: After a long time, I finally realized that you weren't going to come for me.

Mr.L: Wha-? I was DEAD, Dimentio!

He seemed to ignore me.

Dim: In one reset, Blumiere took me in, promising to take care of me~! And promising to bring you back~! He seemed so happy, hopeful, and relieved all at once~! But he was still scared of me...

Clusters of green projectiles came for me and I knew to dodge them this time. I did so and saw the options once more. I used *SAVE.

Dim: But I couldn't FEEL anything. I was alive again, but it was pointless. You were dead, and I didn't have a SOUL anymore. 

Rings of projectiles surrounded me and I dodged. 

*You stay DETERMINED for your final task.

I went back and used *SAVE again.

Dim: But look at me going on a tangent~! You must still be all hurt and tired... H-here...

My SOUL turned back to its normal color.

Dim: Take these and... p-please, just leave me alone.

He summoned tons of green projectiles that immediately flew at me. They disappeared and I was now WELL over healed!

HP 20/20

He turned my SOUL back to white. I went back to the options. The [❌MERCY] was glowing, but I knew that if I used it now, he wouldn't go back with me. I went to the [🎉ACT] option and used *SAVE.

Dim let out a small chuckle under his breath.

Dim: Ah ha ha... If that's what you decide, then you REALLY should've seen this next attack coming.

The same swarm of projectiles came for me and I was thankfully able to dodge them all. I went back to the options and used *SAVE. Dim looked angry as he started talking again.

Dim: I had wasted YEARS on resets, trying to feel anything! But they were all useless! Especially that old fool Blumiere! I thought that I might have the most luck with Luigi since he was your alter ego, but he just couldn't do it.

My SOUL went into the box and rows of projectiles swept the box as I dodged. I used *SAVE once more.

Dim: At one point, I decided to use my reset to go back to Castle Bleck. I went back to Nastasia. She created both of us, after all! I thought that of all people, surely she could help me, right?

He looked down at the floor with a sad expression.

Dim: Turns out, no. 

He threw more rings of attacks and I swerved to and fro to dodge. I went back and used *SAVE again.

Dim: I tried my best to ask for her help nicely. But if I acted nice and sweet, she would be scared of me. And if I lost my temper... then she would STILL be scared of me! Though even after I hurt so many, I couldn't feel remorse! And believe me, I was trying! All I wanted to do was love someone... Feel compassion... 

Mr.L: Dim... That doesn't mean that you still can't...

He gave me a weak scoff and then threw more projectiles at me and I dodged. Then my SOUL turned back to the normal red and I used *SAVE.

Dim: The point I'm trying to make is... There's just simply nothing you can do to SAVE me. So just take this and LEAVE. ME. ALONE!

He threw some more green projectiles at me and I was healed despite the fact I'm still at full HP. The [❌MERCY] was glowing again, but I went and used *SAVE once more. Dim scoffed at me.

Dim: Well, if you're going to be so DETERMINED about this... Then I have no choice but to keep killing you until you give up!

Mr.L: That's gonna be a long time because I REFUSE to give up!

He put on a dark expression and summoned some normal projectiles then threw them at my now normal colored SOUL. I dodged and then chose *SAVE.

Dim: If Blumiere, Timpani, Nastasia, or Luigi weren't able to save me... Even when I was trying so hard to love... What makes you think that you can do any better?

Mr.L: I know that I can do better because I won't give up on you!

My SOUL changed back and forth from white to red as rings of blue and red projectiles came for me. I got hit once.

HP 15/20

I used *SAVE.

Dim: Ah ha ha ha ha... I don't HAVE a SOUL. I don't know what you possibly think you can accomplish by doing this. This isn't like last time when I had everyone's SOULS.

He threw barrages of attacks at me and I got hit once.

HP 10/20

I went and used *SAVE again. He started tearing up.

Dim: Don't you understand what would happen if I go back with you? I'll just end up hurting you and everyone else all over again. Is that REALLY what you want? Without a SOUL, I don't have anything stopping me from killing you all!

Mr.L: But I know that you wouldn't do that...

My SOUL kept swapping in between white and red as rings of colored projectiles surrounded me again. I got hit twice this time.

HP 1/20

I selected *SAVE once more.

Dim: Alright. Enough with this. I'm done fooling around! No more tricks. It's time I end this. All I need to do... is make you give up... So I can never... hurt you... again...

I went back to the options without an attack.

*You know that Dim is preparing a massive attack.

*But you are still filled with DETERMINATION.

*Your DETERMINATION fills your SOUL with energy!

*Your HP is recovering!

HP 20/20

I used *SAVE again.

My SOUL, now swapping between every color, went into the box. I faced rows, rings, even clusters of projectiles! I kept on dodging as I even got hit a few times. My HP kept healing as I went through. I dodged the last attack and Dim stood in front of me, sweating nervously.

Dim: Wow... Ah ha... Maybe that wasn't a good idea, since I've done all that before, huh? I didn't want to have it come to this, but... I guess that this is the only way to make you give up... Ready?

The box became so small that I couldn't move. He threw projectiles at me until my HP dropped to 1.

HP 01/20

He lifted up what were supposed to be his arms and an execution box appeared around me. He shook and trembled for a moment. The box turned green last second and I was healed instead of killed!

HP 20/20

Dim: I... I just can't... How? Why? This just isn't possible... Somehow... I think... You're actually making me... CARE about you...

I gave him a warm smile and he gave me an awkward one in return.

Dim: You know... Even without a SOUL, I was still able to feel "other" emotions. Fear, anger, pity, confusion, sorrow, even amusement... I-if I can feel those, m-maybe... Maybe I could feel love again, too..?

Mr.L: Of course you can! I know that you can! And I'm here to help!

He chuckled.

Dim: Well, even if I can't feel love again... I still REMEMBER how much I loved... I remember how much I love YOU... If I ever feel myself losing a grasp on my mind... I can always just remember that.

He chuckled again under his breath.

Dim: Alright, L. You win! I'll go with you. I think that I can control myself. Ah ha ha... I always knew there was something special about you, L... B-but there's one thing I need you to promise...

Mr.L: Anything!

He looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

Dim: Don't let anyone take you away from me again.

Mr.L: Of course, Dim...

Dim: Ah ha ha... I'm sure that Luigi would be thrilled about this, ah ha ha... I think that I'm ready to face them now. Let's go...

The [❌MERCY] was glowing again and this time I selected it. The surroundings turned back to normal and I could see Dim lying on the floor, facing up at the sky.

Dim: Ha... Ah ha ha... Now I just feel stupid...

I chuckled as I sat down next to him.

Mr.L: Haha, you're not stupid, Dim.

Dim: Sorry about being so difficult... I don't know why I didn't just stay with you before...

Mr.L: I don't blame you, honestly. You were practically put through TORTURE. It makes sense that you didn't want to get caught up in that again. Besides I didn't hold up my end of the deal.

Dim: What?

Mr.L: I said that you would come back with me after I took your mask.

I gently picked him up from the floor.

Mr.L: NOW I held up my end of the deal.

He laughed.

Dim: Ah ha ha, alright alright, I get it. Let's get going, L.

I let go of him and he flew beside me.

Dim: Where are we going, anyway..?

Mr.L: Castle Bleck.

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