The Assistant

By Dummy_Thic

25.3K 640 204

"Aight homies! Imma head out, cry, drink bleach, listen to Olivia Rodrigo, and probably dye my hair a regretf... More

The New Person
Traumatizing An Assasin
Crystal Gems
Swimming Lessons
Who Tf Can Pronounce Thor's Hammer?
Falling From Ceilings


1.9K 61 28
By Dummy_Thic

"No more fires! NO MORE!" Sam shouted at Nova. He had his arms in a X form and Nova was sitting on the ground on her knees in a upright position, and she was being scolded by him. They were both in a corner of a different room. The last fire wasn't any prettier than the first.

Steve, Bucky, Tony, Vision, and Wanda were all in the room as well. Natasha and Bruce had left and Rhodey and Clint had gone after them. Thor was there, although he had not spoken a word and everyone often forgot that he was still there.

Vision was fretting over Wanda and Wand kept telling him that she was fine. Steve, Bucky, and Tony were huddled together just out of anyone's hearing range, and were all talking about the kid. Thor was, uh, somewhere.

Wanda clapped loudly to get everyone's attention.

"Okay everyone. I know that that was a little....unsettling." she side glanced at Nova. "But! I still need to show Nova how to control more of her powers, soooooooo, everyone out!" She made a large gesture toward the door.

Tony walked forward and stood in front of Wanda with his arms crossed.

"I don't think so. Steve, Bucky, and I all think that we should stay here. In case anything goes.....haywire." He too took a glance at Nova. She was just sitting there, looking innocent.

Wanda furrowed her brows at him.

"If anything were to go wrong, I believe I can handle it." she said sternly.

"Wanda." Vision took her hands in his. "That child is dangerous." he whispered. "I don't want you to get hurt. Please, let us all stay."

Wanda looked at him wearily. She liked being alone with the kid and teaching her. She didn't want to give that up. But....

"Fine." she said hesitantly. Vision looked relieved and happy at the same time.

"I guess since you'll be here, then you can teach her what you can an as well. Since you literally have the mind stone in your head." she said, tapping the stone softly.

Vision just smiled at her.

Nova, who was still in the corner, snorted.

"He reminds me of Pearl from Steven Universe." she said. No one knew what she was talking about.

"What do you still have left to teach her?" Bucky asked ignoring the kid. There couldn't be that much.

"Well..." Wanda's voice trailed off. She rubbed the back of her neck in thought. "The mind stone is very complex, as is all of the other stones. I have taught her only, maybe two things so far? But even still she is learning things without being taught. There are still many, many things to teach her, and much more that neither I, or Loki, or Vision know how to do. We can only teach her what we know and can do. So, we still have a lot, since we all kind of have similar but differnt powers from the mind stone."


Wanda deadpanned.

"She still had a lot to learn from three different people." she summed up.

"Ohhhh. That makes much more sense." Bucky said. Like a troubled child who needed help. We still stan a king tho.

Wanda just nodded at him while pursing her lips.

"We should get to it then. Nova can take a small break from my teachings and I'll let you teach her some things that you can do with the mind stone's power. Is that okay Vis?" she asked. She knew that he would say yes, but it never hurt to ask.

"Of course." He was smiling at her so much today.

"Thank you."

Vision turned toward the kid and motioned for her to come to him.

"Alright, um." he started. He seriously didn't know her name. Or remember it. Wadda fuck.

"Nova." she said patiently. She was right in front of him and she had her arms behind her back.

"Right, Nova. Now then, the mind stone gives me many, many powers. So we will go through them all, one at a time." he said.

Nova nodded along to his words, bouncing on the heel of her feet, to her toes.

"The mind stone and a little help from Thor, gives me the power of: superhuman intelligence, strength, senses, and speed. Density control, which is phasing, flight, regeneration, and holographic disguise."

Nova stopped moving.


Vision paused. Maybe he needed to dumb it down a little.

"I can do many things with the mind stones power, but we will start with a basic one." Wow. He didn't dumb that down at all. He just said something entirely different. What the fu-

"I think the most basic power is fazing. It's where you can go through things like a ghost, and then become solid willingly. Like this." He held up his hand and Nova watched as it  turned transparent, and then back into solid.

"How about you try?" he asked. The others were watching them, but he didn't mind. Sam was still in the corner, the three sad traumatized old people were still in their little football huddle, and Thor was somewhere. Probably.

Nova looked at her hand, and instantly made it transparent.

She made a surprised face, and so did Vision. Wanda had no reaction, her being surprisingly used to this. All of the other avengers just looked impressed.

The only thing that Nova didn't count on, was her whole body became not solid. So guess what happened.

She fazed through the whole entire fucking helicarrier and hit the sea and started to sink in it. Fuck.

'I feel like an astronaut in the ocean.' Nova thought while she was still sinking. 'Wait, do I need to breath when I'm not solid? Would it be different for me? Especially since I'm under wate-'

Choking on the sea water answered, and cut off her inner thoughts. She made herself solid and quickly swam to the surface. When she got there, she kind of just, floated on her back. That was until something touched her butt.

'Fuck no baby."

She cautiously looked over to see a giant dark green sea turtle, floating right next to her. She gasped in awestruck, floating on heaven, little kid getting there first phone amazement. She put one of her hands onto one of his flippers, and they both just floated there, calmly.

(Now then, let's go back three minutes, when Vision first asked Nova to try turning her hand not solid, and let's see the scene once again, through their perspective.)

"How about you try?" Vision asked Nova. He didn't see how anything could go wrong. He was very not right.

He watched as Nova surprisingly made her hand not solid on the first try. And then he watched as she dropped through the floor like a brick.


And then there was screaming.





"Where did she go?"


"But I wasn't yell-"





Vision made himself not solid and sunk through the helicarrier and flew to the very bottom of it. He went past the bottom of the helicarrier and floated in the air, trying to spot Nova.

He saw her a few meters away from the aircraft, and she was floating in the ocean with a very large turtle.

He turned himself solid and quickly flew down to her.

(From Nova's perspective)

'Is that Pearl?'

(Visions perspective)

He had just gotten down to Nova, and was hovering a few feet above her. He stared at her. She stared at him. He now saw that the giant turtle that he had saw from far away, was much bigger than he had expected. It wasn't as big as a shark, but it wasn't as big as a tortoise. It was somewhere in between. Bigger than a tortoise, but small enough to not be too large. If that made any sense. Maybe big enough for Nova to sit on it.

He flew closer to her and scooped her up in his arms, bridal style, and started to lift her up and hover away from the ocean, until Nova somewhat fought back.

"Hey!" she yelled. "We can't leave Greg behind!"

Vision stared at her, and was almost too afraid to even ask who Greg was. His face must have said it all, because Nova pointed downwards, and straight at the turtle.

At this point, Vision would do whatever it took to get her back up to the helicarrier.

"How do you suppose I carry it and you up to the helicarrier. I could do a second trip, but then he might as well be gone. And, what makes you think it will come with us. It needs to be in the ocean." he said. In his defense, the turtle was huge.

Nova narrowed her eyes at him, lifted up her arm, flicked her wrist, and watched Vision stare as yellow mist started to swirl around her hand and the turtle. She lifted the turtle out of the water, and had him float right next to where she and Vision were hovering.

"Greg and I had a lovely chat, and he says that he wants to go with me. I'll somehow make him a perfect place to stay, and he will be just fine. We should land on the place where the airplanes land, so that way Greg could come in with us no problem." she said.

Vision felt old, and way too over it to argue with Nova. So, he flew up to the helicarrier, landed where the airplanes landed, and watched as Nova somehow found a roller cart thingy, the big ones you see at Costco, put Greg on the roller, and walked back towards the room where everyone else was pushing Greg along as if he were in a stroller.

(In the room)

Screaming and crying. Mostly by Sam, but some yelling was coming from Bucky who was yelling at Steve to be calm. Steve was perfectly fine. Tony felt a little sick, and he was just watching as everyone around him fell apart. Wanda was pacing nervously, her powers freaking out and lashing out at anyone who came too close to her. She was biting her nails and watching the floor, waiting for Vision and Nova to come up through it.

A red light started to flash and that made everything much, much worse.

(Back with Nova and Vision)

They were walking along peacefully. They passed the kitchen, and saw Natasha, Clint, and Bruce in it. They were all muttering to each other quietly. They shut up real fast when they saw Nova and Vision. None of them questioned the huge turtle.

As Vision and Nova got closer to the room where everyone else was, they could hear faint yelling and crying. They both just shrugged it off. However, when they got to the closed door of the room, they definitely heard yelling and crying.

Nova shrugged, slammed open the door, and shoved her way in.






"Is that a turtle?"

All attention turned towards Greg.

"Yes! It is! This is Greg." Nova said happily. Greg gave everyone a soft fin wave.

And then Bucky screamed.

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