Peter Stark One Shots

By jk_imDying_inside

637K 13.4K 3.4K

Basically what the title says. Some are Peter Parker but Most are Peter Stark. Also may be Peter being other... More

The Phone Call
Petey Boi Big Mad
My Son
I always keep my promises
Principals Office
The Breakup
Lucid Dreams
I dont dress to impress
Facts about me
Hoodie Mittens
Peter curses
Bug Reveal
Omg Jesus
Head cannon
Playing with Weapons
Wow 2k!!
Family on CrAcK
Just gad to bless yall with this
Really Peter...
Im sorry Peter
Car Wash
Peter!! Harley!!
Uhm. I have a boyfriend...
What's a Morgan?
Son Of Stark!
Wasnt tagged but im bored..
New story?
It's out!!
The pickup line...
Couldn't decide
Happy New Year!!!!
You can have it.
Rude Rouges -_-
Rouges (different plot)
The Meeting
Family Feud
Ok but wow..
Pictures i have saved in my phone
Imma cry
Natural habitat
Sleep deprivition crack shot!! ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )
Mother's Day
A funny one
Happy Birthday!!
Wake up
Wtf did you just say??
Coffee Flavored Icecream
Ping Spoofing
Mr. Stark Said No
My Brothers
My Brothers Pt. 2
A Day at the Farm
Bug Spray
Plot Generator pt.2
Awful Memories
Christmas decorating
New Years Pog!!
Incorrect Quotes
Big Cousin Is Always Watching
Online Classes
Rouges. Again.
Rougues. Again. Pt.2
Happy Birthday Peter!
The Four Teenage Trainees
Meeting the Avengers
Pizza Delivery
Incorrect Quotes Pt.2

The Four Teenage Prisoners

2.6K 88 22
By jk_imDying_inside

Ayup! Uh this chapter is a bit different but I wouldn't say that it's a crossover, just similar to popular DC movie, Suicide Squad. Enjoy. Also double publish again?? Yooo
Normal six avengers plus maybe one or two more.

Tony's POV

It was another normal day at the compound. Arguments, Mario Cart, food, movies. Nothing out of the ordinary. Pretty peaceful day for us, actually. That is until Fury called a meeting.

"Hello, Avengers. I'm going to get straight to the point since you guys can't seem to pay attention for more than 10 minutes. We found a hydra base. Pretty big one, meaning you may need backup. I called a trusted colleague of mine that will bring you to their headquarters and show you your teammates for the mission. Meeting over. You have til 6pm to get ready. The headquarters is a few hours from here. Dismissed." Fury informed, leaving the room.

"Well. It's 5:34 so we better get ready." I sighed, standing up from my seat and heading out the door.

Time skip————

It was 6 on the dot and the hellicarrier was landing on the helicopter pad on the roof of the compound. We got in and took off to the headquarters we were told about.

Third Person POV

Entering the headquarters, the avengers soon realized that it was more of a prison than anything. A very high tech and high security prison.

"Uhm. Are we teaming with criminals or something?" Clint asked, looking around.

"That's exactly what you're doing." A woman dressed in all black walked over to them.

"What?" Sam exclaimed.

"We're supposed to be fighting criminals. Not teaming up with them." Steve spoke.

"And I am well aware of that, captain. Things are different here. These criminals are very powerful and more than capable of taking down a few hundred hydra agents. Plus. If anything goes wrong," She hands them a device, "just click on the face you're having a problem with and click the confirm button. It should fix your issue." She informed.

"What does it do?" Natasha questioned, raising her eyebrow at the device in Steve's hand.

"It sends a little 'shock' through their system. It should get them back to following instructions. It shouldn't hurt for more than a minute considering they are all enhanced but, enough questions. I think it's time to meet your new companions." The woman walked away, leaving the avengers to follow her.

Arriving at the bigger cells

"Alright, Hunter. Bring out the our enhanced prisoners." The lady gestured to a security guard, who opened the first cell to the right, revealing a girl with curly hair.

"This is Michelle Jones. She has the ability to go invisible and teleport as long as she can see where she's going. She also has enhanced strength and speed."

The next cell opened and out came a male with medium black hair.

"Next here is Ned Leeds. He can hack into any system no matter how difficult it may be. He can also control any machinery or weapon in a 20 block radius with his mind."

"Okay. Next is Harley Keener. He has horribly perfect aim with anything he throws or shoots. It's like he can tell the object where to go when he throws it or if it's coming towards him." (Think of Diego from the umbrella academy)

"And last but not least, we have Peter Parker. He has abilities similar to a spider. He can climb walls, has super strength, speed, sight, and hearing. He can shoot webs. He has scary fast reflexes and a sixth sense that alerts him of danger. He also has enhanced intellect, meaning he's smarter than Banner and Stark combined."

"Uh. What's with the muzzle?" Tony asks, pointing to Peter's mouth area.

"Oh. He can also shoot venom from his fangs." The woman informed, seeming to forget that important detail.

"Ah." Clint nodded, eyes wide and looking terrified of the group of teenagers they're teaming with.

"Anyways. On the device I gave you, there are also files you can go through of our enhanced 'friends'. It shows basically everything from their birthdays to the reason they're here. Have fun, avengers." The woman walked off, leaving them with the deadly criminals in shackles.

Time skip————

The avengers are now on their way to the hydra base with the four teenagers sitting in a row at the front of the helicarrier, still in chains to make sure they didn't start attacking anyone.

"Alright. So Michelle here is 16. Born in Albany, New York on June 10th. She's been in the prison for almost 2 years for the murder of both her parents who were both shield agents." Natasha read out from her file.

"Harley Keener. 18 years old. Was born in Rose Hill, Tennessee on August 6th. He's in for hunting down his father and brutally slaughtering him in front of a corner store 3 years ago." Nat looked up at the boy before going back to the file list.

"Ned Leeds is 16. He was born in New York City on November 10th. Six months ago he hacked into the FBI system and stole data from some of the agents."

"And Peter Parker. 15, born on August 10th in Queens, New York. About a year ago he broke into Oscorp and murdered every scientist that worked in the spider lab along with Norman and his son Harry Osborn." Natasha finished.

"Wow. That's.. that's a lot to take in. Especially for them only to be teenagers.." Steve spoke, mouth agape.

"Yea.." Clint had his eyes wide as Michelle rolled her eyes and sighed.

"When are we gonna get there? These chains are heavy and I'm sure Peter here would like that muzzle off of his mouth. It's been there since they found out he could shoot venom. It only comes off whenever they choose to feed us. Oh and call me MJ. I hate being called Michelle." The girl glared at the team of heroes.

"Alright alright." Clint held his hands up as if he were surrendering to something.

"We'll been there shortly. Just sit tight." Tony spoke.

"Well, while we wait, I'd like to go over the plan of attack. Fury said there will be at least 800 hydra agents. So, I want to us to be unseen for as long as possible. We scope around the base quietly until their alarms go off. I want constant eyes on those four up there as well." Steve explained right before the helicarrier started landing.

"Alright avengers. Grab your gear." Steve called out before grabbing the keys and unlocking the chains and muzzle off of the adolescents.

After getting off the helicarrier

"Ok. MJ I want you to go invisible and check the barriers. Tells us how many guards are in vision. Also, can you teleport with multiple people?" Steve asks.

"Ok and yes. I can only do two at a time though." MJ answers.

"Alright, then when you get done counting the guards, teleport you, Natasha, and Ned into the control room right at the top of the building and get the barriers open."

"Got it." MJ says and turns invisible.

"Ned, when the alarms go off, I want you to use your powers to stop them. Up in the control room after you lifted the barriers, I need you to upload all the files on the computer into this drive." Steve gives Ned a flash drive and he nods, waiting for the alarms to sound.

"Harley. I want you to use the knives I gave you to take out the hidden guards that try to sneak us." Steve orders.

"Kay." Harley says, his hands shoved in his pockets.

"And Peter, web up the guards once they're taken down. We definitely won't have enough cuffs for everybody.." Steve finishes.

"That's it? I have all these abilities and you just want me to web up some dumb hydra people? Fine whatever." Peter says, finally talking for the first time since the avengers met him.

The rest shrug and get to the base.

Small time skip to after the fight cuz I don't feel like writing a fight scene

"Is that everybody?" Tony yells through his coms.

"Yea but hey! Where's- where's Peter? The other three are in the helicarrier already.." Clint asks, out of breath from running so much.

"Uh I thought you were watching him?" Tony says, sounding a bit panicked.

"No! I was watching Harley! I specifically told you to watch Peter!" Clint yells.

"You never told me to do anything, Barton!" Tony shouts back.

"Just calm down! Everybody spread out! Look for the kid before he gets too far or hurts someone" Steve butts in, running around looking for the teen.

"Peter?!" The team shout from opposite directions of each other.

Then they hear a scream. With Nat being closest to said scream, she is the first to get there. Only a second too late as she watches the body of a scientist drop to the ground with a thud. Looking up, she sees Peter standing over the body, a psycho like smile plastered on his face, fangs showing and dripping with what she guessed was venom.

"Man. I've never used my venom before. It was kinda fun." Peter giggled.

"Why'd you kill him?" Nat asked.

"He pushed me down the stairs and spat on me." Was all Peter answered before putting his arms out as if he were ready to get the chains back on.

"What're you doing?" Natasha questions.

"I just killed a man. Aren't you supposed to lock me back up and use that shocking device on me?" Peter asks, tilting his head to the side like a puppy.

"You're a kid. I don't hurt kids. You suffer enough anyways." She answers.

On the helicarrier with everybody

"I have a question." Clint states, looking at the kids.

"Go for it." Harley says.

"Why'd you do it? All four of you. What were your motives for what you did to get into the prison?" Clint asks.

MJ is first to answer. "My parents were hardly ever really my parents. All they cared about was work. Constantly left me to take care of my little brother. Because my dad was a scientist for shield, he always had a project to work on. One of those projects blew up. My parents had the hazard suits on so they survived unharmed. But my brother died and I ended up with powers. That enough motive for you?" She glared at the floor.

Next, Harley told his story. "That bastard of a dad I had left me and my sister alone with my mom. I think cowards that leave their family and lie about it deserve to get stabbed 24 times simultaneously by their own offspring." He crossed his arms, the chains clinking as he did so.

Peter answered next, not having to put the muzzle back on after the mission. "Their dumb spider that they were experimenting on bit me on a field trip and now I'm a freak. All of them ignored me and banned me from the building after I tried talking to them about it and they called the prison I'm forced to live in for the rest of my life. If it weren't for them, I would be a free kid. I'd be a sophomore in highschool. Instead I'm stuck here, forced to always wear a muzzle and only get fed once a day even though I have a very fast metabolism. That's why I killed them. And that woman that took me from my home and locked me up? She's next." He all but growled the last part almost under his breath.

Ned answered last. Only saying that he merely felt like hacking into the fbi.

Upon arriving back at the prison, Tony decided that he'd make a decision that would change his life. Maybe for the better. Maybe the worst.

"I want to take the kids back to the avengers tower with us."

Only the future may know.


This chapter was super fun to make. I might make more like it or a part 2. I don't know but I hope you guys liked it.

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