Happy Birthday Peter!

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Oui Oui baguettes! Enjoy the new chapter!

August 9th
3rd Person's Pov

"Peter!" Tony calls out from the common room.

"Yes dad?" Peter answers back from his bedroom.

"Come here I need to talk to you!" Tony replies.

"Alright!" The sound of Peter's feet running down the hall could be heard.

Once Peter gets to the common room, he looks around to see his family all suited up.

"What's wrong?" Peter asks.

"Hey buddy. Listen I know this is bad timing but Fury just called us to a mission. We probably won't be back til Monday." Tony said, his voice laced with sincerity.

"What? But my birthday's tomorrow.." Peter looked his dad in the eyes, tears forming in the corner of his eyes. "You guys won't be here?"

"I'm sorry buddy." Tony hugs Peter, kissing him on the forehead and standing up from his crouched position. "You'll be here with your mom and she told me she's going to be doing something with you and your friends from school."

"But I wanted to spend my birthday with you! Tomorrow's especially special because I'm going to be a teenager!" Peter slightly shouts.

"I know. Hopefully I'll at least have time to video call you. We have to go now. I'll see you later okay?" Tony says.

He walks to the elevator with the rest of the team following behind him.

Tony's POV

"That was hard." I shake my head.

"At least we don't actually have a mission and this is just apart of his surprise." Steve pats my back.

"Yea. Lets go get out of these suits."

Peter's POV

I can't believe their not gonna be here for my birthday. I think, wiping my tears and sniffing. I hear a knock on my door before it opens.

"Hey Pete." Mom greets, walking in.

"Hi mom." I look up at her, wiping more tears off my face.

"Look. I know it's hard that your dad can't be here tomorrow but I was planning on taking you, MJ, and Ned out to a few places before we come back and have cake. How's that sound?" She questions.

"Yea mom. It sounds fun." I smile.

"Alright. Now get some sleep. You don't wanna be tired for your thirteenth birthday now do you?" She kisses my head and walks back to my door, shutting off my light.

I sigh and go to sleep.

August 10th
Tony's POV

Peter's been out all day with Pepper and his friends while the team and I have been here setting up the common room to be Star Wars themed. All of his presents were on the table, the big ones sitting on the floor.

"Ok Tony. That was the last of the decorations we bought last night." Steve says.

"I already called Laura. She's on her way with the kids." Clint informs.

"Me too. Cassie's on her way." Scott puts his phone down.

Then the elevator dings and out walks Harley, Gwen, and Harry.

"Hey old man." Harley greets me.

"Hey Harls. How have you been?" I ask.

"Good. Aced my trig test Friday so I'm feeling good." He tells me.

"That's awesome, Harley." I smile.

Time skip————

Now that everyone is here we're waiting on Peter to get here.

Peter's POV

We finally pull up into the garage. It's been a fun day. We all went to a theme park and we ate at a restaurant. Dad didn't call me though, which I understand but I'm still a bit upset about it.

"Come on, guys. Happy already got the cake in the common room." Mom tells me, getting out the car.

As we reach the common floor, I hear a lot of voices. Like more than just happy. The door opens and-

"SURPRISE!" Everyone shouts, confetti being shot into the air.

"What? I thought you guys had a mission!" I smile, running over to dad and hugging him.

"Our mission was to go out and buy every piece of Star Wars decoration we saw." Dad smiles at me.

I look around and see everyone smiling at me and I go and hug them all, greeting them and thanking them one by one.

Third Person's POV

And so the party went great. Peter got to eat cake with his family and friends. He opened many presents, even getting a Samurai sword in one of them.

It was a way better thirteenth birthday than he ever thought.

And that's a wrap! Hope you guys enjoyed this very rushed chapter! Sayonara!

Also not proof read.

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