Peter curses

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3 year old Petey Boi
Nobody POV
The Avengers all sat at the table eating dinner and enjoying themselves. "So  luckily, our next mission is in a couple of months, so we can be he-" Steve was cut off by Tony yelling "SHIT" and having broccoli smeared on his face. While Peter was laughing, Pepper and Steve gave Tony the disappointed look. "Tony. You cursed in front of our son.. what do you have to say for yourself??" And before Tony could reply Peter responded with "Shit" this caused Tony to give Peter this look-

 what do you have to say for yourself??" And before Tony could reply Peter responded with "Shit" this caused Tony to give Peter this look-

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"No, Peter don't say that.!" Steve told Peter
"Yea Bambi. That's a bad word.." Tony added.
"Shit" Peter said again
All the avengers- minus Steve, Tony, and Pepper- were laughing.
"Peter, honey. You can't say that word. Daddy gets in trouble for saying it, so you do too. Understand?" Pepper said, in a soft but firm voice.
"Yes mommy." Peter replied
Woo! This was a lessen learned to the avengers.. watch what you say around little Petey. He catches on pretty quick..
A/N thank you guys so much for 1K reads!! I love you guys😘✌🏾

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