How Karma Found Jesse Again|1...

By TheChiaPet

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Jesse Duran is back. After five years of being separated from the rest of the world due to his own mistakes... More

Epilogue #1
Epilogue #2
Epilogue #3
Epilogue #4
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By TheChiaPet

I was sitting in the Kitchen in my house as Gio continued on with his story while we sat at the counter, "And then he asked me about my basketball team and what position I played." Gio continues to speak about his encounter with Steph Curry that a certain pest hooked up for him

I swear this man is a roach of some sort. Even when I don't have to see him, I still am forced to think about him.

"I told him I was a point guard just like him! He said 'no way' and then I said 'yes way' and then he told me that he'd need to see what I was like on the court. And then I got Carter to pull up some of my highlights that my coach had posted and he told me I was really good!"

"Really?" I ask with a blank look on my face

"Yup! And then he tried to show me a couple of techniques after he signed my ball. Oh! Did I tell you he signed my ball?"

"You might've mentioned it once or twice, buddy." or a thousand times since I picked him up.

"Oh okay. Oh! And then Carter—" There he goes again with the C-word bruh

"He told him that Karma was my Godmother and he talked about how he's a huge fan of her and her work. He said that the questions I asked were sooo good that it made perfect sense that we knew each other. I think she worked on an article with his wife or something and she loved it but he invited Karma, Carter, and me to their house that they have here in New York and he said he'd teach me some more stuff I can use when I play in my next game!"

Jesus Christ.

He won over my baby brother.

"That's great, Buddy! I'm so happy for you I can't wait to hear all about it when you guys go over there."

Another opportunity for Carter to make another move on my girl.

I know what he's doing. It's the classic 'Get the son/brother figure in her life to fall for you so the girl falls for you too'

Now he's got my poor baby brother who doesn't know any better wrapped up in his manipulation tactics.

When the fuck did Giovanni even develop an interest in basketball? When I met him he was into soccer like I was.

Now he's out here casually becoming friends with one of the most respected players in the league at only 9 years old.

When I was 9, the coolest friend I had was Cyrus. Don't let Ryan hear that though before he throws a fit.

And it's bad enough that Karma babies Gio like he's her own, although I admire her for it, it's completely fucking up any chance I have with her if Carter is gonna be around him 24/.

Her being Gio's Godmother was supposed to be an advantage for me not work against me.

You know what? No. I refuse to fight over my brother's love.

I look over at Gio as he plays his favorite game on my phone and I suddenly am blessed with an idea.

He's already the coolest kid on his team for having met Steph Curry. And he'll continue to be one of the coolest as one of the first kids in his class to have a cell phone.

Bet Carter's bitch-ass didn't think of that now did he?

Gio's gonna need it anyway to document his once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with Steph Curry.

Yeah meeting him is great but what does all that mean with no evidence to show for it?

It's full proof. He'll love me again. Carter will simply be a side character in Gio's life again, Bound to be forgotten. Karma's and My own phone battery won't have to suffer anymore and everything will be right in the world.


"You bought the kid a cell phone?" Karma shouts at me from where she sits in her desk chair as I sit in her office, tapping on the armrests of the chair opposite her.

See, now when she texted me saying 'Come Now. It's Urgent' I was expecting a much different scenario

In other words, this isn't the booty call I hoped it'd be.

"You know, Jesse. Ever since you left I think I've been doing a great job of keeping Gio as grounded as I can. Especially since he grew up with money. Yet with everything that's going on somehow his ego has just skyrocketed."

"I didn't want him to meet Steph Curry originally but he begged me! And who am I to deny my baby of a moment I know he'll cherish forever, right?" I'm kinda afraid to answer. Does she even want me to answer?

"Right?!" She turns to ask me again causing me to jump

"Yes ma'am—I mean, Karma." Where did that come from?

"So now not only is he going around telling everyone that he's besties with Steph, now he's got the video evidence to prove it as he goes around bragging about it and disrupting class. I mean seriously, Jesse come on."

"I'm very much confused as to why I'm the only one in this room. When this whole situation stems from the fact that your little friend is who hooked Gio up in the first place as a way to get at you." If I have to get chewed out, I expect Carter to get the same treatment is all I ask.

"He was being nice! I had told him before that Gio was a huge fan. And yes...I can agree that he most likely did it with me in mind but at the end of the day, it was a great thing for Gio. You bought a 9-year-old little boy a phone specifically so he could flex on his classmates."

"Geez. Kar. You think so low of me it actually hurts." I place a hand on my heart, "All I wanted to do was provide my little brother with photographic and video evidence of the second-best day of his life" I was half lying.

"What was the first?"

"The day you became his Godmother." And she rolls her eyes not believing my pathetic attempt to woo her just now but I already said it. I can't take it back so it is what it is

"Ok yes. I might've gone overboard just a bit and splurged on a phone he doesn't need especially since his friends don't have phone numbers but just think of how great your battery life will be."

She sighs and I continue, "It was a selfless act. I don't regret anything. After being in jail for five years, I would like to think I'm reborn in a way. My sins having been washed away. No longer a sinner but a selfless..inner. A born again virgin to crime, if you will."

"Shut up, Jesse." She chuckles and that's all I needed to know that she isn't as mad at as she claimed to be

"I just don't want him to be on it all the time. We're going to need to put a parental lock on it or something so that I feel more comfortable with him using it and then—"

"I know we're talking about my brother...but if I didn't know any better it sounds like you're trying to co-parent with me." She goes quiet as a smirk rests on my lips leaning back into my chair. She's really lecturing me over a child who truly wasn't hers but the way she fights so hard for him you'd think she adopted him or something. I've never seen a Godmother so attentive and involved.

Almost makes me think of how great of a mom she'd be to our kids. Ugh, the glow she'd have during pregnancy would have her looking almost ethereal. More than she already does now. Just the thought of her being pregnant with my own kid--- never mind I have to pay attention before she starts questioning why I'm so silent.

And now that the visual of Karma carrying my child is fresh in my mind, I have to think of something gross to fix the problem that I've created for myself if you know what I mean.

As I said, we all have our own kinks and hobbies. Let's not kink shame others.

Wet, hairy old men. Paola. Wet, hairy old men. Wet, hairy old men. Paola. Wet, hairy old men. Wet, hairy old men.

"I can't wait for you to have your own kids. You'd be a total helicopter mom." I say and she smiles shyly but she knows it's true, "if it makes you feel any better I'll make sure he's not on it as much. I'll monitor what he does as best as I can and I'll look through his search history and everything." She laughs at that

"Yeah, I can be a helicopter too." And she laughs even harder bringing a smile onto my face

"You know. Since you didn't bring Carter here I can only assume that you brought me here to seduce me yourself."

"You have more problems than you know, Jesse." she deadpans, opening up her laptop beginning to type something.

"No. I'm serious. You wanna fuck me. You summoned me here to talk about us having some kind of co-parent type of understanding. I'm not the only one who's behind this, you purposely chose to leave Carter out of this conversation because you wanted to use this as some kind of sexy role-play idea you had. We shout at each other, or you shout at me really, and then we have amazing angry-sex...then make-up sex somewhere right over there." I point at the large window I had her pressed up against last time I was in here. I really love those windows.

"What is up with you and my windows?" her lip curls in what I think is disgust but she could be very much acting.

"Something about it turns me on. Let's not kink shame others, Karma." she scoffs going back to what she's doing. I am seriously enjoying myself right now.

We hear three knocks come from her front door and she's quick to yell aloud, 'Come in' to whoever is outside.

And of course just my luck, here comes Carter strolling through with a large stupid smile on his face.

Welp. There goes my appetite. Seems like I'll be fasting the rest of the day.

He stops when he sees me and gives me another large stupid smile, "Jesse! Hey man, How's it going?'

Well, I have no desire to stand here and watch them flirt so this is my cue to leave this building before I bust a cap in his ass or put a bullet through his skull.

Joking. I'm unarmed. Can't say the same for my car, though.

Plastering a smile on my face I say, "Hey, man! Uh...Connor was it?" I stand up from my seat and extend my hand to shake his own

I see Karma roll her eyes from my peripheral view.

Carter laughs and says, "Nah man, it's actually Carter." I nod pretending as if I didn't fuck up his name on purpose for my own amusement and Karma's annoyance.

"Ah! My bad, My bad. Look I gotta get going but it was nice seeing you." A total fuckin' lie. I'd rather he be six feet under or something.

I turn around to look at Karma who is staring at me with that beautiful, empty blank expression, "Karma. I'll be seeing you. You two have fun now." I stroll past Carter who says bye to me again as I make my way out of Karma's office walking past the secretary who eyes me suspiciously not even trying to hide it all.

She's filing her nails, shaking her head, and scanning me up and down, I walk closer to her desk and lean down a bit to get a better look at her when I ask, "What's your problem?"

"What's yours?" she throws back at me

"I didn't think I had one until you started eye-fucking me just now." and she lets out a loud laugh that lowkey offended me I won't lie.

"Sir, there is nothing you have that I want."

"What makes you so sure of that?" I'm bullshitting. I have no interest in her in that way but she slightly irritated me and now I wanna know what her issue is.

She licks her lips and scans me up and down again saying, "Well for starters...I traded dick for pussy a long time ago, baby." This causes me to jerk my head back in shock as she looks me in the eyes.

She...likes other people that identify as 'She'

Never would've guessed.

"And my 'problem' is that you're lazy as fuck. The woman you love is being swept off her feet by some other dude and you're just casually strolling out of her office. Fool, you just got out of jail, I expected a bit more of a show. A production."

...I think this might be my favorite friend of Karma's.

Can't forget Justine though.

I let out a chuckle and lean back away from her, placing my hands in the front of my pockets, "I have a few things up my sleeve."

"Are you sure? Because all she's been talking about is Carter this and Carter that. You. have. To. Come. Harder. He's got baby Gio wrapped around his pinkie now. Your own brother. How are you okay right now? How did you leave that man alone in your girl's office with her still in it."

"You're just going to have to trust me..." I pause waiting for her to tell me her name.

"It's Leslie."

"You're just going to have to trust me, Leslie."

She nods her head and tilts it to the side, "Should I trust you before or after Carter asks her to marry him?" she says and my face turns into a scowl.


[A/N] Some of yall actually got upset that he called her pretty in chapter nine LMAOOOOO Leslie is gay nothing will be happening between the two.

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