Paradox [Boboiboy Fanfiction]

By blazingsuns

16.7K 826 647

Paradox /ˈperəˌdäks/ Noun : a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when inves... More

All About Lia
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A/N 1
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Special Chapter 01
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Special Chapter 02
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author's Note and Announcement
Special Chapter 03
Special Chapter 04


639 22 1
By blazingsuns


Lia's POV

~ July 23, 2017 ~

"Do I really have to go there?"

It was one normal school day. I came home to a news that my parents are requiring me to move out of the country.

"Yes, you have to." My mother softly told me as she sat beside me. "Your dad has an important matter with his work, and for your kuyas, they have to finish their college program here."

So many questions were in my head, but my main question was: "But.. I don't understand. What has that to do with me going to another country? And when are we leaving?" I was sad, not only because I'd be leaving this house, I'd be leaving the life I already have here in the Philippines.

"Well," My dad sat beside me as well. "I got transferred to Malaysia to be physically closer to my work. Don't worry, sweet. You're not going to be alone. It's me, you, and your mom. And don't worry about the time we're leaving; we still have over 7 months to prepare."

I sighed in defeat; do I have a choice?

"But what about the kuyas? Ron? Tony?" I pouted. "They will stay here until they finish their college program, then they will come and follow us, if it's okay with them." They are my two older brothers, and as much as I don't want to admit it, they are nothing but good to me. The thought of leaving them behind saddens me.

I heard a laugh from Tony, "Wow. That's the first time I heard you worry for us. What has gotten into you?" I rolled my eyes, "I'm concerned of course! What do you think? Well, maybe it's best that you and kuya will stay behind because I'm the favorite child!"

The next thing I knew, I was running away from my two chasing brothers. Giggles and laughs are heard all over the house.

I told my friends about the departure, and boy, I couldn't bear to see them sad. I told them when we were hanging out at the mall. The moment I told them; everyone was crying. I felt that I myself was going to cry. Ugh, why does it have to be like this?

What's even worse that I'm going to be leaving days after the moving up ceremony.

"Don't worry guys," I sniffled. "I'll try to visit! For sure we'll have trips here on a semestral break and Christmas break." I smiled, assuring them. "You're not going to forget us, right?" My friend, Ana, asked, still crying.

"No! Never. You shouldn't forget me too!" I managed to joke amidst what's happening. "OF COURSE!" They all yelled in unison, making me laugh. "Okay, okay! Group hug!"

~ March 15, 2018 ~

Months have passed by, and I was able to finish Junior High School with Honors! Yay! I feel so proud of myself because I knew for myself that I worked my way there. After the moving up ceremony, I arranged personal dates with my friends (one by one) to be able to hang with them before I leave for Malaysia. The day before the flight, I was surprised by all of them. How sweet! I really cried!

Right now, we're already in the airplane, heading to Malaysia. I was just on my phone, scrolling down through the pictures in the gallery. I landed on a photo of me and my friends, I felt a sudden pang in the chest. Guess I'm already in reality, huh? Moving away from the place wherein I grew up and had a life in it already.

We landed in Pulau Rintis airport. After we got our bags from the carousel, we saw a man who was holding a banner with the text "de Vera family" in bold. Damn, I didn't know someone would pick us up, I thought we were just going to use public transportation. To my surprise, we were brought to a limousine. I had so many questions in mind for my parents, but due to tiredness from the flight, I decided not to ask anymore and just go with it.

We were brought to a village and right in front of a house, I was shocked. Just from the outside, it looked beautiful. What more if we see the inside? We went out of the vehicle as the driver has already started putting out our bags. I helped him too, being the kind and helpful girl, I was raised to be. But I noticed something, the driver only took out the bags of my mom and I. He immediately closed the compartment that contains my dad's bags. What in the world?

I was about to speak but I heard my mom calling out for me, so I went to her and saw the insides of the house. All I can say is... wow. Comparing to the other houses I saw, this looked very modern. Heck, this is even better than our house back in the Philippines.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, when I looked up, I saw my dad smiling. "Beautiful, isn't it?" I nodded as a response, still amazed of the house we're going to stay at. I saw my mom chuckling at us, "Well, this is going to be our new home now."

Suddenly, the driver came in as well. "Sir, we're ready to go."

Go? Go where?

"Baby, say good bye to your-" My mom was immediately cut off by my dad asking her to give us a minute. She nodded then proceeds to start unpacking in the house. My dad also did the same to the driver, he obeyed then went out.

My dad gestured me to sit on the couch, he sat beside me as I faced him. I can see that he was sad, and I'm sad too. "Lia," He let out a short pause to clear out his throat. "I'm going to this place, and they are requiring me to stay on-site for quite a while." The moment I heard that, I felt the tears were forming in my eyes.

He continued: "Now listen, I don't want you to feel alone while I'm gone, which is why I have a gift for you." I nodded as I wiped my tears away. He left the couch for a while to get something.

All these thoughts are in my head, it's too much. Everything's happening too fast. I need to breathe. Please. Slowly, I broke down. I'm this type of person who doesn't do well when sudden things happen, in short, I get overwhelmed easily.

My dad came back, holding a sphere object. It was color Purple, my favorite color. I wiped my tears, then I received the object he was holding. "What is this?" I was staring at the object as he spoke, "Oh you'll find out. Sonobot activate."

The sphere turned on, which startled me. The moment I saw his eyes, I gasped as I placed him down on the couch, and went away from him. It suddenly grew hands out, and started floating, which scared me even more. "W-What is this?"

"Sonobot reporting for duty, sir." It spoke. Her voice was feminine, but deeper than mine. And wait, sir? She's probably talking to my dad.

"Lia, this is Sonobot. She's going to help and guide you throughout everything, while I'm gone." He then turned to Sonobot, "Sonobot, she's your new master. Please obey her orders and do your best in helping her."

Helping me? For what?

"Yes sir." It flew to me, and spoke to me. "Hi Lia!" Wow, she's excited. "I'm excited to be with you. Don't worry! I'll be good to you. Please be good to me as well." My heart melted after hearing that. "Of course, I will."

"Good that you two are getting along at the first meeting. Now Sonobot, would you mind helping Lia in taking her bags into her room?" "Yes sir!" The sphere proceeded in taking some of my bags.

I walked to my dad and gave him a hug. It's really thoughtful of him giving me a companion as he will be gone for a while. It's great also that she's here because she can help me and my mom in the house.

"By the way dad, where did you get her?" I asked while looking up to him.

"Uhm, it was made."

"Yeah, but where did you get her? Were you the one who built her?"

The next thing he said kind of confused me, "You don't need to know that, my daughter." Why is he suddenly calling me that? So weird. I let out a laugh. "What's with that way of addressing? And why is that, my father?" I mimicked him.

"The less you know, the more peace of mind you get."

A/N: Idk what happened, but this story got deleted all of a sudden! So I had to republish it huhuhu.

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