Camp Camp X Counselor! Reader

By ItsyBittySpider01

357K 9K 16.6K

When (Y/n) gets hired as a camp counselor she wasn't expecting much. She just wanted a summer job to get away... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
The Best Script Reading, Ft. (Y/n)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hey Guys
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
115 Follower Special
Chapter 28
Chapter 28.5
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
this will only be up until the next update!
Chapter 35

Chapter 32

3.8K 117 227
By ItsyBittySpider01

"she's only eight, we can't expect her to understand-"

"Then what else should we do?"

"Let's just take her to them, then we'll figure it out from there!"

A loud beeping echoed through the cabin as the morning sunlight shined through the windows. David was the first to wake up, feeling (Y/n). He still had his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Turn it off!" Gwen's voice was muffled as she hid her face between her pillow

(Y/n) didn't say anything but made a sound. Similar to an annoyed grunt. She turned herself over to be face to face with David.

"Dave, go turn it off," She whispered

David frowned, "Wait why do I have to?"

"You're on the edge of the bed," (Y/n) turned over again

"But I'm comfortable," David hugged her tighter

No one had turned off the alarm. So Gwen pushed both of them off the bed. A loud thud could be heard, along with David's scream. Both him and (Y/n) now lay on the floor with David finding his Oak Log he placed down the night before.

"There, now one of you two can turn it off," Gwen got comfortable in the bed again

(Y/n) stood up, clearly annoyed by the continuous beeping, "I knew instead of a Camp Counselor I should've become a chicken dentist...or a stripper over at Muffin Tops,"

David stood up after her, his eyes shining a look of disprovable, "Watch it Bunny,"

"Shut up, you'd be into it,"

David turned over to her, about to retort. His eyes landed on her and her figure. (Y/n) had began to stretch. His green eyes quickly scanned her body.

(Y/n) heard his footsteps rush towards the bathroom. The door slammed itself and she heard the lock. (Y/n) raised her eyebrows, but didn't say anything else.


The morning was the usual. After the trio of counselors were ready for the day, they fed their kids breakfast. Once everyone had eaten, they all started on the day's activity, Crafts.

After the previous night's misfortune, the three co-workers decided on the next few days with simple activities. Which means just taking it easy.

David looked back over to (Y/n). She kept her attention on the kids and didn't notice him glancing at her again.

His eyes wandered down to her lips as the previous night replayed over his head. David flushed and rushed over to a group of campers to avoid the feeling.

"Excellent job kiddos!" He looked down at Max. "Oh Max, you remind me of Van Gogh,"

"I definitely want to kill myself like Van Gogh," Max mumbled under his breath

Nurf tried to continue his craft, but it immediately collapses. He looked around disappointed, "Can we please do something else?"

"Loud and clear Nurf buddy! How about having a go on these wind chimes?" He asked as he sat down the box he found.

Nurf looked back at him, "You really don't get me, do you, David?"

David frowned at Nurf's comment. The doors opened as Cameron walked in with a large decide, his face having a large smile.

"Good morning Campers!" He said as he continued to push the cart, "Ah arts and crafts, I love it!"

"Please do keep in mind that any piece created in this room becomes the sole property of Camp Campbell Incorporate, all rights reserved," he said as he finished pushing the machine

"Charming," Gwen whispered as she walked closer to him

"Is that what I think it is?" Niel's eyes sparkled with excitement

"A creepy crawlers oven!" Nikki shook her hands

"Negative," Cameron smiled, "It is a brand new, USED, 3D printer!"

"Why did you get one?" (Y/n) asked

"It'll come in handy around the camp with-," He looked back at it trying to come up with a way, "-camp things?"

"What kind of camp things?" Max asked, not buying into what he was saying

"Oh, you know!" He waved his hand, "Baseballs and tetherballs and... cannoning balls?"

The campers blinked in unison, before Cameron spoke again, "Things for activities and most definitely not a two am impulsive buy for printing untraceable firearms!"

"Old habits huh?" (Y/n) crossed her arms while smirking slightly as she stood next to him

"I really need to turn off one-click purchasing," He admitted to her

"I for one prefer the original 3D printer," David lifted a pinecone while looking at it with glee, "Mother nature!"

"Yeah huh," Cameron looked at him while Gwen continued to give David a death stare

"Anywho," Cameron began to push the printer towards the back, "It's going right here in the Camp Campbell business center. No unauthorized one, two, or three printing of any kind,"

"You can count on us," David nudged Gwen as he spoke. Although she only continued to cross her arms

David noticed her unusual behavior but chose not to mention it. Cameron locked the door and hide the key inside a fake rock. (Y/n) watched as he walked out of the mess hall, not bothering to listen to his warning.

Max and she made eye contact before landing on the key. Unknowingly, the two both smiled at the idea of the printer now being in camp.


With the campers having new equipment thanks to the 3D printer, one could only ask what could you print out.

(Y/n) didn't go overboard when she got a chance. She only printed out a new pair of hiking boots.

Her old white shoes were faded and admittedly, not really meant for camping. She'd like the boots that Gwen and David had, so she decided to print some out inspired by theirs. Expect (Y/n)'s boots were more in her style.

That and she also printed out a plushie of her favorite character.

It was totally necessary for her everyday life.

(Y/n) stood outside next to Gwen as she played her VR headset. (Y/n) continued to hug her new favorite plushie as David walked over to them holding a broken racket.

"Who's ready for some match point- gasp!"

It was the fact that he said the word gasp instead of gasping that caused (Y/n) to laugh.

"Yes!" Gwen took off her headset to fake being upset. "I am also ashamed! As well as in addition too,"

"Oh Gwen, (Y/n), how could you two?" David looked at the things they printed

"Because David, with VR I'm able to immerse myself into entirely new worlds, full of mysterious and amazing life!" She then lifted her hand over her mouth and whispered, "also porn,"

(Y/n) squeezed her plushie as David continued,

"You know, sometimes I wonder if you truly happy with your work," David shook his head, putting his fists on his hips

"I'm not," Gwen glared at him

"I truly do," he ignored her

(Y/n) continued to hug her plushie, before David grabbed it and lifted it up. She tried to grab it back, but David kept it in the air.

"What even is this?" He asked a bit confused

"It's (F/Character)!" (Y/n) tried to reach but David kept it over his head, "Can I have it back?"

David looked down at her boots, he smiled slightly seeing her finally have shoes meant for the outdoors.

He handed (Y/n) her plushie and she immediately snuggled up to it. David and Gwen looked at her, amused at her behavior.

The three watched as Nurf introduce a copy of himself. (Y/n) looked over to her coworkers, still hugging the plush.

"See, Nurf can clone himself and he's happy. Let me be happy with this one thing,"


The next day, it became apprent the new problem at camp. The Nurf Clones had cloned themselves and started to harrass the other campers. Everyone except Max, who stayed inside his little pod he printed.

A Nurf clone rushed over to Gwen, smacking her on the face.

"This is very not good, David!" Gwen rubbed her nose

"I know! If Mr. Campbell finds out he'll be upset with me!" David rubbed his arms in comfort. "And his voice gets really loud!"

(Y/n) continued to snuggle on her plushie, now ignoring the rest of camp. One of the Nurf clones ran over to (Y/n) and grabbed her plushie. She watched as Nurf ripped the head off and ran off to the other direction.

"Ok, time to murder them," (Y/n) said as she lifted her bat

"No!" David put his arm over her to keep (Y/n) from running to the clones. "I'm sure there's a more humane way of dealing with these clones,"

"Nurf!" Gwen shouted over the crowd of the clones

They all looked over at her.

"The real Nurf!" She specified

"I am Nurf!" They all chimed in together

"No, no, were not going to do that thing where all the clones claim they are the original and fight over it. It's played out and I'm not in the mood." Her voice rang out, "Just let me talk with the first Nurf!"

"I don't think it's played out at all!"

Nurf's all agreed with him. (Y/n) looked over the sea of the identical Nurf's, now seeing how many they actually are. Unknowingly, David and Gwen were matching her look of concern.

"We're doomed," David whispered to them

(Y/n) had lowered her bat as she watched one of the Nurf's open Max's pod. He slid out onto the floor, while the clone ran off laughing.

"So this is the feeling that drives murders over the edge?" He asked outloud

"Max, don't do it we don't have insurance!" (Y/n) lifted a hand up and shouted over to him, earning a curse from Max.

Max's groan could be heard as (Y/n) frowned. She knew it was because of the fact that he was on the floor. 

Gwen looked around the camp before making eye contact with the other two.

"Should we get involved?" She genuinely asked

(Y/n) placed her hand on her chin and began to think outloud, "It seems like a personal issue with Nurf, why not let the kids figure this one out,"

"Normally I would encourage them to use their self thinking skills and teamwork," David chimed, "But don't you two think this is a little more serious?"

"Dave, the kids literally fought international spies, cultists, and live with Quartermaster. I think they'll handle an army of Nurf's,"


(Y/n) was wrong.

Well it wouldn't be the first time.

After the Nurf clones were sucked away by Neil's science thing. Everyone left to continue with their own things. Mr. Campbell didn't bother to even finish everything on his list.

It should bother her, she should care about him finishing. Tomorrow was Cameron's meeting with his Parole Officer.

But she was out of energy.

(Y/n) sat on the beach, feeling the familiar sand run through her fingers. She felt her eyes grow more heavy as her gaze continued to focus on Spooky Island.

She sat there, drinking out of another can. The alcoholic drink burnt her tounge, a bigger taste lingering her mouth. Sitting there for hours, thinking of how things played out led to (Y/n) grabbing the cans. She hadn't drank in over a year, not since college.

Maybe one more drink will let her sleep forgetting her feelings. Maybe if she drank again, the confusing feelings she had bubbling inside her would settle.

(Y/n) took another sip. She felt her eyes fall heavier.


"Why can't I see my parents?" Little (Y/n) asked, "I want to go home,"

Just days after staying with the Campwells, (Y/n) had finally asked. The older couple looked at each other before looking back at the recent orphan.

"Hun" Myrtle began, "You know we'll always look out for you, right?"

(Y/n)'s eyebrows furrowed, she again asked.

"That's not what I asked for, where are my parents?"

This time, Clark answered her.

"(Y/n/n), you must now understand that we are your caretakers,"

"But where are MY parents?"

Myrtle and Clark looked at eachother. Myrtle closed her eyes and turned away. (Y/n) frowned, not understanding.

"(Y/n)," Clark said, no longer using nicknames for her, "Don't ask anymore questions. The next time you disrespect us, we will send you some where that'll teach you manners,"

"Oh yeah, like where?" (Y/n) crossed her arms, pushing his buttons

"A summer camp meant to teach young girls to be young women," Clark raised his voice, "Maybe then you'll learn to respect us!"

"This is stupid!" (Y/n) began to stomp off to the bedroom she was staying at, "I was just asking where they were at!"

"Last chance, drop it!" Clark warned

"You're overreacting! I just asked!"

(Y/n) slammed the door. She stood there for a moment as she heard a hush whisper. (Y/n) eyes widen a bit as she placed her head on the door,

"Clark, there was no reason to blow up the way you did! She asked a valid question,"  Myrtle scolded him

"But she back talked to us-"

"This is why we haven't had kids in all these years, your temper always gets ahead of you," Myrtle sighed, "She's only going to ask again. We should just tell her the truth,"

"An eight year old isn't going to understand anything, we aren't going to tell her until she's ready," Clark raised his voice. As he settled down again, he spoke, "But the summer camp isn't a bad idea-"

"Clark Campwell!"

"I'm just saying Myrtle, that girl needs to learn some manners! And in the end of the day it'll give us time to finalize the adoption," Clark made his point

(Y/n) looked down, feeling a bit upset. She heard Myrtle speak again,

"Which summer camp where you thinking of?"

"The Flowerscouts, over in Sleepy Peak,"


(Y/n)'s eyes opened to reveal the stars above her. She turned to her side to see the empty can with the drink already spilled out. The sand felt cool, although it could be because of the breeze the night had. She smacked her lips, the alcohol smell was strong.

She sat up, rubbing her eyes. Another memory. (Y/n) rubbed her sides as she stood up, feeling her sore body.

No use dwelling in the past.

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