The Hunted • Teen Wolf

By BlackPhyre

84K 3.3K 2.5K

BOOK 2 to 'True Survival - Teen Wolf' The riddles have been solved, the truths have been revealed and the sto... More

Time for Introductions
3B - One
3B - Two
3B - Three
3B - Four
3B - Five
3B - Six
3B - Seven
3B - Eight
3B - Nine
3B - Ten
3B - Twelve
4 - Thirteen
4 - Fourteen
4 - Fifteen
4 - Sixteen
4 - Seventeen
4 - Eighteen
4 - Nineteen
4 - Twenty
4 - Twenty-one
4 - Twenty-two
4 - Twenty-three
4 - Twenty-four
5 - Twenty-five
5 - Twenty-six
5 - Twenty-seven
5 - Twenty-eight
5 - Twenty-nine
5 - Thirty
5 - Thirty-one
5 - Thirty-two
5 - Thirty-three
5 - Thirty-four
5 - Thirty-five
5 - Thirty-six
5 - Thirty-seven
5 - Thirty-eight
5 - Thirty-nine
5 - Forty
5 - Forty-one
5 - Forty-two
5 - Forty-three
5 - Forty-four
6 ~ Forty-five
6 ~ Forty-six
6 ~ Forty-seven
6 ~ Forty-eight
6 ~ Forty-nine
6 ~ Fifty
6 ~ Fifty-one
6 ~ Fifty-two
6 ~ Fifty-three
6 ~ Fifty-four
Final (1) ~ Fifty-five
Final (2) ~ Fifty-six

3B - Eleven

1.4K 55 19
By BlackPhyre

3 x 23 ~ Insatiable


Leo's PoV

"Hold still. Don't fight it. Hold still," Deaton said as he held Aiden under the stream of water in the locker room, I looked away from the sight as he had his hand down the boy's throat and Aiden grunted, "Almost there,"

Then I heard coughing, and Aiden stepped out of the water and stood beside his brother, then he turned to Isaac and I said, "Isaac, you're next,"

"I'm aware. All right?" Isaac said as he grabbed the boy and pulled him under the water, I looked back down at my phone and tried to call Lydia for the fifth time, only it to go straight to voicemail again,

"Don't fight it. Don't fight. Isaac, stay still. Got it," Deaton said with sigh and Isaac stepped away from the man, he turned off the shower,

"Are they okay now?" Allison asked him and he nodded slightly,

"I hope so. The part that's worrisome, is that this was most likely just a distraction for what was happening to Stiles," he explained to us and I bit my lip trying not to panic,

"There's really two of them now? How's that even possible?" Kira asked him,

"But how did the other one just take Lydia?" Allison added her question as well,

"We turned around and they were gone. So was her car," he told us,

"So no one notices him just kidnapping her right out of the house?" Aiden asked and I heard the anger in his voice,

"Most of us were concentrated on the bizarre sight of a creature, materializing from out of the floor," Deaton said back to him in a tired tone, and the others nodded slightly,

"Hold on. How are you so sure which Stiles is which?" Kira asked him,

"That's what they're trying to figure out now," He said to her and I looked over at him,

"How?" I asked him, he looked from to Kira,

"The same way, each of you were checked," Deaton said to us and I saw Kira's eyes go wide, she turned and ran out the locker room and I moved after her, we got in my car and sped down the the McCall house hoping to get there before a mistake was made,

"Stop!" Kira yelled as we ran into the house, I spotted her mother, Scott's mother, Scott and a wobbling Stiles standing in the living room,

"It's okay. I'm the one who asked her to come," Stiles said to Kira,

"You're the one who's going to get stabbed with swords. Mom, don't do this to him," Kira pleaded to her mother,

"It's already done," her mother said to her, the shrill noise of the Oni echoed in the room, as shadows appeared around Stiles, they stepped forward and gripped his head, staring into his eyes, they released him and he fell to the floor, "Look behind his ear,"

We all moved and looked down to see the same Kanji scarred onto his head, and we all sighed before looking back at Kira's mother.

"It worked," Scott said with sigh of relief,

"So, I'm actually me?" Stiles asked,

"More you than the Nogitsune," she said to him,

"Can The Oni find him?" Stiles asked,

"Tomorrow night. It's too close to dawn now," She told him and I looked over to the curtains and I saw the faint glimmer of day break,

"Can they kill him?" Stiles asked as Scott started to help him up,

"It depends on how strong he is," She answered grimly,

"What about Lydia? Why would he take her?" Scott asked her and she sighed,

"He would only take her for an advantage," Kira's mother said to her,

"You mean her power?" Stiles asked,

"The power of a Banshee," She answered and a silence fell on the room, Kira's mother looked at the other and her eyes landed on me, she narrowed her gaze before her eyes went wide, "Tsubaki?"

"Who the hell is Tsuba-" I started to ask but my body went rigid, and I could hear my mother's voice coming through my mind into my body, "のしこ,"

I stood up and she looked at me, I looked back at the others and they all gave me confused looks.

"Since when do you speak Japanese?" Scott asked,

"I don't... but my mother does," I answered him, but that only raised more questions, I looked back at Kira's mother, "and it sounds like you two know each other... so someone needs to tell me who the hell Tsubaki is?"

With that we all dispersed. Scott and Stiles went to the Sheriff's station to talk to Stiles' father, while I went with Kira and her mother seeing that I needed answers, and she seemed to be the only person old enough to have them.

"How are they going to find him?" Kira asked her mother as we walked into the home, "And what are we supposed to do until then? Sit around and wait?"

"Sit and learn," her mother said to her, pointing towards the couch, I slowly followed after Kira before sitting beside her,

"You have a very nice home, Mrs. Yukimura," I said to her as I looked around at the cultural differences of the home, "

"Thank you, Leo," she responded as she came over with the board game,

"You want to teach me to play a board game? Now?" Kira asked as her mother placed the board on the table, showing us the two containers,

"Scott said he saw Stiles and the Nogitsune playing the game of Go. That's a very important detail. Perhaps, even crucial. Play starts with an empty board. Black is always placed first. Then white. You place stones to create territories. And you capture your opponent's stones by completely surrounding them," she explained to us, she opened the containers and I looked at the pieces but Kira snapped and rose to her feet,

"This is life and death, Mom! It isn't a game" She snapped at her mother,

"It is to him. And he's winning. You want to save your friends? You want them to survive? Learn to play," her mother said to her, and slowly Kira sat down beside me again,

Derek's PoV

"You had a gun pointed at my head," I said to Chris, stopping the elevator door in the process, "You could've pulled the trigger. Why didn't you?"

"Because you're not my enemy anymore, Derek. And I'm not yours," he said to me and I nodded slightly,

"The truth is that we should be out there looking for him. Right now. Especially if he can do something like this," I said to Chris, I tried to shake off the negativity I just felt and the fact that I was going to kill Chris in his home,

"I'm not sure that's actually going to be necessary," He said to me,

"Why not?" I asked,

"Because if he can do something like this..." he started to say giving me a knowing look, and I caught on,

"He's stronger than ever," I said more to myself than him looking off in the distance,

"Which means he'll be coming for us," Chris added on and I let the elevator door slide shut,

By the time morning came around, I had tried to call and message Leo but his phone was off, which I couldn't tell was a good thing or bad thing, but seeing that I kind of ghosted him when I was arrested this seemed fair.

Leo's PoV

My phone was dead, like dead dead, and I didn't have my charger on me, I only had time to get home and change before heading school with Kira to search there, and afterwards we planned to check the hospital. I convinced Coach to let me charge my phone in his office for the first few periods.

Time passed and I wasn't paying attention to my classes, when I got a text from Danny, saying that someone was in there class, I managed to get out off my class and find Kira, but when we got there we all everyone crowding around her, the girl from Eichen that Stiles had mentioned to us.

Derek's PoV

Everyone was out looking Lydia, but the twins were searching out in the woods, when they had stopped checking in, so I decided to go find them, but when I got there I could smell the wolfsbane and gunpowder in the air. So, I had to act fast, I had managed to come up to the pair and they were wounded, bleeding black blood and Ethan was carrying his brother, so I pulled him away and lifted Aiden's onto me before looking back at his brother.

"Run!" I told him before we took off running as more gun fire rained down around around us,

Leo's PoV

Kira and I stood and watched as the men from Eichen entered the school, Kira let out a sigh before giving me a panicked look to with I just shrugged back, in the short time I spent with her I came to realize that Kira panicked... a lot. She turned and walked over to Coach.

"Coach. You can't let them take her back. It's hard to explain, but if you let her go back then really, really bad things are going to happen to Lydia, to Scott and Stiles and maybe everyone, including you. So please, please don't let them take her," Kira spat out to him and he looked at her with a confused look,

"Who are you?" He asked shaking his head, and I sighed,

"Oh my god, I can't believe you're going to be my in-law," I muttered out as I rubbed my face with an exasperated sigh,

"Um... I'm Kira. I'm new," Kira said to him,

"Oh, hell," Coach groaned,

"Finstock. Coach Bobby Finstock. This is a delightful surprise. Hmm. What is that saying? Those who can't do, teach?" One of the men asked with a nasty smile on his face,

"Yeah, that's funny," Coach said back to him and noticed that he lost his usual upbeat demeanor when this guy started to talk down to him,

"Is it Professor Finstock when you're off the field? I'm glad to see you made it pro something, Bobby," He said to him, and I shared a look with Kira,

"It's Coach. Coach... You know... Professors teach college," Coach explained to him lowly,

"Oh, well, you let me know when you make higher education," he said to Coach and I saw him struggle to him keep himself from doing something, so I turned to the man,

"And you us know when you can come up with better insults, that teasing is so middle school," I said to him and he turned and looked at me,

"And who the hell are you?" he asked and I smirked,

"His nephew, a**hole," I said with a smirk,

"Leo," Coach said stopping me, I glanced at him and I noticed a small smile on his lips,

"Now, Coach," he said turning back to Coach, "where's Meredith?"

"She's fine. She's just sitting in my office," Coach told him as him, he turned and opened the door, but Meredith was gone,

"Find her!" he said to the men with him, and they went in different ways, I looked at Kira before pulling out my phone to call Stiles,

They got here, and we searched the school, from classroom to the basement, boiler room, even the gym, but we couldn't find her.

"Where could she be?" Scott asked as we walked down the hall,

"We looked basically everywhere, right?" Stiles asked, and we all nodded,

"Well if she escaped from Eichen she would go somewhere familiar, or somewhere quiet," Kira said to us,

"There's literally no where that's quiet in the place, it full with noise making children," Stiles said gesturing around them,

"But what about somewhere that usually noisy but isn't because no one would be there but here?" Kira asked and I turned to look at her before it came to me,

"The music room," I said to them and we turned and ran to the room, who to find Coach stalking up on the man from Eichen,

"This school has a very strict no bullying policy," Coach said gripping the man's hand, taking the taser from him and pressing it into his chest and then we all moved into the room, as the man fell to the ground and Coach looked back at us, "Well? Get her outta here,"

We moved and lead Meredith out of the room and I heard the sound the taser going off again. Scott and Stiles got Meredith into Stiles' jeep before the left the school and Kira and I turned and headed over to my car,

Derek's PoV

"Where are we?" I heard one of the twins ask as I stepped back inside,

"It's a coyote den. Stay quiet," I said looking between the two of them,

"Did you see the shooter? You know who it is?" Ethan asked me,

"No, I was a little busy," I said to him with a slight scoff, as I looked between the wounded duo, "Who else did you two piss off?"

'We pissed off everyone. It was only a matter of time before someone caught up to us," Aiden said before laying back on the floor of the den,

"Well, the bullets had Wolfsbane in them. So, if I don't get you two out of here soon, the poison is going to spread. Stay quiet. I'll be back," I said looking between them before heading back outside, trying to think of a plan,

Leo's PoV

I drove Kira back to her house before heading over to Derek's loft to find him, something told me that things were going to get worse as night slowly approached. I was halfway there when I got a text on my phone, so I pulled over to check my messages.

Aunt Marcie: Leo I need you to come to hospital now!

Me: Um, we're kind of in the middle of something could this wait?

Aunt Marcie: Get here now! No excuses.

I looked at the messages with confusion, that wasn't like her but I chose to ignore her.

Me: Lydia's kidnapped and I refuse to stop looking for here. Sorry.

I continued to drive towards the loft, but when I got inside, no one was there, no Derek, no Peter, no one. I sighed before a text came in.

Scott: Oak's Creek, that's where Meredith told us.

Me: I'll be there.

I looked back and saw the sun was setting, which meant the Oni were coming again, so I had to leave now. It was almost nightfall by time I made it out of the city, and I was breaking a few speeding laws to get there quickly, but the unexpected happened... a flat tire.

"Son of a-" I groaned as I pulled my car to the side, I got out the car and looked at my tires and I saw that the back one was blown, "sh*t,"

I looked down the road but I couldn't see any other cars, so I would need to continue by foot or I could text one of the others to come get me. I was about to do the latter when I heard the sound of car approaching, and I looked up to see a jeep heading in my direction, and it slowly pulled off to the side.

"Need some help?" a voice shouted from the jeep, I tried to see the person but the headlights blinded me, I heard the jeep door open and closed, followed by footsteps, "looks like you got a flat,"

"No, thanks," I said to him, I shielded by eyes and stepped back out of line of the light to get a better look at the person, that's when I noticed how tall he was and had long brown hair, "I can call my friends,"

"Sure about that? I'm happy to help," the man said and I looked at him, making sure to keep my guard up, for all I knew he could be a hunter, he chuckled before extending his hand to me, and a smile broke out in his name, "how about we do introductions?"

"Okay, I'm Leo," I said timidly taking his hand, and he shook it,

"Hi Leo, I'm Sam," he said with a smile, I tried to pull my hand back but his gripped tightened, I looked up at his eyes and they turned a fiery shade of orange, they weren't kitsune eyes... they were something else and in that moment of hesitation he pulled me forward and I felt a sharp stinging pain in my neck, "and I'm sorry about that, Dean said to be gentle..."

"What are you..." I tried to ask but the world around me started to spin, my words started to slur, "Dean? what? No... I have to help Lydia..."

He let me go and I tried to run but the spinning world came crashing down as I fell face first into the grassy floor. I looked around the darkness of the forest crept around me as I slowly loss consciousness.

Derek's PoV

I managed to get Chris' help to get the twins back to my loft. As we walked in I noticed that Leo's scent was here but faint, like he was here but he left, I shook it off as I dropped Aiden into the chair, and Chris did the same for Ethan. We walked away from the pair before I pulled out the shot gun shell.

"I found these on the ground," I said to him revealing the time,

"This wasn't Araya, was it?" he asked me, Araya was another hunter that was in town but she wasn't as active as Chris' family was,

"I don't think so. They don't look like her shells," I said looking at the shell before handing it to him, he looked at the shell and his eyes went wide,

"That's not possible," he said in low voice, but his phone started to vibrate and he pulled it out, "Allison?"

"They found her. Scott found her, Dad. They found Lydia," I heard Allison say to him,

"I'm on my way. Allison, hold on. You have to wait," he said to her,

"I can't, Dad,' She said back to him,

"Allison, wait for me..." He pleaded with his daughter,

"There's no time. It's all ready night. There's no time, Dad," she said to him,

"Wait, Allison, wait!" He said to her but the line went dead, he looked at the phone then looked up at me,

Leo's PoV

Everything was blurry, dizzy, and dark. My body felt like it was made of sand, and my brain had rocks rolling around inside, I almost didn't want to move as I listened to the silence around me, but then I heard something, at first it was like a whisper but then it got louder, and louder until I hear it clearly.

"ALLISON!" I heard a voice screaming in my head, my body went rigid as I recognized Lydia's voice, my blood ran cold and I flew up, I panted and looked around, only to notice I wasn't outside anymore,

I looked around and notice the break pattern along the wall, the low ceiling, a dark wood desk with a singular chair and a lamp, and I was on a bed with a quilt, it was strange. I slowly got off the bed and made my way to the door, I opened it and stepped out into a hallway with similar doors, all with the same craving on the door.

I used my hearing to listen and I heard heartbeats, so I made my towards them slowly. I made my way pass the doors, pass a open kitchen, into a large, open area. I looked around and spotted a large telescope, a room filled with books, paintings of old men lined the walls, and desks with lamps sat in the middle of the room, and I looked pass them and I saw two men sitting by the table talking in low voices.

"Hey!" I shouted and they turned to look at me, that when I noticed it was Dean and the man who knocked me out, Sam, "where the hell am I?"

Dean and Sam shared a looked before looking around at me and gesturing to the large room.

"Welcome to The Bunker,"

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