Sailing With Destiny

Oleh Bookworm_Tina

85.6K 3.8K 15.6K

"Do you have any idea how damn frustrating you are?" He trapped me between him and the wall. Stubbornly, I l... Lebih Banyak

Pont des Arts
Monte Carlo
Sumptuous Repast
St Tropez
Friend or Foe
Kiss it Better
Off-route: London
Brotherly Things
The Marino's
A Night in Ibiza
Costa Blanca
Old Wounds
Vacation Over
New York
Bubbles and Beer
Class Day
A Magical Day
I Hate My Birthday
Millie Bee
That Escalated
Liquid Courage
Corporate Sexy
Dinner at Dad's 2.0
Voice of Reason
Talk To Me
A Little Better
Not What You Need
Revelation And Secrets
Forgive Me?
The Night Begins
Can The Night End Already
I don't Know You Anymore
He's Still My Friend
I Got You, Always
Wedding Date
The Calm
The Storm
I Promise
I Hate Halloween
Best Friend or Girlfriend?
Decisions, Decisions
I Can't Live Without You
I Will Survive
Holiday Surprises
I Trusted You
I Trusted You Too
A Mental Maze
Mark My Words
Call It Destiny

Morning Coffee

1.3K 50 208
Oleh Bookworm_Tina

After a night of passion, Mitchell and I stuck to our word and didn't cuddle, I rolled over to my side of the bed and when I felt Mitchell's presence, I told him to go back to his corner. He obliged and I was so exhausted that I fell asleep within minutes. But when morning arrived, I was not surprised to awake tangled in Mitchell's arms and if I was honest, I had no complaints until my bladder decided to mess with my sleepy state.

I wasn't sure what the time was but the sun shone brightly through the windows of the bedroom with the perfect view of the surrounding ocean. I tried to worm my way out of Mitchell's hold but he groaned softly under his breath and pulled me closer. My bladder felt as if it were about to burst and Mitchell's arm strongly wrapped around my midriff did not help my situation at all.

"Mitch," I said in a groggy morning voice. "I need to pee."

For once the rooster was out cold and didn't even seem to hear me, I sighed and tried to think of a way to get out of his grasp without waking him.

"Mitchell," I called louder and tapped his forearm.

"Hmm," Mitchell groggily moaned.

"I need to get up," I insisted.

"Wha..." he trailed off.

"I need to use the bathroom," I told him.

"What?" He asked more coherently in a voice that was extra gruff and husky. He immediately let go of me, "Are you alright? Do you feel nauseous?"

Well, that explains why he let go of me so soon.

"No," I untangled my legs from his, "I just need to pee."

"Hmm, okay," he sleepily mumbled and turned over to sleep on his stomach.

I got off the bed and took a moment to take in Mitchell's sleeping figure, he was covered from the waist down and I admired his broad, strong shoulders and the ridges of his back muscles that were slightly flexed from his sleeping position.

I wrapped a silky robe around me, peed, brushed my teeth, and went about my morning skincare regime. Sleep was completely lost when I headed back into the bedroom but Mitchell was still out cold. I contemplated if I wanted to wake him like the number of times, he did to me but as I took in his peaceful state of slumber, the little good in my heart decided to let him rest.

I must've really worn him out last night.

I slowly opened and shut the bedroom door behind me, careful not to disturb Mitchell before I made my way into the kitchen for a cup of coffee and some Aspirin for the slight headache I had.

Not long after, I found myself seated on the sundeck with a cup of coffee in my hand and my phone. I sat on the couch with one leg tucked under the other as I basked in the late morning sunshine and admired the clear blue water I was surrounded by. Being out at sea was something else, everything was so quiet and peaceful, I wasn't sure where we were but there was barely even a bird in sight. The only sound heard was the cavitation from the formation of bubbles in the water from the yacht propellers, it wasn't even loud, more like a soothing acoustic sound.

I breathed in the fresh, crisp air and took a sip of the strong, black brew before I glanced at my phone. I opened up my social media page and took in all the 'Happy Mother's Day' posts, I scrolled through them with a ghostly smile on my lips even though my heart hurt when I thought about how much I missed my mom.

My eyebrows raised a fraction and I was surprised to see that Leo – who barely even used his phone let alone shared anything on social media – posted a cute picture of his mom and him as a kid.

Leo, who was my childhood best friend looked nothing like the kid I stared at on my phone screen. He must've been around the age of five in the picture and had long light brown locks and the chubbiest cheeks as opposed to now where those cheeks were traded in for cheekbones and a strong jaw and his hair was a lot shorter and darker. I'd known Leo for almost my whole life, he was my grandparents' neighbors' kid and because I spent most of my time in Long Island with my grandparents, I quickly became friends with him.

Leo was two years older than me and we were almost inseparable at one stage until I lost my virginity to him on prom night and spent almost all of that summer hooking up with him. Other than platonic love, I never felt more for Leo and I figured he didn't either because when I went away for college, Leo and I lost touch. We only reconnected after my mom died, our friendship never died and we grew closer in Boston over the last two years where Leo attended MIT to obtain a master's in computer science engineering.

Unfortunately, much like with almost everyone in my life, Mitchell and Leo never saw eye to eye but I still somehow managed to balance my friendship with him and my relationship with Mitchell. Since Faith's post-wedding party in LA, I hadn't spoken to Leo, so I liked his post and decided to drop a little comment.

One_in_a_Milanuim: Aww a face only a mother could love. Puberty couldn't even help. Miss you!

A heartfelt smile spread across my face as stared at the picture for a moment longer, I truly did miss Leo and looked forward to seeing him when I got back to New York.

After I scrolled through a few more posts which mostly consisted of mom dedications, I came across my brother, Eric's, post of him, his twin brother Dave and Mandy. I smiled and plastered a bunch of hearts under the picture.

Sadness crept into my heart and a bit of jealousy when I was reminded that my mom wasn't around anymore. The last ever Mother's Day I spent with her didn't go as well as I'd hoped, she had an episode and sat confined to her bedroom. I understood it was part of Alzheimer's but I still made an effort to spend some time with her, in a state of anger she yelled and called me some awful names.

Her caretaker thought it was best I left or I would aggravate her further and that wasn't good for her. With a heavy heart, I left behind the gifts I got her and drove back to Boston at night. I loved my mother endlessly and hated what came of her in the end, it was awful to see how a tender, loving person changed because of something she had no control over.

I took in a breath and my eyes pooled with tears as I looked up at the bright blue sky and whispered, "Miss you, mommy."

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone vibrated and a smile with a frown grew over my features when I was notified that Leo replied to my comment. I glanced at the time at the top of my screen and it had to have been around four am in New York, so either Leo was awake very early or went to bed very late. I shook my head and stopped overthinking Leo's sleeping schedule and checked his reply to my comment.

Not_Leonardo: Stop playing, I'm sexy since birth ;)

My smile widened, I was a little surprised he responded because Leo was the worst person when it came to his phone, it would've been easier to get a reply from a wall than him. I noticed I had a few texts that I hadn't responded to yet, so I opened them and after I replied to Faith and Wang who checked in, I opened my dad's text.

Dad: I dropped off your mom's favorite flowers at her grave on behalf of her Millie-bee. I hope you're having a great time. Love and miss you. Dad.

My Dad certainly had grown so much as opposed to three years back, his gesture warmed my heart and spread a smile across my face. With the time difference, I knew he was probably asleep but I still typed out a reply and hit send.

Me: You're the best, thank you. Love you.

As I glanced at pictures of people dear to me, I realized that I missed them. Not too long ago I was in Bora Bora for Faith and Owen's wedding shortly thereafter I headed to Los Angeles for their post-wedding party and now I was in Europe.

I loved my time with Mitchell, every second felt too short but I couldn't help the little homesickness I felt. I took another sip of coffee and my fingers rubbed over my forehead as I recalled the previous night's events.

The way Mitchell reacted still didn't sit well with me and even though we might've kissed and made up perse, I still needed to discuss his behavior.

"Mila!" My name was called from inside the yacht.

Hablando del Rey de Roma...


"I'm out here," I called out before he got an aneurysm from panic.

The sundeck was adorned with a set of four grey and white pinstripe couches, in the middle of the set was a fancy grey table. On the portside of the deck was a short set of stairs that led up to a pool, bar, and dining area. I heard the glass door that led to the private sunpad close and when I glanced over my shoulder, I took in a shirtless Mitchell who approached me wearing nothing but his boxers that sat very low around his hips.

"There you are," he grinned crookedly and I couldn't help but smile at his boyish grin. He kissed the top of my head and took a seat next to me when he said, "Good morning, Beautiful."

I took a moment to check him out, his eyes reflected the same color as the ocean under the bright sun and his hair which was heavily disheveled had specks of gold among the brown waves. It appeared he just got up not too long ago yet still looked so good.

"Good morning, Guapo," I winked.

Mitchell draped his arm over the backrest of the couch, "Which universe have we dwelled into?"

I raised a brow, "Are you drunk?"

Mitchell pursed his lips, "I might be because there's no way you could be awake before me, so naturally I'm seeing things."

I scowled at him, "Funny."

"Maybe this will help," he mused, reached for the mug of coffee, and grabbed it.

"Hey, that's mine," I interjected but he didn't even register my words because the mug was already at his lips.

Mitchell took a gulp and pulled his face in disgust, "Ugh," he whined and handed the mug back at me, "How do you drink this without creamer or sugar? It's disgusting!"

I rolled my eyes at my sweet tooth boyfriend, Mitchell kept a healthy lifestyle and worked out every opportunity he had but if he had a weakness, it was sugar. He tried to stay away from candy but if anything relatively sweet sat in from of him, he wouldn't think twice to stuff it into his mouth.

"Who puts sugar in coffee?" I looked at him weirdly.

"Who doesn't?" He retorted.

"Always answering my question with another," I mumbled under my breath and took a sip of my coffee.

Mitchell softly chuckled and scooted closer, "Seriously though, is everything alright?" he asked and sincerely stared into my eyes, "Why are you awake so early?"

I glanced at the time on my phone and turned my attention back to him, "It's a little after eleven, it's not early."

"Really?" Mitchell sounded surprised and ran a hand over his face, "For you it is early but I guess I overslept."

"It's alright," I smirked at him, "You needed your rest, I kinda milked you dry last night."

Mitchell pulled his face into a look of disgust and cleared his throat, "Yeah... don't say it like that."

I wasn't really in the mood to retort so I simply half-grinned, looked at the ocean, and took another sip of coffee. I had days where I'd reminisced about my mom and it dampened my spirits. I had my highs and lows, and sometimes when I hit too low, it affected me more than I allowed myself to believe.

"Milo," Mitchell softly called.

I blinked, plastered on a fake smile, and looked his way, "Hmm?"

With furrowed brows, he brought the back of his knuckles to my cheekbone and gently caressed, "What's wrong?"

I lowered my gaze and tried to shift away but Mitchell placed his other hand on my leg and stopped me. "You were crying," he murmured and I closed my eyelids when he brushed the pad of his thumb under my eye, "What happened?"

Damn him for being so observant and knowing me so well.

I cleared my throat, "Um, it's nothing..."

"Mila," his voice was soft but tone firm, "Talk to me."

I took in a breath and slowly fluttered my eyes open which were greeted by Mitchell's concerned blue-grey gaze. I sheepishly shrugged and swallowed a lump in my throat, "I guess I just got a little emotional seeing everyone's Mother's Day posts online." My eyes glanced at the phone on my lap before I looked back at Mitchell, "It made me miss my mom."

Mitchell didn't say anything, instead, he scooted closer, wrapped an arm around me, and pulled me to his chest. I took in his warmth, shut my eyes, and snuggled my face into his inviting chest. Mitchell kissed my forehead, tightened his hold on me, and rested his chin on top of my head.

"I probably sound pathetic to continuously go on about the same thing," I mused.

"Are you insane?" Mitchell replied, "I could never understand how you feel but I do know that the void she left in your heart will never be filled."

"And whenever you feel this way, I will always be here for you to listen and just... hold you."

I appreciated his words and being in his arms already helped me feel a little better, "I miss her," I whispered and the lump in my throat grew bigger.

"The last Mother's Day memory I have of her isn't the best," I chortled under my breath to try and feel better, "She basically kicked me out but I did spend a few moments with her and I'll always be grateful for that."

"I suppose that's why I was so adamant about going out and letting my hair loose last night," I added, "I wanted to clear my mind and follow her advice to dance away the woes."

"Shit." Mitchell breathed, "and I acted like an ass."

"Acted?" I lifted my head and looked up at him, "You are an ass."

Mitchell pursed his lips, "I deserve that."

Mitchell stared at me for a long moment, "I should've known you wanted to get out to clear your mind but I didn't see it that way."

"It's not just that, Mitch," I coolly said and pulled away a fraction, "I didn't like the way you acted last night."

Mitchell arched a brow, "Which part?"

I shot him a look, "I'm not kidding. Just because we had sex, it doesn't mean I'm no longer upset about last night's behavior."

Mitchell deeply sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "Can't we at least have breakfast first and then talk about last night?"

"No," I flatly said, "Your behavior last night was unacceptable."

"Unacceptable?" He repeated and even though his tone was cool, I could tell he wasn't pleased with my words, "I think we both acted out of line."

I huffed under my breath, "I agree but the only reason I purposely did everything against your wishes was that you threw out instructions instead of just talking to me."

Mitchell remained silent for a long moment, he ticked his jaw and then relaxed before he said, "So, you admit you got under my skin on purpose?"

"Obviously," I admitted, "If you'd asked instead of told, I wouldn't have rebelled."

"Look," I placed my mug on the table in front and turned in my seat to face him, "I'm not used to being told what to do, all my life I've done as I saw fit and so far, a lot of my decisions haven't backfired."

"I've been an adult for longer than I needed to be, believe it or not, but I can take care of myself without having anyone hovering over my every move."

"Anyone?" Mitchell murmured, "I'd like to think I'm more than just anyone."

Of course, he only hears that.

I took in a breath and looked at Mitchell squarely, "I don't need to remind you how much you mean to me," I used his words against him and the sheepish look he gave me told me he caught on.

"I deserve that too," he muttered before he took both my hands in his and looked at me lovingly, "I admit I was wrong on most parts last night and for that I am sorry."

Mitchell ran a hand over his face and I could tell something bothered him. I looked at him with furrowed brows as he continued, "It's just... after the incident in Moab when that bastard tried to...," he clenched his jaw, trailed off and let out a breath, "Not just after that incident but after the..." he trailed off and swallowed before he continued in a small voice, "The accident."

Hurt flashed in his eyes when he mentioned the two incidents he still blamed himself for, I repeatedly told him that none of that was his fault but he was adamant it was.

"I have a track record of fucking up when it comes to you and in the end, you're the one who gets hurt and... I can't stand the mere thought of you being in any kind of pain," he stared into my eyes, "I admit I'm a little too overprotective but... I couldn't help myself last night."

He brought his hand to my face and cupped my cheek, "The last thing I want is for my Milo to be hurt or brought to harm's way."

I understood his points and it warmed my heart but he still went about it the wrong way and he needed to know that. I leaned into his hand and shut my eyes for a second before I looked into his wide gaze, "I was with you all night, nothing would've happened."

"I was with you on those two occasions too yet..."

"Mitch," I pulled one hand out of his grasp and rested it over his that sat over my cheek, "That was different, last night I was basically attached to your hip."

"I understand that you're protective and I know it's because you love me but telling me what to wear, how to sit, who to talk to, what to drink etcetera... that's not protective that's domineering and that's not a healthy trait."

"I don't mean to be... domineering," he said softly.

"Do you remember what you told me in Vegas, after the Moab incident?" I asked and he nodded, "You said that I and every other woman should be allowed to wear whatever the hell we want. We should be able to go out at any time of day or night without fearing that some pervert will try something."

Mitchell half-nodded, "I still stand by that."

"But?" I arched a brow because I knew there was a but in there.

Mitchell took in a breath and stared intensely at me, "Now you're mine, I love you and that changes things a little. However, I admit that acting out like an insecure asshole was wrong on my part."

"Well," I drawled, "At least you're honest."

Mitchell dropped his hand and held both of mine, "A lot happened since then, not to mention the damned superstition about Brinson's and Clarke's not being able to mix without something catastrophic happening."

"I suppose all of that worked on my mind, add in a little jealousy and I acted like... Bitchell."

A soft chuckle escaped my throat, "That you did."

He gazed sincerely into my eyes, "I'm sorry for acting like a control freak... I'll do better next time."

I earnestly smiled and pressed a kiss over his hand, "I'm sorry for my part in ruining last night," I paused and took in a breath. "I now see that if you insist on not spending time with certain people, it must be for a good reason and Trey wasn't the nicest of people to be around."

"That's one way of putting it," Mitchell muttered under his breath. 

"What I mean is, this is all new to me and I suppose as someone who basically raised herself, it's hard for me to adhere sometimes. I understand that I can come off as selfish and rebellious but I promise I'll work on it."

Mitchell grinned and took my hand in his. "We'll both work on communicating better, deal?"

I nodded with a smile. "Deal."

"But," he said seriously, "if any fucker tries to touch you, I'll break him."

I raised a brow in response. Mitchell sighed and said with a small, crooked grin, "Okay," he half shrugged, "just a few of his bones."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "Baby steps it is then."

"Let's get breakfast before you decide to wrestle a shark or something," I shifted my leg and stood up but before I could leave, Mitchell gripped my wrist and pulled me onto his lap.

Mitchell stared into my eyes intensely and his hands wrapped around my back, "I mean it," his minty breath brushed over my lips when he spoke, "You're mine and I'll be damned if anyone tries to hurt you in any way."

I stared into his blue-grey gaze and brushed back the hair that fell over his forehead, "Understood, sir."

Mitchell's brows raised in amusement, his eyes darkened a shade and he slowly ran his hands over my back. He stared at me with mischief and desire as he made his way over to my thigh where he slipped his hand underneath the robe.

My heartbeat picked up a notch as he trailed his fingers upwards and in towards my inner thigh. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip and his eyes widened when he reached the apex of my inner thigh.

"Are you naked underneath this?" he huskily asked.

I rolled my bottom lip between my teeth and decided I'd let him feel the answer for himself. So, I changed my sitting position to one where I straddled his lap, I reached for Mitchell's hand that still sat on my thigh underneath the rob, and with my eyes fixated on his, I slowly slid his hand up until it reached the area between my legs.

"You tell me," I breathed as his fingers grazed over my core.

His pupils dilated, he gulped and grabbed the back of my head with his free hand and pressed his lips over mine. I let out a throaty moan when he bit down on my bottom lip and pressed his fingers against my now throbbing core.

I tangled my fingers in his hair as he deepened the kiss and slipped his tongue in my mouth, I got the taste of toothpaste mixed with coffee as he took full control of the kiss. I rocked my hips against his fingers and smiled into the kiss when I felt his arousal through his boxers.

I took in a much-needed breath when we broke the kiss and Mitchell left a hot trail of kisses from my jaw down to my neck, he slowly rubbed me over my folds and the sensation drove me insane and made me needier. I bit on my lip and shut my eyes when he pushed one side of the robe over my shoulder and gently bit down on my hot skin.

"Fuck, Mila," he hoarsely breathed between kisses and bites, "You've turned me into an adolescent again."

I smirked and ground my butt over his hard bulge, "So, it seems," I looked down at him with an innocent stare, "Or is that just your wallet, Bitchell?"

Mitchell's eyes darkened, "Smartass," he murmured and reached for the fly on his boxers but before he could set himself free, I stopped him.

"What about the crew?" I dramatically gasped and said in a low whisper with a taunting tone, "And social etiquette?"

Mitchell looked at me in dismay, "Fuck the crew!"

I arched a brow, "I thought that's what you're about to do to me? Should I be concerned?"

Mitchell removed his hand from under the robe and brought his fingers that were coated with my arousal to my mouth. My skin felt hotter than ever when he ran his fingers over my lips and slipped his index finger in my mouth.

My eyes widened as he looked at me with lust-filled, darkened eyes, "Show me what else that pretty, smartass mouth can do and suck."

After the way he spanked me the previous night, I shouldn't have been surprised at this action yet I still was.

"I'm waiting," he said in an authoritative tone, "Or." he glanced at his crotch, "Do you want something else in that mouth?"

"Go on, give me a preview of what else that clever tongue can do," he teased and I slowly rolled my tongue around his finger.

"Good girl," he breathed and the black of his pupils dominated the usual blue-grey in his eyes as his chest raised and sunk while he watched me.

He slowly pulled his finger out of my mouth and before I could even blink, he claimed my lips with a firm, hard kiss. He gripped my bare thigh and rolled his hips against me, I felt his erection against my core which sent a wave of pleasure and a strong need for attention straight up to my stomach.

"I want you, now," he breathlessly stated when he pulled away.

"Do you have a condom on you?" I asked hopefully.

Mitchell pursed his lips and threw his head back in disappointment, "Fuck!"

He grabbed my upper thighs, "To the bedroom it is."

"Or," I placed my hand on his chest and tutted with feigned pity, "you're going to have to resort to plan B."

"Plan B?" Mitchell raised a questioning brow.

I reached for his hand that sat on my thigh and gripped two of his long fingers, "Oh you know," I mused and looked straight into his eyes as I wrapped my fingers around his and moved them up and down repeatedly, "A little manual override."

Mitchell hid his grin as he looked at my fingers around his, "Nah," he grabbed my hand, stopped me, and moved his eyes to between my legs, "I'd rather test the suspension."

Mitchell grabbed my butt and lifted me as he stood. I let out a giggle as I circled my hands around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist while he carried me towards the glass door. I pressed feathery kisses over his neck and allowed one hand to trail down his chest. Just as he slid the door open with his foot, I found his nipple and pinched him hard.

"Ow!" he stopped in his tracks and looked at me as if I committed a crime, "The fuck was that for?"

"For spanking me last night," I replied.

"I thought you liked it?" he countered with an edge of annoyance to his tone.

I pinched his other nipple and he glared at me, "Mila!"

"That's beside the point," I stated.

I wasn't sure if he was amused or angry but I thought it was both when he smirked at me, "You're going to pay for that."

"Oh?" I arched a brow as he carried me to our bedroom and much to my relief, there was no cabin crew around.

He let one hand go of me and I let out a loud gasp when he spanked my ass. I stared wide-eyed at him and feigned annoyance even though that spank sent a shockwave of pleasure straight to my aching core.

Mitchell bit my lower lip, pulled back, and smirked at me, "Oh yeah."

A/N Hi everyone! I know this was a bit of a filler but Mitch and Mila needed to talk about their behaviour from the previous night.

I'm sorry I didn't get into the details of what's to follow but chapter length was a problem. However, I promise there'll be many more detailed scenes in the very near future.

New chapter will be up soon,

Let me know your thoughts,

Till then,
Be safe,

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