Ravenwood Academy Of Beasts A...

By Minxwild

70 4 1

Join Wolfy girl and her friends at the Ravenwood Academy, read along there journey as they discover their pow... More

It's just the beginning
A weekend away from the academy
The Sollmakor's
Telling the truth
The Change
I must protect Kipo
The feed
I have to save the school
They're gone...for now
She's absolutely beautiful
It's like a dream come true
Class sucks
I think im falling for her

It's not just a dream

9 1 0
By Minxwild

The forest looked colourful in the sunlight, it beamed through the patches in the trees and onto the forest floor, walking with Kipo I felt a warm glow in my body, turning to her she smiled and spoke "go on, you know you want too, don't worry I wont tell". A massive smile lit up my face, hiding behind a bush near the lake, I neatly folded my clothes and hid them in it. I closed my eyes and shifted, peeking around the outside of the bush I saw a rather excited and patient Kipo waiting for me. "Well, well, if it isn't the most prettiest wolf I've ever seen" said Kipo. I excitedly pounced over near Kipo and rubbed my soft head against her, she made a fuss of me then spoke again "come on, lets go hunt something". I grinned not that Kipo could tell, but I leant down for her to climb on my back but she smiled and vamp sped off deeper into the forest. Catching up to her she suddenly come to a halting stop, I could hear the birds chirping away in the tall trees, the leaves swirling across the forest floor and then little hops of a rabbit, by the looks of things Kipo had already seen it and was getting ready to attack, I quickly jumped over the rock and caught it. Very proudly I walked back over to Kipo and dropped it in front of her. She definitely didn't looked impressed but grinned and thanked me. Quickly dropping to the floor, Kipo sinked her fangs into the rabbit and started drinking.

Whilst Kipo was finishing her meal, I pointed my nose to the sky and my eyes flashed a very dark yellow, there was pray not far from us that was much bigger than the rabbit, I could feel my veins pulsing and my heart racing. Signalling Kipo I ran as fast as I could and jumped a big tree log and straight onto a deer. My teeth sunk into it and it tasted good, I let out a howl just loud enough for Kipo to hear me, she got to me and was rather proud I managed to catch the deer. Kipo let me have the first bite as she had already had a rabbit. We ate as much as we could and trundled up back to the lake, Kipo grabbed my clothes as I shifted back and got dressed. We both sat talking for ages and giggling about the deer, it was starting to get dark, so we decided to head back to our dorms. I walked Kipo to her dorm room and said goodnight, she gave me a big hug and whispered in my ear "Thank you for such an amazing day, I loved it". I smiled and spoke "No, thank you". she gently closed the door still smiling at me and I walked to my room.

The thoughts about what Amelia had said were running through my mind again, "is this what she meant? surely me and Kipo cant get any closer?". Falling asleep to the sound of rain tapping on my window, I slipped into a dream.

Me and Kipo were in the forest, but she disappeared out of my sight it was misty and I couldn't see a thing, I shouted out for Kipo but there was no answer, a averaged sized shadow figure appeared in front of me, I shouted "Hello, who's there?" the figure stepped forward it was Haden. "what do you want?!" I shouted. Swiftly the mist turnt to black and then white again, he had Kipo in a holding spell in the air, I growled and shouted "Haden what are you doing?! put her down now!!" Whilst holding Kipo in the air with one hand, he pushed me back into the air with his other, I shifted mid air, throwing me backwards on my paws and stood my ground growling and baring my teeth. He laughed and started vamp speeding with Kipo still in his hold. I shook my head and ran as fast as I could.

I awoke with a bit of a shock, my breathing had alternated, it was fast and deep. Taking a slow deep breath and having a glass of water, I felt a little better. Feeling rather confused and quite angry at my dream I splashed water on my face, chucked some fresh clothes on and headed straight for the canteen, I had to see if Kipo was okay. Bursting through the canteen doors I saw Kipo sitting with our group, I rushed over to her and pulled her away from the table. "Hey, Kipo, I'm sorry I pulled you away like this but I had to make sure you was alright, I had a bad dream that hade-". Kipo stopped me mid conversation, "Hey I told you, you don't have to worry about Haden, he's another one of my best friends and he wouldn't hurt me". I let out a small growl and Kipo gave me a frowny look, "Sorry, I just worry about you, but if you say he's okay then I believe you". Kipo hugged me and we both walked back to the table, Amethyst asked if I was okay, I nodded. 

I told Kipo I was going for a run. Kipo replied "okay but please be careful and don't be seen by anyone". I left the canteen and ran across the field toward the lake, I hid behind the bush, folded my clothes and shifted, this time I felt a massive rush of anger run through my body, but it wasn't toward Kipo but because of Haden, my veins pulsing thickly and my eyes very yellow, once I started running the anger built up and then just dropped like a dead fly. I let out a loud howl whilst running, the dirt was kicking up from my paws and my sharp claws left dents. I slowed down and started to slow down my breathing, I finally came to a jog and all I kept thinking about was Kipo, her scent smelt like flowers and sweet vanilla, her luscious hair and beautiful blue eyes. As I started to walk towards the lake a figure dropped right in front of me from the tree tops. "Hello wolfy girl", It was Amelia. I growled because she made me jump, coming out of nowhere, hiding behind the bush, I shifted back into my human self and came back out, I dusted my clothes off and spoke to Amelia, "Now what do you want? if you've just come here again to tell me about your sister then I don't wanna know".

Amelia grinned her sneaky, suspicious smile and spoke "well it might be but it seems like you don't wanna know". She went to vamp speed off but I told her "no wait. fine tell me, I had a hunch you was going to tell me anyway". Smiling again she spoke, "I can sense that you didn't believe what I said to you the other day about Kipo, but all I'm going to say now is, you need to get her away from a boy that's going to try to steal her magic and kidnap her, her power is more powerful than you and her both know, I've tried talking sense into her but she won't have none of it, if you get close enough to her that she's trusts you more than she already does. Only then you can save her life".

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