New friends

By perfectlydee

9.2K 305 41

Your 20 somethings are when you really start to figure life out. The time where you need to live and flourish... More

Chapter one
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter TEN
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen 
Arthur's Message 
Chapter seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Capter Nineteen 
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter Two

532 19 0
By perfectlydee

Raven's POV

        It currently 8am and I'm just now getting out of bed. I'm disappointed in myself I have a lot of shit to do today and I wanted to be up by 6am I know I'm only two hours off my mental schedule but I'm trying my hardest to be productive and not procrastinate like I normally would 2021 would be a year of change and growth for me. Finally dressed and ready i leave my apartment.I had to do some last  minute stuff pertaining to my apartment and also go car shopping before it's to late. I got a Uber  to the closest target. I grabbed a shopping cart and made my way around the store I just picking up decor items .

            After grabbing towels , plates , plants ,and pretty much all I could think of I checked out. All my big furniture would be delivered today at 1 pm. After arriving back at my place I took everything out of the bags and laid on my air mattress until the delivery people arrived. 12:51pm I received a knock on my door and soon my apartment was filled with movers / delivery men. They worked for the furniture company and they built all of my Furniture before leaving with the three of them working they were able to build my bed , dresser , tv stand and book shelf and bar stools done with in a hour and half . That shit would have taken me all week. I began to decorate putting all the stuff I bought at target into it place.

                  My phone began to ring it was jazzy. "Hello"I said answering the phone while looking around my half put together apartment and grabbing my purse." come down I'm here"she said. " okay locking up right now" I said pulling my key out of the lock.
Jasmine was taking me to a car dealership and I honestly already new what I wanted I'm not rich,but I worked my ass off and saved up for this car and I had already talked with a sales person about the car and knew they had what I wanted . " hay jaz" I said getting in the passenger seat. " ohhhh I like your hair" jazzy says touching one of my curls.

              "Thanks I just put conditioner in" I said touching my own hair. We made small talk all the way to the dealership. After hours of talking and signing papers I left the lot with a 2021 keep wrangler. It was all black inside and outside it was so pretty. Jasmine told me congratulations and took a boomerang of me and my car and posted on her story tagging me as well.

               Soon I received new follow notifications. Opening  my notifications I almost had  a heart attack. This shit gotta be glitching my favorite YouTuber followed me back it said Berleezy followed you 2 minutes ago. I was geeked his follow notification stood out amongst the hundred of others I just received!! "Girl why you smiling so hard?" jazzy asked "bro my following is going up because of your post , even Berlezzy followed me" I said showing her. "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you literally all of my friends know of you like Dwayne said you and I stay on the phone or playing games together I'm pretty sure more of my  YouTuber friends and my amazing followers will follow you" she said.

            She just didn't know the only person who's follow back meant anything was Berlin's I was a huge fan of his. " I will talk to you later and you owe me one remember"jazzy said smirking. I should have know then that she was up to something but I was on cloud 9 my life has been very eventful the last couple days. " yes girl I definitely do" I said waving goodbye to her and making my way to my new baby. When I got back to my apartment I set my tripod up and took pictures next to my new baby to post on my Instagram.

             It wasn't to late but I still wasn't use to the LA time difference my body was still on Florida time so even tho the sun was still out ,it was barely setting I was tired. I walked into my apartment and started to organize I wanted to get my apartment/ YouTube stuff set up so I can stream and interact with my YouTube family it has been days since I posted and people have already started to Dm me asking when I was posting.
I spent the rest of my afternoon putting as much effort I could into getting my apartment done my newly installed bed could wait.

***********AUTHORS NOTE ************
  I wrote and published my first chapter last night / a few hours ago and received one star which isn't at lot but shows me that someone out there is interested in my writing and I really appreciate that. Thank you to that person and here is chapter two it's not as good as chapter one but it's progressing I don't want this book to move to fast but not to slow either also comment and let me know what y'all think and would like to see in the book.

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