30 Day Letter Challenge

By pumpkin_love409

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30 Day Letter Challenge
Day One - My Best Friend
Day Two -My Crush
Day Three - My Parents
Day Four - My Siblings
Day Five - My Dream
Day Six - A Stranger
Day Seven - My Ex Boyfriend/Love/Crush
Day Eight - My Favorite Internet Friend
Day Nine - Someone I Wish I Could Meet
Day Ten - Someone I Don't Talk To As Much As I'd Like To
Day Eleven - A Deceased Person I Wish I Could Talk To
Day Twelve - The Person You Hate The Most/Caused You The Most Pain
Day Thirteen - Someone I Wish Could Forgive Me
Day Fourteen - Someone I've Drifted Away From
Day Fifteen - The Person I Miss The Most
Day Sixteen - Someone That's Not In My State/Country
Day Seventeen - Someone From My Childhood
Day Eighteen - The Person That I Wish I Could Be
Day Nineteen - Someone That Pesters My Mind - Good or Bad
Day Twenty - The One That Broke My Heart The Hardest
Day Twenty One - Someone I Judged By Their First Impression
Day Twenty Two - Someone I Want To Give A Second Chance To
Day Twenty Three - The Last Person I Kissed
Day Twenty Four - The Person That Gave Me My Favorite Memory
Day Twenty Six - The Last Person I Made A Pinky Promise To

Day Twenty Five - The Person I Know Who Is Going Through The Worst Times

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By pumpkin_love409

Dear Spencer,

I'm so sorry. I heard what happened and up until this point, I judged you. I had just heard stories from Caroline and she made you seem like a complete jerk. And that's what I thought you were. But now my view on you has changed. I am so sorry for ever judging you.

Truthfully, I don't actually know you. I've never formally met you. I just know that right now, you need someone to lean on.

I heard from Fiona that your mom died. She told me that your mom had been battling cancer for ten years. I am so sorry to hear that.

Fiona also told me that you have two younger brothers, one of which has random outbursts of anger. I know it will be hard for your dad to take care of you boys without your mom there to help.

I know it will be hard for all of you without your mom. Now, I could tell you that everything will be okay, that she's in a better place now, or that you'll get to see her again someday, but I know that's not going to help you.

So I'm here to say that even though I don't know you, I still care and I'm still praying for you.


A friend

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