Suddenly A Monster

By MHJRunner

165 20 28

Drexler Round, his life changed on his eighth birthday. The day he experienced the change for the first time... More

Chapter One: Changing
Chapter Two: First Encounter
Chapter Three: Smidgens
Chapter Four: Second Encounter
Chapter Five:Inkling
Chapter Six: Renovation
Chapter Seven: Identity
Chapter Eight: Reunion
Chapter Nine: The Hunt
Chapter Ten: The Deep and the Dark
Chapter Eleven: Hear Me
Chapter 12: Love Bite
Chapter Thirteen: Roughing Feathers
Draconian Vs Draconian

Chapter Fourteen: The Hunter

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By MHJRunner

Drexler's wings sprouted from his back expanding wide and with a mighty pull he flapped his wings while pulling Mia tight against his chest to keep her secure to him. His wings created a huge gust sending everyone flying to the floor.

The hunter rolled back taking cover behind the bar. Drexler's transformation completed itself with steam billowing from his flaring nostrils. His horn lengthened on his forehead, it's sharp point glinting off the shaking ceiling lights. His eyes peered out from beneath his protruding brows, his target hiding behind the bar.

His clawed foot sank into the floorboards beneath his feet. His talons digging and shredding the wood with each step. His tail swooshed menacingly behind him, tables and stools were sent flying to the sides of the room.

"I have to say, I am not disappointed!" The hunter laughed from behind his cover. His laugh ringing loudly in Drexler's ears. "A Draconian alright. It itches at you on the inside doesn't it? It calls to you and beckons you to take over and run rampant. A race of Dragon kin, a lost group forgotten throughout time. Though their blood still runs deep in the world the Humans inhabit today. You have the blood of your ancestor. Usually it skips generations but it's been so long but finally. I finally found another one. I found you.

With a ferocious growl, Drex grabbed the bar counter and ripped it away, splintering wood and metal. The hunter was knelt down sneering up at Drexler. Normally he would have found this funny but for some reason, Drexler found no humor. Instead, he found uncertainty crawling through his veins. His boiling blood demanded for carnage and yet, something within those obsidian depths of hell stopped him. There was something strange about this guy, and Drexler couldn't put his finger on it.

Taking a step back away from the bar, Drexler finally looked around the room. The Hunter's hooligans are standing back up and approaching with weapons drawn. Small fire arms and blunt objects, things that simply annoy Drex.

"Why don't you just leave him alone! Why are you even after him? For what purpose? None of this makes sense." If looks could kill, the Hunter would be a withering blob melting under her hardened glare.

"Questions. So many questions. Funny though as it was I, who had the questions. Hmmm, what to do..." He taps his chin thoughtfully. His white dress shirt is crisp and clean under his black vest. His weathered eyes were an endless abyss pulling you into their cold void. They swiveled towards Mia. Instinctively Drexler tightened his hold on her.

"I suppose a Human wouldn't understand. We are Draconian. A superior race to these Humans. We are proud creatures, and we bow to no one.""

"What?" Drexler asked, surprised by Hunter's reply.

The Hunter meets Drexler's eyes and that's when Drexler knew. He felt it, a familiar connection, a connection he couldn't explain. But, he felt something when looking at the Hunter. Something deep. Something primal. That uneasy feeling he had was because the Hunter may very well be just like Drexler.

"How can that be?"

"Why not? You dare try to understand Nature? This is the work of Nature, a change in the evolutionary chain. A step up if you ask me. I have to say, you remained hidden for quite some time."

"What do you mean by that? Why were you even searching for me?" Mia looked back and forth between Drexler and the Hunter. Her mouth formed an expressive 'o' look that had a hint of a smile ghost Drexler's face. She had such adorable comical expressions, ones he'd never tire of.

"I know this may all seem rather sudden, but in the grand scheme of things I believe it's long overdue. I'm just like you, or shall I say, you're just like me." The Hunter slowly grinned. His skin went from a healthy tone to river red. His ears elongated into points, long white hair draped down the side of his growing neck. It's length is growing with his body. Wing's larger than Drexler's grew and pushed through the building ceiling raining down debris.

Beams groaned collapsing to the floor. Smoke rose into the air filling the open space with a hazy fog. A broken water pipe spewed water out from the pile. The rubble shook before a red wing broke through the to expand to the sky.

"Watch out!" Drexler folded his wings around him and Mia as the building collapsed around them.

After a moment Drexler unfurled his wings and took in the scene. "Oh, shit." Mia says softly.

The bar was gone entirely within mere seconds, destroyed into nothing more than concrete and splintered wood. The Hunter was massive compared to Drexler. Drexler felt like a poodle next to a mammoth. The Hunter's sheer size had Drexler gaping at him in awe and equal amounts of trepidation.

"Uh, Drex...what do we do?" Her mouth hung open, staring up at the Hunter, fear making itself visible on her face. "Dre--drex...uh...." She clawed for words but couldn't grasp any.

Even the Hunter's goons were buried in the rubble, their limbs sprouting from the debri like plants. The Hunter used those goons to track him down and now that he has Drexler, there was no need for the extra hands. They probably didn't even know he was..."Just like me..."

"If we're the same then why are you going through all of this trouble to make my damn life a living hell? What's the damn purpose!?" Drexler snarled. "Answer me!"

The Hunter, if that's what he should even be called, peered down at Drexler, his black orbs absorbing all sunlight. Steam leaked from his nostrils, his serpentine tongue slithering along the sides of his lips. His wings were at least two bus sizes, whereas Drexler was more like a Minivan size.

"It's been so long since I've seen another of our kind. I thought I killed them all but it turns out that a few still linger, hiding under rocks, coveting themselves away like cowardly rodents. They cower and rightfully so. Fear of the Humans you stink of and fear of the unknown. Hatchlings new to the world are so naive, not knowing the first thing about themselves, or where they come from. Lost to time, but that's to be expected since not many live any more and the ones that do shall die!" The Hunter Lunged for Drexler, his massive jaw snapping the spot he and Mia were in mere seconds ago. The Hunter's sharp fangs leaked of saliva as they chomped nothing but air.

"Hold on!" Drexler roared at Mia as she clung to his arm. With a strong flap of his wings he shot off from the ground and into the clouds above. Away from the buildings far below and somewhere more remote preferably.

"Ok, what the fuck is going on? There's more you? I mean I'm not even sure what I mean." Mia says exasperated.

"I think he's the same as me, only much older. But what I don't understand is why is he hunting his own? I don't understand any of his motives or really anything for that matter."

"You're assuming he needs a motive. I don't know about you, Drex, but that dude scares me."

"I know. He scares me a bit too. Just hold on, we'll land somewhere down below." A large shadow loomed over them. Instinctively Drex turned sideways aiming his nose downwards, gaining speed as they broke through the clouds.

A loud shriek tore the clouds apart, dispersing them as the large red creature flew after them. Clouds whipped past Drexler's snout. Mia's loud shrieks coiled around Drexler's heart. Tightening his hold, he promised he wouldn't let go.

The speed and ferociousness of the Hunter were unlike anything he's ever had to face, forcing him to push himself to his limits. To be faster, to be quicker, and to stop the behemoth before he does real damage.

"You can't escape!" The Hunter was gaining on them with increasing speed.

The Hunter pulled back it's wings that were large enough to block out the sky as he neared, his clawed feet stretching as they reached for him. Drexler spiraled out of the way as the Hunters claws grasped nothing but air, the clouds wisped around their bodies as they both plummeted towards the earth. Mia's loud screech would be deafening if not for the danger.

"Don't let me go!" Panic filled her. He tightened his hold and quickled nuzzled the top of her head.

"Safe." He hissed. She pulled her head from it's buried position against his chest and her arms. Her eyes were moist but he started to see the resolve shine through the tears. A small smile graced him and that was enough for him.

"I know I am. Still, it's nice to hear you say it. Sorry, I'll try to hold it together, at least for a bit longer." Mia was brave. He loved her bravery, her ability to put on a tough front even when she feels most likely less than tough in this situation. He'd have to ask her when they are safe how she's feeling about all of this.

"Now we know that you're Draconian. After all this I want to see if there's any books or something on them. I wonder." There she goes. Diving already into plans for after this little ordeal.

"Where are you Hunter!?" Drexler called out into the wind. Pulling back his wings he stopped their descent for a gentle coast through the clouds. His tail swishing anxiously, his scales fluttered with anticipation. His heart pounded hard within his chest. His blood boiled and his breath was hot. He strained his ears to hear the other beast.

"Below you!" Startled Drex spiraled to the left watching as Hunter's body broke through the clouds from below, his jaws gaping open and snapping with a loud crunch of nothing.

"You're fast but for how much longer can you keep avoiding me." The red creature goaded Drexler. Drexler could feel the strength of Hunter's wings; it was almost enough to make Drexler lose his balance.

"For as long as I need. I don't know who you are or why you're after me, but one thing I won't let you do is harm, Mia!" Drexler swooped up with incredible speeds. He ordered Mia to hold on to him tightly. He twisted his torso and corkscrewed through the clouds and away from the Hunter.

"Watch out, Drex!" At Mia's warning he craned his long neck and glimpsed the crimson beast halt it's chase and fell back within the white coated clouds. Beyond the white a small ember burned within the center, the clouds exploded into a fiery orange with angry reds striking out like lightning bolts.

A large fire ball came barreling through the clouds. The heat was intense and singed his scales. He kept Mia to his front where she will be most protected. Behind the fireball, a snarling Hunter screeched as he pulled his head back, his jaws wide open. A bright light lit up inside his mouth and within mere seconds another large fireball was barreling it's way towards them.

Drexler whipped his tail back and smashed it into the side of the fireball. The force of the flames licked at his scales with searing lashes. His tail muscle struggled as he pushed with all his might and finally the flaming inferno was sent off course and spiraling down to the earth disappearing through the clouds. A fire burst of orange and yellows exploded like a firework show beyond the clouds, like a veil covering a watercolor painting.

Drex's tail came swinging back in time to smash the last fireball away. He gritted his fangs through the burning pain that was racing it's way up and down his tail. Feeling rather proud of himself, he mentally patted himself on his back, but quickly brought himself back to the moment, and one jaw snap ahead of the Hunter.

"Lucky, little one. Both of you will be delicious morsels for me to devour, you even more so, Draconian." His voice hissed.

The Hunter swung his long tail, it's wide arc and incredible speed left Drexler unable to escape from it's path. Pulling his wings around him and Mia like a shield, he felt that incredibly painful smash into his side, shattering one of his wings. He could feel the bones snap, and with a guttural growl of pain he held Mia as they both went flying.

Drexler fought criminals and idiots. He never thought he would be flying through the skies holding Mia to his chest for dear life, avoiding a large red Draconian hell bent on gobbling him up. How can Drexler fight against a creature such as the Hunter? They may be the same but the Hunter has years of experience on his side. What hope does he have against the Draconian?

"Drex!!" Mia's cries out.

Drexler couldn't move his wing and with the loss of movement he couldn't keep them afloat in the air either. Parting the one working wing he saw the ground fast approaching. "Brace yourself! We're about to hit the ground! Hold tight, Mia! Hold tight!" Shifting his wing back into place, pulling him and Mia back into the darkened haven of his embrace, he braced himself for the impact.

Drexler's protective bubble held together as his wings threatened to come apart as he hit the ground with such force that it tore his useless wing away from the protective fold he was trying to give to Mia. Coiling his one good wing he wrapped Mia up and when he found an opening he tossed Mia out of his grasp and into the brush.

"Drex, No!!!!" Mia cries out as he throws her into the bush. The hulking shadow of the Hunter looming over him.

Glancing back he noticed that the Hunter wasn't aware that he placed Mia back behind them hidden somewhere in the shrubs. With her out of harm's way for the moment he tried to regain control of his crash course but he couldn't right his body and rolled across the forest floor until he finally crashed into something hard sending jagged spikes of pain racing up his spine.

"GAR!!" Pain flared up all around him. His senses were in disarray, he can only feel increasing amounts of pain.

Through blurry eyes he saw the forest come into view around him. Blinking a few times it slowly cleared. Leaning over he slowly pushed himself off the ground, his wing hanging idly at his side. Shrugging his shoulder he watched it limply swing.

"Great. Now I can't fly." The sunlight disappeared, replaced with a sinister shadow.

"You're still alive?" The Hunter lands in a clearing. The bottomless depths of his eyes scorched into Drexler's soul.

"Hah, thought for someone much older, you'd pack a much harder punch than what you've been showing. Hell, even my girl can smash better than you and she's only Human." Smiling through bloody lips, he goaded the Hunter on. "Come on, Hunter. Let's see how tough you think you are." Drexler had no plans. He had no ideas. He was making it up as he went, and right now watching the way the red beast face twitches with each word Drexler spoke, he knew he hit a sore spot.

"Don't like being compared to Humans do you? That's unfortunate as they are far more impressive than you!" Drexler shouted. A subtle burning sensation licked at his senses.

"You still continue to antagonize me and here you are mere seconds away from being devoured. You certainly aren't a clever one." The Hunter moves in slowly. His legs thunder with each step, his looming presence was almost suffocating. The sun vanished behind his large frame.

"Any last words, Draconian?" The Hunter sneered.

"What's your actual name? It can't be the 'Hunter', so what is it really?" The question seemed to confuse the Hunter. He pulls his head back and thinks for a moment.

"Telling me you don't know your own name?" Feeling some strength slowly seep back into his body. His wing was slowly mending itself back together but it won't be nearly as strong as it was before, not without any rest. Hopefully it can help balance him out and maybe get back to flying.

"I know my name!" The Hunter bellowed in rage and in a sweeping motion his tail swept across the forest floor breaking anything in its path.

The ground kicked up like a rising tsunami made of earth and stone. Drexler jumped to his feet and took off running away from the destructive wave that was rising in size and gaining on him.

"Run, Morsel. Run!" The Hunter laughs darkly beyond the towering tidal wave.

Flexing his wings his good wing spread out and flapped pulling Drex off the ground but his bad wing failed to match the strength and he fell sideways in the air with his one wing desperately trying to lift his entire body into the air by itself. His scales fluttered angrily, his nostrils flared and steam billowed thickly from his snout.

That heated kernel within him grew and ebbed with his frustrations. He can't fly out of the way of the attack. He'll have to either try to outrun it on foot or brace himself and break through it. Both of which had Drexler second guessing himself. Is he even capable of doing that or is he just going to die. Stunningly neither bothered him too much. Adrenaline poured into his bloodstream, his muscles ached but also felt invigorated.

Landing back on the ground from his sideways flight, he twisted and faced the oncomine tidal wave of Earth and stone. Trees and rocks flowed seamlessly in the wave as it continued to roll violently towards Drex. In the corner of his mind he clarified the direction Mia was in and was happy that she was at least still out of harm's way. If only she stays there or better yet runs far away from this place, from him.

There is nothing here for Mia. Drexler closed his eyes. Focusing on the blackness he saw Mia's smiling face. Her sweet laughter and the way she makes the world sparkle. No matter how gray or bleak things may seem, her presence always has a way of making him feel safe, better, and hopeful with a purpose.

Opening his eyes he braced himself for the hit. The wave was growing and was now breaking through the tree line above.

"Mia..." His tail swished against the cold dirt. His clawed feet hook into the earth below. Bracing himself he brought his wings around himself. With no other course of action, he planned to meet the Hunter head-on.

"I love you, Mia. I've been afraid and alone for so long. But then I found you again and even though I knew it couldn't be. I wanted nothing more than for it to be true. To have you see me for me and still..." Shaking his head free from those distracting thoughts.

The dark purple scales rolled along his body, shuffling with the red underhue glowing through. "If I want to have a chance with Mia, then I have to defeat you. I have to make sure she stays safe and if she accepts me, I can make anything a reality for her. But to do that...."

Leaning forward he bent over in a sprinter's position. His heels hooking into the ground, his hands digging into the soft earth, his claws digging even further and latching in. Folding his wings around himself he braced himself as best as he could. His only hope is that it's enough.

The tidal wave left destruction in its wake, nothing but broken trees and scolded Earth. The wave hit Drexler hard, slamming into him like a freight train flying at high speeds. His wings held out, his legs dug further into the Earth.

"Gah!!!" He snarled as the Earth tore through the harder outside casing of his wings. Pain flared up all over his body but he kept firm against the onslaught. His scales rose and he started to push back against the wave. Force against force, each growling at each other with their own dire need for success. Drexler unable to give up a foot, and the angry wave hell bent on destroying anything in its path.

"I.Won't. Fail." Taking another step he pushed into the wave. The Earth swarmed around him swallowing him up in the torrent of its own destruction.

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