Help You (Itona Horibe X Read...

By Petalmist12

51.8K 1.4K 825

-Itona Horibe X Reader- After entering Class 3-E and befriending Karma Akabane as well as Nagisa and his frie... More

Beginning Note
Kaede's Time
Itona Horibe's Time
Spinning Time
Leader Time
Before and After Time
Reaper Time, Part 1
Round Two Time
School Festival Time
End-of-Term Time, 2nd Period
Think Outside the Box Time
Let Live Time
Secret Identity Time
Confession Time
Past Time
Discord Time
Outcome Time
Outer Space Time
Valentine's Day Time
Trust Time
Happy Birthday Time
Final Boss Time
Graduation Time
Future Time

Reaper Time, Part 2

1.8K 78 85
By Petalmist12

Hello. I was able to go back into school at the end of last week and tomorrow is the first day of my last week before summer, so kind of yay? Well, thank you for 300+ reads and 35+ votes. Also thank you to @vAstLaAT3 for voting! Well, here's today's chapter. I really enjoyed writing this one :)

"Ah shucks. Well that certainly throws a monkey wrench into my plan." The Reaper says, making my classmates faces brighten.

"Mr.Karasuma and Korosensei!" Hara exclaims.

"But I thought he was in Brazil for that big soccer game?" Nakamura asks.

"So be it. Plan sixteen." The Reaper says as he walks away.

"This is my moment to shine." Irina says with a smirk before following him. A bit passed and then suddenly the ceiling opens up and Korosensei drops in with a big thud and multiple destroyed tentacles. How in the-

"Sir!" Isogai exclaims and my classmates all start talking at once. Wow everyone is so loud.

"Miss Irina..." Korosensei's mutters.

"Korosensei." Kayano says worriedly.

"Hello class. I trust your all unhurt?" He asks.

"No offense sir, but I can't believe he caught you." Maehara says. Korosensei reaches out a tentacles to touch one of the bars causing the end of it to disintegrate as all of our eyes are glued to him.

"Hmm. The bars are forged of anti-me material, I see. Tricky stuff to work around, to be sure, but you'll be thrilled to know that my body has at last overcome it." Korosensei says, causing all of us to look at him in shock. Um, what?!

"Wait, are you serious?" Okuda asks as Korosensei starts laughing like a maniac.

"Behold boys and girls, my top secret weapon. The tongue!" He exclaims before he proceeds to lick one of the bars like an ice cream cone. "Coated by protective digestive juices, I'll have these bars worn down to nothing in two days." Korosensei says in between licks, making his speech sound disoriented.

"We don't have that kind of time!" Everyone exclaims.

"Excuse me. Not to interrupt, but if you want their neck braces to explode, then by all means keep licking." The Reaper says as he, Irina, and Karasuma appear in a door frame a little bit down the tunnel.

"What, seriously!?" Korosensei screams.

"Okay, let's get on with it." The Reaper announces as he walk towards us. "This room is about to be flooded. We are in a drainage canal, and when I send the signal to the control room above, water will come gushing in at two hundred PSI per second, and these bars will essentially become a giant noodle press." The Reaper says as we stare at him, appalled.

"Hold on. You're not going to do that with the kids still in there?" Karasuma asks frantically as he grabs the Reaper by his shoulder.

"Of course I am. It's too late to wait." The Reaper says as Karasuma scowls at him.

"Irina. You knew this would happen, didn't you?" Karasuma accuses the blonde woman and she guiltily looks away from him.

"I'm sorry. Results are the only priority here. You wanted professionalism." Irina says monotonously. Well there's also such a thing as having morals. And, you know, not killing kids.

"I realize my methods seem a bit harsh, but would you prefer it if I let the best chance at saving the world slip through our fingers?" The Reaper asks. Karasuma pauses and thinks for a moment to think and the Reaper walks past him. Normally I would wonder why he is hesitating, but both choices have extreme consequences. We could die, or possibly everyone in the world. Or hopefully none of us, but that might be too ambitious of a thought considering the circumstances.

"Here's the governments official stance." Karasuma says, causing the Reaper to turn around out of curiosity for the answer only for Karasuma to punch him across the face, knocking him back a few feet. "Saving the world isn't worth the lives of twenty-eight children. If these kids are no more than some collateral damage, I'm going to shut you down."

"You tell him Mr.K!" We all say.

"He's so cool." Korosensei marvels.

"FYI Irina. A true professional gives a damn about the bigger picture." Karasuma says as he sheds his jacket and loosens his tie. The Reaper, having recovered, faces Karasuma before turning and bolting away.

"Like hell." Karasuma says with a scowl before chasing after him.

"Mr.Karasuma! Turn on your transceiver!" Korosensei shouts after him.

"Moron. Him and his ethics. Karasuma may stand apart from the herd, but the Reaper goes further." Irina says as she removes her explosive collar and twirls it around on one of her fingers, stepping closer to our cage. "Exhibit A. He trapped the octopus."

"Please, Professor Bitch..." Yada pleads quietly before Miss Bitch's phone beeps, prompting her to pick it up.

"Irina? I need you. I've set a booby trap. While Karasuma's trying to disarm it, shoot him in the back. Thanks." The Reaper says from over the phone and a sinister smile forms on Irina's face as she holds up a gun.

"Understood." She says before hanging up and walking away. After a minute or so, we hear a spaced out series of giant booming sounds. After a little bit there is an even larger boom. We hadn't heard at all from Mr.K so Korosensei, getting worried, decides to call him on the transceiver.

"Mr.Karasuma! Come in Karasuma! Are you okay?" Korosensei calls out.

"What's wrong?" Karasuma finally answers. Thank goodness.

"Oh thank goodness. I finally got through. We heard an explosion, are you hurt?" Korosensei asks.

"I'm alright, but I'm afraid Irina's trapped under the rubble." Karasuma replies, and some of my classmates gasp. "I don't have time to dig her out. The Reaper is getting away."

"Wait!" Kurahashi cries desperately. "You have to do something, you can't just leave her!"

"Kurahashi... Look, the woman took her chances when she partnered with that psychopath. Being a pro means assuming a level of risk. That's part of the job." Karasuma says.

"What does that have to do with being pro? I know I'm only a kid, but still, poor Professor Bitch, she's barely even twenty-one." Kurahashi says, taking a small pause before hesitantly starting again. "And childhood was a total nightmare for her. If life's a puzzle, Miss Irina didn't get all the pieces. Who could say what she'd be now if she had, you know? Please sir, don't leave her behind. I'm begging you."

"You forgive us when we screw up, right? What's the difference with her?" Yada adds and Karasuma finally agrees. Then, we proceed with our own plan. Sugaya helps us all camouflage our outfits to blend in with the tan sand color of the walls and Itona removes our collars. After that, we stand in the cameras blind spot for even more coverage, sitting atop each other's shoulders and facing the wall. I sit atop Itona's shoulders as he sits on Terasaka's. We had left our discarded collars in a pile as far away from us as we could get them and them. Suddenly, the collars all start detonating. So the Reaper has finally noticed.

"Those collars are crap. All his RC can do is detonate and lock. And if it had been up to me, I'd have made it so that the bombs go off when the person tries to get out of them. It's a bad design." Itona says.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side." I mutter.

"This really sucks." Terasaka grumbles.

"I'm impressed by the design for these new outfits though. They're so lightweight!" Sugino says.

"Good thing the security camera has a blind spot. He couldn't see us making the camouflage!" Okajima says excitedly.

"Excellent job on the shading Sugaya!" Mimura compliments.

"Hey, no prob. My paint worked great on this fabric. Do I have an eye for color matching or what?" Sugaya responds.

"Fantastic. The RC creeper squad is never going to let us hear the end of it." Kataoka says.

"So, what about Korosensei? He comes with his own built in camouflage." Maehara comments.

"Meaning he's essentially butt-naked right now." Nakamura says while Korosensei cries.

"Now I'm ruined for marriage!" Korosensei says.

"Stop blushing, he'll see!" Okajima scolds him. It was quiet for a few minutes before we heard a splashing sound.

"What was that splash just now?" Kayano asks. We get back down on the floor and dust off our uniforms and Korosensei uses his supersight to look at what's happening.

"What's going on down there?" Nakamura asks.

"Uh, um, the Reaper has a knife. No, wait, it's a wire. He tried to strangle Mr.Karasuma.. Oh wow, Karasuma parries and does, uh, the thing and the Reaper stopped him but then Karasuma comes in and, oh wow! This is so wow! What a stupendous fight!" Korosensei rambles.

"We can't understand what your saying!" Okano scolds.

"Stupendous!" Korosensei screams.

"Explain it so we can visualize!" Maehara exclaims. Korosensei sticks one of his tentacles through and starts chugging tomato juice that he had somehow pulled out of nowhere.

"I can stick at least one through without injury if I'm careful." Korosensei explains as we all look at him weirdly. After Karasuma beats the Reaper, he comes and frees us from our cage and we sigh in relief.

"The man had skills, make no mistake. But he just put too much stock in 'em." Karasuma says, referring to the Reaper who was now knocked out and restrained in front of us.

"The man who set him on this path was a first rate fool. His talents may have served him just as well on the straight and narrow." Korosensei says.

"I suppose it all boils down to the world we know. How it shapes the value we put on life." Karasuma says.

"Yes, well said. Wouldn't you agree, Miss Irina?" Korosensei asks, turning our attention to the blonde woman who was trying to sneak away. We exchange looks of awkwardness before she starts to sprint away, closely followed by a bunch of my classmates who start screaming at her.

"Go on and do you're worst! Think I'm not ready? You little punk bastards are one rung below animals anyways!" She screams along with a few other insults once Yoshida and Muramatsu catch her. We all stare at her with blank faces.

"Do you ever listen to what you're saying?" Kimura asks once she stops talking.

"Just shut up and come back to school tomorrow like always. No more taking off for days at a time." Terasaka orders, causing Irina to freeze.

"And besides, you never finished that story. Conning Arabian royalty, remember? You had the region on the brink of war." Yada says.

"If you don't come back, you can kiss that copy of that French manga you lent me goodbye. 'Boys Over Flowers'." Kataoka reminds her.

"Okay, just to be clear, you do realize I was going to kill you all." Irina says.

"I don't see the problem. A fair amount of treachery is to be expected. These things come with the territory, do they not?" Takebayashi says as he pushes his glasses up his nose and Yoshida and Muramatsu release Miss Bitch.

"I mean, come on. If we can't handle a foul-tempered, backstabbing bitch, we really wouldn't have a lot of room to say we're cut out to be assassins." Nakamura says with a smile.

"They're right you know." Karasuma says as he walks up to her, a singular rose in hand, holding it out to her and we all gasp. "For you. And before you ask, nobody put me up to this. Consider it taken from a vanquished enemy in your honor. Happy birthday, sorry if I'm a little late."

"It's lovely." Irina says with a genuine smile as Korosensei and a few of my classmates fangirl over them, though Kurahashi is crying. I'd like to say that it's because she was touched by their interaction, but we all know it's because of her crush on Mr.Karasuma.

"Mr.Karasuma, a word before this situation takes a turn for the racy." Korosensei says.

"Trust me, it won't. What do you want?" Karasuma responds quickly.

"Today, was almost tragic." Korosensei starts, laying a tentacle on each of our heads. "I don't want the children embroiled in something like this again. I must insist on an environment in which they can kill safely and are immune to the intrigues of madmen like the Reaper." Korosensei says.

"Right there with ya." Karasuma agrees. After that, we go home and get ready for bed, but right before I'm about to go to bed my phone buzzes. Unknown number... huh, that's weird. I click on the text and read it.

I need to talk to you, open your window

I know you read it

What the hell? This is really creepy.

Why would I open my window? I don't even know you

Oh right. This is Itona, I got your number from Hazama

Hazama could have warned me, or better yet, he could've asked me for my number! I quickly add him as a contact, changing his name in my phone to Itona.

You could've started with that you know. You sound like your trying to break in and murder me

Whatever. Could you let me in now?

I guess

I slide out of my bed and walk over to my window. I open it to find myself faced with golden eyes. I move out of the way and Itona hoists himself into my room.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"I wanted to talk to you about something and I forgot to ask you about it earlier." He replies.

"Well, next time could you not do it at 2 AM?" I ask, sitting down on my bed.

"Why did you want to be my friend?" He questions, ignoring my previous comment.

"What do you mean?" I ask, motioning to my bed for him to sit down. He does just that, plopping down at the end of my bed.

"Earlier you told me you wanted to be my friend, and I said yes, but I want to know why." Itona says.

"Hmm, I don't really know for sure, but I just felt like I had to help you. You looked so sad and broken and I thought you looked like you needed someone to be there for you. I never anticipated that Terasaka and his friends would take you in though. And I know I said this earlier, but sorry if that sounds weird. I guess I'm just a weird person." I say. Itona remains quiet, processing my words. Without saying anything, he pulls something out of his pocket and holds it out to me. A controller? And is that a toy car?

"I made this for you. I don't know why but I wanted to give you something and I was tinkering with some stuff and before I knew it I had this. I asked Sugaya to paint it (f/c) for you. It moves too." Itona says, holding his hands out even more so I would take it. I sit up straighter and carefully grab the creations from his slightly calloused hands. I set the controller down on my nightstand and examine the car. It's so detailed. How long did this take him?

"You made it just for me? I don't recall doing anything that would warrant a gift. Thank you though, it's very lovely." I say, tenderly setting the car down next to the controller.

"You made me my bandana so I decided to pay you back." Itona says with a shrug.

"But mine is so much better than yours, it must have taken forever to make. I just cut off a piece of netting and folded it up." I say.

"It was the first thing anyone gave to me in years." He says. Years? Maybe it was a bigger deal to him than I thought. I hope I don't screw this up... I hesitantly scoot closer and wrap my arms around him. He completely tenses up, but I don't let go. He must be very touch starved as well. I bet he hasn't had a hug in years either. I hold him for a while until he finally nuzzles into my embrace and speaks, his voice a bit shaky. "Thank you."

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