It Could Be A Whole Lot Worse...

By greytwd

289 11 0

When Maddy and the rest of the group are forced onto there knees and threatened by this new group there leade... More

Chapter 1: We lost them
Chapter 3: How
Chapter 4: Fuck off
Chapter 5: Guilt
Chapter 6: Pleasure
Chapter 7: Why
Chapter 8: Fuck them
Chapter 9: She deserved it
Chapter 10: I'm staying
Chapter 11: Changes
Chapter 12: Still the favorite
Chapter 13: Validation
Chapter 14: Planned
Chapter 15: Taken Charge
Chapter 16: I need to know
Chapter 17: Drunken Apologies
Chapter 18: What if...
Chapter 19: Rules broke
Chapter 20: Confessions
Chapter 21: The Next Battle
Chapter 22: The Next Step
Chapter 23: Never-ending
Chapter24: The beginning of the End
Chapter 25: All Over Again
Chapter 26: Revolting
Chapter 27: Confrontation
Chapter 8: Plotting
Chapter 29: The Pieces all fell in line...

Chapter 2: Figured out

17 2 0
By greytwd

Negan led me into a bigger room. "Why am I here" I asked. "Well they delivered food to the wrong room. I have some stuff to handle food and water are on the table" Negan said locking me in the room. I looked at the food and already knew I "Wasn't Hungry" I took the water and dumped most of it in the sink. Then I left the food. I didn't want to waste it. I sat on the couch and didn't even notice when I fell asleep. 

I got woken up by a sigh. I saw Negan standing in front of me. "Why didn't you eat." he said taking the tray. "Wasn't hungry" I said shrugging. My dad was always away so I always lied and said I ate already. He was clearly upset with this answer and threw the tray. I used to wince at violence like that but I was so far gone that I didn't even care. "Damn you don't scare easy. Don't worry Daryl wasn't hungry either" he said sitting next to me. He walked over to the sink and looked like he was thinking. He walked back over to me and grabbed my wrist. He grabbed it harder then before causing me to whimper. He paused and looked at me. "Sorry tight grip" I said looking down. He walked me back to the first room and aggressively let go of my wrist again. "Mm" I hummed out. "Why the fuck you keep doing that" he said turning to me. "Your grip was really tight. I'm sorry" I said looking away. "do me a favor sit down over there" he said pointing at the bed. I hesitantly agreed and sat down. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back up. It wasn't overly fast. Maybe how someone would stand up. However with me being dehydrated I collapsed into his arms. He stood me back up. "Ok so your girlfriend is dead. You clearly didn't drink this water. You didn't eat and you are wincing every time I grab your wrist" he said getting louder. "Not every time" I said trying to lie. "Ah my bad" he said walking behind me. He grabbed my flannel and began to pull it off. I knew he was on to me. He got it off and I crossed my arms. He grabbed one and pulled it out. I watched as he looked at all the cuts on my arms. "And I am sure they are on your thighs to aren't they" he said yelling. I looked down embarrassed. "Get some rest. You have a long day tomorrow" he said letting go of me. I watched him leave and slam the door behind him. I just melted. I had no idea what I wanted but I didn't want to be here. I wanted to go back to Carl and my dad. I sat in the bed and looked around. Thoughts came flooding in but I hated them so much. He in sick twisted way was like hot. I only ever dated girls. I was attracted to Daryl at one point but pushed that aside. Daryl was more of a friend or father figure if my dad wasn't there. I hated the thought of actually possibly having feelings for Negan but why does he have to look like that. I laid back and fell asleep. 


"I thought I made myself very clear" Negan said as he grabbed my mother. "No one makes it out" Negan yells as he slits her throat. "Time for your dad" Negan said walking over to my dad. He repeated the process. "Now your baby brother Carl" he said. "And Judith" he said opening a door with walkers. "Kill me. Kill me. Kill me" I cried out as my whole family was slaughtered in front of me. "Don't worry sweetheart. Now you get to stay with me forever" Negan said walking to me. 

I shot my eyes opened and looked around. I saw a clock on the wall and that was when I noticed that the bathroom light was one. I slowly got up and walked over to the bathroom. I was about to open the door when I heard the front door swing open. I flew to the back wall. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you" another women said. She had long blonde hair and had a black dress. "It's ok" I said easing up. "Uh Negan wanted me to bring you these" she said sitting the clothes on the bed. "Thank you" I said looking at the clothes. The woman nodded and left the room. I looked at the clothes and noticed there was a pair of shorts and a tank top. I didn't change though. I went into the bathroom realizing I had just left the light on yesterday. I looked around the room and was hoping I could find something to help me escape. I heard someone walking down the hallway whistling. It sounded a lot like the whistle that Negan used the other night before he killed Glenn and Abraham. The door opened and Negan walked in. "And why the hell aren't you dressed yet" Negan asked. I stayed silent. "You have 5 minutes to get dressed or I will go cut some part off of Daryl and bring it to you" he said getting louder. He left slamming the door behind him. I hated that he acted like he could control every thing I did. I also really didn't want to risk Daryl getting hurt. I reluctantly put on the clothes and put my flannel back on. I sat on the bed and ran my fingers on my thighs. 

About 5 minutes later Negan walked back in. "Nope take the flannel off" he said leaning against the door. "No" I said crossing my arms. Negan smirked and walked over to me. He grabbed my neck and made me look at him. "You are going to take that flannel off eventually but you don't have to now. But the next time that I tell you to do something I suggest you listen" he said looking down at me. I was about a foot shorter then him. He let go and looked around the room. "Alright lets go you have a lot to do today" he said walking out the room. "Actually" he said stopping causing me to run into him. "Stay here. I will be right back sweetheart" Negan said shutting the door again. I sat on the couch and waited. I heard footsteps coming up the halls but from two different people. "Here we are. Now I will allow you to this but don't try anything. And don't expect it to be anything regular. Probably will be the only the time" Negan said pushing Daryl into the room. "Now Daryl, Maddy, before I leave I want to see if Daryl can spot the problems. Maddy would you like some food" Negan asked. I looked down ashamed. "I'm not hungry right now" I said not looking at Daryl. "Maddy do you mind standing up for me" Negan said. I stood up but almost fell and had to brace myself against the table. "Daryl take a good look at her legs and oh wait Maddy take that flannel off now" Negan said smirking. I slowly took it off and Negan just chuckled. "Ok I'm coming back in an hour. No sex. No planning to escape. And No trying to escape." Negan said leaving. I sat down ashamed. Daryl had never seen me like this. "Why the hell did ya do this to your self" Daryl asked still standing there. "Doesn't matter. Negan is eventually going to kill us anyway so" I said shaking my head. 

I got to listen to Daryl lecture me for an hour. I heard the door unlock and Dwight come in. He didn't say anything but just took Daryl. Daryl clearly hated being handled like he was but there was really nothing he could do about it. I had no idea what I wanted. All I knew is Negan figured me out pretty quick. I was not going to let him get to me or figure me out anymore. I wanted to get out of here with Daryl. However I had no idea where Daryl was being held. I figured Negan was smart enough to not put Daryl right next to the room he was holding me. There was a light knock at the door and it somehow startled me. "Come in" I said. I felt weird saying that like it was my own room or house. Another women came in with a black dress but had brown hair. "Negan wanted me to bring you dinner" she said sitting the plate on the bed. "Not hungry" I said looking at her. "Yeah Negan told me about you. He wants you to eat and drink some water." she said sitting down on the bed. "He also told me I have to stay with you until you drink some water and eat something" she said looking at me. "What are you to Negan anyway" I asked sitting next to her. "I'm one of his wives" she said. "One of them" I asked concerned. "Mhm. And it looks like there is a chance that you will be number 8" she said. "No. I am never going to give into him" I said looking at the food. "That is what I said to. However he threatened to kill Dwight. Once he threatens to kill Daryl that might be when you cave." she said. I got caught up in the conversation and ate a little bit. "It had been probable a week since I actually ate so it was a change. "Ok. I should get back. Thank you for eating. I'm proud of you" she said. She walked out and I couldn't help but start crying. I didn't want to be here at all. All I wanted was for Daryl to run threw those doors right now and tell me we where leaving. Or to wake up and it all be a dream and Glenn and Abraham would still be alive. Or hell to wake up and my mom still being alive and everyone I ever cared about still being here. I heard heavy footsteps coming I wiped my face in case it was Negan coming. I was right. He opened the door and walked in picking up my tray. "Hmm I guess Sherry got you to eat something" he said with an annoying look on his face. "Yeah un willingly" I said not looking up at him. "You still ate" he said getting ready to leave. "What are you doing to Daryl. Why is Dwight being so rough on him" I asked causing him to stop dead in his tracks. I suddenly heard more footsteps. I watched Negan poke his head out the door and smiled. He sat the tray down and walked over to me. He pulled me up and kissed me. I didn't expect it and didn't know if I wanted to pull away or not. I felt at least two people watching me. When he pulled away and left the room I saw Dwight holding Daryl there. Dwight had an evil smirk on his face and Daryl looked disappointed. They both left and looked the door from the outside. I had no idea what Negan was trying to do but why would kissing me accomplish that. I sat down on the bed questioning everything from last night to just now. It wasn't long before I fell asleep. Confused and curious. 

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