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What happens when Helen Potter and a few of her friends of the Magical world, traveled to another dimension t... More

STORY GUIDE: Summary, Settings, Character List, etc.
CHAPTER 1 - The Beginning
CHAPTER 2 - Surviving The Monster Apocalypse
CHAPTER 3 - The New Survivors - part 1
CHAPTER 3 - The New Survivors - part 2
CHAPTER 3 - The New Survivors - part 3
CHAPTER 4 - Meeting The Magical Survivors - part 1
CHAPTER 4 - Meeting The Magical Survivors - part 2
CHAPTER 4 - Meeting The Magical Survivors - part 3
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 1
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 2
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 3
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 4
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 1
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 2
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 3
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 4
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 5
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 6
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 1
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 2
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 3
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 4
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 5
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 6
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 1
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 2
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 3
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 4
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 5
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 1
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 2
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 3
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 4
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 5
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 1
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 2
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 3
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 4
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 5
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 1
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 2
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 3
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 4
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 1
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 2
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 3
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 4
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 5
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 6
CHAPTER 13 - Set Forth The Voyagers - part 1
CHAPTER 13 - Set Forth The Voyagers - part 2
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 1
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 2
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 3
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 4
CHAPTER 15 - Unexpected Surprises... part 1
CHAPTER 15 - Unexpected Surprises... part 2
CHAPTER 15 - ... and More Revelations part 3

CHAPTER 15 - ...and More Revelations part 4

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(Continuation from CHAPTER 15 part 3)


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While waiting for the others to return from their supply run out there on the forests or beyond it, they decided to do some more house chores or other tasks to keep their minds and bodies busy so that they won't worry for them upon thinking that something bad is going to happen to them.

One of them in particular, which is Luna, of course, as she suddenly decided on the idea of wanting to explore the forests beyond the cabin, almost looking like she sensed something special that might be out there and it's waiting for her to find it herself--much to the other's disbelief and disagreement over her sudden out of the blue decision when she voiced it out to them.

Both Helen and Murphy especially protested negatively that Luna should not do this and just choose to go out there, even with asking for their permission or not.

Since the two of them denied and were against this, Luna decided it for herself that she's going whether they don't want her to or not, and before they could stop her, including Clarke, Luna left in a sudden hurry, just like that as if catching up to the fleeting wind and flying along with it.

They stared at the spot where Luna just left, through the back door of the cabin and into the deep thick forests out there, not believing for a second that their friend just left like that amidst their protests until Luna's sole interest Murphy started moving and getting ready to go out there himself too and catch up to her.

Helen and Clarke looked at Murphy with disbelief but he reassured them that he'll just catch up to Luna and try to persuade her to come back to the cabin before she goes out and ventures beyond even further out there and this made the women's worries lessen and they nodded in approval, on letting Murphy go to get Luna back.

Once he's packed up with a backpack with some necessities in it and he's wielding a weapon, which is one of the magical kind of enchanted modified handguns before, and then Murphy went off in a hasty hurry to catch up to where Luna went off and left, running fast to chase after her and try to convince her to return to the others in the cabin before the other group returns and finds out that the two of them are gone and missing--or something worse has happened to them.

Though he wasn't a wilderness expert or even an expert tracker, he learned a lot upon being born and lived his kind of way of life in the streets, and Murphy managed to follow after and catch up to Luna before he might really lose her and he or she or the both of them might get lost in the deep dark woods--which he's clearly afraid and not wanting to be so in a situation like that if it ever happens.

Once Murphy caught up to Luna, he found her standing in front of a seemingly abandoned broken-looking lone shack, its dirty and snow-covered appearance showing that it looks like it's about to fall over to its side and break apart into a messy pile but it's still standing.

Murphy was about to ask her why she's standing and staring at the shack, almost about to ask her if this is what she said that she sensed in her mystical kind of way into searching for and looking into it.

But Luna didn't answer him when she went off again without warning and entered into the broken-looking and nearing to fall apart shack without hesitation, even before Murphy could react and try to stop her but failed again.

"Oh come on! Luna!" Murphy complained, wondering how he got ever interested in her and was thinking deeply about it just as he also went in after her without hesitation.

It didn't take long for a few seconds later for Murphy to find Luna again and she's standing in front of what looked to be some sort of work desk table, big enough that someone was working on a project so intensely until they were forced to abandon it when the monster apocalypse happened.

There were bits and bobs scattered and spread out on the table messily but there was one object that caught Murphy's eye and he noticed that Luna was staring at it with such intense focus that he thinks that this thing is the reason why Luna had to go out and look for it.

It looked like some kind of robot--except it's not the normal or usual kind of techno robot kind Murphy has seen from TV, ads, or anything like that.

It's built to be completely round and shaped like an orb with some added little bird-like wings on it, which almost made Murphy think that this kind of robot is incomplete. And on that orb kind of robot figure, there is a black tinted glass like that is its face screen or some kind of scanner face or something.

There was no telling what kind of robot this is supposed to or built to be since Luna and Murphy didn't bring any battery or any kind of electric power with them to turn it on.

But Murphy nearly forgot that Luna has her kind of energy that she can use to power it up and turn it on--which is magic.

So Luna reached out with her right hand, shoots out a light blast of magic energy into the dead robot and Murphy just watched without trying to stop her this time because he's also curious and interested in what kind or type of robot this is, and what it is built to be used for.

It took about a few minutes--actually five minutes--later and nothing happened.

And when Luna was about to slump and pout with disappointment, the magic energy finally kicked in, turning on the robot with a sudden almost blinding light from the inside, wherever its charging battery is and the black screen flickers then show a computerized kind of face blinking its bleary eyes open, and the orb figure suddenly floats up in the air, revealing that it can fly without some kind of wind power or air battery charging in and through it.

The orb floating robot turns and spins all around like it's making sense of its surroundings before it stopped right at and facing in front of Luna and Murphy, its lighted up eyes staring at them almost eerily with a few blinks.

And then it speaks in a soft yet electronic kind of voice, taking Murphy and Luna by surprise.

[Oh, hello! I am EDEN. How may I help you on this fine day?] the floating robot asked politely, startling the two of them, albeit only Luna jumps a little in reaction when the robot turns on from the jolt of magic power she infused into it.

"Fascinating!" Luna exclaimed in wonder as she stared at it.

"More like--unexpectedly freaky!" Murphy gave his own comment about it but he's also staring at the magic-energized floating robot, that seemed to be looking at them in an intelligent kind of way.

Just what kind of surprises or good kind of consequences will bring upon activating this kind of new companion into their lives?




Once Blaise registered that it's really Draco he's seeing upon the magical device they're linking through, he exclaimed in surprise. [Holy Merlin and great Salazar--OW!]

The others winced when they saw that Blaise made the mistake of tipping over backward on the chair he's sitting and fell right into a sound crash on the floor.

Draco cocked a brow and commented blithely, "Well, that was quite graceful."

They watched as Blaise righted himself back up on his feet.


"Mama! PAPA!" another child in their care cried out as he/she's reunited with their parents.

The joyful teary-eyed parents ran to grab for their child, pulling and lifting him up into a big embrace while the others watched on this touching family reunion.

Even the ever stoic and always grumpy or frowning Draco was smiling too.


Then Blaise smirked widely upon his eyes catching sight of something coming up right behind them--or rather specifically, Draco. "And here they come, right now."

Draco blinked in confusion on why his former friend just said that strange statement and turned around to see what he's looking at and immediately his eyes widened in recognition of the person striding straight at him.

"Daphne?" he exclaimed, a little stunned.


They jumped in surprise and winced in sympathy when the long blonde-haired steely blue-eyed girl marched up right at Draco and then just straight up slapped him in the face before she walked off with a satisfied huff as Draco palmed the side of his hit cheek.

"Not sure why I suddenly deserve that," Draco muttered lowly to himself but he wasn't aware that his friends can still hear him clearly when he said it.


"Remind me again why we're bringing them along?" Draco had to ask out loud in a dry sarcastic tone of voice.

Both Helen and Bellamy glared at Draco like he offended them all with the kind of suggestion that he sounds like he's making that they shouldn't bring the new group of survivors with them on this survival kind of road trip.

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Another chapter finished! I hope you like it!

I am very sorry it took so long but REAL LIFE is not kind to me, especially with the COVID-19 PANDEMIC CRISIS still going on this year 2021!

Hopefully, everything and the entire world's situation will get better in a good way for the incoming next year 2022! Everybody, PLEASE pray that it will be so!

Don't worry, there will be more chapters and updates on this story and others very soon, I promise!

Check out and read another NEW STORY I've written and posted, that is "INTO THE Z-WEST" an original story/work with a zombie apocalypse time travel Western fiction! I hope you like it!

Enjoy Readers!


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