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What happens when Helen Potter and a few of her friends of the Magical world, traveled to another dimension t... More

STORY GUIDE: Summary, Settings, Character List, etc.
CHAPTER 1 - The Beginning
CHAPTER 2 - Surviving The Monster Apocalypse
CHAPTER 3 - The New Survivors - part 1
CHAPTER 3 - The New Survivors - part 2
CHAPTER 3 - The New Survivors - part 3
CHAPTER 4 - Meeting The Magical Survivors - part 1
CHAPTER 4 - Meeting The Magical Survivors - part 2
CHAPTER 4 - Meeting The Magical Survivors - part 3
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 1
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 2
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 3
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 4
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 1
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 2
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 3
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 4
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 5
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 6
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 1
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 2
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 3
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 4
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 5
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 6
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 1
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 2
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 3
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 4
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 5
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 1
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 2
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 3
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 4
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 5
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 1
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 2
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 3
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 4
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 5
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 1
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 2
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 3
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 4
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 1
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 2
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 3
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 4
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 5
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 6
CHAPTER 13 - Set Forth The Voyagers - part 1
CHAPTER 13 - Set Forth The Voyagers - part 2
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 1
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 2
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 3
CHAPTER 15 - Unexpected Surprises... part 1
CHAPTER 15 - Unexpected Surprises... part 2
CHAPTER 15 - ... and More Revelations part 3
CHAPTER 15 - ...and More Revelations part 4

CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 4

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(Continuation from Chapter 14 part 3)


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"Whoa...I'm surprised you guys didn't go crazy upon living down here," Murphy commented when he saw how eerily dark yet not too scary as they trek down the tunnel where Colin and Dennis are leading the group of boys to where their hideout home base is.

"We try to make it as comfortable and homey as we can, when we started taking in survivors we rescued or found and such. But it helps that we got the Elves magically expanding and branching the place down here for our lives to be easy staying down here in the underground," Dennis said as he conjured magical lights so that they won't blindly stumble in the dark tunnel and hit a wall.

"Elves? You guys have Elves!?" Riley asked disbelievingly, not taking it straight to accepting the fact that not only magical wizards and witches exist, despite that there are some in their very own group--but also Elves in real life so far at this very time.

Draco stared straight at Colin as if he's confirming the familiar kind of elves his brother just said and mentioned about and Colin nodded. "Yes. We have elves. But they're different than you think they are, except the only similarity you'd know of is that--they're based from the fantasy novels like Tolkien's."

"Really!?" Wells asked almost sounding excited about it.

"Don't get too excited. These Elves are different than those said to be born or living in the Wild such as the forests," Dennis points out. "They were all born by magic and were pledged to serve and live side-by-side with us Mages because they sometimes rely on our magic as well to continue their living existence and so on. Malfoy--I mean, Draco here can explain it more since he used to have an Elf living and serving with his family long ago before."

Draco didn't want to explain and discuss the fact that most of the magical families such as his former one had treated the Elves like slaves, rather than family friends or the like but he had to tell them some of it so he told them as much as he can from what he knew about their version of Elves who are devoted into living in Houses rather than in the wild woods or forests. He explained as much as he could about the differences between them but he didn't admit his surprise upon hearing from Colin's statement that they are changed and different upon arriving into this world from their old one.

But then Draco saw the subtle hint shared secretly by Colin that it's true that some of the Elves are from their old world and have changed, yet there are others that are originally from this world but pretty much the same except for the differences that he did not share yet on what they are about the Elves.

It didn't take long for Draco to finally see what those differences are when Colin and Dennis finally went to the end, called out for their group members, and then showed the survivors of the new people they brought with them and sharing the news that they'll be moving into joining their group now and then on.

Draco saw the Elves and he saw the familiar elf beings that he recognized as Winky and Kreacher, but they have completely changed from their short statures to match the other world's kind of Elves that are tall and fairly beautiful just like the fantasy novel's elves and such, almost human-like except with their tell-tale features of pointed ears, and there are four Elves among them.

Kreacher, in the Elf form like he's nearly an old man in his fifties but still in his prime, bowed reverently upon seeing Draco but the blond stopped him from doing it before the others noticed. Winky was reassuring the other Elves to let them know that Draco is just like other Mages who are good and kind, unlike the bad ones that they used to serve from before.

Once they were comforted and reassured, the Elves bravely moved forward to greet the survivors, even the Mundane people, since there is a mixture of them among the underground group of survivors. And it was also a surprise yet a pleasure to see more familiar faces among them, both the Mage and the Mundane sides as they greeted one another and shared stories on how they survived, how long they've been living well, and everything else.

After the exchange of greetings, short stories, and all that, they all packed up their things, went up the surface to join Draco, Bellamy, and their group back to the cabin to be accepted into joining and living with them there.

And once they made it, the others in the cabin, especially Helen, were delighted to meet the new people upon taking them in and accepting them. It was also another surprise yet a touching reunion when two parents, who are Monty Green and Harper McIntyre, were reunited with their long-lost son, Jordan, when he cried out among the children upon meeting and greeting the new strangers, and recognized them as the two partners were tearing up with joy upon seeing their child alive and well.

The others were slightly in tears too upon watching this happy family reunion and Draco smiled warmly at the sight before he went back to having a blank cool expression and turned to look at the other survivors.

As to who they are, from the Mundane side, besides Harper and Monty the young parents, there are Maya Vie, Bryan, Eric Jackson (another trainee doctor like Clarke), Castus, and Dagan. The Mages are the Creevey brothers and Lee Jordan, and lastly, the Elves are Winky, Kreacher (from their old world), Wynn, Dahlia, Dolly, and Wanda (as they are Elves of this other world).

Draco can also see that there are other pairings or romantic partnerships like Lee Jordan with Maya Vie, and two Elf girls with the Mundane men Castus and Dagan. After the others reunited, reacquainted with old friends, and greeted the new people and such, the group have the new ones settle into their new housing in the cabin and it wasn't long until nighttime came and Helen with a few of the girls pitching in to help, to cook dinner and have it made for all of them to gather together and eat.

With their new bounty of the milking cows of the monster human-friendly kinds, they have fresh milk to drink, either hot or cold for them as they have their dinner before they make up space for their new guests as well as comfortable beds when they settle into rest.

After a few minutes or so, everyone in the group, both the old and the new ones have gotten to their respective rooms and laid down on their comfy soft beds to sleep. And once they surrendered into a deep peaceful slumber, the only ones awake are the night guards and watchers who are staying up late at night for the whole time until the day, to look out for their entire and newly bigger group.

Even Type had stayed awake to join the watch guard and Draco didn't mind this as he stayed up awake and alert to be on the lookout but also to think clearly on the kind of thoughts he has running inside his head.

After finding and then taking in the new people into their group, Draco was slightly amazed at the kind of coincidence or fate that was brought to them in the midst of a slightly long time then. The blond mage seemed to be wondering what other events or course of action might happen ahead of time or something.

I never thought that we'd find so many survivors in just the course of one week...I wonder what other kinds of unexpected surprises we might find next in the future?

That's what Draco thought in his mind just as he thought deeply about it while watching out for any dangers or threats out there late at night in the dark thick forests, surrounding their cabin shelter.

There's no telling what's in store for them next time in the future. But Draco is internally hoping that the next time will also turn out to be another good one, such as their discovery of the new survivors.

And Draco truly hoped that it will come to that way again on the next days ahead in the future.

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Another chapter finished! I hope you like it!

To see into the list of Characters and more in the Monster Guide, look and read on CHAPTER 1.

There will be more thrills, excitements, and adventures onto the next chapters ahead of this story the next time, stay tuned for more!

There will be more for this story soon, I promise!

There is also another NEW STORY I'm working on, writing, and will be posted soon! 

I hope you'll like it!

Enjoy Readers!


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