Strawberries and Cigarettes ~...

By findyourboatxx

916K 24.1K 41.6K

[COMPLETED] where she sat and ate her strawberries, while he smoked his cigarettes. -harry styles au -set i... More

chapter one
chapter two *
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six *
chapter seven *
chapter eight
chapter nine ~ part one
chapter nine ~ part two
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen *
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen *
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen *
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven **
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four *
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight **
chapter thirty nine *
chapter forty
chapter forty one ***
chapter forty two
chapter forty three **
chapter forty four
chapter forty five
chapter forty six *
chapter forty seven
chapter forty eight *
chapter fifty*
chapter fifty one*
chapter fifty two
chapter fifty three ~ part one ***
chapter fifty three ~ part two *
chapter fifty four *
chapter fifty five
chapter fifty six
chapter fifty seven
thank you

chapter forty nine *

9.6K 264 426
By findyourboatxx



"Okay," she said as she sighed loudly, tapping her pointer finger and thumb together rapidly as she looked at the three men across from her. "Go over it one more time."

Harry turned his head to look at Louis, who was already looking at him with a look of worry in his eyes before they flickered back over to Marley. He looked down at her hand, stepping towards her before carefully took it in his, stopping her motions entirely as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.

"Marley-" he said calmly, knowing that they have already told her the plan about three times since Louis had gotten there.

"Robin," she said softly, cutting him off to try and calm her nerves. "Just one more time... please."

Her tone was desperate, as if hearing it one more time would allow her to find a hole in the plot. It was almost as if she had been hoping for one, that way it would be easier for her to shut it down. But she couldn't, the three had been coming with a solid plan for days now, they were ready... but that didn't necessarily mean that she was.

The man to her left simply gave her a small smile, quickly flickering his gaze over at Harry before he simply nodded his head.

"Harry is going to arrive at the alley at precisely 10 after five," he said slowly, taking a seat at the table before the rest followed shortly after. "My team and I will already be on the other side waiting for him to meet up with Dean."

"What if he sees you?" she questioned, her grip on Harry's hand tightening as she spoke.

"He won't," Harry assured her, sending a soft smile her way.

"We'll be a block away," Robin stepped in, nodding his head as he continued. "But my personal car will be set up across the alley way and I'll be able to hear everything that Harry says and hears."

She sighed once more, looking at Harry who simply nodded his head, giving her hand three gentle squeezes before she smiled and sent three more his way.

Robin smiled at the two before he said, "Once Harry says the code word that's when we'll step in. We will have Dean surrounded and if everything goes as planned then it will be no more than a thirty minute operation."

Harry mental cursed at Robin for the last sentence, knowing for a fact that it would send Marley sprialing. He rolled his eyes as Marley stood from the table, fear in her eyes as she spoke.

"If everything goes as planned," she mocked, running her fingers through her hair as she looked at Robin. "Because the last time we did this it went so well."

"C'mon Marley," Louis said carefully, sweeping the hair out of his eyes as he spoke. "We both know it's different from last time, the stakes are much bigger than it was before, we've got it covered."

She turned to him with wide eyes as Harry rolled his own once more as he whispered, "Nice one, mate."

"What I'm trying to say is that we're ready now, before it was just a shot in the dark with no real plan. Believe me Marls... this one is solid," Louis backtracked, panicking slightly as he tried to ease the tension building in the room.

"I just feel like it could all go wrong too quickly," she mumbled under her breath. "I mean what are you going to do if he pulls a gun out, Harry?"

He sighed quickly before he stood. "Blue," he said quietly. "Trust me when I say that I've dealt with people a hell of a lot worse than Dean."

He chuckled a bit before he looked at her and he hadn't expected that to be her reaction. She simply rolled her eyes, scoffing slightly before she walked towards him, knocking his shoulder with hers as she mumbled out a quiet, "Jackass" before walking out of the kitchen.

He looked around the room for a moment, Louis sending a dangerous look before he rolled his eyes, "Are you fucking serious right now?"

Harry was shocked by his words. He stayed silent for a moment before he finally asked, "What the hell is your problem?"

"Robin," Louis said as he looked over to the man in his uniform that made Harry want to hit him. "Can you give us a second?"

Robin simply nodded his head, "Uh- yeah," he said with a slight cough. "I'll just- go try to calm her down."

With that he stood from the table and followed the girl's trail, practically running out of the room as he headed to where Marley had gone. Louis stood swiftly from the table as he approached Harry quickly, slapping the back of his head as Harry hissed in pain.

"What the hell," he mumbled as he held the back of his head, raising his other hand to smack Louis in the shoulder.

"Can you get your head out of your arse for one second," Louis snapped, shaking his head as he headed to the fridge and grabbed two bottles of water for them. "She's scared, you idiot."

"You don't think I know that," Harry hissed before snatching the water out of Louis' hand and taking a seat back down at the table. "This is all she had been worried about since the second she moved in here."

"Look Harry," he said quietly, leaning his body against the wall across from him. "To you; Dean not be the scariest thing you have faced in your life but can you just for one second look at this from her perspective?"

"That's why I'm doing all of this in the first place," Harry said, taking a sip of his water before he continued. "For her."

"I know but that's not what I'm talking about."

"What is it then," Harry questioned, his voice not laced with venom like he expected but simply that of curiosity.

Because he has tried to think of this from her perspective, he has looked at it from every angle and each time he came up with the same answer... he needed to do this for her. He didn't understand why she was so hesitant with the whole thing; in fact, he thought she would be happy that Dean would be gone. With the man finally put away then she can sleep at night, not worrying if he was going to come back.

"I'm gonna say something and you have to promise you won't get mad," Louis said slowly, staring at Harry carefully before he waited for his response.

"Louis, just say it," Harry sighed, waiting for Louis to speak. But once he realized he was going to sit in silence due to Louis' stubbornness, he groaned heavily before rubbing his hands over his face. "Fine, I promise. I won't get mad just fucking tell me."

Louis rolled his eyes before he spoke, "Like I said... to you, Dean is nothing. I know you have dealt with people much worse than him and no one is faulting you for not thinking this is a big deal," he explained carefully.

"I know it's a big deal, Lou- " we went to say, but he was cut off by Louis voice filling the room.

"But to Marley," he said with a sigh. "He is the worst man to ever enter her world. He is her greatest nightmare and he has done more things to her than we will probably ever know. So you have to understand her fear of him doing something to you. You may not think him hurting you is a big deal, but to her... it is everything." 

Harry sat for a moment after Louis' words filled the kitchen until they clicked and he had realized where he had gone wrong.

He hadn't been looking at the situation like that, because to Marley... Dean was his father. The single person that she had feared most in this world was up against the person that she had loved more than anyone. He would thinking the same way if the roles were reversed... if she was the one going up against his father.

"Fuck," he said to himself, closing his eyes as he hung his head down. "God I'm such a dick."

"How did those words taste coming out of your mouth," Louis said with a smirk on his face.

Harry rolled his eyes as he stood up, sending his middle finger in the air as he walked out of the kitchen, the only he heard was a chuckle from Louis before he exited.

He didn't need to go far to find Marley, because as soon as he walked out of the kitchen he caught a glimpse of her hair flowing to the left. He shot his head around quickly to see that she was sitting on the porch, her head hanging down as she rested her chin into her hands. He smiled to himself, his heart warming at the way the sun's glow had turned her hair into a caramel colour.

It was time for him to be honest with not only himself, but with her. Because while he could try all he wanted to not to be scared, it was harder to lie to her than to himself.

He truly didn't care if anything happened to him; in fact - months ago - he almost wished that something would happen to him. That way it would finally all come to an end, he wouldn't have to live with constant memories and painful traumas that had consumed him everyday since he was a kid. But now it seemed as though that just the thought of not being with her was enough to stop this entirely.

He opened the back door quickly, walking up behind the girl who had been so far into her own world that she hadn't even heard him come up behind her. He stared at her for a moment before a gust of wind came their way, her head tilting up as she smiled softly.

"Feel like we've been here before," he mumbled softly, taking a seat beside her as their knees grazed one another.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly, turning her head to face him as her bright blue eyes bored into his own.

He shook his head quickly, "I should be the one apologizing."

"No," she sighed, running her fingers through her hair as she leaned her head onto his shoulder. "You're just doing what you always do, protecting the people that you love."

Her voice was soft, flooding through his ears with ease as he leaned his body into her's. It seemed as though that was how it was always supposed to be, the two falling into a natural rhythm together as their breathing fell into sync with one another.

"And I'm doing what I always do," she admitted. "Finding the worst in everything so that way it doesn't hurt as much when it all falls apart."

She took a deep breath before saying, "But I'm so fucking proud of you. And I trust you, all of you, I know that you're going to be okay. I'm just worried is all."

He looked at her lovingly as she continued, "I know you've done this before, I know that you have been so much and this is probably nothing to you. But I will be damned if something happens to you because you were trying to protect me... especially if it's from the person you're trying to protect me from."

"Hey," he said quietly, nudging her shoulder lightly as she turned to look at him. "You have every right to be scared because deep down... I'm scared too."

"Really?" she asked softly, lifting her hand off of her lap and placing it onto his knee.

He nodded shyly, bringing his hand down to her own and lacing their fingers together. "Yeah," he said softly. "I'm scared that if this all goes south... then what does that mean for you?"

"What do you mean?" she questioned, staring into his eyes with so much affection it took his breath away.

"I'm scared that if something happens to me, then I won't be able to stop him from getting to you."

"Nothing is going to happen to you, okay?" she said softly. "Remember what you told me last night, what Robin said just minutes ago. He's going to be right there and everything will be okay."

He knows she is just saying to comfort him, he can see the look of fear that she is trying so hard to fight in her eyes. But both of them knew deep down that something was going to go wrong and the closer the time got for Harry to leave, the closer their fear could become a reality.

"But the scariest part is if something happens to me," he whispered softly. "Then I might not see you again. I don't think I'm ready for that."

"Don't think like that," she hummed, shaking her head as tears slowly made their way to the surface of her eyes. "You're gonna be okay."

"Harry," Robin's voice called out, snapping the two out of their own little world.

She went stiff at the word, her eyes slightly widening as she looked back at Harry. He gave her a soft reassuring smile, leaning down to kiss her lips softly. She pulled her body close to his, wrapping her arms around his neck as his own wrapped around her waist. He pulled back from her slightly, taking in the way the sun hit her face before he sent a small peck to her lips.

"I have to go,'' he whispered. "Meet me at the cliff tonight at 8."

She nodded her head before placing her lips back onto his once more as she whispered, "Please be careful."

"I will," he said as he placed his forehead onto hers. "I love you, Marley Jeen."

"I love you, Harry."


"Is it too late to back out?" Harry joked as Robin finished placing his wire through his shirt.

"No," he said seriously, stopping his movements entirely as he looked over to Harry. "You don't have to do this, we can find another way."

Harry shook his head, "She's too important not to."

Robin smiled slightly, nodding his head as he placed the earpiece in his ear. He tapped it quickly before looking onto his laptop. He clicked a few buttons as Harry watched intently, narrowing his eyes as he coughed slightly.

"Hey, uh," he stuttered, waiting for Robin to look up from the computer before speaking again. "Thank you."

"For what?" the man questioned, leaning onto the side of his car as he turned down his walkie talkie.

Harry rubbed the back of his neck, a slight feeling of bashfulness filling his veins as he said, "For taking them in, for keeping your end of the deal."

"I never saw it as a deal," Robin said quietly. "I love those kids and it broke my heart watching them go through this, they deserve more than that. Especially Marley. She's a good kid that has been through more shit than most people have in a lifetime."

"Yeah," Harry agreed, nodding his head as he played with the hem of his shirt. "She's pretty incredible."

Robin watched with a smile on his face as Harry's mind wandered off as he thought foundly of the girl. But the more the thought of her, the more his anger towards the man he was about to meet would become.

"Remember, no matter what is said... my team and I won't come until you say Candyman, got it? We don't want to blow our cover until we have everything we need."

"Got it," Harry said quickly, his nerves starting to pick up along with the time on the clock.

"You ready," Robin asked hesitinalty, loading his gun before opening the car door and sitting down in the driver's seat.

He nodded his head quickly, sticking his hands in the pockets of his jeans. He turned his body towards the alley, taking a deep breath before he started to walk. He brought out a package of cigarettes, grabbing one as he reached his hand back down into his jacket for his lighter. He only made it a few feet before he heard his name being called from the man in the car.

He turned around slowly, locking eyes with the man before he heard, "You're a good kid, Harry. Don't forget it."

He stayed still for a moment, his mind taking a moment to process the words. He inhaled slowly, allowing the nicotine to fill his lungs before he sent him a small smile, nodding his head as he turned to walk the rest of the way to the alley.

The neon sign of the Open Tease flashed quickly as he walked down the sidewalk. He tried to calm himself down, knowing that he only needed to do one thing for it all to be over. Soon he would be back with Marley, sitting on the cliff as he basked in the feeling of knowing she was going to be okay... that she was finally going to be safe.

He quickly looked over to the entrance of the club, finding it funny how just a few short weeks ago he was there trying to convince himself that he hadn't even cared at all for the girl with the annoyingly bright blue eyes. Especially since now, she seems to be the only thing he truly cared about.

He made it to the dark alleyway instantly, his heart beating out of his chest as he walked further down the damp cement. He wasn't nervous about what Dean could do to him... he was more worried about what he knew he was going to do to Dean. He could see his silhouette from the other end of the alley walking towards him, and he could feel the range burning inside of him as he tried to think straight.

He knew that one wrong comment from Dean would send him into an explosion, that he would see red and not be able to control himself. He could only hope that it wouldn't happen before Robin had all the information he needed.

The two approached each other silently, the only sounds to be heard were the ones of their shoes smacking against the pavement as Harry's boots treading him further to his own personal hell. He stared at him coldly as they met in the middle, his body leaning up against old milk crates and boxes stacked against the side of an old abandoned building. His hands were still placed in his pockets, trying to lessen his movements in case the sound of his jacket rubbing against him muffled the audio Robin could hear.

He was finally steps away from Dean when the man finally spoke, his voice deep and husked as he muttered out a small, "Styles."

"Let's get this over with, yeah?" Harry snapped, taking his hands out from his pockets to toss the cigarette on the ground and crossing them over his chest. He quickly uncrossed them, cursing to himself not knowing if he had just fucked up the mic.

"There is something that we need to discuss first," Dean said slowly, reaching into his jacket pocket.

He pulled out an mellon folder, bringing it down to the top of the boxes that Harry had still been leaning on. Harry's eyes didn't leave the man's face as he watched him open the folder slowly, pulling out a stack of polaroid pictures.

"You said it yourself," Dean quipped, fanning the pictures out in front of him as a smirk formed onto his face. "I can't be too careful with who I let in my circle. Your Tomlinson friend made that pretty clear."

Harry's heart dropped, trying his hardest not to flatten the glare he had on Dean as he acted as though he wasn't worried. But then his hands started to sweat, a fear growing inside of him at the thought of Dean being able to hear the way his heart pounded in his chest.

"You were doing really well at first," he said as he threw one of the pictures down onto the box. "But I knew it was too good to be true, not after the way you looked at her in the club."

Harry finally broke his gaze away from the man, his eyes scanning down to see the small picture in front of his face. His eyes widened at the sight of himself. It was a few days after he had visited Dean at the club, it was after one of his morning workouts. His hair had been sweaty and his shirt was off.

He snapped his eyes back up at Dean, his voice laced with venom as he snapped, "You've been fucking watching me."

"Personally no," Dean said with a smirk. "I have people who do that, you should know that by now, kid."

He could feel it, the way his blood was boiling more and more by the minute. The judgement in his mind was starting to cloud due to the anger consuming his body. But then he remembered why he had been doing this, the red he saw was starting to fade as he tried his hardest to stay calm.

"You two have grown quite comfortable with one another for her to be just another one of your pointless fucks," he carried on, throwing down picture after picture with Harry plastered on them.

He stopped for a moment before he came across a picture that had his smirk growing even more. He stared at the photo before his eyes slowly flickered to Harry's, even in the dim light of the alleyway he could see the dark look the man held within them.

"Tell me, Harry," he taunted, waving the small polaroid in the air before he slammed it onto the box. "What could she have been possibly telling you this night?"

The fist he had at his hands clenched tighter together. It was a photo of him sitting on the edge of the cliff... her cliff. His back was facing the camera and the only thing to be seen was the dark jacket he had draped over his shoulders, but then he noticed the girl in his lap.

Her hair was flowing over his shoulder, her head nuzzled into his neck as her arms were wrapped around him. She was wearing jeans shorts that could barely be seen due to darkness surrounding them and the red long sleeved sweater that he could recognize from anywhere.

But he knew what night that had been.

It was the same she poured her heart out to him and cried over the things that the sick fucker standing before him did to her.

"Fuck you," he spat, harshly throwing the photos onto the ground as he stepped closer to him. "Stay the fuck away from her."

Dean only smiled, shaking his head as he spoke, "I bet she was telling you about all the fun we used to have."

His breath reeked of beer and his knuckles were covered in blood as he sat more pictures of the two of them down. But then suddenly, Harry wasn't in the pictures anymore... they were only of her.

"About how she would scream my name," he said before a picture of Marley sitting on the couch appeared in front of him. "The way her small body would be underneath mine as she took it just like her mother," one of her stepping out of the shower, a towel wrapped around her waist as she threw her hair over her shoulder. "Or the way she would suck me off as I told her what a good little girl she was," a picture of the three Beck siblings sitting at the table eating.

Finally the last picture had broken him, it was one of her standing in her bedroom completely nude. He couldn't think straight now, Dean had known the entire time. Marley was right... he was always one step ahead.

"Or maybe," Dean said as he stepped closer to him, dragging his finger over the photo as he got inches from Harry's face. "She told you about how she begged me to stop."

And then suddenly... all he saw was red.


Holy shit... 350k

I love you guys so much.

I wanted to get this chapter up quickly since I have been gone for so long, sorry if there are mistakes lol. But if you thought this chapter was insane... wait until the next one.

Thoughts on the story so far?

~ lizzy :)

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