Be There In a Flash (Speedste...

By TheMasterInTraining

82.3K 1.3K 901

"My name is Y/n Jackson Garrick, and I am the fastest teenager alive. In my world, I was a superhero known as... More

Where Am I?
Welcome to Beacon
First Day
A Midnight Stroll
Friends, and Vigilantes
Trouble with Cardin
Forever Fall (Part 1)
Forever Fall (Part 2)
The Cat's Out of the Bag
One Hell of a Day
Being a Hero Isn't Easy
Best Day Ever?
Warm Welcome
Paint it Red
Slow Day
Shall We Dance
Adventure Awaits
Mountain Glenn
Off the Rails
Clean Slate

Showdown (Vol. One Finale)

2.3K 36 12
By TheMasterInTraining

Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY, nor do I own the Flash. We've talked about this before.

Third-Person Pov:

"Finally, she speaks," remarks the monkey faunus sitting in front of Blake. "Two days and you've given me nothing but small talk and weird looks." Blake gives the faunus a firm look at his words, "Yeah, like that," the faunus says.

Blake rolls her eyes and gives the boy a sad look. "Sun, by any chance, are you familiar with the White Fang?" she asks.

"Of course I am. I'm pretty sure there isn't a faunus on the planet that hasn't heard of them. Bunch of holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. They're a bunch of freaks if you ask me," Sun says, giving his opinion on the White Fang.

Blake calmly sips her tea before dropping the proverbial bombshell, "I was once a member of the White Fang."

Sun, not expecting that, briefly chokes on his drink and goes cross-eyed, "Wait, what? You were with them?!" he whisper-yells after he processes the information.

"That's right. For most of my life, I was one of them. Well, a more accurate statement would be that I was born into it," Blake lets out a dejected sigh, "In the ashes of the Great War, the White Fang was supposed to be a symbol of peace, unity, and equality between Humans and Faunus." She curls her free hand into a fist, "But despite being promised equality, the faunus were subjected to discrimination and hatred. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. And so the White Fang rose up as a voice for our people, and I was there. At the front of every rally, every boycott," she lets out a hollow laugh, "I actually believed we were making a difference in the world. But I was just a youthful optimist." Blake takes another sip of her tea, "Then five years ago, our leader stepped down, and a new one with a new way of thinking took his place. Our peaceful protests were slowly replaced with organized attacks. We'd firebomb shops that would refuse to serve us. We were hijacking cargo from companies that used Faunus labor. And the worst part of all that was, it was working. We were being treated as equals. But not out of respect, but fear," she puts down her teacup. "So I left. And decided to no longer use my skills to aid in their violent acts. And instead, dedicate my life to being a Huntress. So now here I am, a criminal, hiding in plain sight, all with the help of a little black bow," she finishes off by wiggling her cat ears under her bow.

"And have you told your team or friends about any of this?" Sun asks. Blake looks down in shame and says nothing.

Y/n Pov:

"Blaaaaake!" Ruby, Yang, and I call out.

"Blaaaaaaaaake! Where aaaaaare yooooooou?!" Ruby cries out.

"Blaaaaake!" Yang cries out.

"Weiss, you're not helping," Ruby says after turning to look at Weiss.

"Oh! You know who could help? The police," she barks out.

"Ugh, Weiss," Ruby says, crossing her arms in irritation.

"It was an idea," Weiss says, trying to defend herself. 'Remember Y/n, you're supposed to keep them from getting killed. Not kill them.'

"Yeah, a bad one," Ruby says.

"Look, Weiss, no offense to you. But your view of the faunus is pretty biased. So I think we should hear Blake's side of the story before we jump to any conclusions," I say.

Weiss has a look of shock on her face before she recovers and says, "I think that when we hear it, you'll all realize that I'm right."

"And I think I might just end your second chance right here. But I've got more pressing concerns than putting a brat in her place," I say, looking at Weiss dead in the eye.

"And I think Weiss' hair looks lovely today," a voice I memorized two days ago says.'Oh, thank god, it's Penny. I really need to take my mind off the urge to gut Weiss like a fish.'

"Aaaah! Penny! Where did you come from?" Ruby asks.

"Hey, guys! What are you up to?" Penny asks us, ignoring Ruby's question.

"We're looking for Blake," I say. 'Better to tell part of the truth than to make an elaborate lie that would take work to keep going.'

"You mean the faunus girl that wears black and white?" Penny asks.

"Penny, how did you know that?" Ruby asks.

"Umm, the cat ears," Penny says, pointing to her head.

Yang lets out a small laugh, "What cat ears? She wears a," she pauses at the realization, "bow." And out of nowhere, a tumbleweed rolls in.

"How did it take you that long to find out?" I ask, looking at Yang.

"Wait, you knew?" Yang asks.

Ruby throws in her two cents, "He didn't even need me to explain anything. He just guessed it."

'Well, I didn't guess it. More like Oz already told me, so there wouldn't be any curveballs along the way. But even if he didn't, I probably would have been able to figure it out. It's not as well hidden as Batman being Bruce Wayne to any normal person.'

"So, where is Blake?" Penny asks, causing me to turn my attention back to her.

"We don't know. She's been missing since Friday night," Ruby explains.

That causes Penny to gasp in horror. "Oh no, that's terrible!" Penny exclaims, getting closer to Ruby. "Well, don't you worry, Ruby. I won't rest until we find your teammate!" Penny declares.

Ruby puts on a fake smile, "That's really nice of you, Penny, but we're okay. Right guys?" She asks to no one, apparently. 'What is it with Huntresses being able to appear and disappear when I look away for a second? At least I won't have to deal with Weiss.' I see another tumbleweed roll by.

"It sure is windy today," Penny remarks.

Third Person Pov:

*With Blake and Sun*

"So what's the plan now," Sun asks Blake while putting his hands behind his head.

"I still don't believe that the White Fang is behind all the recent robberies. They've never needed this much dust before," Blake says.

Sun's eyes widen, "What if they did?" he asks while lowering his arms. He starts pacing in front of Blake, "I mean, the only way to prove they didn't do it would be to go to where they would be if they were the ones doing it and not find them there, right?"

"It's a good plan, but the only problem is we don't know where that would be."

"Well," Sun starts, "while I was on the ship, I may or may not have overheard a couple of guys talking about offloading a huge shipment of dust coming in from Atlas."

"How huge?"

"Huge," Sun puts his arms apart for emphasis, "Big Schnee Company freighter."

"You're sure?"


*Meanwhile with Yang and Weiss*

"Thanks anyway," Yang says, walking out of a shop with Weiss, still not having any luck finding Blake. Yang lets out an exhausted sigh, "This is hopeless." Then she looks at Weiss, who doesn't even seem to be worried about her missing teammate. "Weiss, you really don't care if we find her, do you?"

"Yang, don't be stupid. Of course I care. I'm just afraid of what she'll say when we find her." She starts walking, "The innocent never run," Weiss says to Yang over her shoulder.

*Now with Y/n, Ruby and Penny*

"So. Is Blake your friend?" Penny asks Ruby and Y/n.

"Yeah, Penny. She is." Ruby says.

"What about you, Y/n?"

Y/n adopts a pensive expression at Penny's question. "Well," he scratches his chin, "we do hang out sometimes, but that's when the rest of her team is around, so I guess she's more of a friend by association," Y/n finally says.

"And, you're mad at her?"

"Yes, I mean no. I'm not mad at Blake, but Weiss is," Ruby says.

"Is Weiss friends with Blake?"

"We don't know, Penny," Y/n says.

"But why?" Penny asks, trying to figure out why Blake would run away.

"It's a long and complicated story, but the short of it is that Blake wasn't who we thought she was," Y/n says.

Penny lets out a small gasp before asking, "Is she a man?"

"No, Penny. She's," Ruby pauses, "We don't know what or who she is. She didn't exactly talk to us before she ran off."

"I see," Penny says, "I don't have a lot of friends, but if I did. I'd want them to be able to talk to me about things that are important to them." Her words cause Y/n to flinch at superspeed, remembering that he's hiding far more secrets than any of his friends on Remnant.

"Me too," Ruby says.

"Yeah, same here," Y/n says.

*With Blake and Sun*

Blake is lying on a rooftop overlooking the docks and the dust shipment. "Did I miss anything?" Sun asks, making his way over to Blake with a couple apples in his hands.

Blake turns her head to face Sun, "Not really. They offloaded all of the crates. They're just there."

"Cool," Sun says, giving Blake an apple, "Here I stole some food."

Blake gives Sun a questioning look, "Do you always break the law without a second thought?"

"I'm from Vacuo. Law and order isn't really a thing, and weren't you part of a cult or something like that," Sun says, countering Blake before she gives him a glare. "Okay, too soon."

As he says that, the wind starts blowing from all around them. The two look up and see the searchlights of a bullhead looking for a landing spot. Once it does, it descends between the cargo containers and extends a ramp, then a hooded individual with a metallic mask with fangs steps out of the aircraft.

"Oh, no."

"That them?"

"Yes... It's them," Blake says after seeing a familiar red snarling wolf head with three claw marks over it on the person's back.

"All right, grab the tow cables!" A White Fang member says at more members, pointing to the crates with their rifle.

"You really didn't think they were behind this, did you?"

Blake looks down, "No, I think I knew deep down. I just didn't want to be right," she says sadly, closing her eyes. Until she hears a new voice.

"Come on, you filthy mongrels, what's the hold-up?" The White Fang grunts look at where the voice came from, Roman Torchwick making wide sweeping gestures with his arms. "We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves now, are we? So why don't you animals try to pick up the pace?"

"This, this isn't right. The way the White Fang is now, they would never work with a human, especially not one like him," Blake says, standing up and unsheathing her weapon and walking off the edge of the roof.

"Wait, what are you doing," Sun asks in alarm.

"No, you moron. This isn't a damn leash!" Torchwick says, looking around, not noticing Blake sneaking up on him until she's behind him with her blade at his neck. "What the f-"

"Nobody move!" Blake shouts, causing the White Fang members to raise their weapons at her.

"Whoa there! Take it easy little lady," Torchwick says. The White Fang starts to circle Blake, but before they could completely surround her, she takes off her bow, revealing her cat ears to the world and causing the White Fang members to lower their weapons.

"Brothers of the White Fang! Tell me, why are you aiding this scum?" Blake questions her fellow faunus.

"Oh, didn't you get the memo, kid?"

"What are you talking about."

"The White Fang and I," Torchwick grins, "well, we're going on a joint business venture."

"Tell me what it is, or I'll put an end to your little operation."

Torchwick looks up. "Oh, I wouldn't exactly call it little," he says at the sight of two more bullheads, causing Blake's eyes to widen in horror. With Blake distracted, Roman capitalizes on the moment and fires his cane near her feet, resulting in an explosion.

"Oh crap," Y/n says after hearing a loud bang and seeing smoke, causing Ruby and Penny to look in the direction he is facing. He takes off, running towards the smoke, followed by Penny and Ruby.

*Back with Blake*

Blake is on the ground, slightly dazed but unhurt for the most part. She rolls out of the way just in time to dodge several shots from Torchwick's cane gun and causing some of the shipping containers behind her to go up in flames. She avoids another series of shots from Torchwick by flipping away from the repeated blasts and using her semblance to help her retreat behind more containers.

Torchwick slowly makes his way to where Blake was. "Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty," he taunts before being interrupted by a banana peel to the face.

"Woohoo," Sun yells, jumping off a container and landing feet first on Torchwick's face before rolling away and standing up, getting ready for a fight. "Leave her alone."

The two remaining bullheads open their hatches to let out more White Fang members, the White Fang members jump out and surround Sun. "You're not the brightest banana in the bunch, are you kid," Roman remarks after he gets up. Once he finishes his sentence, the White Fang members charge at Sun. However, due to his skill, he manages to dodge several slashes and punch and kick several of them in their faces or chests before rolling out of the way from another swing and laughing while pulling out his weapon, a red collapsable bo staff. Sun quickly uses his staff to take down any that try and hit him before slamming it onto the ground and letting out a small shockwave to defeat the rest.

Blake looks over the corner of a container to see Sun beat another White Fang grunt with a kick to the jaw before doing a flip and landing on the grunt's back before performing another flip sending the grunt flying over Torchwick's head. Torchwick growls in annoyance and fires a shot from his cane at Sun, who manages to block it in time. Blake takes advantage of the smokescreen and jumps over Sun.

"He's mine," Blake says, attacking Torchwick with both of her blades and using her semblance and agility to her advantage. The assault puts Torchwick on the defensive as he is forced to dodge and block Blake's weapons. Blake continues her assault and tries to find a weak point in Torchwick's defense. She finds one and manages to strike Torchwick. Torchwick recovers and avoids taking several more hits and tries to punch Blake in the face, only to hit nothing but thin air as she uses her semblance to dodge the blow. The two clash weapons again before Torchwick manages to hit Blake's side.

"Finally," Torchwick says before whacking Blake over and over with his cane before landing one final hit on her head.

But just as Blake goes down, Sun jumps in from behind her and kicks Torchwick in the chest, disconnecting his staff and transforming it into two pairs of gold chain linked lever-action shotguns and swinging them while firing shot after shot from all four guns at Torchwick. Torchwick manages to defend himself from Sun's onslaught until he stops for a moment, and Blake rushes in and slashes Torchwick's side knocking him back. While on his back, Torchwick spots a cargo container suspended in the air directly above Blake and Sun. He quickly stands up and fires at the cable keeping the container in the air.

Blake and Sun manage to get out of the container's way in the nick of time. But, unfortunately, Sun lands right in front of Torchwick, who has his cane pointed at him. But just as he's about to fire his weapon.

"Hey!" someone barks out, causing Torchwick to look in the direction it came from to see Y/n with his guns drawn, with Ruby to his left with Cresent Rose out and ready for action, and Penny to his right.

"Oh, if it isn't Little Red, and you brought friends," Torchwick says, taking his attention off of Sun. Y/n quickly capitalizes on that mistake by firing all twelve rounds from his weapons at Torchwick, one for each shin, knee, thigh, forearm, elbow, and shoulder. Torchwick dodges the bullets heading for his right side, but the ones to his left reach their intended target.

"Son of a bitch," he grinds out in pain, "Alright, you wanna play like that then." He aims his cane at Y/n and fires. There's an explosion, and smoke briefly fills the air, then a loud boom and a blink of an eye later. Y/n is face to face with Torchwick, and faster than he can react, Torchwick is hit in the face with a double roundhouse kick that sends him flying across the docks into a cargo container, leaving a small dent in it. But Y/n doesn't stop there because the instant Torchwick gets on his feet, he's there to uppercut him.

Meanwhile, Penny has deployed her weapon, a floating array of identical swords, and uses them as wings to slow her momentum as she jumps from the building. While still in the air, Penny sends three of her swords down and incapacitates two White Fang members. Then as she lands, she sends the blades at another member to her right, knocking them out. After that, Penny sends them at another grunt to her left, slamming them into a container wall. A few of the faunus try charging at her, but she uses her swords to create a spinning barrier knocking them down. Penny then jumps over another grunt with her blades still spinning like a top and sends them at a group of White Fang members, with Ruby firing rounds from Crescent Rose, now shifted into its sniper form, the whole time taking down any goon that Penny happened to miss.

"Woah," Sun says in astonishment of Y/n's sheer speed, Penny's efficiency, and Ruby's accurate shooting before he takes shelter. But just as our heroes are about done mopping the floor with Torchwick and the White Fang, three bullheads arrive and open fire. Y/n, who nearly had Torchwick beaten, sees an opportunity. Penny has her swords spin again to shield her and launches two more at a wall behind her, pulling herself towards it. Then she has her other blades form a circle and open up and charge a green sphere of energy before firing it at the bullheads, splitting two in half and having the passengers fall. They likely would have suffered severe injuries if a golden bolt of electricity didn't catch them all before they hit the ground.

"Thank you for traveling with Lightning Express. As a reminder to all passengers, our next stop is the police station. Known for attractions such as the holding cell, the interrogation room, and last but certainly not least, the men's bathroom with not enough paper towels and an out-of-order urinal," the Flash cheerfully says to the now restrained criminals. Next, he looks at the remaining bullheads and races underneath the one carrying a cargo container and creating two vortexes with his arms lifting him up before phasing inside of it and dragging out the passengers, and turning on the autopilot to keep it from crashing into the ground and exploding. Then he runs into the remaining bullhead and does the same, only this time he lets it fall into the water below. With his work finished, he ties up Torchwick and every White Fang member present.

"Now, which one to pick. Eney, meeny, miny, you," Flash says, pointing to a still conscious White Fang member.

"I'm not telling you anything, human."

"I have ways of making you talk. Which range from me being annoying to ones that are only practiced during a world war," the Flash says, distorting his voice.

"I'll never ta-" The White Fang grunt gets cut off by several hundred slaps to the face.

"That's me being annoying. So will you talk, or am I going to have to waterboard you? And would you look at that? We're on a dock," Flash says, distorting his voice further making him sound like a monster.

"You don't have the balls, you son of a-" the White Fang grunt starts before having a vibrating hand in his chest.

"Pick your words very carefully. I could end yours and your comrades' lives before you can try and say 'Shazam.' So what will it be?" Flash warns, now sounding like a demon from Hell.

"Okay! I'll talk! Please don't kill me!?"

"Why are you working with a human? Last I heard, the White Fang hated them."

"It's not like I have a choice."


"A few months ago three humans came to our camp, and one forced the captain to take orders from her, or we would all die."

"Let me guess those orders involved working with the ginger with the cane?"


"What did they look like?"

"Two were women, and one was a guy."

"Anything specific about them?"

"The guy is pale, he's got grey hair, but he's young," the goon says, sputtering out the last part.

"And the women?"

"One had red eyes, dark skin, and mint green hair. The other was pale, black hair, amber eyes, red dress, and a semblance that's so powerful she kicked our asses."


"From what I could tell, the guy didn't have one on him. The red-eyed girl had a pair of guns, and the bitch that put our leader under her thumb has a bow that turns into swords."

"Thank you," Flash says with his normal voice and takes his hand out of the White Fang member's chest and stops vibrating it. He then makes sure Torchwick and the White Fang members are knocked out and secured. Once that's said and done, he prepares to leave the area.

"Wait!" a voice calls out.

The Flash turns around to see that Penny standing near him.

"Yes," the Flash asks, disguising his voice again.

"Were you really going to kill him?" Penny asks.

"No, I wasn't."

"I see. Well, then I have questions for you."

"Ask away."

"Where are you from? Your abilities are too numerous to be a semblance."

"I'm from a planet called Earth. As for my abilities, that's a secret," the Flash finishes his statement by putting a finger near his lips in a shushing gesture.

"What is Earth like?"

"Geologically, it's similar to Remnant, from the frozen wastelands nearly devoid of life in the north and south poles to a rainforest so large it takes up nearly half a continent and overflowing with all sorts of life. In fact, there are so many species that you could dedicate your life to studying them all and barely scratch the surface of what you can learn. As for my abilities, that's classified information."

"And the people?"

"Ah, the people, well, that's more complicated. Just as there those here capable of causing great injustice here, there are people like that where I'm from. But like true huntsmen and huntresses to Remnant, there are what many call 'superheroes' on Earth, people that are dedicated to making a positive change in the world."

"Penny!" a voice cries out.

"Well. I guess this is goodbye for now," the Flash says before speeding away in an instant.

*Spongebob Narrator Voice: Later*

A few police cars are now at the docks, while Y/n, Ruby, Blake, now wearing her bow again, Sun, and Penny are sitting on boxes. But not for long since Weiss and Yang just showed up.

Not wanting another argument between her teammates to break out again, Ruby immediately tries to intercept Weiss. "Hey Weiss, it's not what you think. She told us everything. See, she doesn't actually wear a bow. She has these cat ears and they're actually kind of cute."

Weiss simply walks past Ruby and looks at Blake. "Look, Weiss, I want you to know that I'm no longer with them. Back when I was-" Blake calmly starts.

"Stop. Do you have any idea how long we spent trying to find you?" Weiss pauses, "Two days. So that means I've had two days to think about this, and in those two days, I've decided..."

After Weiss' pause, Y/n looks ready to knock someone out if necessary while Ruby, Yang, and Sun look worried.

"I don't care," Weiss finishes. Which surprises Blake.

"You don't care?"

"You said you weren't with them anymore, right?"

"No. God, no. I haven't been since I was younger-" Blake starts.

"Upupupupup. I don't want to hear it," Weiss says. "All I want to know is that whenever something like this comes up, you'll come to your friends and not... someone else," Weiss says that last part while looking at Sun.

Blake looks at Y/n and the rest of her team, Ruby and Yang, giving matching grins and Y/n with a thumbs-up and a crooked grin. "Of course," she says, causing Ruby to wave her arms around and declare that Team RWBY is back together. The group of six moves closer to each other.

"I'm still not sure how to feel about you," Weiss says, pointing a finger at Sun, causing the boy to let out a nervous laugh.

"Wait, where's Penny," Ruby asks no one in particular, which makes Y/n start grumbling something about Huntresses being able to disappear like fricking bats?

Penny is seated in the back seat of a car, looking at the friends reuniting from a dark window.

"You should know better than to go off on your own in a strange city?" The vehicle's driver says.

Penny lowers her head, "I know," she says with sadness in her voice.

"Penny, your time will come," the driver says before driving away from the scene.

While all this is happening, Professor Ozpin is on his scroll watching a live feed of the docks that RWBY, Y/n, and Sun are at. He closes the video and sees he has a message from someone called Qrow. It reads, 'Queen has pawns.'

A/n: And that is it for Volume 1.

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