Broken ๐Ÿ’” (Ronnie Radke Roman...

By BVBPrincess88

693 16 4

It's hard to wake up in the morning. It's hard to get out of bed and go about my life. It's hard to breathe... More

Take A Deep Breath
It's Just Coffee
Movie Night Pt1
Movie Night Pt2
The First Gift
Melody Rain
Gift Two
Bed Rest and Warnings

Jealous Ronnie

69 2 0
By BVBPrincess88

Walking out of the house in my work clothes the next morning, I walked to the passenger side of Ronnie's truck. Ronnie unlocked the doors and we both climbed inside. "You sure you wanna spend the day with me? I'm just getting my breaks fixed and then food shopping." Ronnie looked at me with mock hurt.

"You use me for sex and then you don't wanna hang out with me anymore. I'm hurt, Mouse." He held his heart as if I'd stabbed him and slumped his head. I giggled.

"Yeah right. I could never get tired of having you around."

I pushed him playfully.

"Good." He booped my nose and started the truck. "Because without me you'd be stuck at the car place until your car is done. At least if I come along I can keep you company." He wiggled his eyebrows and I blushed. If he was serious then I was in trouble. If last night taught me anything it was that there was no being quiet when it came to sex with Ronnie Radke.

Pulling into the parking lot of the car repair shop, a guy walked over to the driver side door. I rolled the window down and smiled. "Name."

"Jade Henderson."

We went over the milage and other things before I stepped out the car and handed over the keys to my baby. Ronnie walked over and put his arm around me as the guy looked back at me and smiled. "Wanna walk to Starbucks?" I asked, squinting up at him due to the bright sun.

"Sure babe." I smiled and with his hand on my waist we walked three stores down to Starbucks.

Walking into the cool interior of the company, Ronnie kissed the top of my head and excused himself to the bathroom. I walked over to the back of the line and went over the menu before deciding on a strawberry caramel frappe.

"You come here often?"

I jumped at the deep voice and turned around to find a man I'd never seen before smiling down at me. I smiled and nodded.

"I do, actually. You?" He chuckled.

"I meant that as-"

"Back off ass whole, she's with me!" Growled a very angry Ronnie as he shoved the guy back and put his arm around me possessively. I stared with wide eyes in shock at the sudden violent side of him.

"I think the lady has a voice of her own." The man said, dusting himself off and readjusting his shirt. Ronnie glared at him with a look that could kill, but they both looked at me.

"He's my boyfriend." I said, blushing as the words escaped my lips. I put my hand on Ronnie's chest and the guy frowned.

"I hope you know what your doing, lady." He said with a disappointed expression.

"What was that?!" Ronnie snapped. I jumped at his outburst and watched in fear as he stepped toward the guy ready to polverise him in a second. The guy held his hands up in defense and shrugged.

"Just that I know how relationships with guys like you end with girls like her." He turned his eyes upon me as I stared on in fear, not sure of what to do. "You'll end up in the gra-"

Before he could finish his word, Ronnie swung his fist and made contact with the guys jaw. I screamed in shock as I watched the guy stumble back, blood trickling down his jaw. Ronnie didn't let up. He lunged forward and struck him again before two guys were finally able to pull Ronnie off of the man.

"Out! Your not allowed back here again! Get out before I call the police!" The manager yelled. Ronnie flipped them all the middle finger before grabbing my hand and pulling me out the building. I followed, stumbling behind him, as we headed back toward the repair shop.

"What was that?" I asked, trying to wrap my mind around what exactly had just happened.

"He was flirting with you!" Ronnie stopped and turned on me in such speed I almost ran into him. "And you weren't stopping him!" I shrank down in fear of his anger and shook my head.

"I didn't know he was flirting, I swear! And I told him we were dating!"

"After I showed up!" He countered angrily. "If I hadn't been there you'd have probably flirted back!" I glared at him in anger and humiliation. Did he really think so little of me?

"I was not! I swear!" I could feel the tears stinging my eyes at this point.

It took my tears falling for his eyes to soften and for home to reach out and pull me into a gentle embrace. He took in a deep breath and sighed. "I'm sorry, baby. Don't cry." Lifting my head he wiped away my tears and kisses my quivering lips. "Please stop crying," he whispered, his thumbs brushing away more of my tears. I reached up and held his wrists, confused at what had just happened.

A few more kisses later, we were walking back toward the car shop. We walked into the building and sat down in the empty chairs. I was exhausted and just wanted to go home.

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