Star Crossed Lovers: Second G...

By gurdianoflight

874 37 5

What if the famous Mockingjay from the hunger games never killed President coin and killed Snow instead. Kat... More

Chapter one: Destiny sets its course.
Chapter 2: the woods
Chapter 3: The Train
Chapter 4: The tribute Parade
Chapter five: let the training begin
Chapter 6: Individual assessments
chapter seven: The final five plan and a day in dresses
Chapter 8: The Interview
chapter nine: let the games begin
Back in district Twelve
Chapter eleven: the blood bath
Chapter 13: When together, love grows stronger.
Chapter14: The first and maybe only date
Chapter 15: The final words
Chapter 16: Victory comes with a price
chapter 17: on our way home.
Chapter 18: Protective parents

Chapter twelve: Family differences

23 2 0
By gurdianoflight

Diana's point of view

I slowly open my eyes and a bright light shines on me. Am I dead? I don't think so. I wasn't hit in a spot of my body by griffin to be dead. 

"Look who is awake," Says a boy. I finally can see clearly and see Griffin. I try to move my hands to punch him in the face but I find them tied behind my back. I glare at griffin. 

"What have you done? Where is Adrien?" I ask him. praying Adrien isn't dead. 

"I don't know where your boyfriend is. You are more important then he is," Griffin says. 

"What do you want from me?" I ask him. I already know the answer though. To kill me. 

"I want you to try and convince your parents that they made a mistake when they pushed my father out of their lives," Griffin says. I wasn't expecting that.

"How can I do that?" I ask him. "I am stuck in this arena with you," I say. 

"Do you know where we are right now?" Griffin asks me. 

"By a stream, why?" I ask him. 

"This is where your mother found your father. I have to say, I thought you would know that," Griffin says. 

"How was I suppose to know that? It is forbidden in my home to watch my parents games. I would not have known that anyway. How did you know that?" I ask him. He turns around and as he looks away from me; it gives me a chance to dislocate my thumb and slip my hand out of the rope. 

"I watched them over and over. I tried to see if you had any similarity that I could use when we went into the arena. I know how every victors kid feel that they need to go into the arena and prove themselves that they are like their parents. I knew you would be coming into the arena one day and I volunteered in my district so that I could get my fathers revenge for him," Griffin says, He turns back around with big metal claws in his hands. "You are going to help me convince your parents to confess they were wrong for turning away my father and your mother needs to say she loved my father more then yours. Can you do that for me?" Griffin asks. 

"Sure but I want to tell you something, come here," I says. He leans in his face close to mine. I take my hands out from behind my back and punch him in the face. He stumbles back and is starteled. I untie my feet from another thing of rope. 

"How did you get out!" Griffin demands in anger. 

"I dislocated my thumb. Did your father not teach you that?" I ask. I run up to him and punch him in the stomach. He stagers back. 

"Your dead!" Griffin says. He runs up to me and slashes at me with his metal claws. I dodge a few but then I trip over my own foot and fall to the ground. This is the end. I know it. I know I can't look weak so I glare a Griffin but that doesn't stop him from slashing my stomach with the metal claws. I cry out in pain. He then turns me onto my stomach and slashes my back. I cry out in pain again. 

"I am sorry but I must leave you here to die. I will leave your weapons too. You won't be able to get them anyway. You can't even move," Griffin says. I hear him walk off and I turn my head to see which way he went but stop when it makes me cry out in pain. As I think these are my last few minutes alive I just wish that Adrien wins and goes home to his family and mine. I hope he tells them how much I love them. I close my eyes and let the darkness of death take me. 

Adrien Point of View

I wake up and look to where Emer slept. He isn't there. I get nervous thinking someone found him. I climb down the tree with my stuff and start looking around. I find Emer grabbing berries off of a bush. 

"You should have woken me and told me you were going to get berries. I was worried," I say. Emer turns around and looks at me. 

"Sorry, You needed your sleep. Those nightmares of your really can keep someone awake," Emer says. 

"I wasn't having any nightmares," I say. 

"Oh yeah you were. You were crying out Diana's name a few times and you also almost fell out of the tree," Emer says. 

"Sorry I kept you awake," I say as I look at my feet. 

"Dude, it's fine. You're scared for your girlfriend. I would be too if she was my girlfriend," Emer says. 

"But she isn't my girlfriend and she isn't yours," I say. 

"You are right about her not being my girlfriend but I can see you love her very much," Emer says. We walk back to the tree and eat in silence. When we finish I ask him the question on my mind since last night. 

"Hey Emer, can we go check on where I left Diana yesterday. We got caught by the career pack but she killed all but two and she got into a fight with the boy from two. I just want to make sure she is okay," I say. 

"Yeah sure. It is really sweet how she let you run and she could fight for you," Emer says. 

"You make me sound like I'm weak," I say. 

"You aren't weak. It just shows she loves you," Emer says. He then turns his head.

"What is it?" I ask him. 

"Nothing. I will be right back," Emer says. 

"Wait, we shouldn't split up," I say. 

"I am not going far. I will meet you. I promise,"Emer says. He walks off and I continue to head to where I last saw diana. It takes me about an hour to get there from where we split. It looks like it is around noon now from the position of the sun. I look around and don't find any blood but I do find faint foot prints of a male. They look as if they were being swept away by something being dragged. He didn't have anything that he would need to drag with him. Unless it was Diana being dragged. I start worrying about what he could do to her. What he would want from her but I get interrupted by the sound of a parachute. I look up and see the parachute coming right at me with a small rolled up piece of paper on it. I grab the paper and open it. I don't believe my eyes. It is a picture of Diana. By the stream, she lays unconscious in a pool of blood. I am disgusted at the sight. I turn the paper over and see a note from Effie. 

If she is the one you love. Go save her. Her parents are begging. Please.


 I don't know what to do. I can't leave Emer. Diana needs me. I don't know what to do. Fate picks for me, I hear a scream a little ways from me. I go run. No one else is around but Emer. I soon find him caught in a trap that has him hanging by a tree by his feet. I go and help him. Before I get him down blood is splatered all over my face. I see a sword going through his chest. I look behind Emer and throw my ax at the person. It is the girl that ran away from us yesterday. she falls to the ground in two pieces. Her body and her head. The canon goes off. I get Emer down and he lays down with my legs under his head. 

"I am sorry, I should have just gone with you instead of splitting up," I say in tears. 

"it is okay dude. If we didn't split up then you wouldn't have that," Emer says as he points to the paper in my hand. 

"You don't even know what it is," I say. 

"It has to do with your true love. You wouldn't be getting anything like that if it wasn't about her," Emer says. 

"I don't want to leave you but Diana is slowly dying by the stream and I want to be there for her," I says. He coughs up a bunch of blood. 

"It is okay, go to her. I wish I had what you have with her. Can you do one thing for me though?" Emer asks me. 

"Sure anything," I say. 

"Tell your kids you have with Diana and Diana too about your brave friend Emer who allowed you to go find Diana and if I didn't that they wouldn't be there," Emer says. He smiles at the thought. 

"But," I say but he interups me. 

"It will happen. i know it. Good luck my friend," Emer says. He slowly closes his eyes and I see his chest stop rising. 

"I promise," I say. I lay him down on the ground and throw my ax at a tree in anger. I sit next to his dead body for a few minutes the the wind starts blowing and I see the paper from Effie start blowing away. I grab it and all my stuff. I take one last look at Emer and look for a camera. I take my left hand and kiss my three middle fingers. I hold it up to the camera. I then head out to the stream. It takes me a while to find Diana but I do right as the sun is about to set. I look over her red stained body in sadness. I check for her pulse and find a very weak one. I go through her bag and find a first aid kit. I grab the bandages and get them wet. I clean out the water of its bacteria and start wiping away the blood. It doesn't help so I use the clean badages on her back. I flip her around and see she also is bleeding on her stomach. I bandage that up too. I find her stuff by her and pick her up bridal style. She hasn't waken yet. I pray she does. I find a cave a little ways from the river and I lay her down on the sleeping bag from her bag. I lay down next to her and try to sleep because no one is going to find us here. 

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