Being a Banner [ 1 of JA ]

By kerrywritesbooks

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I didn't know what to think. Dad was gone, and this monster was here to replace him. An angry monster with ex... More

Cast/ Author's Note: to be written
Another Book Note: to be written


620 35 6
By kerrywritesbooks

I woke up to have a bright blinding white light shining directly into my eyes.
      "Dad?" my voice sounded like I had a bunch of pebbles in my mouth. There was a sharp pain in my throat as I tried talking. My eyes were still adjusting to the bright lights and the new scenery. The walls were white, metal almost, and the room was large and wide with machinery. I couldn't see much, but I knew I was stuck in a stretcher, which led me to wonder if I was in some lab.
      My suspicions were correct as a lady in a white lab coat approached me with wide eyes. 
      "Test subject is conscious, tell Fury to get in the observation room." she wore a mask and began to pull on gloves. I tried to move but my arms and legs were cuffed against the board I was laying on.
      "Don't try to move too much, sweetie," the lady advised me, gently touching my arm.
      "Where's my dad? Where am I?" I ask as my vision began getting better.
      "Don't worry about that honey," the lady soothed.
      "Is my dad okay?"
      "I'm sure he's fine—"
      "You don't know?" I snap. The doctor ignores me as she turns around to a table behind her. A male doctor wake up to her, whispering quietly as to not let me overhear. "Where's Bruce Banner?" The man glances my way but I can hear the lady tell him to ignore me. "I want my dad. . ."
      The male doctor walks over to me, pulls his mask down and smiles, "We need you for a check up, and if you comply we'll tell you about your father,"
      I frown and crease my brows, "Check up? I-I went to the doctor four months ago, I'm fine,"
      "You're not up to SHIELD's standards." The male doctor mutters.
      "SHIELD?" I ask. The man doesn't answer. "Where's my dad? I won't comply if you won't tell me—"
      "Fury, she's being tedious," the woman says as she stands next to the wall. I can just barely see an intercom that she talks into attached to the wall.
      There's a pause before I hear, "Get it over with."


"Bruce wouldn't like this." Natasha Romanoff said, looking at Kerry from the observation deck that hung over the lab. Director Nick Fury stood next to her, hands behind his back, staring down at the young girl strapped to the table stretch.
      "We nor Banner know what she's capable of." Fury said.
      "For all any of us know, she's normal. If she was like Bruce I think there'd be a raging teenage. . .girl-Hulk destroying the place." Natasha snapped.
      "She's heavily sedated and would pass out before turning into what we think she will," Fury retorted.
      The door to the observation room slammed open, and standing in the doorway was a heavily angered Bruce.
      "What the hell are you doing to my daughter?" He shouted, marching up to Fury. Natasha stepped in his way, hands up and lightly touching his shoulders.
Fury rolled his eye having to repeat himself, "Dr. Banner, we don't know what she's capable of—"
"I do, now let her go before I tear this place apart!" Bruce threatened, his face growing red by the minute. Fury stared at him as the intercom came back on, with the female doctor asking, "Should we inject the adrenaline, sir?"
Natasha stopped Bruce from hitting the intercom, but that didn't stop him from shouting "No!" over Fury.
"Just one, for now,"


I can hear shouting over the intercom, and for a second I can hear Dad's voice shouting my name.
      "Dad?" I ask, lifting my head up.
"Please! Don't hurt her!—"
"Dad?" I say louder.
      "Hold still honey," The female doctor says as she holds my arm down.
      "Don't touch me!" I shout, writhing on the stretcher.
      "Strap her head! Hold her down!" The lady shouts. "We need backup!" The male doctor places a white strap over my head to hold it in place as many nurses come over to hold my limbs down.
      "Stop! Let go of me!" I scream as the straps to my arms and legs get tighter. "Dad! Help me!"
      Suddenly, the side of my shirt is being lifted, and for a quick second there's a sharp feeling in my side, but it doesn't hurt, not until the doctor tries pushing it in farther. I scream as I feel my muscles grow stronger, slightly become larger. Ripping the strap off, I grab one of the nurses by the collar.
"The needle isn't puncturing!" I hear the lady exclaims. "Stop her!"
I pull on the nurse and push her into the doctor and other nurses. My right foot breaks free of its strap as I tear the strap off my left arm and free my left foot after.
"What's going on?"
"Her skin is impenetrable!" I hear a male nurse yell.
Hands grab at me from every angle, and I try to fend them off and tear them away from me. A pair of nurses grab my hair while holding down on my forehead to keep me still. I scratch at their hands, tearing their gloves off and eventually reaching for their scalps.
      The sound of doors slamming open silenced some of the yelling nurses, but it scared them all to let me go, letting me roll off the stretcher and stumble away. Immediately, the few closest to me turned around as I started crawling backwards and screeching.
"Don't touch me!"
"Kerry!" I hear Dad yell. He rounds the stretcher and approaches me with his hands held out. I scream until I hit the wall and curl myself into a ball, pressing my thighs against my chest.
"It's okay!" He whispers, kneeling down to me. "It's me baby, it's Dad—"
"I wanna go home!" I begin crying in big sloppy tears.
"I know, I know, I do too," he begins to brush the top of my head and pull long brown strands of hair out from my face as I lay down on the cold floor. I close my eyes and continue to cry, not wanting to open them incase I was going to be tortured again.
"Can you calm her?" A deep voice asks.
"She doesn't need the shot to show her powers! She's just like me, but she doesn't turn into a monster," Dad says strongly.
"She's not green either," I hear a woman with a gravely voice say. "Fury, she's not a threat, she's a child,"
"I didn't say she was a threat—"
"So stop treating her like one!" Dad shouts, making me jump. I feel his hand leave my head as I hear his feet shuffle. My eyes slightly open as I look up to see Dad and a very tall man dressed in all black. Maybe it was just me, but I couldn't see his left eye.
"Dr. Banner, please don't do this here, not up here—" Phil gets cut off by Dad picking a scalpel and pointing it at the man in all black.
"This isn't the Hulk talking," Dad manically shakes his head. "No, no, this is Bruce Banner—and when you mess with my daughter I'm a monster of my own!"
"Stay out of this, Natasha!" Dad yells.
The woman, Natasha, has red hair and wears a black cat suit. She wears a fearful expression as she shakes her head.
"Bruce, you're tired, I understand—"
"None if you understand!"
"I have children too!" Natasha cries. "I have a daughter and I know exactly how you feel, as a parent! I understand your fear and where it's coming from! My daughter Raya—"
"Fury knows you're strong, he thinks I'm weak—"
"Stop. . ." I whisper so quietly Dad doesn't hear me.
"—so weak that you try and take my daughter away from me—"
". . .stop. . ." I push myself up onto my knees.
"We were trying to protect her! You want Ross killing her?" The man in black, Fury, says as he motions to me.
"SHUT UP!" Dad screams, throwing his hand with the scalpel up in the air.
      I jump on my feet and dash to Dad, where I stop his right hand from coming down onto Fury. Dad growls at me and grabs my right arm.
      "Stop Dad! Please!" I screech. He pulls me off with his left hand, but I could sense Hulk starting to emerge as I saw his veins in his arms rumored green before I went flying into the wall. My head hit so hard it was the last thing I remember before blacking out.


yo! Follow me on tumblr!! I'm @marvelliter!! I draw and post Bruce Banner art like this!!

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