Eres Academy :School of The R...

By cassiopp3ia

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HEIRS SERIES #1 ~Eres Academy~ Paige Bennet is a commoner. Wealth i... More

Author's note
Heir's series #2 book trailer


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By cassiopp3ia


"Congratulations Mr. CEO!"

I stopped walking when Ram suddenly jumped on me while I was heading towards my office.

"Get off," I pushed him away making him laugh as we entered the door. When we got inside, I placed my bag on my desk and took off my coat.

"I heard your Dad's handed you down the business." Ram sat on a chair in front of me while sipping some coffee. I had no idea where'd he got it from.

"Yeah, he's been wanting to retire for a long time." I opened the documents Lucy left at my table this morning. "How long will you be staying in England?" I asked Ram.

"I leave next week, and about that, why don't you come back to the States with me?" He asked casually. He's been asking me this for so long and I always turned the offer down. I had no business in the States.

"No thanks."

"How come." Ram complained.

"I'm busy," I pointed to the papers I had on my desk. They were all project proposals and business reports.

"Bro, you're the CEO, you can make your own schedule, besides our batch is having a reunion at the end of the month, did Aicko send you an invitation?"

I shook my head.

I did receive an invitation, but I declined it, I didn't have it in me to come home. And if I were to attend the reunion that would mean having to see all my batchmates. Including her.

"Well consider me inviting you, what do you say?" Ram stayed annoyingly consistent.

"Still no."

"Fine suit yourself." Ram raised his hands in surrender making me chuckle. "But just so you know I'm sure Paige would be there."

"So?" I said coldly and flipped through my documents.

"Since when were you the cold type?" Ram laughed. "Well since you aren't asking, just so you know she's doing well."


I constantly wondered how she was doing, Lucy kept updating me on her status and her runway shows. She was definitely making a name for herself out there. She's been rising to fame these past few years. She looked happy. That was enough for me.

"I don't care."

"Whatever you say Blake, I'll just pretend that I believe you." Ram laughed.

I rolled my eyes and continued minding my documents while Ram continued teasing me like an idiot.

"Excuse me, Sir?" Lucy entered the door.

"Hey Luce!" Ram waved at her.

"Your highness." She bowed.

"What is it Lucy?" I asked.

"Your father wishes to see you in his office." I nodded and fixed the papers on my desk. "Is that all?"

"Oh and here's the hard copy of the report you requested, and this is the contract from the Canadian investors." She placed another load of papers on my desk.

I scanned the papers. "Alright, thanks."

She nodded and bowed at Ram once again before leaving.

When she left, Ram turned to me.

"Why does she still call you Sir?"

I shrugged. "I kept telling her not to but she never listens so I just roll with it." I stood up and wore my coat. "My Dad's waiting for me, will you be staying here?" I asked him.

"Nah, I have a scheduled dinner with my dear relatives." He checked his watch.

"Good luck." I laughed. "Not everyone gets to have dinner with England's royal family."

"Well not everyone has a best friend who's the Prince of Egypt." He smirked.

"Whatever." I patted his back and we walked out of my office. Ram went to leave the building while I headed to my father.

When I got to the front of his office, his secretary showed me in. When I got inside, boxes were piled up and the cabinets had white sheets covering them. It was obvious that Dad was moving out. He's decided to retire and to leave our whole business empire into my hands.

I wasn't sure if I was ready for it, but this is what I've been training for my whole life. This was what my father's been training me for my whole life. And he thought I was ready.

"Blake," Dad acknowledged me.

He was sitting on his desk and beckoned me closer.

My relationship with Dad wasn't all warm and sunshine. He was hard on me. Indeed he was strict, he kept scolding me through out the years, making me live up to his expectations. He was the reason I had to leave home and come here in the first place. Back then I felt the urge of crying every night. But I kept myself composed.

I missed home, I missed my friends. But most of all, I felt like the world was against me. I've became a monster and a cheater in the eyes of the person I loved.

Words and insults were thrown at me, Both from my father and from her. When I tried to speak, I was never heard. Nobody cared about my side. Nobody listened. So I left home, followed Dad and allowed him to control my every decision. I followed all his orders and all of it numbed me from the pain and anger I had from the past.

Now my father wasn't as strict as he was before. When I did my best in school and in work, he started becoming lighter on me. Now he handed me his position as CEO. The way his brows don't furrow anymore at my performance and the way he pats me on the back might mean that he's become proud of me.

"What is it Dad?" I sat on the chair in front of him.

"You remember our latest project? The Diamond hotel at Los Angeles?"

I tried to recall, "Yes, apparently I do."

Dad nodded. "Well it's opening is this weekend and the CEO must be present." He turned to me. "You should be present."

My brows furrowed. "With all due respect Dad, I've got a full schedule for this weekend, I have a board meeting with our international group and we've been preparing for the arrival of the Canadian investors."

"Those plans aren't as big as our hotel's grand opening, You can leave your work here in the hands of your Secretary, she's pretty competent."


"So you better pack up your things, and come back to the States with me," He eyed me. "It won't be a long stay, Our business empire needs to see your first step as the big boss."

I strained myself from talking back. Dad was always like this, he decides whatever feels good for him, he doesn't take into consent others opinions...feelings.

"And your mother and sisters want you back home as well." He eyed the picture frame on his desk that had our family picture.

I went silent.

"So," Dad turned to me. "Do you have any questions?"

I sighed before facing him, "None."

"Then get your things ready," He ordered, "We leave the day after tomorrow."

I nodded and left his office before walking back into mine.

I sat on my swivel chair to think. Going back to the States didn't sit in well with me but I didn't have much of an option.

So it's settled then... I'll have to face her.

"Sir," Lucy entered my office holding new loads of papers. "I've got the business plan ready for the board meeting this weekend."

"Change of plans Luce, I won't be here for a few weeks, you take care of the meetings for the mean time."

She seemed taken aback. "N-no problem Sir, I'll take care of everything while you're gone,"

"Good." I nodded and closed my laptop. I placed it in my briefcase. I had to tell Ram about the change of plans as well.

"Uhm... Sir if you don't mind me asking, where are you going to?" Lucy asked as she held her clipboard.

I wore my coat and faced her. "Home."



I was greeted by my sisters' shouts the second I entered the mansion.

I formed a small smile when Billy, Bobby, and Becca pulled me into a hug. Mom even joined them to squeeze me.

"Ok that's enough, it's good to see you too." I pulled away from their hugs.

"Aww you used to love hugs." Mom sighed.

"Jeez, what am I four?"

They laughed and led me into the kitchen.

I loved seeing my mother and sisters again. Although they do see me quite often. They'd always make quick visits to England to see me and Dad. And during the holidays, they'd make me come home for a few days.

"So, you're our new CEO." Becca, my eldest sister asked.

"Apparently so." I nodded.

Mom smiled. "You just make me so proud."

"He sure is ready for that title." Dad nodded approvingly.

I managed a small smile and went back to minding my food.

"Well as a newly appointed CEO, I have a proposal." Becca said. "Why don't you stop by my company and work with me for the mean time you're here?"

"That's a great idea, Your sister would get to give you a lot of tips." Mom said.

Dad agreed.

"He can also work with me at the cruise line." Bobby added. "As the fisherman."

"Can he be the part time skeleton at my hospital?" Billy joked.

I frowned as they laughed.

"You two, stop messing with your brother," Mom scolded but laughed as well.

God, I guess I really am the joy of this family.


"Are you ready Sir?"

My driver asked.

I nodded and he started the car heading to the Diamond hotel.

Dad appointed me to attend our newest hotel's grand opening. I guess there wouldn't be any harm in attending.

All I needed to do was give out a speech and clink wine glasses with all the celebrities and socialites at the party. I was an expert at this.

As the car drove past the city, something in a building's billboard caught my eye.

It was her. She was in some dress that was nice but wouldn't compare to the smile she wore.

I wondered to myself.

 Would I get to encounter her for my time being here?

Was I ready to face her after all these years?

"Pretty girl?" The driver asked.

I suddenly looked away and faced the driver. "I was just thinking about buying the clothing brand."

The driver just nodded looking unconvinced.

When I got to the hotel, a valet opened my door and I stepped out. The managers and other staff of the hotel greeted me as I entered. From the looks of it, the guests were already inside the event room.

"Sir, there's someone waiting for you in the office." The manager of the hotel told me.

"Who?" I raised my brow.

"Your girlfriend, I suppose?" He seemed confused.

I Immediately knew who he was pertaining to. I sighed and nodded as the manager led me to the hotel's office.


I heard Gia's high-pitched voice greet me the second I entered the office. She then encircled her arms around me. "I'm So glad that you're here."

I looked away while she hugged me.

I didn't consider her as a friend but we were civil. Well at least I was, she on the other hand kept acting as if nothing happened. As if she didn't ruin anything at all.

Dad wanted us to be civil. Her fame and family were good friends with mine, Dad wouldn't allow me to cut ties with her.

Many people rumored that we were dating. I didn't care about the rumors or what people said. They ruined my life enough by taking away someone important from me.

 What more can they take away now?

"They said you were looking for me?" I stepped away making her take her arms off me.

"Oh yeah, I just wanted to congratulate you and welcome you home." She smiled.

"Ok, thanks." I eyed my watch giving her the impression that I was late. "I have to head to the event."

"Wait." She walked closer to me and started fixing the collar of my black dress shirt. "You didn't bring a tie? It's ok, you look good even without one."

I moved away. I didn't have time for her arms to be around me. "You should go."

"Would you like us to go in together?" She pursed her lips and smiled.

"No." I immediately said before leaving the room.

She sighed and nodded. "I guess I'll go in now." She smiled and walked to the event room.

I stayed with the managers as they filled me in with the hotel's status.

"Sir, it's time for you to enter." The event planner signaled.

I nodded and strode towards the entrance doors.

I was about to hold the handle when suddenly the door swung open by itself.

The next thing a knew, someone hit me hard on the chest.

I was about to apologize when I came eye to eye with who it was. I immediately looked away.

What was she doing here? She must be really famous now that she was even invited to this event. 

I wasn't sure on what I should say. Excuse me? or Can you move?

"Move." Was the only word that came out of my mouth. My voice suddenly sounded cold as I remembered how she treated me before.

The shock was evident in her eyes. I saw how irritated she was when she walked past me. I sighed and continued walking inside.

Many people clapped as I entered, others kept shaking my hand but all I could think of was how her looks changed.

She was definitely taller than when I last saw her, her features matured and she was slimmer. Her hair was longer. But her brown hazel eyes still had that eager glow, only now it looked fierce. She looked good.


"Bro, guess what." Ram entered my office. "Aicko said, we're holding our reunion at one of your resorts!" He laughed.

My brows scrunched. "Why there?"

"Don't look at me, I don't have anything to do with this." He raised his hands.

I sighed and nodded.

"This is the universe's call for you to attend the reunion." Ram said.

"I'll be busy that day."

Ram frowned. "Are you kidding me? The venue's at your resort, how can you not come?"

I shrugged.

I actually wanted to go. I'd get to see Kile and Bellona again as well. But Paige would be there, by how she acted at the event night, she made it clear that she didn't want to see me.

So I'll give her that space and time to enjoy the reunion with her friends.

I didn't want to force myself upon her. I had to give her space and time. 

I could wait. 


The day of the batch reunion came and I spent the whole day with Mom. I joined her go shopping and we did business meetings together. I did all of this just to stop myself from going to the reunion. 

But Ram's persuasiveness got to me and I agreed to drop by later in the night so that it would lessen the chance of seeing her. But no matter how hard I try, things didn't turn out the way I planned.

I spotted her in one of the ice cream shops in the mall. Ram told me to bring him and the boys some drinks but before I could get to the drinks, I spotted her.

It wasn't that hard to find her, there was always something about her that made her stand out in a crowd. Or maybe, stand out to me.

The next thing I know, I formed in line behind her while she waited her turn to order.

What does she need ice cream for? I wondered.

 I also wondered if she'd notice that I was right behind her or not. But it seems like she was focused on something else where. From time to time she'd peak over her shoulder and eye something. She was too focused on whatever she was looking at that she didn't notice me at all.

Did I have to go even closer to her, just for her to know that I was here? And that's what I did. But it didn't go too well.

"Shit!" She exclaimed when she stained her ice cream on my dress shirt. I guess I went a little to close. 

I then realized that she was holding two ice creams. Is she planning to eat the both of those? 

Well knowing her I guess she would.

I wanted to apologize for going a bit too close, or just leave and wash up but my body betrayed me. Instead of leaving, I just watched her intently as she panicked on what to do.

I've never had her this close to me for so long. The feeling of seeing her so close brought back those memories where in I had her by my side. But she's been gone for so long.  

At that moment I wanted time to stand still.

"Shit, shit, shit." She muttered. How many curses does she need?

"I'm sorry," She kept saying.

She never apologized like this before. She changed in that way.

"I'm sorry I-," She looked up to me and at that second, her brows furrowed and her face formed a frown.

"Actually I'm not sorry, it isn't my fault, you were the one who was so close to me that's why I bumped into you."

I take it back, she didn't change at all.

I raised my brow and chuckled. She was amusing this way. "So it's my fault?"

"Yes, it is." She raised her chin acting so sure.

"Wow." I said sarcastically.

"Wow, you're so sarcastic, then fine, it's my fault. It's all my fault."

"Look who's sarcastic now."

I saw how her brows narrowed as she kept thinking of a better comeback at me.

I fought the urge to smile. She was finally talking to me. At this point, I was ok with her acting rude or being mean. 

I'd have her act that way than not mind me at all.

I waited for her to say something else until a little girl suddenly tugged her dress.

"Mommy Peggy, what happened?" The little girl asked.

And just as she came, all my attention went to her.

Mommy? The little girl said Mommy...

"Oh baby, I'm sorry, Mommy Peggy had an accident." Paige's voice suddenly became soft. "Here's your ice cream."

Now I knew who the other ice cream was for.

I eyed the little girl. She had blonde hair that formed into soft curls. like Paige's.

Other than the hair, none of her features were of Paige's. Her eyes were blue. Was that the color of the father's?

But the way she ate her ice cream and her mannerism reminded me of Paige.

She has a daughter.

It felt like the whole world collapsed above me.

After a while of arguing, the cashier eventually sent us out. I headed out to my car only to find our that her car was parked right beside mine. Well what a coincidence.

She drove out first and I followed. I had to go to the resort, Ram and Kile were waiting for me. And it seemed like, she was headed there too.

Even if I forgot to bring the drinks Ram requested, I felt even more eager to go to the resort now. But she didn't feel the same.

As soon as I got out my car she approached me.

"I understand that I stained your clothes, but didn't I say that I'll buy you a new one?"

I raised a brow at her. What was she implying this time?

"Are you holding a grudge against me all because of the ice cream incident? To the point that you'd stalk me?"

Not purposely but maybe.

"I'm sorry Miss, but I don't know what you're trying to prove here." I crossed my arms and leaned on my car. This whole scene amused me.

"Don't call me Miss!" She scoffed.

I eyed her hand, there wasn't any ring. So it was safe to call her Miss.

"What I'm saying is, why are you following me? Don't you have any other place to go?!"

I felt like laughing, she was funny this way. Didn't she know that I owned the resort? Well this should be interesting.


"Bro what took you so long?" Ram complained when I entered his and Kile's suite.

"Traffic." I lied.

"I don't believe you, it's midnight, how can there be traffic?"

"Well this is LA." Kile spoke.

"See, even he agrees with me." I told Ram.

"Well aside from the fact that you completely forgot to bring us drinks, you might want to explain why you were standing in the parking lot for a complete 10 minutes with your ex?"

I was taken aback, did he see it?

"Incase you were wondering, Yes! I did see the both of you. You can't lie about that now."

Kile turned to me. "I can't help you here anymore."

I sighed and sat down on the couch. Ram and his interrogations were killing me.

"So what were you two doing?" Ram sat closer.

Such a nosy asshole.

I didn't answer and just sipped on my glass of wine.

"Bro, if you don't talk, I'd suspect that you were smooching."

"Idiot!" I glared at Ram which made him laugh. Kile looked away to hide his laugh as well.

"We were arguing." I said to make this prince's mind go to peace.

"Wh-what?" Ram sounded disappointed. "Of all things, why argue?"

"Coz It's what we do best." I answered.


I spent the whole night talking and catching up with Ram and Kile. Bellona didn't come. I was surprised that she didn't.

After a whole night of talks, I left early in the morning to go to my sister's office. She wanted me to work with her for the time being.

I was surprised when I saw Paige and the little girl once again. It was so early. What were they doing at this time?

I still had my doubts of Paige having a daughter. Lucy and Ram never mentioned the news of her having a child or her even getting married. If all this was true, then how come the news never got to me?

"Mommy Peggy, ice cream guy." The little girl pointed to me.

I saw her face again. I studied her. The way she acted when she was excited was quite similar to the way Paige used to act back then. Or maybe I was just imagining things.

"Uh, Hana." Paige spoke. "He's not an ice cream guy." I heard her whisper.

So her name's Hana...

Paige took Hana to the side to talk, the way she talked to her was like how a mother would talk to her child.

All these thoughts ran through my head that I didn't notice the small tug on my coat.

"Excuse me mister, do you sell ice cream?" Hana looked up to me. Her blue eyes screaming curiosity.

I knelt down and smiled. "No, I don't."

While she asked questions, I answered them. She was bright and inquisitive. Paige taught her well.

Until their car pulled up and Hana went inside.

I strained myself from laughing when Paige kept trying to give me money for my dress shirt.

God, I have a lot of clothes at home, and I believe I have enough money to buy a new one for myself. I didn't need her money. All I wanted was to see her smile even when facing me. But by the looks of it, at this point, it was impossible.

Why was she so desperate in paying me? Do I have to tell her that part of the incident was my fault to stop her from being so persuasive?

She kept arguing until Hana started to call her.

"Mommy Peggy! I'm hungry!" Hana called, urging Paige to hurry up.

But wait... I've heard that line countless times before.

I turned to Hana.

That line... I knew where it came from.

Hana is her daughter.

"Sir, your car's ready." A valet told me.

I nodded but before I left I turned back to her.

"She takes after you." I told her before I left. 


"Yes, the meeting board of Euphoria fashion house and luxury goods has come to an agreement that we shall release a new line of luxury items this month." My big sister, Becca discussed.

She invited me to join her luxury brand company's meeting so that I could learn more about marketing before I return to London. I studied the marketing documents handed to me while my sister discussed. The other meeting members were asking questions and I listed down notes on what to discuss with my sister later on.

"Given the new fashion line, we are going to need a new face to promote our brand." One of the board members said. "We need a well-known supermodel for the job."

"The face of the brand is going to be something to think on given that it holds the name of the brand as well." Another board member spoke.

I was typing down the meeting minutes when I heard my name being called.

"Blake?" My sister called. "Do you have any suggestions for what model to hire for the fashion line?"

I rolled the pen in my hand as I thought.

After a while of thinking I replied. "I don't have anyone in mind at the moment but as soon as I do, I'll let you know." I lied because the truth was. I did.

The board members nodded and continued discussing.

"Blake," Becca called me when I entered her office after the board meeting ended.

"You asked for me?"

"Yes, I have a job for you." She ordered her secretary to lay down a bunch of folders on her wide desk.

I took one folder to see what it was. "What are these?"

"Portfolios of eligible models for the new face of our fashion line." Becca urged me to open the folder I had in hand.

I opened it and it was a portfolio of a certain model. She had her pictures and personal information. I placed the folder down. "I don't see what you need me to do here."

She sighed. "Since I'm teaching you better marketing skills, I'll need your help in picking a new face for the brand. Your preference would be of certain help to me. So, scan the model portfolios and I'll give you the choice on who to pick. Just send me your decision within the day so we can book the model's agency."

I frowned. "Can't you ask someone else to do it?"

"Blake, this training will do you good and bring you a better perspective and how to market your product."

I sighed in defeat. Before I knew it, I was reading the names of models through the cover of their portfolios in my office.

"Sir, I think she looks promising." My temporary secretary, Greg showed me a picture of a model. He was helping me select.

I took a quick glance at the picture. "She looks ok." Then I went back to scrolling through the names. This was boring.

"Sir, don't you want to open the folders?" Greg asked.

"I don't have to, when the name's not that eye catching then I won't take it."

Greg seemed confused.

"That's simple marketing Greg." I patted his shoulder and went back to scrolling through the portfolios.

I suddenly stopped when I came across a familiar name. I blinked twice to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

Her name was here, in the cover of the portfolio. She applied to model for Euphoria?

I opened the first page of the folder and saw her information.

Ashely Bennet// LA fashion model's agency.

"Ashley?" I softly muttered. Puppy suited her better.

I scanned through the pages, it even had some of her sample pictures and awards listed. I didn't mind to take long in reading her achievement because I already knew all of them. Lucy kept updating me on it. But nevertheless, I was already proud of her.

"Greg," I stood up. "We'll take her." I handed him Paige's portfolio.

"Wow, that was fast." He scanned Paige's folder. "Are you sure with this, Sir?" He asked for confirmation.

"Indeed." I nodded and wore coat. "Send that to my sister, I have to go." I picked up my briefcase and left the room.

This job was easier than I thought.


"You know this girl, don't you?" Becca interrogated me when she visited me at the mansion.

"What makes you say that?" I raised my brow.

"I gave you a whole day to pick and you give me your choice within 10 minutes." She crossed her arms. "Billy said that the model's name was familiar, you do know her don't you?"

"I was just doing my job stop interrogating me as if I've committed a crime."

She chuckled. "Ok fine, I'll trust your judgement." She headed for the door but before she could leave she stopped and spoke again. "Just make sure you aren't using this chance to flirt."

My eyes widened but before I could protest she was already out. Damn it.


"Good afternoon Sir." Greg greeted me when I entered Euphoria.

"Good afternoon." I greeted him back.

"Your sister awaits you in her office."

My brows scrunched. "Now?"

Greg nodded.

"Alright, lets go." I followed Greg to my sister's office.

Why did she need me this time?

"Hello, you two, the guests already arrived." My sister's secretary greeted us at the door of my sister's office.

I entered the room. "Sorry I'm late."

Just as I expected. Paige was here. Along with her was her manager I guess.

Her smile immediately disappeared when she saw me and was replaced by the look of irritation.

I avoided her gaze and just walked straight. I had to be professional.

"Ladies, this is my younger brother, Blake Carlisle, he's assisting me in this business." Becca introduced me.

Paige seemed like she wanted to march out. Did she hate me that much?

"Blake, this is Stella, and here is Ashley Bennet. Euphoria's newest model." Becca told me.


I almost forgot that she was known by that name now.

Puppy fitted so much better.

"Greetings, Mr. Carlisle." Her manager reached her hand.

I shook it.

I turned to Paige, she kept making small movements. Her manager nudged her to acknowledge me.

Her Manager whispered something into her ear which made her accept defeat.

"Mr. Carlisle." She offered her hand and forced a smile.

Why does she act as if I'm some random stranger.

She never seizes to amuse me.

"Hi Paige." I took her hand and shook it.

Shock was evident In her eyes at mere mention of her name. Even her manager and Becca seemed taken aback.

"Oh, do you two know each other?" Becca asked. It wasn't obvious but I knew that there was a small hint of tease in her voice.


"Yes." I cut her off without letting her hand go. I was enjoying this.

"How?" My sister wondered.

I looked her in the eyes giving her the chance to answer that question for herself.

She didn't.

Well she should suit herself.

"Of course I know her." I let out an amused smile. "She's my puppy."


"She's on a diet." Becca scolded the waiters when they served some sweets to Paige.

Paige smiled thanking my sister. But I knew her better.

The look on her face screamed that she wanted the chocolate but she just waved the sweets away. I noticed how her brows scrunched as she was contemplating whether to get one or not.

After all these years. I could still read her.

I felt a small smile form on my lips as I thought of it.

I still knew her after all.

When she was busy on her phone, I took the chance to slide one chocolate bar near her plate.

After I slid it there, I immediately struck a conversation with my brother-in-law. This way she wouldn't suspect that I was the one who placed it.

But even while I was in a conversation. Through my peripheral vision, I saw how she tried to reach for the bar and how her other hand slapped the other.

A chuckle escaped from me.

"Oh, do you think my idea was a bit too hilarious?" My brother-in-law asked.

"What? No." I shook my head and brought up a whole different topic.


"Mr. Carlisle, is there any clue about the new fashion line, Euphoria will be releasing?" The press asked me in a public interview. Becca sent me to answer all these questions for her.

"I'm afraid everything is confidential in the time being, but trust us that it'll all be revealed and released by the end of the month."

I used my words carefully making sure that I wasn't exposing any of the company's information.

The press gave me more questions and I continued to answer. When they were done, they moved to Paige.

"Hello Ashley, what does it feel like to be Euphoria's newest supermodel?" The press asked.

"It feels very exciting to be given a chance at this wonderful opportunity in where I could enhance my skills and test my boundaries that'll help improve myself."

Although I knew that she was bluffing. She answered with such confidence. She held her head high and used her words well. 

I kept my face emotionless knowing that many people were watching but deep inside I knew. I was proud of her.

When the interview ended. It was almost midnight. After I shook some hands, I left immediately to my car. After the long day, I just wanted to rest.

I started my car, before I could drive I suddenly remembered her.

Did she have a ride?

I didn't recall seeing her manager or assistant a while ago.

"Stop it." I scolded myself.

I should stop worrying about her. She seemed like an independent woman now who could hold her ground. She can take care of herself.

Or so I thought...

There she was walking through the parking lot with her mask and cap looking like a lost child. As if that would hide her identity with the dress she was wearing.

Where was her boyfriend? Isn't he worried that his girlfriend was all alone at this time of night?

She was running now. The press and fans seemed to scare her. I sighed and stopped my car In front of her and rolled down my window.

"Hey, you," I called. "Where's your ride?"

She frowned. "Why would you care?"

God, that attitude. I'm the one showing compassion here!

"My sister told me to check on you." I lied.

"Well tell her I do have a ride."

Is she kidding right now?

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do!"

God, she's so stubborn.

"No you don't." I laughed sarcastically. "If you had a car, you'd be in it right now instead of roaming the parking lot dressed like some kidnapper in a dress."

Why can't she just listen? But again. She's always been this stubborn.

"Now get on."


"Fine, suit yourself, I'm not coming back." I closed my window and drove away.

She was really something.

I was about to get to the main road. I groaned when I found myself driving back to her.


I didn't see her for the following week. If I wasn't mistaken, she was probably in France.

Everything was going well for me until all my suspicions became true after I read the article.

Supermodel, Ashley Bennet is dating the Dawson Airways CEO. Adrien Dawson.

Damn that Dawson.

I wasn't in the mood when I went to work that day. Nothing amused me anymore.

She was taken.

I decided to ignore her even if she was in Euphoria's building.

"Don't you two ever get along?" Ram asked when Paige left.

He just entered into the middle of another one of our arguments.

"Apparently, we don't." I stated the obvious.

"Anyway, aren't you going to make a move yet?" Ram crossed his arms. "You're too slow."

"I don't have to anymore."

"Why not?" His frowned.

"Haven't you read the news? She's dating someone, and from the looks of it they have a daughter." I crossed my arms.

"What?!" Ram exclaimed and brought out his phone to search the news. "Since when did that happen?"

"How should I know." I rolled my eyes.

"Who's the guy?" He asked.

"Who else." I said sarcastically. "It's Dawson."

The shock in Ram's face immediately turned into confusion. "What? You gotta be kidding me."

"Read the article dummy."

"How'd that happen?" He scrolled through his phone. "Last time I checked he was together with-"

"Sir, your Highness, we've got snacks prepared for you." My secretary entered the office. "Should we send them up here?"

I was about to answer but Ram cut me off.

"No, need, we can get them ourselves." He smiled. 

I followed Ram downstairs to the cafe and just like expected. Paige was there as well.

I decided again on ignoring her. 

"Bro look," Ram nudged me as we entered the cafe. "I think she's sick."

I turned to her and it looked like Ram was right. She seemed under the weather. She had her head resting on her arms. Why didn't I notice it a while ago? 

Look at this puppy. She even had it in her to argue with me even if she wasn't feeling well.

"You should give her water." Ram whispered to me.

"Yeah, I think I should." I absent mindedly said. 

"Mr. Carlisle would like a bottle of water." Ram said in the most dignified way. I sighed and swatted his head. This idiot.

"You should give her this too." Ram reached into his pocket and brought out a medicine capsule.

"Where'd you get that from?" I wondered as I took the capsule from him. 

"Where else? Of course the hospital." He spoke as if it was obvious. 

I smirked when he mentioned the hospital. Now I knew where it came from. 

"From who?" I teased.

"Shut up." Wow, now he's acting serious.   

When I got the bottle of water, I then approached her. She still had her head resting on her arms. 

"What took you so long?" Her eyes widened when she realized that I was beside her. 

I kept quiet and just took her hand and placed a medicine capsule in it. "Take it."

I then placed the bottled water on her table. I was about to leave but my stupid mouth betrayed me. 

"It'll help your headache more than flowers." 

Before she could react I already walked away fully disappointed in myself.

Damn it Blake!

And just as if my day couldn't get any worse. Dawson still had to show up. And his car was still parked beside mine.

"What took you so long?" He ruffled her hair.

God that was so childish.

The scene irritated me so I had to speak.

"Where's your next shoot?" I asked her.

"Uhm...wait." She pulled out her phone to check her schedule but Dawson still had to butt in.

"At a resort, She's modeling for a summer brand, right Peggy?" He said.

"I didn't ask you." My mouth spoke for itself.

I rode in my car and just left. Leaving him dumbstruck.

She seemed happy now. 

I have to distance myself from her.

But no matter how hard I try to distance myself from her. Life just kept on pulling me back.


"She's got fever Mr. Carlisle." Stella, Paige's manager told me when I got into her room at the resort. "It must be because she got drenched a while ago, anyhow she needs medicine but the area doesn't have any drugstores nearby."

I suddenly felt guilty. If I didn't come here then she wouldn't get all prideful and leave the umbrella she had to me and get drenched in the rain.

She knew that that was my umbrella yet she still used it. I couldn't believe that it was still alive but there it was.

But Paige was ever stubborn and chose to run in the rain and look at where it's got her.

"I don't need your help." She said coldly.

I raised my brow at her.

Really? How far does she really want her pride to go?

"Ashley!" Her manager, Stella scolded. "My apologies Mr. Carlisle, she's not usually like this. She's just sick."

"It's fine, I'll take her."

And that's what I did.


"I'll check if there's anything to eat."

She said as we entered her condo.

I brought her luggage in with me. It was the first time I was seeing where she lived.

It wasn't small and wasn't too big. It was just right.

While she looked for something in the kitchen. I walked over to the shelf in her living room. Above the shelf were certificates and awards she got from modeling.

It was nice to see how far she's come. I felt proud of her.

My eyes then went down to the awards and trophies on the shelf. I realized that they were her awards from Eres. A smile formed on my lips when I saw a picture of her in her Eres uniform.

She looked so young in here. She was cute.

"Hey! Put that down!" She caught me.

"Is this how you really used to look like?" I acted as if I was so in shock. "You were so chubby," I laughed.

"Shut up and put it down!" She yelled. I placed the frame up in the air and watched her desperately reach it. She might've grown tall but she still was no match to me.

"Give it to me or else." She threatened.

I brought my face close to hers and smirked as I challenged her. "Or else what?"

I looked straight into her eyes. Those brown hazel eyes. A flashback suddenly crossed my mind from the time I first came to contact with those eyes in the hallway of Eres.

I studied her eyes. For the first time, there wasn't a hint of anger or hate in them. Just the pure innocent ones that I loved to stare at back in Eres.

I found her again.

I looked down at her lips while my mind went restless.

I frowned when the doorbell rang in the middle of the moment.

Before I knew it, she stomped on my foot catching me off guard, giving her the chance to get the picture frame away from me. Then she ran to her room.

"Get the door! That's probably Shari." She called.

I sighed and walked towards the door to open it but I didn't like what I saw.

"Oh, hi?" Dawson stood before me with Hana asleep in his arms. At first he seemed shocked then confused but then an annoying smile was plastered on his face. "Where's Paige?"

So the rumors were true. He was the father.

I scoffed and left.

I didn't want to ruin the family moment.


"Hi Blake!" Gia sat beside me in the restaurant. I was supposed to have dinner with my family but why one Earth was she here as well.

I wanted to ask her what the hell was she doing here but Dad was here and I knew I'd get in trouble if I said such.

"She insisted on coming with us, there wasn't anything we could do to say no." Billy whispered in my ear. From the looks of it, she got to read what I was thinking.

Gia who was seated right next to me spoke. "Why do you seem so grumpy today?"

You wanna know why? Well earlier today, I just got the confirmation that my ex is happily married with a family. So who wouldn't be grumpy?!

"Nothing." I dismissed her question and continued eating.

"The both of you are going to the gala event together right?" Dad asked.

"Yes, Sir." Gia smiled.

I just plainly nodded. Paige was most probably going with Dawson if I wasn't mistaken so I needn't bother to ask her at all.

"Let's go Blake." Gia called me as I got down the car. She hooked her arm around mine and together we walked inside the venue.

People were whispering, the press took us pictures. Gia kept smiling from ear to ear. I didn't care.

Nothing seamed to amuse me about all this. All I wanted was to get this done.

When we got inside the venue, there were many socialites, celebrities, politicians. All the big people in one room.

People were gossiping and bragging about whatever they had in life. I didn't bother to pay the least attention to any of those.

"Blake lets take a stroll through the venue." Gia whispered in my ear.

I just nodded and walked with her. I tried my best to look like I was enjoying the event since I knew that somewhere in the crowd. My father would be watching.

I followed Gia. While she kept greeting and chatting with people, I just eyed my phone to check Lucy's daily report to how things were going in London.

I expected that Paige would show up somewhere with Dawson. And I was correct, the two did show up together. They were that inseparable?

Pfft like I care.

I just ignored them and continued shaking hands with some businessmen that Dad knew.

But after a while, I spotted her again. Alone in one of tables with a glass of champagne on her hand.

Wasn't that her second?

Does she still do stupid stuff when she gets drunk?

I sighed when I found myself walking towards her. I snatched her glass and finished the remaining in one drink.

"Done." I placed the glass down on the table.

"Why'd you do that?!" She glared at me.

I eyed her hands again. There wasn't any ring. There was still hope.

But of course, Dawson had to butt in again.

"Hey Peggy, 21 girls approached me a while ago but I shooed them all away." He said proudly.

"Enjoying the event Dawson?" I asked.

"Yeah, very much." He nodded. "Long time no see Blake," He eyed me. "You're looking well."

I started to challenge him by giving information on our family business. Surprisingly he did the same. He seemed to enjoy all this while I definitely wasn't.


"What the hell?! Girlfriend?" He looked shocked when I mentioned Paige as his girlfriend.

"I'm sorry, wife?" I raised a brow.

"God, whatever this is leave me out of it." He scratched his head in confusion.

Yes! She was single after all.

Not soon after I found out that Hana wasn't her daughter either but Shari's.

I guess life was in my favor after all. 


Ever since then, it was her who started to open up to me.

As time went by I was starting to see the old Paige. I was staring to see her more clearly now.

"You seem to be happy with who you are now right?" She asked me. "You got all you life's puzzle pieces together."

"Yeah, I'm happy." I nodded. "But not all my pieces are complete...some are still missing."

She was missing.

"That's ok, at least you're happy with what you're doing, you'll find them."

"I guess." 

"At least you're living your dream," She smiled at me.

I felt my heart skip a beat like a stupid high school student. She still had that effect on me, whenever she'd smile it warmed my heart.

"These dreams we used to talk about," She continued. "I'm glad that you're living it." She looked up at me. 

"I'm proud of you."

She was proud of me. That was what I've been praying for so long.

I wanted her to be proud of me. 

To not think of me as some worthless bully or disgusting cheater. 

I worked hard to make a different name for myself. As someone that my family could be proud of me. But most of all. As someone who was worthy of having her again. 


"Alright everyone, meeting adjourned." Becca ended the board meeting.

I sighed with relief and stood up. I walked past the model's shooting room

on the ground floor to check if Paige was in there. But she wasn't.

"Looking for her?" Becca suddenly appeared beside me. 

I was about to protest when she laughed. 

"Don't fool me Blake, I know she's your ex." Becca laughed. "She's got a fashion show tonight, if you hurry you might be in time to see her walk." Becca winked at me before walking away.

I was speechless. I almost forgot that she had a fashion show today. Shit.

I ran towards my car and drove as fast as I could . Hopefully I could be there in time. Thankfully, I was. 

I walked back stage and saw her lined up ready to walk. 

"Hey!" I called her. 

At that moment a memory flashed back into my mind of me telling her to win the athletic race back in Eres. 

The only difference now was. Even if she hasn't started walking yet.

I was already proud of her. 


"What's this? You didn't have to get me anything." She laughed while she opened the gift I got her.

I felt nervous as she opened it, I wasn't really sure on what she'd like. She was a model, I'm sure she had a lot of luxury brands so I got her sneakers. Because whenever I'd think of her, I'd always remember that she was that girl who wore sneakers to the Christmas ball. 

"Sneakers." She looked at it with adoration. 

"I didn't know what to get you, so I just got you that." I scratched my head. "You deserve to have something you love."

"Thanks Blake," She looked at me. "I love it."

Things were going well between us. I felt the joy that finally. I was getting closer to fixing something that's been long broken.

Or so I thought.

"Is this the same thing you did to me 8 years ago?" Her voice became weak and shaky as she spoke. "Because if it is please don't, please don't do this to her." 

I was confused. To whom was she talking about?

"Don't let her feel the same way I felt." 

"I don't understand." 

I tried to catch her eyes but she kept evading my gaze. 

"Why are you making me feel this way when you should be doing all these things to your girlfriend." She rubbed the tears off her eyes.

My brows scrunched. Girlfriend? What girlfriend?

She was the last one I had. The only one I had. 

"What are you talking about?" She was confusing me. 

Tears started to stream down her face. "I'm talking about Gia! Your girlfriend, the girl you replaced me with."

What the hell?! Was that what she thought? 

Gia was never my girlfriend. Heck if not Paige, it wouldn't be anyone else.

I felt the sadness creep into me. She thought I replaced her?

Before she could leave I stopped her and pulled her into my arms.

She was a fighter, ever since Eres she made that clear to me. Her being a fighter was probably what made me drawn to her. But regardless of the fighter she was, she was still human. She was fragile. 

I didn't want to be to person who broke her. 

She wasn't an object that could just be replaced. But why did she think it that way?

All these years she thought that I've replaced her. 

She didn't know that through out those years...

I still kept her in my heart.

 I've always did. 

"I...never replaced you."

She had to know. I hated the fact that everyday at the back of her mind was the thought that I replaced her, because she didn't deserve that, she was worth more than that. 

I looked at her as she was there in my arms.

 I was a fool to think that I'd get to have her in here forever. 

 I was wrong. 

"Let me go Blake." She whispered. 

I felt the tears that I've been holding in for so long build up.

Why did she want me to let her go again? Where did I go wrong this time?


I was sounding helpless again but I didn't care.

I've let her go once and I regretted it. I didn't want to let her go again. 

"I said let me go Blake," She got out of my arms. "Let me be."

I clenched my Jaw. "Won't you ever talk to me?"

Won't she ever want to hear my side? Isn't she ever going to ask for the explanation that she deserved to hear? 

"I need time." She said in an almost whisper.

Time... I gave her eight years. I guess I could give her more.

I just wanted to know if in the end of that time, would she come home to me or would she leave me for good?

"I'll give that to you." I looked at her. "And when the time comes that you're willing to talk to me, I'll see you then." I managed a small smile. "Good night Paige."

Before she could answer I've already left. The second I turned away from her, the tears started to flow. I've worked so hard in keeping my emotions together but when it came to her, I just broke down.

Her words earlier echoed in my mind. 

I think we should keep distance.

And that's what I did.

Dawn the next day, I left the island and went back to the States.

She wanted time. I was going to give her that. 

I was willing to wait. I wasn't going to force myself back into her life. 

I'll wait...

The next days went in a flash. I knew she was back from her birthday vacation and soon she'd be back at Euphoria so I did my best to come to work on hours I thought that she wouldn't be there.

I gave her distance. 

Everyday I was working but deep inside, I kept wishing that she'd be ready to hear me out.

I spotted her immediately when I was walking inside Euphoria. She was taking pictures with her fans. I didn't know that she'd be here today.

I avoided looking at her direction and just walked straight ahead ignoring her. 

The days of waiting became weeks. How long did I have until I need to leave to England again?

Thoughts consumed me as I overlooked the sunset on my balcony. 

"Will you still be going back to England?" 

Billy suddenly sat beside me and asked.

"Not yet." I answered plainly.

"You know it'd be nice if you could just stay here." She spoke. I knew how much she and the rest of my family wanted me here. 

But I wasn't sure about it. My work was over there, the only thing making me stay here was Paige. Before the time comes that I'll have to leave again. I wanted things to be fixed between the both of us.

"Something's wrong isn't it?" Billy eyed me.

"Why would there be?" I rolled my eyes. 

"Don't fool me," She faced the sunset as well. "Something's wrong you with you. I know you like keeping things to yourself, but I can tell." She faced me. "You're my baby brother after all."

I rolled my eyes and she laughed. 

I just kept silent. 

"You know," She started. "Ever since you followed Dad to England, you've changed." She spoke. 

I frowned, "How do you say that?"

"Well," She hugged her knees. "You maybe an adult now. You act as if you got everything under control. People who don't know you think that you're all rich and powerful. But...

"They don't know you the way I do... I can tell that during those years of studying in England, of following each and every order Dad gave you. Even if you never showed it, I knew that deep inside, you were hurting, I knew that you were having a hard time." 

I kept silent. 

Not because I thought she was spitting nonsense but because she was right.

She continued. "You kept on doing things to make Dad proud, to make the people you love proud. But this time." She said in an authoritative tone. "I want you to do things for yourself."

"Forget about Dad, forget about everything else." She caressed my hand. "I want you to stop trying to prove yourself for the likes of other people and just be happy." She smiled. 

"I know that you're going through a lot. Just know that you have me, you have Becca and Bobby too. You've got three sisters who you can vent to. We aren't therapists but you know we'd do anything to help you." She looked at me. "You know that right?"

I nodded. 

I didn't know if I was doing the right thing in waiting for Paige or must I go to her now? 

Must I go back to England and continue my job or stay with her and hope that she'd forgive me? I didn't know what to do. I was lost. 

"What should I do?" I asked in a shaky tone. "I'm just...lost."

The look in Billy's eyes told me that she knew what I was pertaining about. She knew what caused me pain before, she knew what was confusing me now.  

"I want you to put yourself first." She held my hand. "For once, forget about everything. Everyone else can wait. Let go of all the things that hurt you. Leave it all behind and move forward. Let time do it's job and put back the pieces together but for the mean time, find what makes you truly happy. The genuine kind."

I took her words to mind. 

She was right, no matter what happens. Life must go on.

And I had to put myself first. 

I needed to go back to England. 


"Sir, I've already booked your flight ticket as you requested." Greg informed while I was packing my stuff from my office at Euphoria. 

"Thank you." I thanked him and continued to place my things inside my briefcase. 

"It's a shame you're leaving Sir, You've done so much to help this company." Greg said. 

"Unfortunately Greg, that's just the way life is." I patted him on the back.

Word of me leaving spread out to my family and some of my friends. My family wasn't that pleased after hearing the news. But they still supported me. They knew that I really had to go back either way. 

Ram threw a small farewell party for me in my bedroom and Kile was the only guest. Bellona should've been the other , sadly she couldn't come. 

We liked it this way. Just us hanging out in my room just like old times.

"I guess I'll have to use my British relatives as another excuse to see you from time to time." Ram sighed. "Well I hope the guards at the British airport won't get tired of seeing me." He laughed. 

"Send my regards to the Royal family for me." Kile said. 

I nodded and sipped on a can of soda. 

"You leave tomorrow right?" Ram eyed my suitcases at the side of my room. "Having any second thoughts?"

"No." I shook my head. 

"Have you told her yet?" Kile asked. 

"It'd be better if she didn't know."

"Don't you think you're making a mistake?" Kile eyed me. "Talk to her now, you might save what you have. Leave her again tomorrow, you might lose her forever."

"I agree!" Ram raised his hand agreeing with Kile.

"Idiots, she wants space." I crossed my arms. "What do I do about that?"

Ram thought. "Try again?"

"Just don't do something you'd regret doing." Kile folded his arms.

Kile and Ram went home later that night. I was left in my room. My eyes roamed my room. My suitcases were all packed, I was all set to leave. 

I walked out to my balcony, out in the horizon, I could see the city lights. The lights reminded me of the lights of Elite square. Those were such fun memories.

And then it hit me. 

I was really leaving tomorrow. I don't know when I'd get to see her again. 

Or will I ever see her again?

If I wanted to talk to her, this was my last chance. 

 I found myself rushing to my car and driving to the city. I parked my car in the front of her condo building. 

I peaked through inside of the lobby. Was she inside?

I walked up to the girl in the lobby and asked about her. 

"She left this morning sir, She hasn't come back yet."

I thanked her and walked back to my car. Maybe she was out late? How long until she'd be back?

I waited, and waited.

The hours went by and I still stayed in place waiting to see her enter the doors of the building. But she didn't.

I've been waiting for 4 hours. It was already 2 in the morning. She still wasn't here.  Where on Earth was she?

I sighed when I saw my Dad calling on my phone. I had no choice but to head back home. 

I'll see her tomorrow. 

I promised myself.


"You got everything?" Dad asked as my driver loaded my suitcases on the trunk of the car. 

"Yeah." I checked my watch. It was 4 in the afternoon, my flight was at 7 in the evening. 

"All set, Sir." My driver said. 

I turned to Mom, Dad, and my sisters. They all came together to see me off. 

"We're gonna miss you Baby." Mom hugged me. "Come back soon."

I nodded and hugged her back. After I hugged my mother and sisters, I faced Dad.

It was the first time that he wasn't going back to England with me. He was staying here for good. 

He patted my shoulder. "Good luck son."

"Thank you Dad." I nodded at him before entering the car. 

When the car started to drive away, my driver set the route on the GPS to the airport.

I waited a while. As soon as the car was far enough from the mansion, I pulled out my phone and dialed a number. 

"Lucy." I said to my phone. "Have you landed in LA?"

["Yes sir, I've just arrived at my mom's house."]  Lucy said. 

"Ok good, you got any information on her fashion show?" 

I heard her flip through some pages. "Yes, the fashion show's tonight." She sounded as if she was reading something.

"Ok, thanks Luce." 

I ended the call and turned to my driver.

"Mike," I called my driver. 

"Yes, sir?" 

"Lets make a quick stop at the LA fashion show." 


The car was parked in the back parking of the fashion show's venue. We were too early for the show but I knew that the models were already rehearsing. 

"Is that her, sir?" Mike asked when three women walked passed our car hurriedly.

 One was holding a clipboard, the other was holding a make up chest and the third was Paige.

"Wait here Mike." I opened my door and followed them inside.

"Sir, only authorized people are allowed to enter." A guard stopped me. 

I rolled my eyes and took out my business card from my wallet. "My family are sponsors of this event."

The guard read my card and eventually allowed me to pass through. 

I walked past all the other staff members and searched for where she was. I stopped when I spotted her. She was rehearsing with the other models on stage. 

She...was smiling, laughing with them. 

It warmed my heart to see her that way. 

I  didn't like seeing her hurt, I hated to see her cry.

Seeing her laugh with her fellow model up on the stage made me happy. The smile she had on her face brightened up the whole room. 

I was about to approach her when I thought. 

If I approached her, would I take away her smile again? 

Like I did before?

It pained me when I realized. I took her smile away from her countless of times.

I was the reason of her tears. Whenever I came closer to her. She was being reminded of the pain of her past.

It hurt her too. 


She looked happy now. And I'd pay to see her wear that smile everyday. 

Even if it meant that I had to disappear from her again. 

Billy told me to put myself first. To focus on what makes me happy.

Now I realized that seeing Paige happy made me the happiest. 

Seeing her smile made me forget the fact that I was losing her all over again. 

Paige was the only thing stopping me from going back to England. 

I tried so hard in trying to win her back, I thought my happiness was on fixing what we had but then, it was actually her.

 Seeing her so lively, seeing her living her life to the fullest, seeing her full of joy.

Knowing this assured me that she was ok, and she will be ok without me. 

I no longer had a reason to stay.

I had the chance to talk to her now, she was just a few meters from me, but I knew that if I walked up to her now, I would just make that smile on her face disappear. There was no way I'd let that happen.

If this was the last time I'd see her in a long time, I wanted to see her happy. That was enough for me. 

Although I still wanted to talk to her, time was just against me. I sighed and brought my phone to my ear as I recorded a voice mail. 

"Hi Puppy."   I spoke as I watched her rehearse her walk. I chuckled as a small tear rolled down my face. 

I watched her act so carefree as I let out my heart through the voice message.

I'm going to miss her. 


"Have a safe flight sir." Mike said went I go off the car. 

"Thank you Mike, have a good one." I told him.

He waved bye before driving away. 

When he the car was out of sight, I looked up to the gray heavy sky. It looked like a storm was coming. Hopefully, the flight doesn't get delayed. 

I pulled my suitcase with me as I entered the airport. 


The weather didn't seem to be in my favor. The flight got delayed for 3 hours. I sighed as I checked the time on my watch. 

Good thing the flights resumed when the storm subsided. I waited a little while at one of the airports cafés. When they announced that we could start lining up at the boarding gate I stood up and took my suitcase with me as I went to my gate. 

To my surprise, there was a commotion when I got there.

 Someone was talking quite loud. I ignored it and just walked closer to line up to enter the boarding gate.

My eyes widened when I heard the voice again. It...sounded familiar.

I walked closer, I was curious of who it was. My eyed widened when I saw Paige sitting down on the floor. 

She was...crying.

What happened to her?

I moved a little closer, I planned on bringing her up and taking her away from the crowd. I approached her slowly. I stopped when I heard what she was saying.


"I'm tired of pretending." She looked up at me. "And I won't continue acting as if If I don't love you. Because I do." Her hazel eyes looked straight into mine. "I love you."

My heart started to thud against my chest. 

She said she loved me...

I've never been happier to hear those words before. Suddenly I felt like I was a high school student all over again. 

"Ok, that's all I have to say, you can go now before you miss the plane." She immediately took a step away from me and looked away. 

I bit my cheek to stifle my laugh. She was cute when she was embarrassed.

"Oh so you want me to leave now?" She loved to amuse me.

"Yeah, you should go home to England." She kept looking away to hide her blush. 

I chuckled and pulled her back into my arms and made her face me. "I'm not going anywhere." I told her.

And I meant it. 

"W-why?" She stammered. 

"Because." I looked her in the eyes. "I found my home again. You are my home."

No matter how far I'd go or no matter how long we'd be apart. I always longed to come home to her. With her I felt safe. With her I'm the happiest. With her I found peace. She was indeed home.

I felt happiness consume me. I wanted to shout to the whole world that I love her. 

And so I did. 

"I love you." I whispered to her. 

She was my world.


"What are you smiling about?" 

I was immediately brought back to the present. I looked at our surroundings and remembered what was actually happening. 

The ivory walls, the church bells, The love songs, the flowers, the decorations, the crying guests behind us, Oh, and the beautiful woman beside me. How could I forget. 

"Nothing," I shook my head and smiled at Paige. "I was just reminiscing." 

"Ok whatever." She rolled her eyes. 

I chuckled and held her hand. "Have I ever mentioned that you look great in white?" 

"I look great in everything." She bragged. 

I raised my brow at her and she just laughed. "What are you smiling at?" She raised her brow. "Listen to the priest." She nudged me. 

I laughed and leaned close to whisper into her ear.  "I've waited my whole life for this." 

She turned to me and took my hand again. "Sorry for making you wait."

"You were worth every second." 

At that moment everything else around us disappeared. There were no more people behind us, there was no more priest in front of us. Church bells didn't ring, the music went silent and it was just her and me.

A tear formed in my eye. 

"I love you." 

I wouldn't get tired of saying it to her every single day for the rest of my life.

She laughed. "I love you Jerk." 

She looked into my eyes....

 and in them,

 I saw forever. 


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