The Secret Malfoy: A Drarry R...

By mermaid886

144K 3.4K 255

A heated night together leaves Draco wanting more but Harriet Potter apparently wanting less. When Draco disc... More

Chapter 2 - Gold?
Chapter 3 - Magic or Money
Chapter 4 - The Healer's News
Chapter 5 - In Draco's Arms
Chapter 6 - Spoken Desires
Chapter 7 - Tangled Up
Chapter 8 - A Day Out
Chapter 9 - We're not together, are we?
Chapter 10 - Bonding
Chapter 11 - What's to Come
Chapter 12 - Family
Chapter 13 - A Father's Worry
Chapter 14 - A Mother's Cry
Chapter 15 - The Secret Malfoy
Chapter 16 - Introductions
Chapter 17 - Struggles
Chapter 18 - A Malfoy's Love
Chapter 19 - A Difficult Customer
Chapter 20 - Draco's Foiled Plot
Chapter 21 - Secret Meetings
Chapter 22 - A Portrait of a Proposal
Chapter 23 - Plans and Secrets
Chapter 24 - The Secret Malfoy Wedding
Chapter 25 - Peace
Chapter 26 - The Malfoy-Potter Wedding
Chapter 27 - The Malfoy Honeymoon
Chapter 28 - Epilogue

Chapter 1 - Honeydukes

15.2K 284 29
By mermaid886

Thanks for reading! Please let me know if you enjoy! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Updates every Saturday!

Draco Malfoy woke alone in his grand, canopied bed. A year after the conclusion of the war, his mother and father had managed to pay off the rest of their Azkaban sentences with money instead of time and the Malfoy family had recently been reunited.

Draco's parents' return to the manor didn't make the estate any less lonely for its heir though.

With a melancholy frown marring his handsome face, Draco rolled over in bed and sighed, feeling the skin on his bare chest tingle in irritation at the early morning chill.


Draco was alone.

He narrowed his eyes as he thought angrily about his situation.

It had been only months prior when he had held his worst enemy in his arms, in his bed, for that wonderful night.

Harriet Potter.

Draco had noticed the green dress she wore first, then her amazing scent, soft and sweet, at the delayed graduation party held at Hogwarts.

Glares and sneers somehow boiled into passion that night and led to Draco pressing the Potter girl firmly against a stone wall.

Draco still remembered the fire that burned in her green eyes as she moved forward and crushed her lips against his.

Such a bold omega.......

Had that been passion or spite?

As he laid in bed and thought about Harriet, Draco groaned, snaking a hand down to wrap around his arousal. He closed his eyes and remembered the way she melted under his attentions, arching herself into his touch as if she was aching for him.

On that night, they were no longer enemies, they were alpha and omega.

Draco closed his eyes as he began to move his hand, recalling with perfect memory the exact pitch of the sharp cries he had drawn from Potter's throat, after he brought her back to his room and claimed her for his own.


Draco grit his teeth as he found his release, holding onto that memory......

When Draco came down from his fleeting peak of pleasure, he looked over at the empty spot in the bed beside him and scowled.

Draco Malfoy was a cheated alpha.

He knew that Harriet had felt it too, that connection between them when he took her as his mate.

Surely she had?

Perhaps not.

Draco slowly drug himself out of the covers and walked into his marble bathroom to clean up.

His mind didn't stray off of Harriet as he showered, combed his blonde hair, and brushed his white teeth.

Draco shouldn't have woken alone, he should have woken beside Harriet, his mate, his omega.

Draco looked at his reflection in the mirror as he dressed for the day, pulling on his white shirt and black trousers.

This was all wrong.

Harriet's hands should have been fastening the buttons to his shirt while he purred to her, nipping at her lips.

He should have been pulling her close and begging his omega for one last cuddle before they started their day.

But that didn't happen.

Instead, Draco found himself forced to sit down at the writing desk in his large bedroom and write yet another letter to Potter inquiring why it hadn't.

How irritating.

With an exasperated sigh, Draco placed a piece of parchment down on his desk and picked up a quill. He glanced up and saw that the enchanted owl he employed to carry his daily message to Harriet was already waiting outside on the roof of the manor.



Nearly six months have passed since that night. I'm certain you know which one I'm referring to. I realize that you're apparently not interested in pursuing anything further with me. May I ask why you allowed me to claim you? All I want is to chat. I have no idea where you are or if you're well or if this stupid owl is even sending you my letters. If you have received my messages, could you at least have the decency to respond to one of them, even if it's just to tell me to piss off? It's a bit disappointing, really, to find out that the girl-who-lived is nothing but a coward.

I'll send another message tomorrow.

And the day after.

And the day after that.

And the day after that.

.......Unless you finally feel like responding?

Draco Lucius Malfoy

Draco's owl was indeed able to deliver his letters to Harriet. With little difficulty, the bird had located the flat in Hogsmeade that Harriet had rented.

As the owl landed right on her open windowsill a short while later, Harriet frowned and took the letter from its talons.

She didn't even look at the envelope.

There was no need, she already knew who it was from.

Harriet had never imagined that she would end up in the arms of Draco Malfoy and she honestly didn't understand why she had.

Nor did she expect him to be so.........aggressive about what had transpired between them.

Clearly, mating wasn't a bonding experience for omegas only.

Draco, the proud alpha, was having a very difficult time being ignored.

Harriet opened the letter and blinked as her green eyes scanned over the page.

Once she was finished reading its contents, she picked up her wand and placed the tip against the parchment. Harriet watched as a tiny flame burst from the wand's tip and very gently turned Draco's letter into ashes, which she gathered in her hand.

Once Draco's letter was destroyed, Harriet walked into the kitchen and let the ashes fall from her hand into the rubbish bin.

Every day, Draco and Harriet went through the same routine.

He wrote the omega a letter, which she then received and promptly destroyed.

Harriet struggled against the tears that welled in her eyes as she walked back into her small living room. Sitting down on the sofa, she placed a hand to her face for a moment and tried to forget Draco's pleading words.

It was over.

The war, her and Draco, everything......

There was no point in thinking about any of it anymore.

She had made a mistake and so had he.

She could never speak to him or see him again.

Trying to win the battle her emotions were waging against her, Harriet reached out to the end table and picked up another letter she had received about a week ago.

That letter was not from Draco.......nor had it been delivered by an owl.

That letter had been folded in half, with a picture of a lovely muggle couple inside, with two little children in front of them.

Harriet's eyes softened as she looked at the picture and read over the letter's words for the hundredth time, finding peace and comfort.

Dear Harriet Potter,

Thank you so much for choosing to place your baby with our family! Out of all the other couples you could have chosen for your child's adoption, we are honored that you selected us! While we respect your decision to remain anonymous to our new son or daughter, you are always welcome in our lives anytime! Please look for the official forms in the mail soon!

Anxiously awaiting our new arrival,

The Roberts Family

Harriet laid the letter back down and stretched as a gentle flutter rippled from her abdomen. Her green eyes glanced down and she spread her hands on the sides of her rounded belly with a resigned sigh.

It was over.

Her and Draco hadn't conceived a child together and they wouldn't have one.

The Roberts family would.

The Roberts family did.

Draco would never know, the wizarding world would never know.

The child would live a normal, muggle life, away from the ugliness of purebloods and mudbloods, away from the bitterness of its biological mother and father's bloodlines.

A good life.

Harriet looked out the window and tried to forget the hypnotizing touch of the blonde alpha she had fallen into bed with those few months ago.

The child would have a good life because she was making the right decision.

Harriet didn't allow herself to think anything else.

She tried not to go out much, only buying what she needed to survive. Harriet hadn't been in the public eye often since her impromptu tryst with Draco, but she did occasionally leave her apartment to buy a handful of groceries, wearing long, loose robes that hid her shape.

Harriet had pushed her friends away, claiming that she struggled with trauma from the war.

Harriet was the only one who knew about the baby.

And Harriet was the only one that ever would.


It was odd, really, almost as if the child sensed his father's plans and schemed their chance meeting from inside her womb..........

On one particular morning, Draco traveled to Hogsmeade on a quest to pick up his mother's order from Honeydukes.

That same day, Harriet woke up with an awful craving for chocolate frogs. Unable to ignore her urges, the omega put on her dark, flowing robes to disguise her new figure and apparated straight there.

Loading a basket full of the candies, Harriet was standing in line at the register when Draco happened to glance across the room from where he was paying for Narcissa's order at the opposite counter.

The store was as crowded as usual, but Draco and Harriet's gazed unmistakably connected.

Harriet quickly looked away but Draco's eyes widened.

"Sorry, can you give me just a moment?" Draco said hurriedly to the man at the counter, as Harriet stepped forward to the register and nearly threw her galleons at the clerk.

The man packing Narcissa's order blinked, "I'm almost finished, si-"

"I understand! I'll be back in a moment!" Draco shouted.

"Sir!" The man called after Draco, blinking as he watched his customer run into the crowd.

At the last glance she had taken, Harriet had seen Draco still standing at the order counter and that gave her hope.

Perhaps he hadn't recognized her.......

Thank goodness.

Hurriedly taking her change and her bag from the clerk assisting her with her purchase, Harriet picked up her parcel just as an arrogant voice called out.

"Well, well, well, Potter~. I've finally tracked you down."

Harriet's green eyes widened and she turned around to see Draco looking at her with that confident smirk.

She didn't allow herself to consider how good the alpha looked, standing there, tall and fit, in his black suit.

"Hello." Harriet murmured, barely stopping as she swished past him and made her way towards the door.

"Hey!" Draco called, his smirk turning into a scowl as he watched the omega he had pursued for months attempt to escape, "Where do you think you're going?!?"

Harriet didn't say anything. She didn't want a confrontation, she didn't want to explain, and she certainly didn't want Draco to find out about.....

As soon as she made it outside, the baby kicked her sharply in the ribs and the severity of the sudden motion forced her to stop and place a hand on her side.

Harriet stood with her back to Draco, so he didn't notice her posture as he came bursting through the shop's door and sneered, not wasting the opportunity to finally speak his mind, "Hello? I've written you every day for six months begging for a talk and that's all I get? Hello? Most alphas don't beg, Potter! But that's just how delicious I thought you were......You should consider yourself rather lucky, you know. I certainly could have moved on by now."

"....Then move on, Malfoy." Harriet groaned, still rubbing the sting of pain from her rib.

Hoping to keep their exchange brief, Harriet tried to keep her voice as cold as possible.

Her plan backfired. The iciness in her voice was doing things to Draco that he didn't understand.

Instead of being offended, Draco was angry, intrigued, and wounded. His alpha pride flared at the brazen omega and he grabbed her wrist from behind, spinning her around as he spoke, "Don't you understand, Potter?! I don't want to move on! I want to be with you!"

Harriet gasped as Draco spun her.

.....And her hand was still tragically on her side.

Harriet's robes did an excellent job of hiding her condition, but as she turned, with her hand pressed on her middle, Draco saw the outline of her new curves.

Gasping in shock, his hand shot out and Harriet whimpered as the alpha who fathered her child placed his hands on her rounded abdomen.

With his palms spread over what he recognized as the swollen belly of an expectant mother, Draco's grey eyes flickered accusingly from Harriet's bump to her face as he spat, "What the bloody hell is this?!?!"

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