The Immortal Alpha

By HinataSemoli

27.8K 1K 52

A love story between two totally different people. Both from a different world. Will love prevail? or fear an... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13:part one
Chapter 14:part two
Chapter 15
Chapter 16:part three
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 17

611 22 2
By HinataSemoli

"How the hell did I get on this side of the bed?" I asked in a high pitched voice. He kept walking towards me with the tray of food that he was holding.  It looked good but sadly I was not a breakfast person.

"You don't remember?" He said with a devilish smirk. I nodded my head slightly and that earned me a blank face from him. The smirk gone. "Here is your food." He said placing it on my lap.

Breakfast in BED!!!

I was gonna have breakfast in bed with a guy I hardly knew. Well that was if I wanted to eat but I didn't.

"It's a really fun story." He said as he sad next to me and took a strawberry from the tray. " First I have to say this,I didn't think you had in you. Really,you are full of surprises." He looked at me in admiration as he took a bite of the strawberry.  I took one as well as I prepared to listen to the story and mentally praying that it wasn't what I dreamed doing.

"I was sleeping,very peacefully might I add,and then you jumped on me. Straddling me and started kissing me. Very passionately at that.  And may I also say,you are a very good kisser and when ever we're sleeping,wake me up like that every time very time you want me to fuck you. I'll gladly do it. Anyway,after the very good kiss,you pushed me to your site and slept on mine." He was smicking the whole time,while I was totally embarrassed and blushing.

I couldn't believe that I actually did that. And the way he said he would fuck me. Well I had a good number of guys that came into my life and said the would fuck me and shit but the way said it was different. I don't know how bit it made my heart skip beat. Though little and not much of importance,when he said it, it held somekind of power and something I didn't even know.

I knew sometimes I did shit in my sleep and some were actually happening,that I was actually doing it but this was.... I didn't even know how to put it. It was that...

"I don't eat breakfast." I said in a monotone and a straight face. He raised one brow and let the subject go. The one about sleep and all that. "Why?" He asked concern laced in his face and voice. "I just don't. " I said simply and moved the tray from my lap and got off the bed.  I reached for my phone that was on the night stand and looked at the time. I woke up early. That was an achievement.

"Did you put it this site?"

"Yep. I figured you would need it when you woke up."

Scarlett Wilde had actually woken up early without the help of an annoying alarm clock.

I straightened the shirt and went into the bathroom to retrieve the clothes that I had planned to wash. Leaving him there to eat his breakfast in peace.  I came out with the clothes in hand but I had a small problem. I had to also wash his shirt,the one that I was wearing.

"Could you please borrow me something to wear and a shirt. I have to wash this shirt." I asked shyly. He was looking at the door in seeming in deep thought with himself. He turned his gaze to me holding a bitten toast. He scrutinized me again. That look that made me fell naked and exposed.  I swallowed and his gaze moving from my case to my throat then to my lips.

Why is he looking at me like That?

He was a person that had not seen food in weeks and had just laid eyes on a feast.

"Sure. Help yourself." He finally said after a long silence. One in which he had focused on my lips. That same lips that I was continually nothing and licking. They were dry,just to make it clear.

I bent down to put the clothes down and went into the closet. I took a pair of black boxers and a plain T- shirt that I found,among the clothes. They weren't many to choose from. The closet was big but the clothes were few,so I chose the ones that looked a little old.

Not that they were old. Every thing in there looked expensive and new. Even his boxers. They looked like they had been used,a total difference from the other one's I fought. They looked barely used. Like they were there to decorate on something.

It was a waste of money of you asked me. To buy something and not wear it. I went out and took the clothes for a wash also took one myself. I did have work to get to.

I had said him to get the clothes for me and he did. I found the seating nasty on the bed when I came out of the bath and he was nowhere in sight.

I quickly got dressed and went down stairs to find him drinking apple juice. "So you're done?" He said as he looked at me. At what I was wearing. "Yep!" I walked closer. He gave me a bottle full of some green thing. A green smoothy.  I looked at it in confusion.

I was all for staying healthy and anything good but drinking shit was not part of it.

"Something to give you energy." He said. "Energy?" I asked with a raised brow. "After your show of... I don't even know what to call it. You kept mumbling something about a four hour surgery you had to do." He said walking to one of the chairs and taking a coat that I had not even seen was hanging there.

"We have to go or you'll be late." He ordered. I had nothing to say other than ok and fun after the guy. Not literally. He was walking so fast. "You know,you are really short and slow as well." He said as he turned to look at me. "Not really.  You're just tall plus your legs give you an advantage. " I said looking at his legs.

Wait?! I had not even realized that guy was already wearing a suite.  A different colour,a grey suit. It clung to him like the first one. A true business man.

I reached for my bag that was on one of those tables that were put near the door. I had put it there yesterday.

We got out off the house. It was just as beautiful as it was yesterday during the night.

The car was still were we had left it. He opened the door for me and I got in and we drove off.

The drive to my house was slow. Terribly and agonizingly slow. The reason behind it was because he had said he needed to know more about me. Apart from the thing I told him while we played twenty questions.

He was more of a dog person, actually he didn't quite say "dog", he said he was more into wolfs.  Since I didn't find any difference between the two, it came down to a dog. He was a dog person. While I was more of a cat person. Well that's what I told him. Truthfully, I liked them both,cats and dogs. I didn't find any valid reason to have to choose between the two. He was also from the Wildwood family. Apart from knowing that it was the name of a very big and successful company,I knew nothing about the name. His second name.

"Now could you please speed up. I have a job to get to." I said ad I looked straight ahead. From what I could tell we would probably arrive in less than 20 minutes but not more than 15 if he speedup.

Ok I was wrong we arrived in less than 10 and don't get me started on the speed he was driving in. "I know I said speedup but I did not say you should try to kill us."  I said getting out of the car and getting my beating heart to slow down. After we got in the house to find that Ana had already left,I went to my room to change. I came back minutes later to find him seated comfortably on the couch with one of his arms rested on the back of the couch. I wanted to make lunch but time was on my side. It had not been on my side for the past few weeks. But then I remembered that he had made me a green energy giver juice. I took it and neatly placed it into my bag for later.

I made my way to the garage to take my car but he stopped me. "I'll drive you." He said behind me,making me jump and a shiver run down my spine at the close proximity. I could I have not heard him. The guy was literally behind me the whole time.

"Don't you like have a company to get to?actually come to think about It,we are in no way close to Seattle.  How do you run it anyway? And is it that I did not see you there?" I asked turning to face hin and shifting my weight to my right leg. An arrogant smile crawled to his face. "It can wait. For your many questions,of which I would more than love to answer, you'll have to get in that car with me to know the answers to." He said pointing to the car. I reluctantly got in and strapped myself in, for the second time in one day.

I gave him a questioning look as he started the car and drove off. "So?" I probed. "I run it remotely sadly I can't tell you the actual details of how. But I can tell you this, I hired someone to be the CEO of the place." He said looking forward,at the road. "And I'm sure that answered the one about why you had never saw me there." He looked at me. I nodded and looked at the time. Ten minutes, I had ten minutes left.

"I had a good night with you miss Wilde,of which I hope will happen again soon." He said unbuckling the seat held for me. His face lingered a little longer than it should have near mine. Our noses inches from touching,our eyes locked. My heart beat increased,My breathing got heavy and my throat went dry.

Kiss me please!!

The kiss never came, but his eyes kept going to my lips and staying there a little longer before they came back to mine. He sat straight and unlocked the car for me.

I have to get out of here before I lose it.

I gave his one last glance and got out of the car but not before giving him a curt nod and a "Thank you."

"Have a nice day,my love."

I watched him drive off. My mind playing the part when he basically promised a second...I didn't even know what to call it because it was definitely not a date. And when he called me love.

He actually called me love. Again.

I walked up the stairs into the building.  I was greeted by the way too familiar smell of hospitals. I still had not gotten to get used to it. And every time it made me fell like I was Fiona get sick myself.

I walked past the reception area to the elevator and waited for it to get me to the 15th floor. I walked to my office,that had been patiently waiting for me. I realised a short sigh as I sat on my chair and spun around a few times. The calmness that overcame me then was way beyond words. Like the one I felt when I was in his arms. But it was short lived as Ana came busting through my door beaming and smiling like a crazy person.

I wonder why she is not in the psych ward?

I smiled back at her. She sat down before I could even invite her to.

Ok...go right ahead . Don't mind me.

She looked at me with so much excitement I thought it was tangible. "And the look?" I asked her as I sat back. "Tell me everything. " She was like a kid about to be told a story.  The one about Cinderella. It was one of those faces.

I tried to ignore her by looking at the file of the four surgery I was about to in less than three hours. Like I said, 'I tried' and that meant I didn't succeed in it. Her puppy dog eye,a big goofy grin that she gave me,were enough to break me. So came the part were I told her what happened. Living out parts about the bed events and I also told her about the light bulbs that I sometimes saw in the woods. And likeI had thought,She shrugged it off. Thinking nothing of it.

Her mouth was open the whole time and when I told her about my dream it opened even more. If that was even possible.

"I know right.  Even I thought so. At first I thought he made the whole thing up but then I remembered my past...things. So yeah." I leaned into the walnut wood tabled that sat between us. The poor girl was shocked. I was pretty much sold that it was because of  the dream. Even I couldn't believe it at first but here.

She told me that one of the girls,Ruina wouldn't be able to make it to the girls movie night. It was pretty obvious as to why. The girl had herself a man. She had looked a lot happier compared to before she met the guy. Even her skin had a certain 'glow' to it. She was happy and that was more than fine with me.

The three hours flew by really fast and before I knew it it was time to go into the Operation Room. I went the patients files a number if times. And he had kidney failure a little after midnight and that called for a transplant.  Lucky for him he didn't have to wait on the long waiting list of transplant patients,his sister had offered to be the donor. A great family member and a brave decision,if you asked me. The organs were gonna arrive later during the day hence the three hour wait.

During those hours I drank the smoothy that Nick had made for me and to my suprice it was actually good. Not as disgusting as it looked to the eye,but while drinking it,I made my mind believe that it looked like a fruit smoothy.

The surgery began just as lunch started. We had told every one that was going to be in that room to eat before hand. It was after all a four hour surgery. The second longest I had ever done on my own. The first was on a lady whose information I had forgotten but I heard she had fully recovered and that she had just had her second baby a few months ago. A cute baby girl.


Sorry for the typos.
And I  fell like the story is dragging along. I will try to get to the more exciting part and introduce the plot but till then,kisses😘😘
Till I update again.

Remember to:


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