Ghost Hunt Fanfiction: THAT A...

By Jira03

40.3K 1.4K 222

Mai Taniyama is just another highschool student when she met an unfeeling narcissist who came to investigate... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Author's Note
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
My Apologies!
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
EXTRA:🌲🎊Christmas Special🌲🎊
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44: The Final Arc (01)
Chapter 45: The Final Arc (02)
Chapter 46: The Final Arc (3)
Chapter 47: The Final Arc (04)
Chapter 48: The Final Arc (05)

Chapter 27

641 22 2
By Jira03

Mai forced Bou-san to teach her some chants for exorcism and Bou-san taught her the Acala or The Immovable One after so much deliberation. Mai mastered spells since young but she wants to have an alibi to use as an excuse in case someone saw her exorcising some spirits. You never know. They also warned her that the exorcisms seems futile and wasn’t that effective if it was done by newbies but Mai didn't listen and continue memorizing the words. Yasu, who knew Mai well, just ignored them and went to make them some coffee. He is not really fond of tea so he ignored the teabags in the corner. He is not making tea for the boss anyway.

“So anyway, if Masako can’t help us, we are really going to be in trouble. She insists that even though she can’t see the spirits, she can tell where they are. But I wonder if that is really the case.” Bou-san stated his doubts while looking outside.

“But Shibuya-san told us that she’s one of the best right?” Yasu asked while Mai continue to practice the Acala.

“Hmm. Masako-chan is good at Kuchiyose.” Bou-san answered as Mai stopped her practice and asked what Kuchiyose means.

“Kuchiyose means answering questions in the voice of the dead by having spirits channel through one’s body but come to think of it, it has the same principle as Ouija boarding, right?” Bou-san continued while the others thought about it.

“I have only read this in books but I believe there are two types of psychic mediums; one is a regular psychic and the other uses ESP.” -John

“Oh. I read that too. That is Dr. Davis’ thesis right?” Bou-san said having sparkles on his eyes as the let out the name of his idol in his mouth.

Mai rubbed her chin and recalled that she had read that thesis too but unfortunately she stopped reading halfway through because she became busy in school and in her café business in England. Besides, despite having psychic abilities, she's never really interested in psychical researches and stuff. She wanted to know how to control her abilities and now that she had controlled it, she had no need of those research papers anymore.

She remembered the limited edition copy of Oliver Davis's thesis in her basement. She sighed and apologize to Naru in her heart. She needs to dig that paper up from that dusty place or else Naru will get angry. Well, who wouldn't get angry if they suddenly learned that their works are treated with disrespect?

“According to Dr. Davis, a psychic medium can be someone who has ESP, telepathy or possibly a psychometrist.” John continued as Yasu look at Mai for some explanation to the unfamiliar words he just heard.

“Psych… what?”

“Psychometrist is someone who has Psychometry. It is a psychic ability that see visions or past connected to the object a psychometrist touched. It is a form of extrasensory perception that is also called token-object reading or psychoscopy.” Mai explained as Bou-san continue his Dr. Davis 'fanboying'. Mai grinned at Bou-san and enjoyed his spelling eyes. He really likes that Dr. Oliver Davis. Mai wondered how will he react if he knew that his idol is just near by.

“Dr. Oliver Davis is a psychometrist so that is maybe the reason why he came up with this theory but Dr. Davis is also a scholar of BSPR or the British Society of Psychic Research in Great Britain. He is one of the few people in the world who have both ESP and Psychokinesis.  Eugene Davis is his brother and according to Dr. Davis, Eugene Davis is a perfect psychic medium.”

Mai stopped daydreaming about Bou-san's reaction and was stunned at the mention of Dr. Davis’ brother. She didn’t know he had a brother when she dig up something about him and she never dug deeper when she confirmed his identity. She respect Naru’s privacy and she may have read his thesis about mediums but she never really paid attention on who help Oliver Davis in coming up with that claim. She knew Naru is Oliver Davis but that's it. She never plan to go over the line unless the boss allowed her so the mention of a brother really made her froze in shock. She felt really stupid!

‘Wait, a brother?! Eugene Davis?!’

“W-wait. You are saying Dr. Oliver Davis has a brother? What is he like?” Mai asked while trying to be calm. Her mind keeps on showing her the gentle face she always see similar to Naru. Her brains started working and came up with a theory that slaps her on the face really hard. She couldn't accept that possible theory in  her head and ask that question.

“Well, like Dr. Davis, information about his brother are also unknown. Anyway back to the topic. Eugene Davis was called the ‘perfect medium’ because he can speak the language the spirit that possessed his body. For example, he would speak in German if the spirit is German and in Greek if the spirit is. What's even more amazing is, they said Eugene Davis an only speak 4 languages but he spoke 13 languages out of 15 times he let spirits possess him.”

“And this rarely happened. It wouldn’t have happen unless the spirit is really channeling through him. If you have noticed, some psychic mediums on TV programs usually summoned foreigners but they would speak in their own language but not on the spirit’s language.” -Bou-san

“Some psychics are better at foretelling and guessing than others. And according to Dr. Davis, it is possible that they may be someone with ESP instead of a psychic medium.” –John.

“Masako-chan is always good at foretelling and guessing so she may be more of a psychometrist than a psychic medium, huh?”

Bou-san and John was alternately talking and was immersed in the topic with Yasu that they didn’t noticed that Mai have a complicated look on his face. The words she just heard and the face of her Mr. Guardian keeps on appearing in her mind. This confused her even more and made her heart beat erratically.

Yasu warned them that the fire will happen again since it will be 12th the next day. Naru told Mai and Yasu to put a camera in the locker room but they ended up putting a camera in the broadcast studio because of Mai’s insistence. Her confused and panicked face did not go unnoticed by her friends.

They wanted to know what is happening to the girl but Mai slept early that night, hoping to meet Mr. Guardian. But she failed to astral project and was awoken at exactly 4:32 AM. There was a fire that broke into the broadcast studio. It was the same place where that thing is transferred to.

“How did this happened? I thought that the fire will be in the locker room. Why is the locker room unscathed while this studio was burned black?!” Bou-san asked in a frustrated voice as he hold into the fire extinguisher.

“Ugh. My nail broke.” Ayako grumbled as John and Masako rest on a couch nearby.

Mai just stood there, watching as Lin and Naru observed the spot that was burned. The fire had reached the ceiling and Yasu said that the fire is more intense than what usually happened in the locker room.

‘Well. Of course. Since it consumed something that makes it grew stronger.’ Mai though as she sighed. Her mind suddenly went somewhere and become anxious again.

“Oh! I remembered Mai saying that the fire may not happened in the locker room this time and you also said that it could happen in a studio! Wow, Mai, you are really a fortune-teller.” Yasu said that attracts the others’ attention. Mai suddenly woke from her reverie and she really wanted to punch Yasu in the head.

‘Yasu, you brat!’

“Mai, is that true?” Bou-san asked having a stunned expression on his face. The others are also no better than him.

“Yeah. I think I have said that in the passing.” Mai answered bashfully. But she didn't forget to glare at her best friend.

“And she also insist that we put a camera here last night.” Yasu added, not noticing his friend's warning. Mai really had the urge to open up her best friend's head right now. She wanted to disable his left brain to make him shut his mouth forever. Of course, Yasu doesn’t have an inkling that his brunette friend is cursing him now.

“Your intuition again?” Naru asked. His voice is so suspicious and cold that made Mai more nervous.

“Y-yes.” She answered, trying her best not to show her lie. She was really nervous.

It's just that her acting is so good that they believed her. She never told them about her dreams but Mai is still cautious. Mai didn’t plan to continue to lie to them in the future but Mai is just uncomfortable telling them right now. Besides she wants to confirm something with Mr. Guardian first before personally telling Naru about her abilities.

“But the camera we placed here was damaged, Mai. I bet it's very expensive.” Yasu noted as he stared at the young girl.

“Oh. Don’t worry. The boss probably won’t mind it since it is INSURED. We just have to pay him by working well.” Mai answered emphasizing the word ‘insured’ for Naru to hear.

Naru snorted and left the room. He remembered their first meeting. He tried to ‘scam’ her using the camera she destroyed, getting a free labor form her but she spoke first and told him that the camera was probably insured. He didn't tell her about his attempt to scam her but it seems like he really couldn't fool this girl.

“By the way, you are really a latent psychic, Mai. Who would have thought that your guts will be correct again?” Bou-san said and wrap an arm around her neck and pat her head endearingly.

“That's how Mai is when I first saw her. She could tell whether it will rain the next day even without watching the weather forecast. She could also guess the answers on our quiz without reviewing. I even named her Weather/Quiz Alert. Haha.”Yasu mentioned it to them telling how much of a fortune-teller she is.

“Yasu, stop it!”

Naru was again looking fiercely at Yasu. He knew Masako and Lin are watching him but he couldn't control it. He was always told to control himself to prevent his PK from lashing up but he's failing to do that just because of a girl! He felt like all those years of learning was smashed by a brunette called Mai. Naru didn't even dare to blame her since she never gave him an idea but he fell for her anyways! Right at that moment, he felt vulnerable.

The Chinese man quickly went to Naru's side and pulled him away from the broadcast room. Naru calmed down a little as Lin glared at him. Naru avoided his eyes and retrieved his hand from him as Lin sighed.

The Onmyouji began worrying about his young charge. Lin couldn't help but to regret agreeing to Mai's employment in SPR. Mai could discover their true identities while working with them but Lin never thought that Naru, this cold and unfeeling guy, would like her romantically and almost loose his control in jealousy. If he ever lost it, the situation can be worse than Mai realizing who Naru truly is.



An unpleasant voice reached Mai’s ears on her way of delivering some reports that she had found to the base. That teacher's voice brought the memories of Sakauchi’s experience. They flashed through her mind as she can hear someone’s footsteps ringing loudly as the time passes. Mai gripped the folder that contains the teacher's information and turned around. She had found all of this teacher’s previous abused that made her boil in rage. He was the last person she wanted to see but he dared to appear in front of her! He must be looking for a beating!

"How is your so-called 'exorcisms' doing? I heard there is a fire that broke out this morning. So you can't perform that exorcism or whatever, huh?" The teacher said and looked at her with contempt

"I knew it from the very start that there are no ghosts! It's all been just a  big fabrication! You're just scamming us for money, aren't you?!"

Mai closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She keeps on telling herself not to mind insignificant people and calm down but the teacher's next words really snapped her thin patience.

"Only stupid people believe in ghosts, right? Just like the idiots in this school. Oh right. That fool, Sakauchi, believes in spirit world too. Hah! Pathetic!"

"What.... Did you just say?"

The hallway suddenly got tense as the young brunette glared at the old teacher. Matsuyama-sensei felt something wrong and met those predatory brown eyes. He suddenly got scared by it and took a step back. He didn't know what got him retreating but he knew better in his heart that he couldn't go on provoking the girl who's glaring at him like she wanted to cut out all of insides. His lips are moving but he couldn't produce a single sound.

"I don't care about your perception of things but how dare you mention his name when you're the biggest reason why he took his life? Do you really think you're innocent?"

"Wha-what are you talking about?!" The old teacher asked, trembling.

Mai who is wearing a scary expression didn't answer and turned around. But screams from a classroom sounded around the area even before she took ten steps away from the teacher. Mai quickly took the walkie-talkie and press the speak button.

"Guys! We have a situation here at the second floor. Need help, stat!"

Mai placed the folders on the ground and ran towards the classroom with Matsuyama-sensei trailing after her. When she arrived at the door of the classroom, she saw a familiar scene inside. It is a dog in the middle of the room. Compared to the first dog previously, it is much bigger and dangerous. He had a desk in his mouth and his eyes are so menacingly scary. All the students are crying inside the room and one were even injured.

"Wha-what is happening?! Who let a dog in?!" The teacher asked in a panicked voice but Mai didn't even look at him as she brought out the walkie-talkie again.

"Bou-san, Ayako! There is a dog inside Room 2-3! Hurry!" Mai screamed and readied herself to exorcise in case they didn't arrive on time. Her walkie-talkie sounded and received a reply from the others.

"We're coming!"

"Coming! We're already running!"

Mai stuffed the walkie-talkie into her pocket and helped one student near the window. She quickly but carefully pulled one students after the other out of the room. The dog is still wrecking havoc inside the room and half of the students are still inside the room.

'Why are they not here?! Why did Masako even ordered them to get some lunch from an expensive restaurant located two kilometres away?!'

"Mai! Get out of there!"

Naru almost cursed out loud the moment he saw Mai inside that room. He wanted to go in and pull that idiot out of the danger zone but both Lin and Masako held each of his arm. He panicked when Mai was still trying to get the students out of the room while the dog is still randomly throwing things inside.

"Lin!" Naru yelled at his assistant but before Lin could even start chanting, the dog already noticed what's happening and aim the chair in his mouth towards Mai. Naru's heart dropped.


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