Hope Ur Ok | Liam Dunbar

BแปŸi imsimplyemily

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๐ŸŒŠ Address the letters, to the holes in my butterfly wings Nothing's forever, nothing is as good as it seems... Xem Thรชm

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580 22 292
BแปŸi imsimplyemily



" Why are we even here?!" was Leilani's first question as she and her best friend walked onto the Lacrosse field. 

"Because Quinnie, I need to get the extra practice for tryouts. Plus if Mason were to have come he would have just been staring at shirtless guys. And you're like my good luck charm." Liam said. For some reason, Liam felt as if he played better when he knew Leilani was there to cheer him on. Plus it was hilarious whenever she would give "constructive criticism". In reality, it was just a lot of her trying to get him riled up.

"One, I'm gonna kill you for calling me Quinnie. Two, you and I both know that you could take any spot on this team without practice." She said as they reached the field. 

"You're not gonna kill me because we both know how much you love it when I call you Quinnie. Now are you gonna be my personal cheerleader or are you just gonna stand there and look cute?" Liam said as he stood in front of her and held onto her waist. 

"Fine. But only because I love you and I know you suck without me." She said with a smirk on her face.

Before Liam could even think about a response, a lacrosse player named Garrett came up to the duo.
" Hey, Leilani. I take it this is your friend you told me about?"
"Yep. This is Liam. He just wanted to get some extra practice. Not that you need it." She trailed off towards the end. However, Liam heard her and just rolled his eyes. 

"Alright, let's see how well you do in goal," Garrett said.

As Liam played, Leilani watched as he moved with speed and agility, catching every shot. She knew he had this in the bag. She noticed two juniors across the field looking at Liam playing with a worried expression. She had seen them around but she only remembered one of them as Scott McCall. He was the captain of the lacrosse team and kind of popular around the school. Garrett's voice brought her out of her daze.

" Nice, Liam! You might just be our first-ever freshman captain." Garrett praised. 

Liam looked over to where Leilani was standing and smiled at how she was cheering for him. He always wondered how they went from hating each other to becoming the best of friends. Although for some reason the word friends kind of stung. Luckily for him, Leilani was questioning why it suddenly hurt her being Liam's friend. She never had a problem with it before, so what changed?


Liam and Leilani walked into the locker room. While Liam was changing, Leilani wanted to talk to Coach about joining the soccer team. Surprisingly, Coach didn't even ask to see her skills. He just asked her straight up whether or not she sucked. Obviously, she replied with "No" and just like that she was on the team.

As she was walking over to Liam she heard the two juniors from earlier talking to him.

"Hey, Liam... You want to explain what that was out there?" The one with moles scattered all over his face asked.
"What do you mean?" Liam asked obliviously.
"That little display. Your little circus act." He said with exaggerated hand gestures.

"What circus act?" Liam asked sharing a confused look with Leilani to which she just shrugged.
"You caught every shot." The junior stated the obvious.

"...I was in goal."Liam trailed off.
"Yeah, but nothing, not a single shot got past you!"
"Yeah, he was the goalie. You guys played this game before?" Leilani asked with some sass in her voice.

"You guys are freshmen, right?" The one Leilani recognized as Scott asked.
"Yeah..." They both said at the same time.

"But you weren't here last semester." The other one pressed.
"I transferred from Devenford Prep."

"You transferred?" Scott asked doubtingly
"Yeah..." Liam trailed off.
"No... You got kicked out, didn't you?" Scott asked accusingly.

How the hell did he figure that out so fast? Leilani asked herself. She sensed Liam was already getting frustrated, so she took matters into her own hands.

"All right, listen here Dumb and Dumber. Kicked out or transferred, it's the same shit. What do you guys care anyway? He's great at lacrosse and your team sucks ass. You do want to win this season, right?"

"No. No, we don't need any more good players--"The quirky one said. To be honest he was already getting on Leilani's nerves.

"Actually, we could sort of use a couple..." Scott countered.

"Okay, how'd you get this good? Have you always been this good? Or did it suddenly happen just once overnight? Have you ever been out in the middle of the woods during the night of a full--" The other one started asking questions like during a round of rapid-fire.

"--Stiles--" Scott interrupted. So that's his name, Leilani thought, Oh you poor, poor soul.

"Hmm. Look, I learned from my stepfather, all right? He made team captain when he was a sophomore--" Liam started.
"Just like you," Leilani interjected giving Scott a pointed look.

"And yeah... I guess I'm just that good." Liam finished as he grab Leilani's hand and they both walked out of the locker room.

"I swear I'm gonna cut a bitch. The audacity they had to just come and question you because they were insecure about their skills. Like, sorry you didn't have the confidence in your skills but like it's not my fault that you suck and are probably praying to god that your girlfriend doesn't leave you because you're not athletic like you used to be!!" Leilani ranted. Liam just laughed the whole time at the girl next to him. She had a tendency of ranting about things that pissed her off.

"You feel better now?" Liam asked as he recovered from his laughing fit.
"Yeah. I'm good. To hell we go!" Leilani said as they made their way to class.


"Terrible! Horrifying! Pathetic! Unbelievably pathetic! Is that everyone?" Coach's insults were honestly giving Leilani life right now. She decided to stay and watch Liam at tryouts after school.

"Yup, that's everyone," Coach called after Stiles arrived panting like he was repeatedly hit in the gut. Liam, however, came in first and didn't seem tired at all. In fact, he was doing push-ups. Meanwhile, Leilani was trying her hardest not to swoon at her best friend's physique. 

As the boys continued playing, Leilani overheard Stiles talking to Scott.

"You know, maybe he's only good in goal. You know, just totally useless on the rest of the field." Boy, are you mistaken Leilani thought to herself.

As Stiles finished his train of thought, Liam scored a goal.

"YES!" She heard Coach say. 

"WHOO! GO LIAM!" She cheered.

When it was Scott's turn to shoot, she noticed how he hit the side of the goal and couldn't help but laugh. Some captain he was she thought. If he kept going at the rate he was, Liam might actually take his spot.

Leilani watched as Scott, the supposed lacrosse god, missed pretty much every shot. She couldn't help but snicker when she noticed the anger and frustration radiating off of both him and  Stiles after seeing Liam go through the exercises as if it were almost trivial to him. She took advantage of the small intermission given to the players to talk to Liam.

"Hey there, Superstar," Leilani said as she approached her best friend.
"Hey Lei. So what are my odds looking like?" Liam asked. Leilani could tell he was nervous. Lacrosse was Liam's life. He and his step-dad would practice and sometimes, even Leilani would help him out.

"I think you're doing great. You definitely are getting a spot on the team." She encouraged.
"I don't know. I feel like I'm doing something wrong when I line up my shots." He expressed. 

"Why don't you use the force of will? Imagine you lining up the shot perfectly and scoring." Leilani said as if it wasn't a big deal. She had no issue flaunting her knowledge. Most of the time it would be to prove to other people to not underestimate her or to make herself feel useful for something other than threats.

And as Liam followed the word of advice she gave him, he made the shot. Leilani quickly hugged Liam, neither of them noticing the chemosignals that a group of supernaturals picked up.

"Yes! Hot damn! Yeah! Hustle!" they heard Coach say from off in the distance.

"Well I better get back, but just remember what I said." Leilani remind. And in the spur of the moment, she kissed Liam's cheek and went back to the bleachers. The faint blush on both of their cheeks went unnoticed by one another.

"McCall and Stilinski, grab the long sticks! You're covering goal for two-on-ones." Coach yelled to the two juniors.

Leilani watched as both boys blocked people with ease. She will admit that she was getting nervous on Liam's behalf, but she believed in him and she had faith that it was going to go well. And it was as if she had manifested it because when Liam's turn came, he swerved the older boys in every which way and scored the shot.

"That's how you do it! That's how it's done!" Coach cheered.
"Go, Liam!" Leilani called out.

"That was luck!" a girl that Leilani had seen around the halls spoke up.
What is it with people and doubting Liam's ability today? Leilani asked herself. 

"Do-over!" the girl whined like a toddler after not getting what they wanted.
"Sweetheart, there are no do-overs-- this is a practice." Coach stated condescendingly.

"Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles!" the older girl better.
No way in hell am I not inputting, Leilani thought, "Twenty-five on Liam!" she shouted while giving the older girl a smirk and condescending wave, completely unaware of the way her eyes held a faint electric blue hue to them.

"...I'll take that action. Hey! Get back in there, Liam!" Coach shouted.

As Liam went up for his second round, Leilani was on the edge of her seat, watching intently. Suddenly a loud crack was heard. And just like that, Leilani saw Liam's leg land in an unnatural position, which caused her t make a dash for the field.

"Don't move! Don't touch him!" She heard Coach yell as she got closer to him.

"Liam are you okay?" She asked. She knew it was a stupid question but in the heat of the moment, she wasn't really thinking logically. She just wanted to not see her best friend in pain.

"I'm okay, Coach," Liam said before looking toward the Hewitt girl,  "Lani, I'm all right. I swear." Leilani knew he was lying. She could see the pain in his eyes as he lay on the ground. 

"I think it's my leg." He whimpered. Leilani was trying her hardest to keep her composure in front of everyone. However, Stiles had to go and ruin that.

"I think we better get him to the nurse." He stated the obvious.
"You don't say?! Jeez Sherlock, I wonder how long it took you to deduce that one?!" Leilani finally snapped. While she was busy glaring daggers at the Stilinski boy, Scott noticed how, once again, her normally greenish-blue eyes had an electric blue, almost turquoise glow trying to shine through.


The car ride to the hospital had been anything but silent. Between the sporadic whimpers of pain coming from Liam to the string of vibrantly worded threats coming from Leilani herself, the two older boys were lucky to have made it out of the car in one piece.

As they entered the hospital, Leilani quickly pulled both boys down to her height by their ears. "Listen to me very closely, Scooby and Shaggy. If my best friend is no longer able to play lacrosse, his anger will be the least of your worries. I'm going to say this in the nicest way possible. If Liam's lacrosse days are over because of you two bimbos, you better count your days because I swear on all that is holy, death will look like a vacation compared to what I'm going to do to you. Do I make myself clear?" She seethed through gritted teeth.

"Crystal..." Both boys squeaked out pure shock, fear, and pain that the fifteen-year-old was able to cause them.
"Good. Now, this conversation never happened."

She paid no mind to the nurse that came to help them and instead focused on her best friend.
"Don't worry. You're going to be okay. I already gave those two idiots a pretty vivid word of warning." Leilani said trying to get even the smallest smile from Liam.

"Thanks, but I really don't think so," Liam said while looking at his busted-up leg. The nurse from earlier came to guide Liam toward an exam room.

"Don't worry, Liam. We'll take good care of you." She said with a small smile. She noticed Leilani standing there with a slight look of worry. "You're welcome to come as well." She offered. The girl simply nodded and followed along.


After getting settled into the room, Leilani and Liam sat in comfortable silence. While one of them was wondering how they were going to recover from this injury, the other was coming up with all the possible ways of committing homicide while making it look like an accident. 

"Li?" Leilani asked, breaking the silence. He hummed in response. "You know I love you, right?" The boy once again hummed in response, failing to meet her gaze. She lifted his chin so that he could look her in the eyes. "I'm being serious. You're going to be okay. And as soon as you get back onto that field, I promise you that I'm going to be cheering for you the loudest." And as he stared into her eyes, he could feel all his worries fade away. Once, again Leilani managed to calm him down. How she did it, he couldn't tell you. But what he was certain of was that he was lucky to have her.

"Thanks, Quinnie. And I love you too."

It wasn't until now that they realized the close proximity of their faces to one another. Both of them sat there looking at each other, with their lips slightly parted, anticipating what was to come. Liam glanced down at her lips, feeling some type of pull towards the girl he's known for the past few years. Just last night, they were fine around each other. What could have changed in 24 hours to make them feel this way about one another?

The sudden opening of the door rapidly broke the two of them apart. In came Dr. Geyer, aka Liam's stepdad and one of the coolest people Leilani had ever met.

"It's broken, isn't it?" Liam said after quickly gaining his composure from what happened, or more like what didn't happen, a few seconds ago.

"It's definitely going to need an x-ray." Dr. Geyer said as he examined his injury.
"It's broken... And it's my fault..." Liam muttered.
"No, it's not, Li. You know it isn't." Leilani said somewhat sternly.
"Once again, she's right. You want to tell me what happened?" Dr. Geyer asked after earning a small chuckle from both teens.

"I went up against two juniors-- one of them is captain of the team," Liam recalled.
"Remember what we always say? 'Play smart, not hard.' " Dr. Geyer reminded his step-son.
"Are you mad at me?" Liam asked genuinely. The last thing he wanted was to disappoint his stepfather.

"No, of course not! Your mom might be mad at me for getting you into lacrosse, but maybe we should both wait for the x-ray before we panic. And, trust me... I have more reason to panic than you. It's not over yet. Wait for that x-ray." Dr. Geyer said sympathetically as he left the room, but not before shooting a quick glance at Leilani who had been uncharacteristically quiet.

"So...about earlier," Liam tried to start the conversation after a few minutes of awkward silence.
"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Leilani quickly interjected.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Liam asked.

"Do you?"
"I asked first."
"Well, I-" Leilani was interrupted by a noise from out in the hallway.
"Wait here...," She said to Liam as she approached the door, "Hey! Anyone hear that?" She asked into the nothingness.

"I thought I heard someone..." Liam muttered from behind her causing her to slightly jump
"Holy Shit! Don't scare me like that!" She whisper-shouted.

And just like that, she heard a growl from behind her, but before she had the time to process what made the fear-inducing noise, darkness clouded her vision, and Liam's screams of terror filled her ears before...



By the time Leilani regained consciousness, she noticed she was no longer in the hospital, but instead on the roof. She looked around for Liam to see if he was nearby. And that's when she realized her friend was dangling from the roof.

"LIAM!" She yelled, terrified for his life.
"HELP! I CAN'T HOLD ON!" He yelled. You didn't need to be supernatural to hear and understand the fear in his voice.

The Hewitt girl quickly grabbed onto his hand and struggled to pull him up. Whatever had attacked her in the first place, took her vulnerability as an opportunity to gain the upper hand on her. And just like that, she too was dangling off the roof, trying to hold on for dear life.

"HELP!" Both teens chorused together.

Scott noticed both teens slipping and sprung into action. He tried to pull both of them to safety while fighting off what was known as a Wendigo. As he felt his grip on both of them slipping, he did what he thought was the right thing at that moment and bit both of the unsuspecting teens, changing their lives. For better or for worse is what was yet to be determined...

Emily's Input:

Double update because I felt like it...

Anyways what did you guys think? I based Leilani on an actual person...ME! 

Jk...Kinda...Not really

Attitude-wise, she's kinda like me. 

Speaking of Leilani, what in the hell was going on with her eyes??

Also, things between Leilani and Liam got a little *in Mason's voice* intense...

Don't be a silent reader!

Comment, vote, the whole nine yards!

Adios, mon amours! <3 (<--Miss girl really combined two languages right there)

banner by  skaikrurogers 

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