Shattered |Kakashi x OC|

By TinyTot09

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Ahsoka Aoyama, the last member of the legendary Aoyama clan, was deemed a prodigy in every regard since she w... More

Chapter 1: The Outsider
Chapter 2: Starting Line
Chapter 3: Worthwhile Bonds
Chapter 4: Jealousy is an Ugly Thing
Chapter 5: To Genin Or Not To Genin?
Chapter 6: Colorful Tints
Chapter 7: I'll Be The Vanguard
Chapter 8: You'll Be My Back Up
Chapter 9: Sweet As Can Be
Chapter 10: Declassified
Chapter 11: Kusanagi
Chapter 12: I'm Always Watching
Chapter 13: Mountain Haze
Chapter 14: Bonds Worth Keeping
Chapter 15: Liar
Chapter 16: Burning Bridges
Chapter 17: I Have Seen Too Much
Chapter 18: Broken Promises
Chapter 19: The Toad Sage and The Spy
Chapter 20: Shadows of the Anbu
Chapter 21: Night Falling
Chapter 22: Midnight Lullabies
Chapter 23: Kinoe
Chapter 24: Dangerous Woods
Chapter 25: A Game Of Shogi
Chapter 26: He Who Is Called Tenzo
Chapter 28: The Priestess
Chapter 29: Turbulent Waters
Chapter 30: Open Wounds
Accidental Update

Chapter 27: Shifting Sands

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By TinyTot09

The desert sand shifted like waves in an ocean as the wind howled through the vast, night veiled terrain. Yellow dunes spread across the horizon in a recurring pattern that seemed to stretch on endlessly.

At least, that's how it seemed to Ahsoka Aoyama as she rooted her feet to the slippery sand, braving yet another of the large dunes. Her legs strained against the sliding sand and her faded beige cloak whipped along with the night wind.

Stars flickering above as the Aoyama finally stood atop the dune, nuzzingly her nose further into her scarf as her narrowed eyes studied the dark horizon, looking for something.

And then there it was, hidden in an oasis nestled between two monstrous sand dunes was a large adobe fortress of old yellow stone. Lush trees encompassed the grande building, almost hiding it completely from view, but it was there.

Taking a sip from her unnervingly light waterskin, Ahsoka pulled her hood lower over her head and began her descend down the dune, walking towards the fortress with the wind singing praises into the night.

Five months later

Kakashi Hatake didn't need another problem in his life, he already had enough of them. So when this one rolled around, he was far from pleased. He had gone about his routine, not giving it much thought at first, but as the months rolled by he couldn't put it off anymore.

It had been five months since he last heard any word from his sarcastic and unapologetic friend, Ahsoka Aoyama, and an unwanted worry had started to settle into his mind.

Five months ago, Ahsoka had set out on one of her espionage missions. She didn't tell him what it was, nor did she tell him were she was going. She merely gave him a farewell wink and set off to god-knows where.

It wasn't the first time she had had to do this. Kakashi was no stranger to Ahsoka going alone on missions that lasted weeks on end, and so he never worried. She was more than capable of getting things done on her own. But she had never gone without returning or at the very least sending word for more than three months.

The insufferable late August heat was also doing nothing to soothe Kakashi's worries as he made the trek to the large red building that housed the current Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. Kakashi tried not to look at the stone heads carved into the looming monument in he distance, but his lone eye betrayed him as they wandered right to the last figure.

It had been almost four years since the death of Obito, three since Rin's, and the first anniversary of Minato-sensei and Kushina's was only a few short months away.

The village had slolwy healed in the past ten months since the Nine Tails Attack. Some buildings still held scars from the damage, but the biggest, and most prominent mark was inside the people's hearts.

That damage could not be seen on the outside, only in the solemn, distant look in people's eyes could be seen when that dreadful night was mentioned. Things had changed.

Now, the almost sixteen-year old Kakashi tried not to think about it, but he knew he himself had also changed after that night, maybe he had changed long before then. Something had broken in him years ago, and there was only one string keeping him together.

And he had to make sure that dumb-ass was still alive.

He reached the Hokage office without hindrance, and soon he found himself knocking on the large doors he had gone through so many times.


The door creaked open as Kakashi stepped into the room.

"Ah, Kakashi." The Hokage sat up straighter, looking away from the piles of paperwork littering his desk. Kakashi had to suppress a wince at the amount of work. He would never want to be in his position.

"Hokage-sama." The silver haired teen gave a bow as he stopped in front of the desk.

"What do I owe this pleasure to?" Hiruzen laced his wrinkled hands together a top the desk as his sharp eyes fixed on his new visitor.

Kakashi let his voice fall into an easy rhythm. One that showed only professionalism and not the nagging concern he truly felt. "Sir, I understand I may be stepping out of my boundaries, but I need to know if there has been any updates on Ahsoka Aoyama's circumstances."

The Hokage blinked for a short second, then his graying brows knitted together. "Young man, do you understand missions such as Ahsoka's are ones of the utmost secrecy?"

"Yes, sir."

Kakashi watched the Hokage suppress a sigh before he looked back up at Kakashi, he had something akin to either pity or annoyance in his eyes. "I know she is your teammate and a close friend of yours, Kakashi...but I am afraid cannot disclose any details about the mission to you-"

"Has she at least sent word to you?" Kakashi cursed at the slight change in his even tone.

The Hokage's lips turned into a frown, "No...she has not."

Kakashi felt a spike of hot anger flare inside his chest. There hadn't been a single word from her...and the Hokage was doing nothing? There was a time Kakashi would have agreed with what the Hokage was doing. He would have agreed that jeopardizing a mission for their comrades would be the worst possible thing a person could do.

But not anymore. Now he didn't know if he wanted to give the Hokage a piece of his mind or throttle him from his chair. Thankfully he had more self restraint than that, but the old man most have noticed something in his expression as he let out another sigh.

"Kakashi, I don't like this anymore than you do..." The Hokage began, and Kakashi wasn't sure he was lying, "...but I can't mobilize anything in case it could hinder Ahsoka's work."

"She could be in danger."

"Give her time Kakashi."

"She already had time."

They stared each other down. Defiance was not something Kakashi was akin to doing, but he had gotten more comfortable with it through out the years. He had a certain obnoxious Uchiha to thank for that.

At last, the Hokage inhaled slowly, letting the air fill his lungs before he spoke again, "I am sorry Kakashi. But you are not allowed to go find Ahsoka. I will not endanger her or anybody else."

"But sir-" Kakashi tried one more time

"You are dismissed."

There was no room for argument. Not this time. Kakashi could only suppress a glare and tighten his fists at his sides. He gave a stiff bow and turned on his heel, each step like led as he walked to the door.

It was a miracle he didn't slam it.

Kakashi respected the Hokage greatly. He knew that he only wanted what was best for the village. It was his job after all.

But Kakashi also didn't care about what the Hokage said. He was not about to lose another person dear to him when he could've done something about it. And he said Kakashi himself couldn't go, he didn't say anything about summonings.

He immediately set off to the rolling green training fields, far from curious stares and prying eyes. He laced his hands through the elaborate yet familiar hand motions with half a thought, then he slammed his palm on the ground.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" Black marking spread through the bright green grass before a cloud of white smoke took their place, bringing with it a lone, hunched, snub nosed figure.

"Kakashi, what do you need?" Pakkun asked as the smoke cleared around him.

"You know Ahsoka's scent, no?"

The pug nodded immediately, "Of course," He suddenly got a look of worry, "Is there something wrong?"

"I don't know. That's why I need you to find her for me. Come back as soon as you have any news without causing a disturbance."

As much as Kakashi wished to put his nagging worries at ease, he wasn't stupid. He knew that if he hindered the mission he wouldn't just face the Hokage's wrath, but Ahsoka's as well.

"I will return soon." Pakkun's promise held conviction as he gave Kakashi a firm nod before jumping into the leaves, disappearing from sight and leaving his master alone in the field.

Pakkun did not in fact return soon.

Kakashi had waited anxiously for the pug for three days, yet there had not been a single sign of him. By now, he should've already appeared at Kakashi's side in a cloud of white smoke or come running to him with news of his progress, but he hadn't.

If Kakashi didn't have a reason to worry before, he did now.

Anything could've happened to him, and by extension Ahsoka. They could be hurt. They could be dead. Kakashi didn't know. What he did know was that he was going to find out what happened.

That was why, he found himself knocking again on the large doors to the Hokage's office on that third day.

"Enter-" The Hatake was already in the room before the Hokage had finished speaking.

"Hokage-sama, something urgent has come up." Kakashi said as he strode into to the desk, forgetting to bow.

The Hokage didn't seem to mind though as he took in Kakashi's words. "What is it?"

"My summoning is missing and it could be directly related to Ahsoka's disappearance."

Hiruzen blinked, his pen hovering mid-air above the paper he had been working on. "...What?"

"I sent out my summoning to track Ahsoka Aoyama and report back to me three days ago. He has not returned or sent any word."

The Hokage's eyes flew wide, "You did-?!" The old man stammered in his fury, trying to regain his bearings. "So you disobeyed direct orders?"

"Hokage-sama, I would like you to consider the fact that your order was for me personally to not go looking for Ahsoka. You never said anything about sending my summonings." A cheap trick. One that could land him a one way ticket to a jail cell. But Kakashi had weighed the risks, and it did not outweigh the agonizing reality that he was not willing to be kept in the dark.

Hiruzen stared at him in utter disbelief. There was a long silence, and then the, the Hokage let out one, short laugh that sounded more like a cough, "Your wits never fail you, Kakashi."

The teenager tried to keep the surprise out of his one visible eye. He almost failed. He had expected many other types of other reactions, but a laugh and a compliment had not been included.

But he continued on as planned. He could not waste a moment trying to convince him. Pakkun and Ahsoka might be relying on him. "Sir, I have no doubt that whatever happened to my summoning has happened to Ahsoka as well." He paused to swallow for a moment, "I would like permission go after them.

Hiruzen turned his gaze to the papers on his desk, holding himself still, "I should technically still not let you go..." He dragged the words heavily, and Kakashi felt himself holding a breath, "...but this could turn out to be an issue in the future. And since your summoning is involved I suppose you have a right to go find out what happened to him...and to Ahsoka."

Kakashi felt a wave of exultation, relief, and triumph crash into him as he released a breath. 'Finally.'

"You will report back to me as soon as you can with any information you have gathered. Hopefully with the return of Ahsoka and your summoning as well." There was a tone of finality in his tone. The voice of the Hokage.

But Hiruzen met Kakashi's gaze, and the teen was surprised to find that the usually sharp, focused eyes now looked at him with something that could only be described as ache. Ironic, given that it was him who had not been willing to look for Ahsoka.

But Kakashi understood. Some part of him understood that as the Hokage, all of the people in the village were his family, and that it ached him to see even one of them die. But if that one person had to die for more to live, he wouldn't think twice, and that hurt him.

The slight, now muted anger was still there though.

At last the Hokage spoke again, voice heavy with the many burdens he bore "Kakashi...bring her back."

Kakashi could only bring himself to nod.

The gusts of winds moved Kakashi's hair as he leaped from branch to branch as the long day passed. He had already been traveling since the day before, having gone to the gates of the Hidden Leaf Village the moment he left the Hokage's office and called upon his remaining summonings.

Now those current summonings led his way through the landscape, following Pakkun's scent West. And West they went.

They only stopped once in the night for a couple of hours to rest. Kakashi barely slept though. Now that he had time to process things, his mind kept wandering to all the possible things that could've happened to the two he was searching for.

Dead was the worst possibility that came to mind. And it was the one that he tried to keep his mind away from the most. There was also the issue of what Kakashi would do when he found them.

The question of what could have incapacitated Ahsoka for five months and now Pakkun in the first place....

"Are you alright, boss?" Kakashi's head snapped to the side as he took another leap. Bisuke was looking at him, his tan fur and droppy brown ears bobbing with each leap he took.

All seven of his remaining ninken were, though albeit more discreetly.

He couldn't blame them for the question. He had probably been staring off into space again. "I'm fine, Bisuke." He dragged his gaze forward again.

Or at least he will be fine, once he found them.

To the west laid the Land of Wind. It was the only place Ahsoka and Pakkun could be unless they had somehow made it to the sea across the continent. But Kakashi heavily doubted this since Pakkun would have come back to him if that were the case.

No, they were somewhere in the great span of endless dunes that stretched before Kakashi. The slight breeze shifted the dusty sand off the ground and brought it to the green grass where Kakashi and his seven ninken stood.

The border. One more step and they would leave the line of trees and enter the harsh sands of Sunagakure.

"Is the scent still strong?" Kakashi asked, studying the westward horizon, but he could see nothing beyond the large, towering dunes and the shifting sands.

"Yes, he definitely went this way." Urushi's rough voice responded, giving the air another sniff.

Kakashi didn't have a permit to enter the land. If he took a step forward and was caught, he would be treated as an enemy spy. Tried or executed on the spot.

He still took that step forward, saying, "Good." Despite his exhaustion, he took off running, his ninken leading the way through the sand.

Hours later, Kakashi was still tired.

His legs ached, his breathing had started to become harder to control, and he could tell his ninken were also tired. The slippery slope of the dunes wasn't helping either.

The miserable heat was even worse in the desert than it was in the suffocating humidity of Konoha. And the search party made up of mostly furred bodies did not appreciate this climate much.

Even in his sleeve-less Anbu mission uniform, Kakashi was boiling under his skin tight mask. The god-for saken heat invaded every pore in his body, made his head throb, and his muscles ache.

He wasn't sure how long they trekked through the desert, but by the time the sun started to descend slightly in the sky, his waterskin was already exhausted.

The pack dragged their feet across as they descended another dune, but they still kept their noses to the ground or to the air. Not complaining. Not stopping.

Uhei, with his auburn and white colored fur, was the first to reach the bottom. His nose pressed against the sand in concentration as he led the charge. Then he picked up his head.

"We're close!" He called back, ears twitching in excitement, "I can smell him close by!" That sent a new burst of energy through the group as they immediately began hauling themselves up the next dune.

Being at the back of the group, Kakashi scrambled after them in earnest, his feet slidding against the sand. Then, he finally stood a top the dune. His ninken already staring at the horizon, staring at the only break in the endless sand.

Crammed between two massive dunes stood an abode of yellow stone, reflecting off the early afternoon sun behind the lush greens of the oasis that almost completely obscured the large structure from view.

"By the- What is that?" Urushi's voice broke the silence as he staried at the anomaly in dubiety.

Kakashi didn't know what it was. What he did know, was that his pack was tired, but that he also couldn't waste another moment.

"You can all go rest now. I'll take it from here." He declared.

He felt his seven ninken collectively whip their heads to him. "What?!" Shiba squawked.

"Yo-You can't go in there by yourself, boss!" Bisuke protested, having to tilt his small head up to look at Kakashi, "Whoever is in there has Ahsoka and Pakkun and they could-"

"I know Bisuke, I know," Kakashi glanced at his summoning. The look the canine was giving him was one of utter disbelief. He could see the doubt in his eyes and the questioning of what was probably Kakashi's own sanity, "But it is best if I go in alone rather than in a group. I need to gather intelligence stealthily. So go get some rest, all of you."

The pack looked to one another. They trusted Kakashi and his judgement, but their worry was evident. Then, as expected, Bisuke sighed in concession, speaking for everyone, "Fine then. Good luck boss..."

He looked like he wanted to say more put he kept his mouth shut. Then they were all gone in a poof of white smoke.

Kakashi felt their absence immediately as the smoke dispersed, leaving only him, the endless desert, and the fortress ahead. He tore his eyes away from the spot where his pack had been and turned to the structure blocked by the oasis. The wind picked up slightly and he felt it move his hair subtly, probably covering him with small grains of sand as well.

To the fortress. The fortress would be a test of his abilities.

Kakashi found himself using all his self-restraint to avoid collapsing in the cool shade of the oasis palm trees and bushes. The heat was much less present in the small niche of the desert the oasis encompassed, bringing with it a small bit of succor.

It would be so easy to just strip his vest, lay down in the cool sand, and close his eyes for a couple of hours. But Kakashi was sure neither Ahsoka nor Pakkun would appreciate that. He had already wasted enough time on his way here, so instead he moved carefully towards the looming structure.

The abode walls looked old, yet the desert plants didn't seem to touch it. So either the stone was not to the fauna's liking, or someone had been trimming them. The structure went up, tall and imposing with its block like shapes that made up what could be towers.

The designs carved into the stone became much more visible as he approached what could only be the front doors, also carved with patterns and designs on its wooden surface.

Instead of opening it and announcing himself to anyone that could be inside, Kakashi looked to the left. A few, small windows higher up past a ledge opened inside. They were pitch black in their darkness, but glass-less, and big enough for him to crawl through.

With the use of years of training, Kakashi jumped up onto the wall, using the texture surfaced of the carved spots as holds. The stone crumbled a little in his grip, but it held firm, so he climbed smoothly, reaching the small ledge in no time. He pulled himself up, standing on the edge of the ledge as he grabbed hold of the window frame.

He peeked his head inside. It was almost pitch black, save for the light streaming in from the small windows, reaching down towards the far off floor and extending forwards. From what little he could see, it looked like a large entrance hall, framed by two rows of columns on each side.

Kakashi pulled himself inside, then dropped to the floor. His landing completely silent despite the height of the fall, then he looked up. The bits of dust dancing in the sunbeams reminded Kakashi to step out of the light. He scurried to the left, staying bent at the knees as he took careful, measured steps.

No one stopped him, it almost seemed like no one was here. But he knew better than that by now. It was much cooler here despite the closed quarters, like if something was freshening the air. The shadows beckoned as he passed silently past the tall columns.

There were more carved designs on the walls, barely visible in the darkness, depicting scenes, people, altars, sacrifices, but the most recurring theme seemed to be an tree and a fruit held in the hands of an almost godly woman.

That was when Kakashi realized this wasn't a fortress, it was a temple. Ahsoka had gone to a temple in the middle of the desert.

There were still no signs of life, only the slightly worn carvings by the repeated touch of hands. Not for the first time, Kakashi wished he had Ahsoka's abilities to sense what exactly was going on around him. Instead, he would have to check manually.

He continued down the hall, keeping to the shadows of the columns. That was when he had the disquieting sensation he was being watched.

So perhaps he didn't have Ahsoka's innate talent, but he still had enough sense to jump out of the way as a dart whizzed past him.

He landed in a crouch, already with a kunai in hand. His head whipped to the place the dart had come from, a dark doorway  on the balcony somewhere on the floor above. But whoever had been there had already retreated to the darkness.

Kakashi heard the next dart coming, this time from another direction. He quickly sliced it with his kunai, letting it fall to the ground in half. He took a moment to glance at it, spotting some strange green liquid oozing from it.

Another dart. This time Kakashi had to jump back. Then another dart. Again, he had to step away, backing himself closer to the center of the hall whose floor had geometric patterns instead of actual scenes.

Another dart.

They were coming from above. If he could find some better cover, or  a passage to hide in, he could possibly sneak deeper into the temple. They had to have a dungeon of some kind in such a large place where they could keep prisoners.

He could still get Pakkun and Ahsoka out, even if he had lost the element of surprise.

One dart whizzed dangerously past his ear. Just how many of these did they have? Apparently a large enough number to keep him on his toes as he dodged them even if they weren't much of a a hassle.

He took another step. Just a few paces from the center.

However many they shot at him, they didn't seem to meet the mark. Good, Kakashi needed just a little bit more time to find a gap to sneak away through-

Then he felt it. A stinging sensation in the nape of his neck that suddenly started to burn. Kakashi's hand flew to it, feeling the combination of the hard material and the little feathers of the dart.

He swayed on his feet, his surroundings beginning to blur in a haze of dizziness. He felt the distant sensation of his kunai dropping from his hand. Then his knees buckled, and he fell into the already awaiting clutches of senselessness.

One moment Kakashi was floating in the darkness of unconsciousness, and the next he was kneeling in a dimly lit chamber; his senses slowly returning to him as his heavy eyes took in his surroundings.

Torches were propped around him in a large circle, each for every column that stood further away, looking orange in the light. But they weren't the only thing the torches illuminated.

Bathed in the orange glow from below, stood what appeared to be a multitude of figures in pale robes. There were at least more than two dozen of them, all looking distinctively female and crowded in a circle on a step higher up than him. Their hoods hid their eyes, only showing the lower part of their faces, but Kakashi could sense each and every one of their eyes were on him.

What worried him more than the robbed  figures were the two sets of guards that stood in the lower circle with him. Their leather chest plates and gauntlets were worn on top of dull, gray robes and flowing sirwals for pants that had gone out of style in Suna maybe a couple hundred years ago. Kakashi noticed the weapons were traditional too. Curved steel scimitars and long iron tipped spears. The men didn't wear hoods, leaving their shaved heads on display, but most importantly, their dark, hard, piercing sets of eyes were the only ones Kakashi could see, and they promised blood.

That was when panic started to build up in his chest. He tugged at his hands, but they were bound to his back by chains. He took a second to look back, seeing that they were also bolted to the floor. He had also been stripped of his weapons.

"You have awoken, intruder." Kakashi whirled back to the front in time to see the crowd part, letting a woman with pale blue robes glide past them, flanked by two other figures, their robes were the soft pink of dawn.

If this was a temple, the figures had to be the priestesses.

The blue robed priestess stepped onto a slight dais, now standing higher than the others, and looking down at Kakashi even more so. A top her hood sat a circlet of silver, adored with a fine stone of opal blue. Locks of loose, blond waves fell from the shadows of her hood and down her shoulders, but her expression remained unreadable.

She  stood pin straight, staring him down with unseeable eyes. "What business do you have disturbing our peace, intruder? Hm?"

A single wrong word or the giving of too much information could land him in an even worse situation, and he still had to figure out what these people had done with Ahsoka and Pakkun. So Kakashi met her question with silence, staring back almost indifferently.

The priestess cocked her head to the side, studying him like one would a shiny object you could kick with your boot. "Not much of a talker are you, shinobi of the Leaf...?" Her voice was smooth like velvet, soundly, inviting even, and she knew where his loyalties lied by his uniform.

Kakashi pursed his mouth, thinking, then he finally said, "I was just curious. Just passing by."

The hooded people circled around him stayed true to their silence, but the woman's lips tugged upwards.

"So you do speak..." Her voice carried the slightest bit of amusement, "...Then you will have no problem tellings us how you found us?" The woman tried again, folding her hands together, almost hiding them in the wide sleeves of her robe.

Kakashi considered his answer, then said, "You are the only large temple in the desert, it's not that hard to spot from a distance." 

Again, not a word from the crowd. But she hummed, holding herself as the exemplar image of prestige and elegancy. She studied him for what seemed to be a long minute, then she turned her face to the side.

"Amusing answers, truly. But I suppose that entertainment is not worth putting my disciples in danger..." Kakashi did not like the implications of those words. The chains holding him back creaked as his fists tightened.

The priestess turned back to him, holding her head high, but still keeping that shadow over her eyes. "Yes...I believe the best course of action would be to dispose of you," She cocked her head again. "But how to..." She murmured, almost to herself.

Kakashi had no interest in finding out how a group of priestesses in the middle of the desert dealt with intruders as his wrists strained against his chains again. Was this what they had done to Ahsoka? To Pakkun? Perhaps he should've let his pack accompany him, unless they would have met the same fate he would now.

Then, a voice spoke like a saving grace.

"If-If I may, High Priestess..." Murmurs rose and heads were turned at the sound of the diffident voice. Then someone pushed and separated from the crowd, stepping forward and down into the circle.

A young priestess, her cream colored robes sweeping with each step as she walked to stand a bit past Kakashi's left. Dull, unremarkable, brown hair fell loosely down her shoulders in a muddled state. Yet the parts of her face not shadowed by her hood displayed the surprising view of a delicate nose and a sensuous mouth.

The High Priestess turned her head, taking her attention away from her prisoner. "Yes, Gin...?"

The young priestess, Gin, dipped her head for a second, then she spoke again; her voice timid and humble like a fawn. "I- just- I was wondering... If disposing of him really the best course of action?"

Kakashi blinked, making sure he heard her words right. 'What?'  He felt his brows raise in shock as he stared at the back of this stranger who was suddenly intervening with his possible execution.

He wasn't the only one confused as the High Priestess regarded Gin curiously. "You don't think a menace to the sacred temple of the Mother should be punished?" Her velvety voice held no ill will, just blatant curiosity.

The young priestess seemed to fluster beneath the unseen gaze, letting out a small chuckle. "Oh- no, I do believe so. But...I was thinking back to something you said during service, High Priestess, about sharing the goodness of all the teachings the temple has to offer..."

Though Kakashi couldn't necessarily see the High Priestesses' eyes, he could tell there was  shock written on her face. "Gin...are you thinking of...."

Her voice dwindled off, giving Gin the opportunity to finish the line of thought.

"Yes, High Priestess, I'm thinking that if we could convert this trespassing scoundrel..." She pointed to Kakashi at that, "...We could test our theory about how willing the shinobi would be to the rightful teachings of the Great Mother." She said fervently. 

Kakashi eyed Gin with a mixture of suspicion and confusion as his brain tries to wrap around what the young priestess was saying. Convert? She wanted to not kill she could convert him to their religion?

No way. There was no way he was being any part of this random cult that worshipped 'The Mother' in the middle of the desert. No way.

But what if he could use this as his way to stay alive? To find Ahsoka and Pakkun if these zealots had not already killed them.

As much as he didn't like it, this could be his chance.

A sudden chuckle from the High Priestess brought Kakashi's attention back to her as she addressed her pupil with something alike to fondness. "You never cease to surprise me with your ideas, Gin. And I understand why with you, being an outsider yourself, would be so inclined to try to bring others in..."

So she was an outsider?

"But this man has trespassed on sacred property with what could only be ill intentions," The High Priestess continued, changing to a voice lacking the warmth it had before, "It would not be wise to let this one join us in our sacred lives."

Kakashi felt something like pressure increase in his chest. He knew the feeling. It was the beginnings of hopelessness, what an animal felt when it was caged and knew there was no way out.

But he wouldn't accept that fate. He had already failed too many people. He would find a way out. He was not going to give up that easily.

And apparently neither was Gin, standing pin straight in the circle with him, not balking.

"But this temple has done so much for me..." There was a new sense of strength and conviction in her voice. And as Gin spoke, she turned to look down at Kakashi for the first time, "If we are able to save even one stray soul...wouldn't that be worth something?"

The shadow of her hood lifted from that angle, and Kakashi's breath caught in his chest. For it was a pair of bright, amber colored eyes like molten gold that looked at him from beneath the shadow of the hood, lit up by the glimmer of the torch lights from below.

The world seemed to slow as Kakashi no longer saw a fawn. He saw a wolf herding its prey and looking for the right moment to strike.

It was an image he knew too well.

A moment later, Gin was facing the High Priestess again, back to being the fawn. Kakashi got the message. He didn't dare look at her again. Instead, he focused his eyes on the floor instead, keeping himself as small as possible.

The High Priestess seemed to ponder her pupil's words thoroughly. Kakashi didn't need to look up at her to tell she was sizing him up, looking for defiance.

But he remained the picture of submission as he knelt chained to the floor.

After a long moment, the woman dipped her head. "Very well, Gin. We will give your little experiment a try," She then turned to Kakashi again, "Is that alright with you, intruder? Or would you prefer to meet your death today?"

Kakashi forced his gaze off the floor, lifting it up just enough to glance at the High Priestess and give her a small nod with a quiet, "Yes."

She acknowledged him with a lift of her chin as she began to address the room. "He is to be kept closely guarded at all times," She turned back to her disciple standing in the center. "And Gin, you are in charge of his education."

Gin gave an enthusiastic nod, seeming less like a timid fawn during winter and more like an excited one during summer.

"I will try my best, High Priestess." She said with a bow, hands clasped beneath her wide sleeves. Then she half turned to Kakashi. He couldn't see her eyes this time, but he knew their brilliant golden color would still be there if he could.

"And I hope we can have amicable relations from now on..." She finished off.

A/N: This was my attempt at a short chapter...(laughs in 5000+ words)

Also, I hope you all got the clue...because if not this is embarrassing.

I am still not sorry for the cliffhangers :)

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