The Outsiders: Wanted

By outsiders_fanatic

20.7K 432 74

I always get what I want -always- and lately my sights have been set on a certain little Pony. Dally's not th... More

Chapter 1: Desire
Chapter 2: Attraction
Chapter 4: Attraction pt3
Chapter 5: Attraction pt4
Chapter 6: Lanuched Emotions pt1
Chapter 7: Launched Emotions pt2
Chapter 8: Love
Chapter 9: Love pt2
Chapter 10: Love pt3
Chapter 11: Ambivalent
Chapter 12: Ambivalent pt2
Chapter 13: Sentenced
Chapter 14: Sentenced pt2
Chapter 15: Wasting
Chapter 16: Wasting pt2
Chapter 18: Possession pt2
Chapter 20: Onset pt2
Chapter 24: Yours
Chapter 25: Yours pt2
Chapter 26: Burglarproof?
Chapter 27: BurglarProof? pt2
Chapter 28: Out On The Door
Chapter 29: Out In The Door pt2
Chapter 30: Yielding Relations
Chapter 31: Yielding Relations pt2
Chapter 32: Calm
New Story

Chapter 3: Attraction pt2

1K 22 4
By outsiders_fanatic

Continues from last chapter. Last sentence of last chapter: Before he could shove Steve off, he pulled away, letting go of him.


"Hey, can I come in?" Soda asked from the other side of the door. Ponyboy turned around quickly, yanking the door open and darted past Soda and down the stairs, nearly knocking him over. Pony's feet slapped against the floor as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Hey Pony," Johnny greeted when Pony stumbled into the kitchen "ya doin anything today?" he asked.

"I don't think so, what'cha have in mind?" Ponyboy said, sitting down at the table across from Johnny and Dally; he'd go anywhere just to get away from Steve.

"Well, me and Johnny were gonna go over to the Nightly Double when it gets dark, but in the mean time, we were gonna walk around town or somethin'," Dallas said, puffing on a cigarette. "you in?" he asked, blowing out a smoke cloud.

"Sure," Ponyboy said more than happy "lets go." he said getting out of his seat.

"Whoa, hold up," Dally said as he still sat in his chair "I still need ta take a shower."

"JESUS!" Two-Bit shouted as he gripped the table with his hands, causing the table to shake as well as the dishes on it, getting everyone's attention. "I didn't know you took showers! What kinda soap ya usin' cause I don't think its workin' too good?!" he laughed hysterically, pounding the table with his fist, making Ponyboy and Johnny laugh. Dally on the other hand, not so much.

"Ya know," Dally paused, looking up at the ceiling "yer right Two-Bit, I don't take showers. I take baths." he said with a straight face, making Two-Bit snicker. Until saying, "Bloodbaths." he ground out between his teeth as he glared at the other boy. In all honesty, Two-Bit was shittin' bricks he was so scared, but he just could not stop from saying what he had to. He just had to, if he didn't, he might've just died. If Dally didn't kill him first.

"What are ya?" Two-Bit chuckled, trying to suppress his laughter "A vampire?" he asked before continuing to say, " I'm count Dallasula, and I vant to suck your blo-" but before he could finish, he was cut off from a boot colliding with his face. "Ow!" he yelped, grabbing where the boot hit.

"I got another one right here," Dallas smirked, lifting his foot up. "now give it back, I need that." Two-Bit did as he was commanded, tossing it back to its owner.

"No need ta show me, I believe ya." Two-Bit said, rubbing his sore face. 'Man, he must really want Ponyboy!' Two-Bit thought to himself. 'Hope he doesn't mind a little competition.' Two-Bit smiled inwardly. He watched as the three other greasers walked out of the room, his eyes set mainly on Ponyboy.

"Has anyone seen my-!" Soda shouted as he ran down the stairs, but was cut off by Pony shouting,

"Hall closet!" shaking his head at his older brother, "Really Soda, your DX shirt is almost always in there if its not in our room, ya know Darry irons it from time to time." Ponyboy scolded lightly.

"Almost, not always, almost always." Soda retorted with a smirk as he pulled on his work shirt, walking into the kitchen and cutting himself a slice of cake to have for breakfast.

"Sup Sodapop." Two-Bit greeted as he sipped on his beer, watching as Soda nodded at him; his mouth having been too stuffed with cake to utter any words.

"C'mon, we gotta get goin' if we wanna get ta work on time." Steve said as he slapped his friend on the back, guiding him to the door as he glared at Dally walking up the stairs who glared back. Their gaze was soon broken as Steve stepped through the front door, and with that, Steve Randle was out of the house.

"Pony, how do ya work your shower?!" Dallas called from upstairs, sounding a bit irritated.

"You just turn the knobs, and then pull the pin!" Ponyboy shouted up the stairs.

"Ha Ha, real funny, come show me!" he shouted back. Ponyboy sighed as he made his way up the stairs, finding it very unbelievable that an eighteen year old doesn't know how to work a shower.

'Maybe he really doesn't take showers.' Pony mused as he made it to the bathroom. "What were you having trouble with?" he asked the blond, leaning over the tub and turning the knob labeled with a big red H; spurting out water into the tub below. "You turn this knob," he said after doing so "Then you pull the little pin," Pony instructed as he pulled the silver pin in the faucet like part up; causing steamy, hot water to spew out of the shower head. "That should be good." Ponyboy said, more to himself than to Dally as he leaned back up, looking at Dally "Did you really need me to tell you that?" he asked. The older greaser gave him a sly smirk,

"No, just wanted ya to myself for a lil' bit." Dallas purred as he stroked the boy's temple as he brushed a lock of soft, auburn greased hair behind the young greaser's ear before kissing him lightly on the cheek. A blush quickly splashing its way across the boy's soft cheeks, bringing a smile to Pony's lips, his eyes averting to the floor in slight embarrassment.

"I-I'll go get some clothes from Darry's room" Pony said, stumbling a bit on his words, walking out of the room to his eldest brother's room. After rummaging around in the closet for a good while, he found some 'decent'- decent, as in Dally will wear them with out a complaint- clothing; a black muscle shirt, a new pair of underwear, a new pair of socks, and an old pair of somewhat worn out, faded, blue jeans. Making his way back to the bathroom with the bundle in his arms, opening the door with some difficulty do to the inability to use his hands. "Dally?" Pony asked, suddenly engulfed by steam as he stepped in, taking a few more steps in, placing the bundle on the closed toilet seat, and looking towards the shower when the water stopped.

"Could ya get me a towel, Pon?" the blond asked from behind the shower curtain.

Pony snatched a towel from the rack "Here ya go." he said, pressing the large cloth to the shower curtain for the older greaser. The curtain flung open, revealing a naked Dallas Winston.

"Thanks." Dallas said, completely unaware of Pony's staring as he dried himself off. "What?" he asked, finally noticing Pony's eyes on him. His voice snapping the young greaser out of a trance, and causing him to flush bright red.

"I, uh, um, sorry." Ponyboy squeaked. That made Dally chuckle; he never knew Ponyboy could squeak like a little mouse, it was rather cute.

"What for?" Dallas asked, a slight growl to his voice, his eyes flashing with lust - darkening in color. Dallas Reached out with his wet, hot hand, making the young greaser yelp in surprise when a hand grabbed a hold of the front of his pants, making Dallas smirk as he yanked Ponyboy through the shower curtain by his jeans, pinning him to the tiled wall by his wrists. Ponyboy couldn't stop his eyes from wandering over Dally's wet, defined, hard, muscular chest; staring in awe as water dripped off the body in front of him as if it were sculpted perfectly from marble with each flawless curve, bend and dip of rough skin littered with scars. His blush deepening as his eyes wandered down lower Dally's body. Before Pony could look any lower his head was tilted up suddenly, bringing his emerald eyes up to stare into icy sapphire; their faces inches apart. "Ya like what ya see?" he teased, making Pony blush even more.

'Oh man.' Ponyboy thought to himself as his heart pounded in his chest, thudding so loud and so fast he thought it might burst, his breath coming out in soft pants, his eyes flashing with slight fear and complete excitement when the blonde moved closer to him.

'I can't.' Dallas was fighting himself; fighting the urge to kiss Ponyboy roughly, rip off those jeans and take him for himself, take that beautiful body he knew the small greaser had as his own as he stared into those green eyes that haunted him. 'I'm hard just thinkin' about it.' Dally thought to himself as he fought the raging urge inside of him; trying to suppress his want, trying so hard that his hands tightened around the smaller greaser's wrists in a bruising grip, making Pony whimper. The older greaser said nothing as he realized the simple truth of the matter; he couldn't resist Ponyboy, he couldn't stop his obsession with the green eyes and auburn hair. The hand that was on Pony's cheek slid to the back of his head, gripping a fist full of soft, auburn locks gently before he was pulled closely to the blond; their lower halves pressed tightly together. Dally continued to struggle with himself 'Dally stop! Ya can't do this ta Pony, he's not some greasy broad that you can have a one night stand with!' Dallas shouted at himself silently as he began to give in to his want; pressing his lips to Ponyboy's in a rough and feverish kiss, his hands slipping from Pony's thin wrists to his hips in a strong grip, crashing their groins together as he pulled the smaller boy away from the wall.

"Mmnnmph!" Pony groaned, wrapping his arms around the blonds' neck, giving Dally complete access to his mouth, which he selfishly took; plunging his tongue into the boy's hot cavern, ravaging the sweetness of the slick walls. Plundering and swirling his tongue in and out of Pony's mouth as he slid his rough hands up the boy's soft, flat abdomen, earning him a soft mewl. Ponyboy gasped as Dallas clamped his teeth down on his bottom lip with a sharp nip. "Dally." Pony moaned out breathlessly as the blond nibbled on his ear. That did it; Dally was on the edge before, but that threw him over.

"You're mine." Dally growled, shoving Pony up against the wall roughly, latching his mouth on to the boy's neck as he slid his hands further up the boy's shirt abrasively as he thrust his leg in between Pony's, eliciting a gasp from the smaller greaser.


"Ya almost done in there!" Two-Bit shouted as he pounded his fist against the door. Both greasers jumped, pulling apart as they tried to regain composure. 'Dally better not be doin' what I think he is.' Two-Bit thought to himself.

"Uh, yeah be right out!" Ponyboy yelled as he stepped out of the shower, his voice a bit raspy, Dally stepped out behind him with a towel wrapped around his waist. Pony left Dally to get dressed, having seen enough of Dallas Winston's body for one day. Two-Bit looked him over, as if inspecting him when he came out or the bathroom. "Uh, Two-Bit. What's the deal?" Ponyboy asked, finding the greaser's intent starring odd.

"Oh, nothin,'" Two-Bit said with a shrug, nonchalantly stuffing his hands into his pockets, leaning against the door frame of the bathroom. Ponyboy turned to walk away, stepping away from the bathroom door. "Just wonderin', why ya were in the bathroom with Dally for so long." what Two-Bit said stopped Pony in his tracks. He turned around, looking at Two-Bit nervously, watching closely as the greaser stared back at him with an intense stare, watching as he lit a cigarette.

"I was just givin' 'em some clothes ta wear Two-Bit." Pony chuckled, trying to hide his nervousness. He knew he was a bad liar, but technically, he really wasn't, he just wasn't elaborating on the details. Two-Bit continued to suck on his cigarette, his eyes fixed on Ponyboy.

'I don't think that's the only thing you were givin 'em.' Two-Bit thought, puffing out a cloud of smoke, his eyes narrowing to slits as he stared at him.

"You're so strange Two-Bit." Ponyboy laughed, trying to act as if he didn't know what he was indicating. "See ya 'round." Pony said before walking down the stairs, not noticing the other greaser's eyes following him. Two-Bit jolted when the bathroom door crashed open, revealing a ticked off Dallas.

"Don't." Dally warned in a low voice as he shoved past Two-Bit, knocking him out of his slouching posture against the door frame to stand up straight in order to keep himself from stumbling backwards.

"Don't what?" Two-Bit asked, snatching the weed from between his teeth almost angrily.

"You know exactly what, Mathews." Dallas spit out his words as if they were venom, heading toward the stairs.

"Ya can't always get what ya want, Dal." Two-Bit nearly seethed, placing the weed back between his lips. Dallas stopped short, nearly tripping off the step he was on. His eyes met those of Two-Bits as he turned around, walked back up the few steps that he had taken, until he was face to face with Keith Mathews.

"I always get what I want. Always." Dally retorted, baring his teeth as he glared at the other. Two-Bit glared right back, clamping down on the butt of his cancer stick.

"Not this time." Two-Bit shook his head, folding his arms over his chest.

"Watta'ya talkin' about, clown?" Dally hissed, his anger rising. 'I can have whatever the fuck I want! Who the hell is he ta say what I can and cannot have?' Dallas thought. "I can have whatever the fuck I want, when I want it, where I want it, and how I want it." Dally snarled, gripping a fistful of Two-Bit's shirt, pulling him close.

"That's why. Ya can't do that; not this time." Two-Bit said, placing his hands over Dally's, trying to pry them off.

"Tch, just watch clown." Dallas scoffed, shoving Two-Bit away before carrying on his way.

"You'll break Dal. You're goanna break, and nothin' good is gonna come of it." Two-Bit called after the hood, only to be ignored.

'What does that idiot mean by break? Hell, I'm tough as nails. Fuck! I could eat nails and shit rails! I ain't gonna break! Nothin' can break me.' Dally thought bitterly, a scowl fused to his face as he stormed into the living room.

"So, we goin' or what?" came the sound of Johnny's timid voice. Dally's eyes snapped towards the two awaiting greasers. His cold stare melting away as a smirk slid over his face, watching as Two-Bit came down.

"Yeah, lets go." the hood said, opening the door before stepping out into the spring day, Johnny right behind, and Pony behind him. Dally looked back at Two-Bit, whom stared back from behind the screen door from in the house. A smirk slithering past his lips as he glanced mischievously at Ponyboy standing in front of him on the front steps, then back at the Mathews boy. Two-Bit's eyes went to slivers as he glared at the blond, his wonderment building as he waited anxiously for Dally to do something. He continued to watch as Dallas stepped down next to an oblivious Ponyboy, watching as the blond lifted an arm slightly behind the young Curtis brother and placing it lightly on the middle of Pony's back. His eyes widening as the hand slid down, grasping a hold of Ponyboy's ass cheek through the denim fabric of his pants. Two-Bit burned with rage as he watched the scene; loathing the soft gasp that Dally derived from the young greaser, disgusted by the pink haze that smothered Ponyboy's face as he stared up at Dally, sickened by the wolfish grin that the hood carried proudly, and angered by the 'ha ha' smirk that was aimed directly at him from the blond. He watched as the three of them walked away, nearly fuming with anger as he shot daggers at Dally's back.


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