The Outsiders: Wanted

By outsiders_fanatic

21.5K 433 74

I always get what I want -always- and lately my sights have been set on a certain little Pony. Dally's not th... More

Chapter 1: Desire
Chapter 3: Attraction pt2
Chapter 4: Attraction pt3
Chapter 5: Attraction pt4
Chapter 6: Lanuched Emotions pt1
Chapter 7: Launched Emotions pt2
Chapter 8: Love
Chapter 9: Love pt2
Chapter 10: Love pt3
Chapter 11: Ambivalent
Chapter 12: Ambivalent pt2
Chapter 13: Sentenced
Chapter 14: Sentenced pt2
Chapter 15: Wasting
Chapter 16: Wasting pt2
Chapter 18: Possession pt2
Chapter 20: Onset pt2
Chapter 24: Yours
Chapter 25: Yours pt2
Chapter 26: Burglarproof?
Chapter 27: BurglarProof? pt2
Chapter 28: Out On The Door
Chapter 29: Out In The Door pt2
Chapter 30: Yielding Relations
Chapter 31: Yielding Relations pt2
Chapter 32: Calm
New Story

Chapter 2: Attraction

1K 24 9
By outsiders_fanatic

HELLO! I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as you enjoyed the first. Sorry for such a long wait, it wasn't like I was busy doing something else, trust me; I was too focused on this chapter, like ya cant tell by how long it is right. Thank you all for the many reviews and comments as well as the faves! R&R, please and thank you!

Ponyboy crept out of bed, practically dragging himself to the bathroom. Everything felt like it took so much effort, from washing his face and greasing his hair to getting dressed.

"Ponyboy?" Soda groaned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes "Why ya up so early?" he asked groggily as he sat up, the blanket dripping off his bare chest and lay a pool around his waist.

"It's 9:24 Soda, its not that early." Pony explained as he pulled on a pair of socks.

"9:24? What's today?" Soda asked, nearly laughing as he watched his baby brother bounce around on one foot as he tried to put on a sock.

"It's Saturday, why?" Ponyboy asked as he wobbled around before falling on his butt with an "Ooof".

"Good I can sleep in then, don't have work 'til 11:00." Soda said before collapsing back down onto the bed. "Wake me up when Steve's here." Steve. Ponyboy tried to push the thoughts of the incident between the both of them out, but they just kept flooding back. Drunk or not, he still did it.

"Kay." Ponyboy managed to say before he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him, then making his way downstairs. Pony couldn't help the smile that formed on his lips as he drank in the sight of the shifty eyed , ruthless, uncaring, conniving, sly, devious, and rough necked sleeping Dallas Winston. Though he may be all those things, he could still smile and laugh without it benefiting from others' pain and misfortune, on occasions. Ponyboy was completely powerless against himself as he leant over the arm of the couch, 'Stop! What are you doing?!' Ponyboy screamed at himself, his face hovering just inches above Dally's. He caved, pressing his lips against Dally's in a chaste kiss, and then quickly pulling away, a familiar blush forming on his cheeks. He made his way to the kitchen hurriedly, not believing what he had just done. He scuttled around the kitchen, collecting the materials that he would need to fix himself something to eat, trying to get his mind off it. Glancing over to the kitchen table he spotted a small piece of paper next to a ten dollar bill, as he picked up the paper he read,

Soda, or, Pony,

Pick up milk, bread, sugar, flour, and chocolate milk from store.

I won't be home until late tonight, heat up the leftovers in the fridge when

you get hungry.

Thanks, Darry.

Ponyboy stuffed the note and money in his pocket before continuing on with what he was doing.

Icy blue eyes creaked open, only to be singed by the sun's rays as they streamed in through the window.

"Gaaah!" Dallas groaned in pain, quickly throwing an arm over his face, in an attempt to shield his eyes from the blazing and blinding sunlight. Hearing a giggle coming from the kitchen, he quickly snapped his head in the direction he heard it from; catching a glimpse of auburn hair before it disappeared back behind the wall. A smirk rolling across his lips as he clambered his way off the couch. His long strides across the living room soon brought him to his prize - which happened to be in the process of cooking. His long arms wrapping around the boy's waist, pulling him hard against himself, making the smaller teen gasp. "Ya laughin' at me?" the hood growled out playfully, pressing his lips close to the boy's ear.

"No." Ponyboy replied, trying to hide his blush as he continued to cook as the blond ran his lips over his neck, shuddering in response.

"'Cause I don't take too kindly ta people that laugh at me." he snarled false threateningly into Pony's ear, his hands gripping the boy's upper arms in a firm grip; pulling him even harder against him, his hot breath fanning over Pony's neck as he lightly pressed his lower half against Ponyboy's rear. "'Cause I don't see anyone else, so it must'a been you." he said, turning the stove off, turning the boy around. "So are ya lyin' ta me? Is that it, huh? 'Cause I got ways of makin' ya talk."

"Watta'ya gonna do?" Ponyboy asked nervously, biting his bottom lip as he stared up at the older teen, his blush deepening in color when he noticed Dally was only in his underwear.

"What am I gonna do?" Dally asked as he leaned down, his voice sounding threatening and more lust filled as he spoke hotly into Pony's ear, holding him in a tighter grasp and closer to his hard body, casting him a rather leering gaze with his icy blue eyes. "Oh, I'll tell ya what I'm gonna do," Dallas said, dragging his hands down the boy's soft arms roughly, placing them tightly on his hips and pulling him harder against himself. "I'm gonna spank ya" he growled. Before Ponyboy could even question, he found himself bent over the kitchen table with his ass in the air.

"Ahh!" Ponyboy yelped at the hand that came down on his rear, yelping again as the same hand came down harder in the exact spot. "Ah, Dally!" Ponyboy nearly moaned arching his back as he gripped the table; making his ass rise in doing so, enduring the rest of his punishment.

"Now," Dally paused, pulling Ponyboy off the table and turning him around so he could face him "did you laugh?" he asked threateningly. "'Cause I have plenty of other ways of gettin' you talkin.'" he said in an almost southern like drawl as he hooked two fingers into the front of the auburn's jeans, his thumb circling around the metal button that clasped the piece of clothing together.

"I laughed." Pony confessed, unsure if he wanted to go through anymore torture.

"Speak up I can't hear ya, what was that son?" Dally asked, grabbing the boy's sore bottom.

"Ahhh! I-it was m-me! I laughed!" Ponyboy yelped in surprise, his eyes widening to saucers as his hands had a death grip on the edge of the table. "Unmph." he groaned when the hand tightened suddenly.

"That's all I wanted to know." Dally purred as he nipped the boy's ear lightly, letting his hand slip away from Pony's rear. "So, what were ya cookin'?" he asked as he stared down at the frying pan at the uncooked eggs.

"I was makin' breakfast, ya want any?" Pony asked lightly, still blushing like mad as he took his place in front of the stove timidly; still recovering from his 'punishment' and still a bit embarrassed.

"Sure," Dallas called from the living room, garbing himself in his dirty clothes from the day before. "If you don't mind that is." he said as he sauntered back into the kitchen.

"Ya know you don't have to wear your dirty clothes." Ponyboy commented as he glanced at the blonde as he continued to cook.

"Ponyboy! I'm surprised at you!" Dallas gasped, looking at a very bewildered Ponyboy. "You little pervert! I'm not goin' ta walk around naked, you should be ashamed! What do you have to say for yourself?" Dally asked, folding his arms over his chest. Acting completely out of character, 'This seems like some shit Two-Bit would do.' Dallas thought to himself, smirking as he stared at a speechless Ponyboy.

"That's not what I meant!" Pony exclaimed "You can borrow an old pair of clothes from Darry!" Ponyboy explained, trying to defend himself.

"Right, I know what you really meant." Dallas said slyly, his eyes in slits as he stared at the smaller greaser. Ponyboy just shook his head and continued to cook.

"Get me a plate, please," Ponyboy said, turning the stove off. Dally did as he was told, handing it to the youngest Curtis "thanks." he said, taking the dish from the blond, plopping the omelet on it then handing it back.

"Helllll-oooo!" Two-Bit called in, popping his head in.

"In here!" Pony called "Don't slam the-!"


"Door." Ponyboy grumbled.

"Too late." Two-Bit chuckled, walking into the kitchen. "Hey Dal," Two-Bit said, slapping the blond on the back, going to the fridge and pulling out the chocolate cake, cutting himself a slice then taking a seat next to Dally.

"Two-Bit, use a plate, you're gettin' crumbs all over the table." Ponyboy said, putting a plate down on the table in front of the greaser.

"Fine." Two-Bit said with a mouth full of cake, placing the slice down on the dish. Watching as Pony began to clean up the kitchen, his eyes setting on the boy's ass, loving how Ponyboy looked bent over. Two-Bit wasn't the only one starring. Dally glared at Two-Bit, kicking him under the table. "Ow." he hissed, glaring back at Dally "What the heck?" he asked, rubbing his sore shin.

"You know what." Dally said, sticking a piece of omelet in his mouth. Two-Bit stared at him false confusedly, but then smirked.

"You can't blame me man." his smirk widening to his Cheshire cat smile, placing his hands behind his head, glancing at Ponyboy who was in his own little world; his head in the clouds - completely oblivious to the two.

"Yer right, I cant," Dally nodded, smirking at Two-Bit "but I can kick your ass." Two-Bit snapped his head around, his mouth stuffed with cake, making his cheeks puff out.

"Hm?" Two-Bit questioned, cocking his head to the side. 'Why would he care if I looked at Ponyboy, let alone kick my ass? It's not like he likes Pony, or does he?' Two-Bit thought to himself. A huge smile spreading across his face when it came to him, making the cake slip out between the spaces in his teeth and down his chin. Dally scooted away from him, his features contorted with disgust.

"Eww, Two-Bit," Ponyboy laughed "that's gross." he continued to laugh, giving him a napkin, which the greaser kindly took, wiping the cake off his face.


"Hey!" Pony shouted, annoyed that another person slammed the door, looking into the living room, he found Johnny. "Oh, hey Johnnycakes," he said happily "sorry for yellin' at ya." Ponyboy apologized, knowing full well that Johnny gets yelled at enough at his own house.

"It's alright" Johnny said, sitting down next to Dally at the table.

"You want anythin' Johnny; I was gonna make myself some eggs. Ya want any?" Pony asked as he scrambled two eggs in the frying pan with the flat part of the spatula, having turned the stove back on.

"Uh, nah. That's all right." Johnny said, slouching in his chair. Ponyboy finished making his breakfast, setting it on the table before sitting down to eat it.

"Ya got any beer?" Two-Bit asked as he rummaged through the fridge, having gotten up from his seat.

"It should be in the back." Pony said, taking a mouth full of egg into his mouth.

"I can't find it." Two-Bit whined, continuing to rummage through the fridge.

"Then look harder." Dally said, lighting a cigarette.

"What does it look like I'm doin'?" Two- Bit asked.

"It looks like you want me ta kick ya in the ass." Dallas hissed, puffing on his weed.

"Here, get a better view." Two-Bit chuckled as he wiggled his butt back and forth, making Ponyboy and Johnny laugh.

"Oh please, no one wants ta see your nasty ass." Dally scoffed.

"Hey! I take offense ta that." Two-Bit said somewhat sarcastically.

"Well it sure as hell wasn't a complement." Dallas smirked, sucking on his cigarette.

"But Dal, how would know what Two-Bit's ass looks like?" Ponyboy asked in complete seriousness. That really stumped the hood; he didn't know how to answer the brainy lil' Curtis, so he did it the way he knew best.

"Shut up, and don't ask stupid questions, okay." Dally said with a bit of edge. Ponyboy shrugged and continued eating his breakfast; he was used to answers like that- especially from Dally.


Ponyboy visibly shuddered. There could be only one more greaser to come to this house. Steve Randle. Pony didn't even yell at him for slamming the door, not to mention that he slammed the door even harder than Two-bit or Johnny; obviously trying to get Pony's attention. He was more than reluctant to be in the same room as him let alone walk past him to get upstairs to his and Soda's room. He'd have to face him eventually, might as well get it over with. Ponyboy took light but quick steps into the living room, passing Steve then nearly running up the stairs, barging into the bedroom where his brother still lay asleep.

"Soda, get up, Steve's here" Pony said as he shook his brother's shoulder before plopping down next to his brother.

"Five more minutes." Soda groaned, putting the pillow over his head.

"No." Pony chuckled. Finding it funny that his second eldest brother was acting like a seven year old. Not giving up in his attempts, he shook his brother again.

"Four more minutes?" Soda asked, still not moving from his spot.

"No." Ponyboy sighed, shaking his brother harder, now with both hands.

"Three more minutes?" Soda pleaded, pulling the blanket over his shoulder.

"Soda, ya told me ta wake you up when Steve was here, and he is, so get up." Ponyboy said as he shook his brother harder. No happier than his brother to be waking him up 'Believe me Soda, if Steve weren't here, I wouldn't be up here botherin' ya.' Ponyboy thought ruefully.

"... Two more minutes?" Soda begged.

"Soda!" Pony exclaimed "C'mon Sodapop, ya gotta get up." Pony said as he shook his brother again.

"No I don't." he mumbled as he stuffed his face deeper into the mattress.

"C'mon pal, get up." Steve said, leaning against the door frame. Pony's head whipped around so fast he thought his face would rip off do to the speed.

'How long has he been standin' there?' Pony thought to himself as he stared at Steve wide eyed.

"Fine," Soda gave in, pulling himself up from the bed. "I just need ta take a shower and get dressed is all." he said as he walked out of the room, leaving Steve and Ponyboy alone.

"So," Steve began to say, kicking the door closed behind him with a loud bang, making Pony jump. "looks like were all alone." he said slowly, approaching Ponyboy cautiously. A disgusting look pierced his face as he continued to approach the younger greaser. Pony shifted uneasily on the bed as Steve began to near him, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't take it anymore, he had to get out, and he had to get away. Ponyboy shot up from the bed, darting past Steve as he tried to grab a hold of him, making it to the door and twisting the knob, pulling it open just a crack, only to be slammed closed from behind him forcibly by two large hands crashing up against it. "Pony, I just wanted ta talk to ya about last night," Steve said as he looked down at the smaller boy, watching as he turned around to face him. Ponyboy stared up at Steve, unsure of what to do or say. "I didn't mean ta do those things to ya," Steve explained, looking into Pony's eyes. 'I meant ta do more.' Steve thought to himself, inwardly smirking. "I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doin,'" Steve continued, lying through his teeth. 'If Dally hadn't of come in, I would have taken you right then and there.' Steve thought, gripping Ponyboy's chin in his fingers, tilting his head up so he could see the boy's face, 'I would've fucked you so hard.' he thought maliciously as he stared at Ponyboy. "ya gotta believe me," Steve said, "do ya forgive me?" his voice almost pleading. The room fell silent; the air was thick, almost solid, making it so hard to breathe.

"I forgive you." Pony said, his voice just a murmur as he looked away, his chin slipping out from Steve's fingers. He couldn't help but feel that Steve was lying, but he pushed it to the back of his mind. 'Maybe he really is sorry; he was drunk after all...' Ponyboy thought, looking back at Steve. He gasped when his lips met Steve's in a light kiss. 'When did he get that close?!' Pony attempted to pull away, but ended up pressing himself to the door, practically letting Steve get closer to him. Before he could shove Steve off, he pulled away, letting go of him.


I will post more later, a lot more. I decided to split the chapters.

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