Dandelions - House of Anubis1...

De PevensieDreams

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"What's up with Mick? What did you do?" "Nothing! what makes you think I did something?" "Because it's you... Mais

EPIGRAPH(edited x2)
♡︎ONE ♡︎ - House of secrets
♡︎T W O ︎♡︎ - house of attiude
♡︎THREE ♡︎ - House of the blackbird
♡︎FOUR ♡︎- house of dares
♡︎FIVE♡︎ - house of locks/ house of eyes
꧁SIX -SEVEN ꧂- house of agendas / house of keys
꧁EIGHT꧂- House of discovery
꧁NINE ꧂ - House of hyper
꧁TEN ꧂ - House of cheats
꧁ELEVEN ꧂- House of intruders
꧁TWELVE꧂ -house of proof
꧁THIRTEEN ꧂- House of Confrontation
꧂FOURTEEN ꧂- house of Alarms
꧁FIVETEEN ꧂- House of flames
꧁SIXTEEN ꧂ - House of passages
꧁SEVENTEEN꧂ - house of kidnap
꧁EIGHTEEN ꧂- House of catnap
꧂NINTEEN꧂- house of cameras
꧁TWENTY ꧂ - house of numbers
꧁TWENTY-ONE ꧂ - house of scares
꧁TWENTY-TWO ꧁- house of fakers
꧁T W E N T Y- T H R EE ꧂- house of identity
꧂T W E N T Y- F O U R꧂House of emergency
♡︎TWENTY-FIVE♡︎ - house of Reunion
♡︎TWENTY-SIX♡︎ - house of Memories
♡︎TWENTY-SEVEN ♡︎- House of drama/ house of codes part 1
♡︎TWENTY-EIGHT- ♡︎ -House of codes part 2/ house of risk
♡︎TWENTY NINE ♡︎ - House of Hazard/ house of Charades
♡︎THIRTY ♡︎ - House of rendezvous
☾THIRTY-ONE ☽- house of arrest
☾THIRTY-TWO☾ - House of time
☾THIRTY-THREE ☽- house of masks
☾THIRTY-FOUR ☽- House of pursuit
☾THIRTY-FIVE☽ - house of yesterday/ house of Victory
☾THIRTY-SIX ☽- house of Bribes/ venom
☆THIRTY-EIGHT☆ - house of lights
☆THIRTY-NINE☆ - house of Allegiance
☆FORTY☆ -House of pests
☆FORTY-ONE☆ house of revalation/Heavy
☆𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙏𝙔-𝙏𝙒𝙊 ☆- "House of Finale" part 1 (Hush/ Spies)
☆𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙏𝙔-𝙏𝙃𝙍𝙀𝙀 -☆ "House of Finale" part 2 (Sting/Never/Forever)

☆Thirty-seven☆- House of the stars/House of Harsh

74 1 0
De PevensieDreams

☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚ ☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

ECHOING SOUNDS OF footsteps could be heard from opposite side of the wall, they all thought they were going to get caught but luckily they hadn't which was a good thing. "It's only a rat" Victor told his members of the weird society and therefore continued chanting for what seemed like the third or fourth time that evening..

And so, after hours and hours of being downstairs in the cold dark cellar the ceremony had finally finished which meant they were allowed to live that place without having to worry about being quiet for much longer. "That was so close!" Fabian spoke through his short panting as they all got out by using the not so broken oven.

"Victor must really want to stay young. He drank snake's poison-" Stated Amber when she had gotten out as well and collected her bag that was filled with their blankets. "I mean, that's what surgery's for" she said with disgust in her voice.

"So, are we still looking for this treasure or what?" Questioned Alfie as also crawled out from the mini space. "Or have the teachers got it? or this Rufus Zeno dude" he continued questioning while he dramatically wove his arms around, truly none knew what they were searching for anymore.

"Sssh- right now, let's get out of here and get to bed okay? we're not home safe yet; come on"
Nina tells them all after she shushed him, she then used her locket to close the oven before they could head back upstairs hopefully get some peaceful sleep after the long evening they just had.Thus, the teens travelled out of the kitchen- not one person realising they've been spied on as they did so .

"Very Interesting.. "
Jerome spoke to himself after witnessing almost everything from his hiding spot but then moved away. "Well, let the fun begin"

*** *** ***

OKAY, AFTER SEEING WHAT WE SAW LAST NIGHT I think our first priority should be the search of the cup❝ Nina said as each sibuna member sat on a tree branch outside on school grounds the very next day. "We need to find it before they do" she completed her sentence whilst earning some agreements from everyone else.

"Yeah. Imagine what Victor might do with the secret of eternal life. " Remarked Patricia which soon made them think about possible ideas. "World domination"

"No, world domination to victor is six billion people in bed by ten pm"
Alfie spoke and earned a few amused chuckles at his response, despite the horrible night they witnessed sometimes just sometimes a few jokes can help calm down their worries.

"Nah, it would be making us clean for another semester- no! I couldn't bare it! "
Rhianna says through her laugh but also sounded unsure about having to do a whole new year of cleaning, that man needs new punishments."My nan gives better chores than he does" she continued her point when remembering that time her and Mildred accidentally broke a special vase,, it wasn't that fragile.

"Okay- these objects.. puzzles.. whatever- they're the keys somehow, but until we got them all.. we don't know exactly what that is" Nina says as she changed back to the topic they previously talked about while taking out their recent puzzle pieces they've found so far.

"Okay, so come on guys- we need to get our brains into gear-" Fabian started speaking yet got somewhat cut off by a certain someone mumbling 'do we have to?' only for him to ignore it and carry on "To find the secret from the past, you must look beyond the world through glass'"

"And before anyone's thinking about a mirror, it's not a mirror. We've already checked them all"

"You can't see through mirrors anyway "
Amber told the dirty blonde in a 'fact/duh' tone. "Good point, I should've come to you first as the mirror expert" Nina said to her whereas she shrugged with a small smile planted on her face meaning she agreed.

"Have you seen the time? we were due back from lunch five minutes ago!"
Says Patricia as she had looked at her watch, neither realised they'd been outside for so long until she mentioned it and they all rushed up from the ground collecting their belongings too. 

"I've got to go put the stuff back behind the panel- so I'll meet up with you after"
Nina tells them before they could leave for whatever lesson they're currently missing. " Sibuna" she said which was now their favourite word too say, after all..nobody else knew what it meant so it was just their little word. "Sibuna" the others replied back then began heading another direction back to main building.

******* ****

'3,2,1' Rhianna counted down in her head as she watched the clock upfront tick forward, she barely concentrated most of their lesson with Mrs Andrews- mind you she can't even make proper eye contact with the woman anymore. After a long painful hour of waiting the bell finally rang and to which she silently squealed of happiness yet cleared her throat when getting a few looks from those near.

"Right. "
Mrs Andrews started to say once the bell officially rang for them to leave class "Thank you" , they were given a brand new piece of homework which would be due in a week time. She allowed each student to collect their things and head out of the classroom.

Rhianna over heard Patricia saying something about being in touch with Miss Mercer which is a good sign considering they hadn't been able to. Sooner or later the girl would need to move out of her chair, so that's what she did but got stopped by a familiar pair of hands the moment she made one step forward."What do you want Clarke?" she asked although she hadn't used her sweet voice tone that almost everyone adored.

"So, come on you two- spill the beans"
Jerome immediately demanded when he'd gotten the attention of those who are supposed to be his buddies. "You and your new pals, what's going on there exactly?"he questioned them yet it wasn't exactly in a calm way either.

Rhianna sent a look towards Alfie as she had scrunched her nose, she didn't like where this conversation was going - not one bit. "Nothing" they both replied in unison even though it technically wasn't even true, it's just.. he can't know the truth. However, this response didn't stop him from wondering on.

"Now now you two, no need to fear! I already know about the treasure. And! I know about Rufus Zeno" Jerome told them whilst they both turned to each other with complete confusion and surprise, there's no way he knows without actually being there.

Alfie asked him within a second considering nothing made any sense right now. "You guys told. me" Jerome blurts , although his reply had confused them even more. "We did not tell you" him and Rhianna both replied at the same time again, they would've remembered if they told him anything.

"So.. who is he?"
Jerome questioned them since he wasn't going to give up that easily just yet. The two of them were hesitant on saying information that might harm their group, too many people already know and it's far to risky at the moment.

"We don't need to tell you anything. When are you going to stop snooping around?"
Questioned Rhianna as her face stayed in the most angriest expression ever. "It's none of your business, like I've told you many times" she continued her sentence; she's not selling out her friends- why should she? if anything she's not gonna be treated like a doormat just because he's been spying on them.

Expect, that wasn't the situation for Alfie who soon gave in."Just some guy Patricia knows! I think he's into antiques and stuff.. that's all I know!" he said whilst rising his hands in the air in defence.

"Okay- anything new that they tell you, Anything.. I want to hear it five minutes later. Yeah?" Jerome said which only made Alfie nod his head in fear whereas the girl simply rolled her eyes at how he's pushing them around without a care in the world. "That goes for you too Annie" he continued speaking although this time it wasn't in his usual voice tone.

Rhianna sent him a glare, she didn't want to be his little information finder- she just wanted to be apart of the club without having any worries. "Whatever. I hope you know this will come back to you in the future, Jerry. let this be a free warning" she tells him without any fear at all. "Come on Alfie, let's go" she angrily uttered before gently taking his arm and pushing past the tall blonde as they walked out of their classroom.


During break, most of the Anubis students were hanging out in the drama room like usual. "I'm telling you- it's over between Mara and Me; for real this time" Mick mentions as he ate a packet of crips although he was mainly speaking to Amber about his break up.

"If you want to get Mara back, you're going to have to pull out all the stops. A girl likes a big gesture, complete with bells and whistles and ribbons on top" Amber tells him as advice though it seemed he didn't really want much help with his relationship problems.

"I'm not grovelling to anyone. She knows how I feel, I've said sorry-" Mick spoke just as he crunched up the packet of empty crisps."She has to come to me now" he added before getting up from where he sat in a completely annoyed manner .

"This matchmaking business is harder than you think" Amber announced to those few members of her friendship group who looked confused as ever. "It's exhausting.." she says underneath her breath then spotted their other housemates walking in which caught her attention. "Rhi! come sit- I want to discuss how things are going with you and Patricia" she said although it was quit loud that the redhead sitting opposite side looked up from her phone.

"Uh.. what?"
Patricia confusingly asked the blonde when she looked up from her phone. "What's she going on about?" she mainly questioned Rhianna whom sat down next to her, they both knew where this topic was heading but didn't actually want to acknowledge anything.

"I don't know"
Rhianna answers with a shrug then fixed her position so that she was laying down on the sofa. "Amber- what are you talking about? things are great with me and Trish" she added whilst Williamson started to play with her hair, it's funny really- everyone else can see what's up with them but these two can't. "Y'know being besties and all" she kept saying but deep down she was cringing at herself.

"Ohh you did not- who even says 'Besties'"
Patricia commented through her laugh. "that stinks" she said which made the other girl chuckle in amusement. "Yeah, things are great. no arguments whatsoever" she finished her sentence just so she could continue braiding miss Clarence's hair.

Amber glanced between her two friends clearly stunned by how neither of them realise that their oh so close bond isn't even near to being 'just friends', she's known them both for as long as she can remember and it's surprising that nothings been done about their feelings which is really super obvious to anyone but them. "Seriously?! I can't be the only person- oh forget it"
she complained even though most people were paying attention to something else.

Nina rushed into the room and spotted the group. "Victor caught me!" she instantly told the crew who quickly looked at her direction [including Jerome].

"No way!"
Fabian replied although he hadn't noticed someone looking interested in their conversation until she looked to the right side of the room and she went completely silent.

The silentness made them realise they couldn't have their talk in that room, Rhianna got up from her laying down position and picked up her bag where she had placed it then followed right behind everyone else as they all scurried out with Clarke calling out "That's it! whisper, whisper, whisper! keep your secrets sleuthettes!" whereas she didn't have much time to yell anything back at him.

"Did he get the puzzle pieces?" Asked Patricia who was the very first person to say what they were all thinking once standing around one another in the corridor.

"No, I'd already hidden them behind the panel. But- he's really suspicious.. as usual, my cover story left a little to be desired. " Nina tells them all as they were circled by the lockers which is their normal spot now for short little meetings whenever something happens. "And! he's putting a padlock on the door" she carried on with her explaining .

Well.. that's great. No more night searching for more clues then.

"How will we get the puzzle pieces back if he does that?"
Fabian worriedly asked his friends who each had a look on their faces that read 'don't know'. As they fell silent to think over a plan, they all headed back to the drama studio.

where Jerome had placed a phone onto the table without making it seem suspicious of his own actions, so he then decided to question " Not figured out how to save the world yet?" weird. just plain weird. "Fortunately not yet" replied the raven haired boy whilst going over to a free seat .


Next Morning at breakfast, the !Not! Scooby doo clue crew were having their usual meetings as they all ate whatever meal before school. "The riddle defiantly said 'light your way and find the demisphere hidden below'" Nina tells them all which only made them slightly confused by what she could possibly mean.

"What's a demisphere?"
Alfie asked her whilst holding onto his cup filled with orange juice, another riddle that needed more solving.

"Beats me"
Shrugged Rhianna as she took another slice of buttered toast "I'm not working out geography at this hour- mind you, I haven't even done the homework". she continued speaking while everyone else wore either confused or amused expressions "it's probably something important"

"You never do homework anyway"
Alfie commented and she nodded her head at his response, that was half true and half a lie. "How are you even in set one if you don't complete tasks?" he asked her although this time the brunette grew a smile on her face and stayed quiet before they focused on what they're really discussing.

"Half a hemisphere?"
replied Nina with half a shrug since she didn't know herself.

"Hidden below.. does that mean, hidden in the cellar?"
Patricia suggested. Even if it were correct, it would mean another awful night searching for whatever it is their looking for.

"We still need to collect a sample of the elixir as well remember?" Fabian wondered then he continued on with his point. "We know where he keeps it now"

"We need to go back down there"
Nina said as she nodded for agreement.

This response caused Rhianna to throw her head backwards onto the chair where she sat, she really dreaded that place. "No, no. No! I'm not going this time- I'd rather stay up here in a nice safe place. You're crazy Nina Martin, did you know that?" she says towards her dirty-blond e haired roommate who only sent her a half smile in apology.

"Why does she keep saying that?"
Amber whispered towards her and Patricia since she too dreads going down. "Please don't make me go!" she hopefully pleaded.

"To keep risks at a minimum- maybe we should just let one person go down there this time" Fabian offered his idea on how it would work this time. The very minute he suggested it both girls who weren't so eager about the whole cellar thing shared a quick glance between one another.

"Great idea Fabes!"
Amber beamingly said afterwards "I'll stay here and hold the fort" she added whilst sharing another look to the girl opposite her left side.

"Hmm mm. me too! love that choice"
Rhianna agreed with Amber a smile on her face before having a sip of juice then realised she'd already finished her entire cup. However, one of their main leaders wasn't so found on them staying behind.

"We'll draw some straws, yeah?"
Fabian says to them and their smiles dropped within a second. "Or we could just do it that way.." replied Amber which made the others chuckle slightly.

*** *** ***

Walking to their usual lesson with Mrs Andrews, wither that be French or English Rhianna and Alfie were having their own conversation until they both spotted Jerome in front of them with some money in his hands which got her extremely curious. "Okay.. we might not be on speaking terms right now but.. lemme see that cash!" she excitingly said as she got onto her tip toes to get a better look but didn't get much luck. "Dang it" she mumbled then relaxed her feet.

"What cash?"
Alfie questioned her as they entered the room only for her to point at the boy holding bundles of pounds in his hands, he soon noticed what she'd been pointing at. "Ohh I see it now.. Woah, have you won the lottery?" he quizzed once they were stranding by their teacher's desk.

"That's so stupid; if anything he most likely stole it from some kid in the innocent lower years" Rhianna commented with her arms crossed yet continued looking at the boy's hands in full interest. She hated how he's treating them recently but made an effort to actually bring up a decent conversation.

"Yeah- something like that guys"
Jerome flatly responded whilst his attention was focused on their other housemates all huddled up together with straws. He figured it had something to do with this secret clue searching group of theirs. "You two, get over there and check out what the gang's up to" he says when he faced the ex pranksters. "And you might get that magic set you wanted; yeah?" he mainly told Alfie his little offer whereas the brunette simply uttered something underneath her breath as he tried convincing them.

"I hope you know, how much I hate you right now"
Rhianna angrily reminded Jerome whom only acted like everything was fine between them. "Come on then Al; lets this over and done with" she added before they each moved away from the tall boy and met up with the members of sibuna opposite side of the classroom.

"Hey! are those the straws?"
Alfie asked their fellow friends after they both had some silent debate about if this will come back to them in the future or some time towards the end, hopefully if they do a great job at whatever scheme Clarke is doing then no one would suspect them.

Nina looked at the duo with an unpleasant expression ; almost like she were onto them already. "What were you guys talking to Jerome about?" she questioned them. This got both teens to share a worried glance between one another but made sure it wasn't too obvious "Uh.. you know.. the usual, where to hang-

"Yeah, who to scam, who to snarl at etc etc"
Rhianna finished his sentence through her fake laugh even though deep down she felt extremely guilty. "It's getting boring y'know" she said just as Alfie hummed in agreement to make it seem believable.

"I know right? I'm getting fed up with him to be honest" said the male troublemaker although neither of them were sure if the others believed them or not hence why it soon fell quiet between the entire group.

*** **** ****

Break time came rolling in, thus the group of teens headed over to the drama studio/student lounge to have another team meeting about what's going to happen later in the evening when they're at home. "So, Patricia's got us some walkie talkie's" Nina tells everyone as they soon sat down in sofas/chairs of course soon as she said that the two trouble makers were excited as ever.

"This will be better than the loud whispering we've been doing so far"
Patricia explained whilst handing the objects to her friends. However, they were missing one team mate neither had seen their favourite fashionista since morning time plus during their recent lesson that had just finished.

"Here's Amber"
Fabian announced soon as he saw the girl with blonde hair walking towards them. "Guys, everyone take a straw" he instructed and from there they each took their own paper sticks .

"This match making business is becoming fun.
" Amber says to her close group of friends when she approached them. She then glanced towards Clarence and Williamson who were sitting beside one another. "You should let me put your love life in order Patricia" she suggested as she made sure her glance went to the brunette girl who looked at her in a mixture of confusion but also interest.

"I'd rather chew on glass"
Patricia flatly tells Amber as she missed the glances being shared between the two roommates. She knew herself that wasn't entirely true but there was no way she's going to spill her feelings out to anyone, not even Millington who seemed so eager about setting people up. After that mini talk; the crew lifted their straws mid air seeing which person would go back into the cellar.. it wasn't a good draw.

"Oh, poor Alfie"
Amber frowned when seeing he had the shortest straw out of all of them. He really wasn't having the best of days, but luckily it wasn't her going down there this time like she had dreaded the whole entire time.

"Okay then.. Alfie it is.."
Nina said with doubt even though no one else saw the expression she had on when she spoke. "perfect"


LATER THAT EVENING THEY HAD ENOUGH FREE TIME BEFORE dinner got ready, there was only a few of them downstairs whereas Nina and Patricia had been upstairs seeing if anything could be done about the padlock. "Hey, guys; so Victor is out till late, so tonight is defiantly the night" she informed the crew as they headed into the living room together but wasn't one hundred percent aware that Clarke would've been paying attention too.

"The night for what?"
Jerome immediately asked soon as he heard those few words causing the clue searching team to share a worried expression when hearing his voice.

"Uh.. the girls and I are planning on watching a dvd after lights out tonight-"
Fabian tells him whilst making sure his lie seems believable, however whilst the two nodded their heads only Rhianna tilted her head whilst sending one of those 'you'd never catch me watching another boxset' looks. " It's no big thing" he tries to convince him.

Jerome seemed less convinced at the boy's somewhat lie, he really didn't believe a word that Fabian told him. "Okay.." he slowly responded with a stern look before turning his frown into a smile which probably meant he was up to something once again. "Alfie, how about you and me have our own zombie feast?" he suggested which just made the others unsure about where this was going.

"Sure thing buddy"
Alfie somewhat accepted flatly as he turned to face the other way, tonight was one tricky evening for them all.


Hours passed by , although as time went on, the house grew silent as some of them fell asleep after dinner. Soft snores were being let out from Rhianna's nose while she hugged onto her duvet plus blanket tightly, usually she wouldn't be able to sleep considering she'd get nightmares or flash forward visions to the future.. those were never good but tonight was different. She twisted and turned peacefully until one of their walkie talks went off causing her to cover her ears with her second pillow.

"Alfie to Nina, Alfie to Nina are you reading me?" 
someone's voice echoed through out a walkie talkie which made the American wake from her slumber. "Nina too Alfie, yes. I'm reading you loud and clear" she says quietly hoping not disturb her roommates just yet. 

"Rendezvous in five minutes, over
Informed the boy from downstairs once knowing almost everyone in their group had woken up. "Got that. over" 

After that commotion,Nina got up from her bed to wake up both of her roommates although she decided to go for Millington first since she knew the other girl would be a little complicated. "Amber! Amber! wake up- it's time to go downstairs" she says in a hushed voice tone whilst gently shaking the blonde. 

"Okay okay. I'm awake"
Amber tells her after she opened her eyes then pointed to their other friend."You try waking her up she'll attack you, she did that with me a few times in the past.. even got hit with a pillow last week" she added as she struggled getting out of her bed but then an idea came to her mind. "Go get Patricia; she's pretty much the only person Anns allows near at night" she explained her point and hoped the redhead wasn't in deep slumber.

About five minutes later,  Nina returned with Patricia who by the way wasn't sure why she'd gotten woken up at almost twelve in the morning but  soon understood that she needed to awaken the girl whom hates her sleep being disturbed. "Rhianna" softly called the red/purple head as she shook the bed that was near towards where her bed used to be. "Oi, there's a marathon of the hunger games on tv" she said hoping her plan would've worked.

"Really? a marathon of the- oh"
Rhianna mumbled in her sleep then realising it was  just Patricia's way of getting her up. "Thanks for waking me up I guess" she thanked the girl before climbing out of her bed and took her blanket as well just when the five of them headed out of that bedroom.


"Alfie, what time do you call this?"
Fabian questioned once seeing the boy who was going down into the cellar, he wore a camouflage outfit with a bandana. No one else wore any crazy outfits just him. 

"And what have you come as?" Confusingly questioned Patricia since she had been stunned by the male troublemaker's outfit for this evening.

"I think it's a great outfit! do you have another one?" Rhianna happily said but then looked at her friends who weren't so sure about this whole camouflage costume. "What?! I might need it during the holiday when this year ends.. .. you'll never know what could happen" she added with a tired yet pleased smile. 

"Take no notice. I also think you look very nice Alfie" Commented Amber right after her brunette roommate did which made both troublemakers share a glance between one another but also an amused grin.

"You know what you're doing right? "
Nina unsurely asked him whilst she had crossed her arms, she still wasn't sure if she should trust him to do this task yet.

"Grab an example of the Elixir and looking for a desmisphere.. whatever a desmipshere may be" Alfie says with confusion in his voice.

"We'll stay here and watch incase Victor comes back, and contact you via walkie-talkie if you need to get out of there"
Fabian instructed before any of them could move away from the kitchen area were they currently stood as a group.

"Where is your walkie-talkie?" Patricia worryingly double checked with him in case he had misplaced it. "In here" Alfie conformed whilst pointing to his bag.

"Good luck"

"Thanks.. "
Alfie shortly thanked Nina but sounded as if he wanted to back out from doing the task with them. Within a minute or so he had gotten an idea "Amber?" he called out while stepping forward a little bit and she replied with "Yeah?" (this should be interesting) "Can I have a good luck kiss?" he asked with hope .

"Aww! of course you can"
Amber beamed before she took a step forward to kiss his cheek then stepped back to where she stood.

"Thanks- I can face anything now" Alfie 'dreamily' said through his grin just as the others watched whatever happened.

"That's so cute" Rhianna whispered mainly to herself but she felt as if the others heard her. "If only someone did that to me in the past or in a new mission .. "hey Tris-"
she quietly said since it would be way too obvious if she spoke out loud so this was her of making it seem less obvious on who she was talking about but got cut off.

"Do you want to get slapped on the face?"
Patricia whispered back whilst she frowned slightly. "Nein. I don't wanna be slapped, you did that once and I got an ice pack from Trudy.. no thanks" The girl beside her said when remembering that time in year eight. "That was like four years ago" she told her but it then fell silent between them , not an awkward one but a calm silence.

"Okay- come on"
Nina soon changed the subject before taking Alfie's arm and they headed over to the not so broken oven where she took out her necklace/amulet which shone red as well as the door did, from there it swung open and he eventually begun making his way into the dark cellar. She then stood up after knowing he was possibly safe "Come on, we'll watch from upstairs" she told those who weren't going down and they each went to the second floor..


About an hour or so the few crew members waited on the top staircase, Rhianna had fallen asleep on Fabian's shoulder since she couldn't stay awake for much longer which wasn't that surprising really. Whereas Amber had also fallen asleep but on a certain redhead's shoulder- neither girls heard a rumbling noise from outside but she sensed it was either a car or something else.

"What was that?"
Patricia immediately questioned when she heard a vehicle like sound from outside the door.

"Sounds like a car"
Fabian responded as he also heard the rumbling noise. "Victor's car!" Nina exclaimed which caused them to move from the stairs, however before they could leave he gently poked Rhianna's side (to which she reacted too of course) "Ssh, Victor's back" he quietly said just whilst she lifted her head up from his shoulder and then they all waited for anything to happen with their oh so lovely Guardian.

"Nina to Alfie, can you hear me?"
Nina spoke through her walkie-talkie but got no response. " Victor's back. I repeat, Victor is back" Nothing. What neither of them knew, is that a tall blonde who had been lurking about listening to their every move these past few days got ahold of the boy's communication object and was walking down the corridor this very minute. "Alfie? come in please." Still no answer. "A-dog, please come in" she tried once again hoping this time would be different.

From the bottom of the staircase, stood Jerome who carefully watched those in their little clue searching group [also making eye contact with Clarence as he did so but couldn't bring too much attention to himself]. Lifting the walkie-talkie he pretended to be Alfie (who was still inside the Cellar fyi) "Okay- got that" he said just as it turned on though lowered his voice in process.

Rhianna sent him a glare whilst he sent one back at her, she had no idea what he was up to but it wasn't good. 'I literally despite you so much' she mouthed to him although no one else seemed to have noticed this. "Is it me or did this voice seem a little deep?" she quietly asked when turning back round from the railing she rested on. 

"no? He got the message. That was close"
Nina told her but she hadn't noticed how strange the girl acted. The group paid close attention to the front door after hearing a car lock outside, they saw Victor walking inside though it seemed as if he had brought something with him. 

Victor entered the house whilst holding onto a gold robe which looked exactly like the one he wore that night of the teacher's weird society midnight meeting a few days ago, why would he be carrying that around again? he wasn't aware a group of teens were watching him from the stairs all huddled together as they did so; he took out his usual pair of keys and went to unlock the cellar's door- that's when those students realised they are in possible danger. 

"Alfie, get out of there! quick. Victor's coming down, over"
Nina spoke into her walkie-talkie hoping there'd be some sort of communication from the boy still downstairs inside the cellar. No response. "Alfie- come in please.. A-dog?" she tried again but it was silent on the other radio "Please come in" For a second there wasn't any response but unknown to her someone else had answered instead. 

"Okay-" Jerome responded from near his bedroom, he hid in it about a few minutes ago when hearing Victor's footsteps approaching but he was no longer hiding there. "thanks.. other A-dog" he said although sounded a little bit annoyed .

"Fabian, you should get back to bed whilst Victor is down in the cellar"
Nina says once they couldn't hear any movement from their legal guardian, guesses being he's already there. "Okay" replied Fabian before he then moved away from the stairs now making his way to his bedroom leaving the four girls sitting on the stairs still."Alfie- are you safe? where are you?" she questioned as she re used the object that stayed in her hand. "Yeah, I'm safe.. in my room" 'Alfie' says on the other radio.

Rhianna rolled her eyes at how no one could sense that wasn't him talking. It was literally Jerome using the walkie-talkie and watching them from down below, she didn't like what he's doing or why he's basically being nosey in everything she does with her second group of friends- it's not like she's leaving him for good or anything she simply just got dragged into this mystery business the day her best friend went missing, and also when she had nobody to talk to. She didn't ask to be apart of this. "Oh please" she scoffed underneath her breath which caused those near by to glance at her weirdly "Nothing" she whispered afterwards. 

"He's safe"
Nina assured them all and she completely ignored whatever's going on with Rhianna, she realised that's the second time she seemed slightly shady. "What's wrong with you? you've been acting weird half of the night" she whispered with concern. 

"Oh I don't know- maybe it's the fact we could've been caught by Victor.. or that I never get much sleep.. you tell me" Rhianna sassily replied in a hushed voice but she knew she was like that mainly because she hadn't been having a great time although she didn't know how to tell anyone about it. "It's nothing neens" she added with a frown. 

Patricia also noticed how strange the girl has been acting, she made a mental note to ask how she's doing in the morning (if there's enough time). She then decided to change topic.
"Let's get back to our rooms too" she said in suggestion and they each agreed with her so they soon left the stairs .

What seemed to be forever- Alfie eventually escaped the cellar tip toeing into into the hallway, but he accidentally knocked something over as he tried heading over to his room. "Who's there?!?" Victor's voice echoed from upstairs which caused him to try and find a hiding place- he realised the best spot was the mummy statue over by the wall and so he got inside it thinking no one could ever find him there, unfortunately when he closed it's door Jerome somehow made sure to lock him inside.. "Help! let me out!" 


Last edited : TBA

Tiger speaking hello :

I actually hated how Jerome did that, like bro you're supposed to be my fave but then you go and do this :(
however!! he gets better later on so he's still my beloved <3

I know I haven't been very active lately- I just finished college a few days ago for my break so I'm publishing everything that's been in my drafts aha. I'm getting pretty excited because then we've got season two and I have many plans for my second book eek

Please don't be a ghost reader; if you liked these chapters .. eh I'm not gonna say it

until next time

-🤍xoxo xoxo

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