Ghost Of You: Damian Wayne

By brooklyn1217

4K 92 9

Part one: Davina is Damian's longest and possibly only friend (other than Jon) she trained along side him for... More

Intro (Damians pov)
"You needed me"
"She's Not Real"
"Family Mission"
" Caught Myself A Princess"
"She's Real"
"Another Lazarus Pit." 
"All we can do is wait.."
"She Stole My Ring!"
"Welcome to Wayne Manor"
"Heyyy Sunshine"
"You wanna learn how to fly?"
"As you wish"
"I would love for you to be my mother..."
"Would you rather it be Wayne then?"
"I'll be back..."
Bonus chapter one
Bonus chapter two
Bonus chapter three
Bonus chapter four
Info for part two
Part 2: chapter one You're heaven
Part two: Chapter two "What were you dreaming about?"
Part two: chaper three "Welcome to High school life'll hate it."
Part two: chapter four "The story of how I became blind"
Part two: chapter five "What happened to plan b Jon?!"
Part Two:Chapter Six "Two Weeks my ass."
Part Two:Chapter Seven "I don't like dates"

"Bruce Is So Winning The Bet.."

122 2 0
By brooklyn1217

Damians P.O.V.:

"nuri...nuri.." I look down at Davina brushing the hair away from her face softly speaking in hope of her waking up. I woke up approximately fifteen minutes ago finding Davinas head on my shoulder and her fingers still on the base of my neck tangled into my hair. I have no doubt she's probably starving which is what lead me to trying to wake her up. " nuri its time to wake up." I shake her shoulder a bit, I want to get her down stairs before everyone else comes down and steals all the food. Davina scrunches up her nose and hides her face more into my neck and I softly chuckle.
"Nooo five more minutes." Her hand goes from my neck to my chest as she mumbles out her complaint from my neck.
"But nuri we need to wake up." She shakes her head and her leg ends up moving across my stomach in attempt to get more comfortable it shocks me for a second but I quickly regain my composure.
"Okay I guess will let Todd eat of all Pennyworths food." I put my free arm over my eyes pretending to give up. I quickly feel her head pick up and hear her stomach rumble proving my thoughts from earlier.
"Food?" She asks her voice still sounding sleepy
I laugh knowing how much this girl loves food.
"Yes food come on lets go."
"I don't think I can get up your bed feels like clouds" She answers rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
Thankfully her leg was still over my stomach so I grabbed her leg and pulled her towards me more and lifted her out of bed and began carrying her out of my room.
"Ah D-dami what are you doing?!" I felt her hands grip onto my shoulders which caused me to grin.
"You said you didnt think you could get up so I solved the problem for you." I stopped walking and looked at her still grinning "Is this a problem nuri?" I noticed a blush appear across her face before she responded "N-no."
"Good now lets go Todd and Grayson tend to take all of Pennyworths food."
We continued down the hall Davina tucked her head back into my neck playing with my hair as I carried her to the kitchen. We made it to the kitchen and no one was in there I reluctantly set Davina down on a seat in front of the island and starting making tea for the both of us.
"Is green tea alright nuri?" I turned to her holding the package out.
"Hmm? oh yes it is." She sits up her head and smiles my way.
I make the tea and set it in front of her then go around the island and sit next to her with mine.
"Do you still wake up this early?" Davina questions drinking her tea looking my way
"Some times, other times I wake up before the sunrises so I can train."
"Oh god I remember waking up that early at the compound I hated it with a passion." She giggled shaking her head
"Yeah just like this morning I had to drag you out of bed." I teased her
We both laugh and I notice her looking at me with a smile on her face
"What" I chuckle setting my drink down looking her way
"Nothing your smile is re-" but before she can finished Pennyworth comes in unfazed that were in the kitchen
"Hello you two how did the two of you sleep?"
"Well Davi-"
"Good! We both slept good thank you for asking Alfred." She answered
"That's good now since you two are up what would you two like for breakfast?" Alfred moves to the stove turning to face us "And don't be afraid to ask I know how to make anything."
"Oh umm, I'm fine with anything honestly!" Davina put her drink down as she answered Pennyworth.
"How about some of my famous waffles and smoothies? Its master Damians favorite."
"Sounds amazing." She smiles
Pennyworth pulls out some fruit and begins cutting it before placing it into a bowl and setting it in front of Davina and I. Davina closely watches Pennyworths every move, her hazel eyes are moving everywhere pennyworths hands go.
"Davina?" I put hand on her shoulder trying to get her attention, she jumps before looking my way.
"Hmm? Oh sorry I was lost in thought."
"That didn't look like thinking Davina, you were tracking Pennyworths movements."
She took a breath before speaking "You're right, Its my enhanced intelligence... Sometimes If I haven't learned something or not doing anything that requires me to use what I know my brain will automatically do either of the two." She must have noticed the concern on my face "Don't worry I'm fine of course! I just zoned out because I was watching Alfred make breakfast." She puts her hand on her shoulder where my hand was and sends a smile my way.
"Ooo fruit!" She notices the bowl and picks a piece of mango and begins eating it. She looks over to me before handing over a separate piece of pineapple my way. I take it from her hand and bite off a piece Pennyworth places the blender on the counter while his batter is mixing and looks to us.
"Now any certain smoothie request Miss Davina I know Master Damian likes a peach smoothie."
Davina looks over all of the fruit before making a decision "Is it possible to mix strawberries and mangos?" Pennyworth smiled her way before nodding his head. "It certainly can."
"Here Davina try this." I grabbed a piece of dragon fruit and move it her way.
"It looks funny whats it called?"
"Dragon fruit." She then bites a piece off brushing her lips against my fingers. I feel what Grayson has called "Butterflies" in my stomach but quickly ignoring that feeling. Davina scrunches up her face as she chews the fruit.
"Ew nope thats disgusting."
I laugh before eating the rest of the dragon fruit. Pennyworth started blending the fruit and quickly made Davinas smoothie before making mine.
"One strawberry and mango and one Peach smoothie."
Davina try's her smoothie and her eyes light up
"I think I found love." She says before taking another sip of her smoothie.
"Its a smoothie Davina it can't produce love." I grumbled before drinking mine as Pennyworth placed down our food.
"Someone sounds a bit jealous don't you think so princess?" Todd's voice appeared.
"Over what?" Davina looked over to me with her eyes laced with concern and confusion covering up her mouth hiding the waffles she placed in her mouth.
"Yeah Damian over what?" Grayson walks in with a smug looked on his face.
"Why don't you try this smoothie Davina?" Avoiding the question moving mine towards her knowing she'll focus on that.
"It's not going to taste bad like that dragon fruit right?" She looks over at mine.
"Do you trust me?" I laugh a bit holding the glass her way. She sends me a playful glare before putting her lips on my straw and tasting the peach smoothie. Her eyes light up once more and she then proceeds to giggle.
"I think I found my new favorite I'll have to get you to pick my next one for next time Alfred makes them."
I laugh a bit before responding "will do that."
"The young master and his friend might want to head up and get dressed since Miss Davina has a hair appointment soon. She also needs more clothes , I will not let Miss Davina not have any clothes during her stay." Pennyworth states as he takes away our dishes.
"Alright come along Davina lets get dressed so we can leave these idiots." I guide Davina out of the kitchen while both Todd and Grayson smirk my way while waiting for there food. While Davinas not looking I shoot my hand up and flip both off, I hear both idiots laugh and Pennyworth gasp.
"Bruce is so winning the bet." Todd laughs
"Master Damian!"
I push Davina faster out of the room and speed walk towards her room.
"Pennyworth most likely put those clothes into your room as well as your dental hygiene products. If you need anything I'm in the room next door nuri."
She looks up at me before grinning and walking into her room and before shutting her door she looked my way "I've missed your smile Dami, its nice to see it again." And with that she shuts the door heat rushed quickly over my cheeks so I rush to my room before anyone can see and get dressed for the day.
Some time later..
I wait outside my door for Davina so we could leave I hear my phone go off and I take it out of my pocket to see Jon sending me a text saying he'll be back from his vacation with his family in a few days and wants to meet Davina.
"Dami I'm ready!" Davina comes out and I immediately freak out. Mental note do not trust supergirl and her roommate to pick out clothes for Davina. Davina comes out in a green crop top along with black shorts and accentuates her tanned legs along with some of Gordon's old converses she left at the manor when she was researching for a case.
"No? What do you mean no, Kara said this is what normal girls wear during summer."
"nuri a summer day in Gotham is similar to a warm fall day and you're to good to be normal."
"Well I would like to blend in Dami." Davina crosses her arms
I begin walking to Davina before stopping in front of her noticing our slight height difference as she looks up to look at me in my eyes.
"I understand that but I forbid you to wear that outside the manor, disgusting men are going to drool and think they'll be able talk to you anyway they want. And when it comes to you I don't tolerate any kind of disrespect but out there I can't act like heir to the league of assassins , I have to act like Damian Wayne son of Gotham's most eligible bachelor."
"Lets make something clear you can't "forbid" me to do anything." Her pokes her finger on to my chest. "So I suggest you re word how you're talking to me Damian, I can still kick your ass just like I did at the compound."
"Oooo get him! That's my Princess!" Both me and Davina look over to see Todd, Grayson, and Drake all peaking around the corner. I notice a tired Drake eating a waffle as he peaks around the corner.
"Haven't you three been taught its rude to listen in on conversations?" Davina questions still upset from our argument all three shrug and fully appear
"Welll listen in on conversations is kinda apart of our nightly jobs." Grayson states
"Grayson Are Gordons clothes she left still here?"
"Umm they should be Bruce asked Jason to clean out those clothes like a month ago and we all know Jason didn't do that."
"Hey! I don't even live here man plus, isn't everyone glad I didn't do it now since princess needs clothes."
"You don't like my outfit either?" Davina looks at Todd
"Eh its not that it looks bad on you princess its just us I'm protective and I know the eyes of Gotham are going to try eat you alive." "Plus I think I remember something that seems more you, would you be alright if I go grab it?"
Davina releases her breath before answering Todd "I suppose." And with that Todd jogs off to grab whatever he thought of. A few minutes later Todd comes back with a white top and a light brown and blue plaid skirt. "Here princess I think you'll like this one more and if you don't I'll teach you how to drive how does that sound?."
"Hmm It does look appealing give me a few minutes." She grabs the clothes from Todds hands and walks into her room.
"And that's how you save your ass Demon child." Todd crosses his arms and adds a smirk on to his face.
"Tch, I don't need lessons from you Todd."
With that Davinas door opens and everyone looks her way.
"Well hows this?" She slowly spins, I can't help but notice how the outfit fits her perfectly I turn away feeling a blush appear on my face.
"Now that outfit is fit for a princess."
"Do you like it Davina?" Drakes asks
"I have to give it to Jason on this one I do feel more comfortable in this." She grins at all of us
"Master Damian, Miss Davina its time to go!" Alfred calls for us
"Well thank you Jason, could you possibly teach me how to drive still?"
"Well duh more time with my princess."
Both Davina and I make our way down the stairs heading towards Pennyworth. He opened the door and we both headed to the car, I opened the door and let Davina in before getting in myself. Davina had her arms crossed over her chest while her looked out the car window as Pennyworth drove us to our destination. 
"Here." I handed my phone over to Davina, she looked over at my phone with a confused look. " I figured you would like mess around with my phone for a bit maybe figure it out."
"You realize that I've been trained in hacking skills right?"
I paused trying to figure out what to say "I um.. tch, of course I did I was trying to-" before I could finish I heard Davinas soft laugh.
"There's no need to act tough Dami I understand what you were trying to do, why don't you teach me about your phone."  She moved closer to me and began to move her finger across my phone. I felt a smile form on my face before I moved closer as well and both stared at my phone.
"Hey Who's Jonathan Kent?"
Some time later....
"Alright here we are Master Damian will escort Miss Davina for her appointment and then also require items the young lady needs and I'll be back exactly at four. That should give you plenty of time to do what is needed here is your fathers card Master Damian and do stop for food during your time here. If you need anything you have a list of people to call don't hesitate to." And with that Pennyworth drove off I turned to look at Davina who was deeply watching everyone around us, her hazel eyes quickly moving around looking at everyone. I quickly grabbed her hand snapping her out of whatever daze she was in, she looked my way and then looking around slightly nervous.
"Sorry.." she looked to the ground messing with our intertwined hands. I used my free hand to pick up her chin and making her look my way where our eyes lock.
"Hey you haven't done anything nuri if you feel nervous at all during our time here just look at me and let me know alright?" She nodded with a small smile before removing her hand and wrapping her arms around my neck and my hands subconsciously move to her hips. She still smells like mangos with I was completely loving, so I straightened up a bit before holding out my arm and giving Davina the famous Wayne smirk. "Now lets get you to that hair appointment hm?" She smiled before wrapping her arm with mine and I guided her to our destination.
We arrive at the salon and the doors we're opened for us by two huge men dressed in full suits and dark glasses on.
"Ahhh Damian Wayne ooo and a beautiful young lady how can we help you today!"
" Francisco, Alfred Pennyworth should have made an appointment for my long time friend Davina? She's new to Gotham and needs your skills."
"Oh yes! Lovely old man did make one now now let me take a look at you." He walked closer to Davina circling her, he reached out intently looking at her long braid which stayed intact from when I braided it. "Very beautiful I must say no wonder Little Wayne is so smitten with you. Now! Come sit and let Francisco do his magic!"
He guided Davina towards her chair she looked back at me "Γιατί το παντελόνι του είναι τόσο στενό?"
I used my hand to cover up my smile before sitting down in the chair waiting for Davina to come back.
Davinas P.O.V.:
I sat down in the expensive seat and felt Francisco lift up my hair and begin to unbraid my hair.
"My my your hair is so long its beautiful!" Francisco examined my hair
"Thank you." I smiled My hair was now super wavy
"Now what would you like hm?"
"Well I definitely want it cut but other than that I'm not sure." I spoke messing with my hair
"Hmm any color change?"
"Definitely not." I tucked my Dark hair behind my ear
"Good good You're dark hair is beautiful, could Francisco surprise you?"
"Well I mean as long as you don't go crazy.."
As soon as I said that Francisco let out a high squeal and clapped his hands together."
"Ehhhh Francisco already has the perfect look in mind!"
After plenty of cutting and Styling later....
"And Francisco is done! Now come lets show little Wayne my master piece!" Francisco helps me out of the chair and guides me towards Damian. Surprisingly nobody enter the salon while Francisco was styling my hair he said it was because Damian asked for this session to be private and Francisco agreed so he could give his full attention to me. I noticed Damian was sitting on one of the chairs messing with his phone with one hand resting on his chin. I noticed his shirt had risen up and I could see a tiny bit of his as Kara called it "V-line" for some reason I wanted to quickly walk over there before anyone else could see it.
"Little Wayne Francisco has finished and now I present you the beautiful and updated Little Wayne's Lady!"
Francisco finally lets me walk forward and Damian stands up looking at his phone as he puts it away.
"She has a name Francisco is Davi-" Damian stops talking and his eyes focus on me and I slightly notice a blush appear on his face. "I-um-wow..."
"Ahhhh Francisco has done it again!"
"I-um..Tch, Francisco lets go to the front desk so I can pay for your service."
"Yeah no." Francisco answers no looking at Damian as he messes with my hair.
"Why not? You did amazing on my hair you deserve to be paid!"
"Francisco had so much fun with this, as long as you come to me every time for events you need your hair done deal?"
"I um."
"Francisco isn't taking money anyways so just say yes."
"Fine deal." I giggle walking to Damians side.
"Well Alright I guess we should be going now."
Damian guides me out the door and we begin our walk towards the mall.
"I feel bad we didn't pay.."
"We did I left money on the front desk nuri."
"Oh okay so what's the plan for the rest of the day?" I tucked my arm into Damians as we continue our walk to the malls doors.
" Well for you, Clothes for daily living and also.." Damian pulls out his phone and looks at something. " oh a school uniform and a dress for the upcoming gala."
" Wait I have to go to school! And go to a gala!"
"Haha welcome to normal life nuri."
One final time skip brought to you by Dicks obsession with High school musical.
I'm in the final store that me and Damian decided that I needed to go in was the the store that holds school uniforms for Gotham Academy before Alfred picks us up. Damian had to go look at something for himself so we were on opposite sides of the store. After finding everything that I needed I looked around for Damian noticing two girls standing with him and a little to close for my comfort. I start waking towards them and I see one girl start messing with his hair.
"Gosh Damian your hair is so soft how do you keep it that way?"
"Ummm I don't know I just wash my hair when needed?"
"So your father announced he was re creating and hosting the Blackwell Gala do you have anyone in mind to go with?"
"I umm- well actually.."
"Beloved I found everything I needed have you-oh hello there!" I walked up to Damian tucking my arm into his once more and smiling at the two girls.
"Grandfathers disappearing trick is looking really usable right now.."
Damian looks over at me with surprise written all over his face and the blush on his face is very prominent which I'm really enjoying.
"Umm who are you?" The main girl talking to Damian looks over to me with clear displeasure on her face.
"Right how rude of me not to introduce myself, Davina pleasure to meet you." I look over to Damian who's still look directly as me with his blush on his face. "Are you alright Dami?" I put my free hand on the side of his face and smile his way the blush on his face is now even more prominent which causes me to giggle out loud now.
"I-um-yeah Camille, Alice this is Davina my um-my." Damian try's to finds the words before looking at his watch "Well would you look at that we need to be going."
"Wait Damian you never answered my question about the gala!" Camille walks to us as Damian pays for the uniforms.
"Yeah Dami, its rude not to answer her question." I grinned knowing already how flustered he is.
"Well Camille I-I'm actually going with someone already."
"I'm sure whoever she is can understand that we're closer.." She smiles reaching out for Damian once more
"Hahaha..I wanna kill her." I thought gripping Damians arms tighter. Before Camille could touch Damian I grabbed her hand with my free one making sure to make it look sloppy compare to what I'm usually doing.
"If Damian has already made plans with someone then you need to respect that." I looked at Camille before slowly moving her hand away from Damian "Can keep your hands to yourself unless given permission." Then I grabbing the bags off the counter and walking out of the store with Damian.
"Stupid.. touchy.." I quickly walked away from the store dragging Damian along as I mumble to myself "Ooo whoever she is can understand we're closer .. closer my ass I swear if that was at the compound I would sooo-"
"nuri! People could hear you!" Damian grabs my waist and bring me closer to him to gain my attention.
'Please don't tell me you really associate yourself with her!" I glare at Damian
"Ah Not on purpose! We had one class together and I had to work on a project with her and other student."
"I wanna go home now. I think I've had my fill of everything today."
"Alright I'll call Pennyworth he should be out there already."
We made it outside and saw Alfred walking around the car and opening our door and trunk. We put everything inside and all of us climb in the car, Camille exited the mall as well waving towards Damian gathering attention from everyone else.
"I see you met young Camille Gold Miss Davina how did you like her?" Alfred asked as he drove.
"No comment."
"You'll find out everyone at home feels the same."

Finally done with this chapter! Sorry it took so long I got super busy at work but I'll write whenever I can! I have a lot of ideas planned for future chapter and one in mind I'm really excited to write! I hope everyone enjoys this chapter and sorry for all the time skips lol. Until next time byeeee!!

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