Voices ☽ Teen Wolf {Book 1}

By TamiaDemarest

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When Lea Martin, Lydia Martin's adoptive sister, begins to hear voices in her head, she finds it hard to con... More

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136 5 5
By TamiaDemarest

Season 2

Stiles and I follow Derek inside the sheriffs station. We poke our heads through the door and see Derek putting on a show for the deputy at the front desk.

"Um, I had a question. Um, sorry I'm a little-I'm a little thrown. I wasn't really expecting someone-"

"Like me?" The deputy asks.

"Oh, I was gonna say 'so incedibly beautiful' but, yeah, I guess that'd be the same thing." Derek smiles. Seeing Derek forcing a smile was both creepy and amazing. I've never seen Derek smile, he always looks like a sour wolf as Stiles always describes him. But it's also kinda scary in a way because he looks like a psychopath. I should really take this moment for granted being that Derek never smiles around us.

Stiles pushes me ahead and we both lie low as we made our way to the holding cell. "This way." He whispers. I follow him down the hallway and he glances back, causing me to glance back. We wanted to make sure we weren't being followed. Once I turn around, I immediately bump into his back. I peak over his shoulder and see a deputy with an arrow in his leg and blood trailing behind him. Oh, hey. That looks like Allison's- oh...

"Oh, just looking, um..."

"Oh, sh-" Stiles pushes me back but the deputy grabs Stiles and I by our arms. The fake deputy was pretty strong for Stiles and I both. We're then thrown into a holding cell and we watch the fake deputy coming towards us. It was then when a loud growl fills the room and we turn back to see Isaac shifting. The door breaks open and we crawl away from Isaac's path. He grabs the deputy and knocks him around before he falls unconscious.

"Nice, Isaac!" I cheer him on. He slowly turns his body towards us, growling and baring his teeth at Stiles and I.

"What do we do?" I ask.

"Just...uh..." Stiles stutters. Isaac walks closer to us but before he could lay a claw on us. Stiles and I immediately hold onto each other, staring up at Isaac. He lets out a loud roar, causing Stiles and I scream on the top of our lungs. Derek suddenly shows up, grabs Isaac by the throat and throws him back into the wall. Isaac gets up to fight Derek but Derek let's out a loud roar, causing Isaac to drop to the floor and lower his head. He soon picks it up and shows he's back to human form again.

"How'd you do that?" Stiles asks. Derek turns his head and looks at us, his brows stitching together and the corner of his mouth pulling up.

"I'm the alpha." His brows furrowed down and he holds a stare with us. "You guys okay?" He asks. Stiles and I exchange looks and we realized we still held onto each other. Stiles gets up first and helps me up on my feet.

"If we're gonna save Isaac from here, we'd better do it now. We don't know when your dad gets back." I say. Derek turns to Isaac and orders him to follow. I look at Stiles and he lets out a sigh.

"We'd better wait here, I guess. My dad will be showing up soon, like you said." He says. Stiles and I stood up and we looked at the fake deputy.

"Is he even alive?" I ask.

"I hope so." He says. We hear approaching footsteps and we turn our heads to see Stiles' dad standing in the doorway, looking at the aftermath: the unconscious deputy, the cell door wide open where Isaac was locked up.

"Uh, he did it." Stiles points at the deputy. Sheriff furrows his brows at Stiles.

Scott, Stiles, Allison and I follow Coach and the other students to the gym. Coach wanted us doing some core work today: wall climbing.

While we watched the two students climbing up the wall, Scott and Allison informed Stiles and I what had happened at Isaac's house.

"It was giant lizard?" Stiles and I ask.

"Yeah. We don't know where it came from, why it was there." Scott says.

"So what does that mean? What are we gonna do about it?" I ask.

"I guess the next time we see it, guess we'll have to figure out what to do then?" Scott shrugs.

"What did it do? Did it try killing you guys?" I ask. Allison and Scott look at each other.

"No." They answer.

"It sort of just...ran off. I don't know if it was going to kill us or not." Scott shrugs.

"McCall. Argent." Coach calls. The two students walk over to the wall, gear up and begin climbing.

"Your dad wasn't too pissed about what happened?" I ask Stiles.

"No. He was confused. Wondered why I was there with a girl alone, alone with a girl in the first place. But, overall, he wasn't mad at all." He shrugs.

"Is that good or bad?" I ask.

"I've done some things that's pissed off my dad, but I guess with this, he didn't care. He was more glad you and I were okay." He nods.

"Well, good." I smile. Stiles shows a smile. We suddenly hear a loud thud and see Scott on the mat. Coach let's out a laugh as he walks over to Scott, kneeling down to his level.

"McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy. Right?" He laughs, Stiles and I laughing. "Alright, next two. Stilinski, Erica. Let's go. The wall." Stiles looks at Erica, the socially awkward blonde and he smiles. I turn my head and look at Lydia.

"Ask Coach you and I can go together. I wanna kick your ass." I tell her.

"Alright." She smirks. "Coach, Lea and I are next." Lydia informs. Coach smirks.

"A little sister completion. Alright. I like it!" He cheers.

"Oh!" We all look up and see Erica struggling on the wall. Stiles taps the top of the wall and he drops down to the floor, cheering himself on.I watch Erica seeming like she's about to have a mental breakdown up there.

"Erica! Are you dizzy? Is it vertigo?" Coach asks. I furrow my brows.

"Vertigo's a distinction of the vestibular system of the inner ear." I correct.

"She's just freaking out." Lydia scoffs.

"Erica." Coach calls.

"I'm fine!" Erica groans.

"Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic." I say.

"Why doesn't anyone tell me this stuff?" Coach questions. "Erica, y-youre fine. Just-Just kick off the wall. There's the mat to catch you. Come on." Erica hesitantly kicks off the wall and she glides down to the mat. She turns around and sees everyone staring at her, some students laughing. "See, you're fine. You're on the ground. You're alright. Shake it off." Coach says. He helps her get the gear off and Erica walks to the back of the crowd.

"Lea, Lydia. The Martin sister stand off. Let's go!" Coach calls. Lydia and I gear up and we line up at the wall. "Because this is...a random competition. Let's play it appropriately." Coach begins. "No cursing, no fighting, no kicking, no shoving, no pushing, no fowl language."

"Cursing is fowl language, Coach." I say.

"Doesn't matter. Keep it clean, ladies." Coach says.

"But...you're also coach of the lacrosse team. Don't you think a little rough play would be more entertaining?" Lydia smirks at me.

"Keep it clean!" Coach growls. "Ready? Set." Coach blows the whistle. Lydia and I began climbing up the wall as fast as we could. So far, we were tied going up, going at the same speed.

"I'd be careful if I were you, Lea. Wouldn't want anything happening to you!" Lydia kicks my foot and I fall a bit. I was quick to catch myself and I move faster. Once I got closer to Lydia's feet, I grab her left ankle and pulled her down.

"Nice try, Lydia." I blow a kiss at her.

"Oh!" Everyone shouts below us.

"Ladies! Keep it clean!" Coach calls up to us. Lydia and I giggle in response, but we continue to keep fighting. We both reached the top but we both slapped the board at the same time.

"How about two out of three?" I smirk. Lydia laughs and kicks my feet from under me. I fall to the mat but instead of the harness catching me, it snaps and I fall to the floor, landing on my wrist.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" I groan. Scott and Stiles and Coach all rush to me and grab my arm, examine it. There was a clear break in my wrist, seeing the bone poking from the under the skin and my wrist hanging down.

"It's defnintly broken." Scott nods.

"Oh, god. Oh, my god. Lea!" Lydia shouts. She rushes down to me and holds onto my arm. "I-I didn't mean to. I-I swear I didn't me to. I'm sorry." She sighs. I choke up a smile and stare at her.

"I win this round, don't I?" I smirk at her. She scoffs and punches my arm.

"I told you girls to keep it clean." Coach says.

"It's not her fault, Coach. The harness malfunctioned and it broke." I say.

"I'll take her to the hospital." Lydia says.

"Ask for my mom." Scott says as Lydia helps me up.

"Melissa, right?" I ask.

"Yeah. Tell her I sent you and I don't want any other nurse being there for you, got it?" Scott says.

"Thanks." I smile at him. Lydia guides me out of the gym as Coach calls off the class.

Lydia and I arrive at the hospital and I see Melissa approaching us.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Gym class." I say.

"Okay, Scott called and told me about you. Lydia and Lea, right?" She asks.

"That's us." Lydia nods.

"Okay, let's get some X-rays and see what's the damage." Melissa guides Lydia and I to a room and I sat down in a chair. Melissa drapes a heavy apron over my body and she calls Lydia to get into the room with her. Melissa presses a button and a high pitched rumble fills the room. Soon, Melissa and Lydia arrive and Melissa guides us to a private room.

"Okay. I'm gonna get with ortho and we're gonna determine how bad the damage is." Melissa says.

"What's worse case scenario?" I ask.

"From what it looks like, the bone completely snapped, you'll probably end up having surgery to put it back in place and we'll throw a cast and a sling on you. I don't think there is any worse case scenario here." Melissa explains.

"Thanks, Miss. McCall." I smile.

"Please. You're my sons friends. Call me Melissa." She smiles. She exits out of the room and I turn to face Lydia. She walked over to the corner as she pulled her phone out.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Calling mom." She says.

"Oh, don't call Natalie." I sigh.

"You broke your arm. Why wouldn't I call her?" She frowns.

"She's already had enough hospital visits for one year." I say.

"Good thing this time, you aren't dying or missing." She smiles. Lydia calls Natalie and soon informs she'd be here when she can. Soon enough, like Melissa said, she returns with X-rays of my arm.

"See here? That is your bone. It's broken, disconnected from your wrist. They'll have to go in there, put some metal plates to connect it and keep it in place while it heals. When you wake up, it'll be casted up. So. My favorite question to ask my patients, what is your favorite color?"

"Go pink. It'll look cute." Lydia says. I let out a chuckle and nod my head.

"Pink it is." I say. Melissa smiles.

"Okay. Pink." She says.

"When do I go into surgery?" I ask.

"Their gonna bring you in right now. So, here's a gown to change into and I'll be back to bring you upstairs." She explains. She hands me a hospital gown and exits the room. Lydia sighs and sits down as I began changing.

"I still can't believe that happened." She sighs.

"I know." I say. "You can go, Lydia. You can wait for mom in the waiting room."

"Are you kidding? I'll leave when you leave. I feel terrible." She frowns.

"Don't." I laugh. "It was an accident. I'm not even mad." I smile. Lydia shakes her head and approaches me.

"You were there for me when I was in the hospital. The least I can do is be there for you for your broken wrist." She says. She leans down and wraps her arms around me, squeezing me tight in her arms. Melissa knocks at the door and returns. There's a bed behind her in the hallway and she approaches me with a cap, putting it on me.

"Ready?" She asks.

"Yep." I smile. She helps me off the table and guides me to the bed. I hop into it and allow Melissa to cover me up.

"I know it may sound weird, but they are gonna take off the gown when you're under. It's a protocol deal. But I promise, honey, I won't let them have any free shows." Melissa winks.

"And you'll be in there with me?" I ask.

"Wouldn't leave your alone even if you needed a bandaid." She smiles.

"Okay." I laugh. She nods her head at the other doctors and they begin rolling the bed. The doors open and we enter the operating room. Everyone moves around the room, setting everything up, getting ready for my operation. The doctors count to three before lifting my body off the bed and down on the operating table. Melissa comes into view and she smiles, looking down at me. She inserts an IV and looks around at the other doctors before looking back down at me.

"Okay, Lea. I want you to count backwards from 10." She says. A mask is lowered down to my mouth and nose and I took in a couple breaths before counting out loud.

"10. 9. 8. 7..6...3..." My eyes grow heavy but I found myself suddenly fighting to stay awake. I guess it was something being forced to sleep was scary. I've never even had a wisdom tooth removed. I force my eyes open and look up. The doctor above me turns around, but it wasn't no doctor. It was Scott in his wolf form.

"Keep counting, Lea." Scott says. The door suddenly opens and I look to see who had walked in.

"What's our patients name?" It was Derek.

"Lea Richardson." Scott answers. "She's got a tumor on her spine and we'll be removing it today."

"How do we proceed?" Derek asks.

"Hit the books and Ive read to remove all organs from the body and remove the tumor." Scott says.

"Where do we put the organs, Dr. McCall?" Derek asks, approaching my side.

"In our stomachs." Scott suddenly growls and he shifts into his wolf form; fangs showing, eyes glowing. I turn to Derek and see him in his wolf form as well. The boys let out growls before dropping their heads into my stomach and began munching down on my insides.

I jump violently on the table and I realized Melissa frowning down at me and grabbing my arm. The beeping on the monitor read my heart rate and it was higher than what it was supposed to be.

"Whoa, whoa, Lea. It's okay. You're fine." She reassures. "I'm not going anywhere. Keep counting, okay?" I took a deep breath and continued counting down. Seconds later, my eyes are too heavy to keep open and I fall asleep.

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