Here To Stay | ✓

By yourneighbourhoodcow

291K 6.3K 5.5K

❝Wнαт ιғ I αм нere тo ѕтαy?❞ • • • Indiana (Indy) Wilson was left heartbroken after her father walked out... More

Author Note
Character Aesthetics
Prologue: "Don't talk to her like that."
Chapter 1: "He is going already?"
Chapter 2: "Good choice."
Chapter 3: "Damn, this looks good."
Chapter 4: "Who would've thought?"
Chapter 5: "You're one of those girls."
Chapter 6: "Oh, for the love of God. It wasn't a date!"
Chapter 7: "Yeah and Mars doesn't have a president."
Chapter 8: "Where are your pills?"
Chapter 9: "I miss you, Gwen. So much."
Chapter 10: "Reed! Off the field. Now!"
Chapter 11: "You have been looking for him all night, haven't you?"
Chapter 12: "We need to talk."
Chapter 13: "Your shirt looks nice today."
Chapter 14: "No problem, shorty."
Chapter 15: "I am scared Indy. So, fucking scared."
Chapter 17: "Can I kiss you?"
Chapter 18: "Friends?"
Chapter 19: "I was on the phone."
Chapter 20: "Still a gentlemen aren't you, Reed?"
Chapter 21: "Blushing now, aren't we?"
Chapter 22: "Are you okay?"
Chapter 23: "Is he your boyfriend or something?"
Chapter 24: "Would you like to wear my jersey?"
Chapter 25: "Don't fucking touch her."
Chapter 26: "What the hell is going on here?"
Chapter 27: "What if I am here to stay?"
Chapter 28: "My dad left a few years ago."
Chapter 29: "Be my girlfriend?"
Chapter 30: "What's going on?"
Chapter 31: "Wanna video call?"
Chapter 32: "You and I both know that's not going to happen."
Chapter 33: "Good things only, I hope."
Chapter 34: "I love you."
Chapter 35: "She sounds amazing."
Chapter 36: "You and my butt, I swear."
Chapter 37: "Together."
Chapter 38: "Shut up, you look at my brother the same way."
Chapter 39: "Oh my god, it's like having kids all over again."
Chapter 40: "We'll make it work."
Epilogue: "You're pregnant."
Character Interview
Bonus Chapter: "Love capacity, remember?"
Bonus chapter: "Surprise."
Bonus Chapter: "Will you marry me?"
Bonus Chapter: "I love you, Mrs Reed."

Chapter 16: "Oh my god! Finally!"

5.3K 139 120
By yourneighbourhoodcow

My stomach hurts. It's day 3 of my period and I swear I pretty much hate everything around me. I am snuggled in my comforters with no motive to get of what so ever.

Thank God it's a Sunday.

After the game on Friday night, which we won, my cramps got pretty bad. Jay had to attend the after party so Paris had dropped me home, Alec did come to the game but left pretty early. Also, Paris did end up wearing Jay's jersey.

Jay had asked her over lunch on Friday and she very shyly agreed, I swear those two are so cute. I have also noticed they are a bit flirty around each other and there are quite a few blushes here and there. I am honestly happy for them.

Austin had come to the game on Friday, even though he was suspended. I saw him sitting on the side just watching and I could practically see how frustrated he was because he couldn't be on field.

We did talk a bit after the game before my craps started and I had to go home. And ever since then I haven't dared stepping out of the house.

Austin and I... we have been texting, not about school work but just in general, asking each other how we are and all of that stuff. I think it's some progress, he isn't all cold and distant anymore, he actually smiles around me and talks.

My phone buzzes and I groan slightly before my hand comes out from under my comforter and I look around for my phone. Once I finally find it, I pull it in the comforter and unlock it only to see a message from Austin, which for some reason makes me all giddy.

I open it with furrowed eyebrows, wondering what he may have texted me in the morning.

Austin: Hey shorty, I realized I still have ur notes and forgot to give them to u. Mind if I come over and give them to u now?

A smile comes on my face at the nickname he has given me. Ever since he has called me 'shorty' it has stuck around. Sometimes he just calls me that on instinct and other times to annoy me. Little does he know deep down inside I for some reason like it.

I respond back to the message.

Me: Yeah sure.

I put my phone back down and groan when I realize I have to get up. I push the comforters off of me and sit up. I stretch and yawn before I hear the doorbell which makes me jump slightly.

I know Jay or my mom are downstairs so I don't bother going to open the door, instead I make myself a bit more presentable and by that, I mean taming my mess of hair. I run my fingers through it trying to unknot it and closing my eyes in pain when I pull a bit to hard.

A few seconds later I hear a knock on my door and my eyes widen. I look around my room and see my unmade bed, a few clothes fallen on the floor, a few books around my study table, Ace sleeping on his dog bed in one of the corners in the room, my closet door open and showing my messed up closet and last but not the least my eyes go down to the donut pajamas I am wearing.

Well holy moly-

"Indy?" I hear Austin's voice from outside my door along side with a knock on my door. "One sec!" I say as I pick up my clothes that are on the floor and throw them in my closet. I close my closet before tying up my hair and running to the door and opening it harsher than I intended to.

"Sorry," I mumble sheepishly as I look up at Austin who is looking down at me. His eyes remain on my face for a second before going down and looking down at the outfit I was wearing. My face becomes red when I realize I am still in my pajamas.

Well... this is embarrassing.

His eyes come back to my face and he looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Um... It's a Sunday... and I wasn't exactly expecting someone so..." I say with a small smile and I see his lips morph into a small smile.

He chuckles at me and shakes his head slightly before looking over my head into my room. I open the door further and let him in. "Um ignore the mess, I just woke up," I tell him as I go to open the curtains. "Someone doesn't seem ready to start the day, huh?" He teases and I blush.

"I slept late last night and didn't exactly feel like getting up this morning," I say and he laughs slightly. I swear his laugh is the most beautiful sound in the world.

"Here are the notes you gave me. Thank you, they really helped. You sure do have some got note taking skills," He compliments and I smile and take them from his shyly. "Thank you and I am glad I was able to help," I say just as I feel my stomach crap and my face forms into one of pain.

I see worry flash before his eyes, "Are you alright?" He asks, taking a step towards me, his hands out stretched as if ready to hold me if I fall. "Yeah... Just some craps." I shrug and a look of realization passes in his eyes. "Period?" He asks and I shyly nod.

He nods understandingly before tucking his hands in his pockets. "I should get going," he says and I nod. I walk him downstairs and to the door. "Bye." I wave and he waves back before walking to his house.

I close the door behind me and let out a dreamy sigh only to jump when I see my mom and Jay giving me this... very smug and weird look. "What?" I ask. "Someone has a crush," mom sings happily and I groan.

"I don't," I deny. "Oh hush. Your face says it all," mom says her smile not disappearing. "Mhm, you should see them at school, they stare at each other so much," Jay adds smugly and I roll my eyes.

"We don't," I argue. "Mhm, sure, that's what you guys do half the time. Just staring at each other. Like kiss already!" Jay groans and my eyes widen. "Who are you and what have you done to my very over protective twin?" I whisper.

"I may be overprotective but the tension between you to, damn. Its so obvious you guys like each other! Like anyone who is around you will get so annoyed and would want to smash you guys heads together and get you to kiss already!" Jay groans and I huff trying to hide my blush.

"Indy finally likes someone Jay approves of! Oh my god! This is great!" Mom squeals clapping to herself as she walks into the kitchen and I stare at her back with my mouth dropped open. "Indy, you might want to close your mouth," mom says not even turning back to look at me and my eyes widen and I just continue to stare at her like a gaping fish.

I turn back to Jay who is just smirking. "Did you tell mom about you and Paris yet?" I ask with a small smirk. His eyes widen. "No! No. And I am not telling her anytime soon. Indy don't you dare-" "Mom!" I yell out walking past Jay and into the kitchen.

Our dear mother is a huge fan of our non-existent love lives. If she even finds out we are showing any interest in a guy or girl she starts jumping around and well she pretty much fan girls. That's why none of us tell mom if we like someone until we make it official, it's kind of like a sibling pact for us not to tell mom until its official, but he broke it and now so will I.

"Yes, honey?" Mom asks. "Did you know that Paris wore Jay's jersey at the game on Friday night?" I ask, innocently. "What?" I hear her gasp as she drops the spoon in her hand. "Mhm, and Jay even told me he really likes her," I say and from the corner of my eye I see Jay gulping and crossing his hands making a 'no' gesture to get me to stop talking.

"Oh my god! Finally!" She says and she goes on about how her 'ship' is sailing and she is so happy and I see Jay look at me with a stink eye and I just laugh softly nodding at my mom, pretending to listen while I am actually just dancing on the inside because of the look on Jay's face.


I am dying.

Well not literary, I am just dying of boredom.

There is literary nothing I can do. Jay is gone out somewhere, Alec is on a date- which he didn't tell me about until I asked him if he was free to hangout out, he is going to be hearing an earful from me on Monday for not telling me about this 'date' of his- Paris is babysitting her little brother because her parents are gone out for a few days and well my mom is downstairs working on her laptop and also watching tv at the same time, she claims she can multi-task, I don't want to sound rude, but she can't multitask, trust me.

Anyway, because every human on earth seems to be busy, I have nothing to do. Even Ace for some reason is super lazy and is asleep, I guess that's what Sunday does to you.

I sigh as I turn away from my sleeping dog and stare out my window, right into the window of Austin Reed's. His window is surprisingly open and I can see almost half of his room. He is sitting on this study table that is right in front of the window, doing something on his laptop, from the expression on his face I can tell he is clearly bored.

Maybe I could ask him if he wanted to hangout?

No, nope. Not doing that. He probably has better things to do.

He looks as bored as me! He has nothing to do!

My mind went on with a internal debate until I finally decided to just pick up my phone and send him a text asking him to hangout.

I kept deleting and re-typing messages, overthinking which one would sound casual and not stupid.

Oh my god... I am acting like a love struck teen fool.

I finally just decided to settle with a small message that didn't seem to creepy or stupid.

Me: hey! I was wondering if u would want to hang out? If ur free of course.

I press send and bit my lip in anticipation.

My eyes darted to his window on instinct and I saw his eyebrows furrow before he picked up his phone and his eyes moved across the screen probably reading my message. His eyes moved away from his screen and travelled up to his window meeting my eyes.

I gave him a sheepish smile and blushed as I waved at him, embarrassed of being caught looking at him like a creep. His face held a look of amusement as he picked up his phone and started typing.

A minute later my phone vibrated with a text and I looked at the window where Austin was still looking at me before unlocking my phone.

Austin: sure shorty, and next time be more careful if ur checking me out from ur window. Wouldn't want to get caught again now, would we?

I blushed and puffed my cheeks out. I wasn't checking him out! I looked back at his window and saw him smirking at me cockily and I slightly rolled my eyes before responding back.

Me: I wasn't checking u out! And don't ring the doorbell my mom is 'working'

I knew very well my mom didn't like interruptions during her Sunday 'working' time. His eyebrows furrowed and he looked back at me with a raised eyebrow before typing. My phone again pinged a few minutes later.

Austin: Sure u weren't and why the colons?

I smiled softly and laughed to myself before responding.

Me: Because she isn't exactly working, she is watching tv with her laptop opened in front of her claiming to multitask. Its her usual 'Sunday' work routine.

After sending it to him my eyes moved back to the window and I saw him read my text before smiling and I think he laughed, before responding back.

Austin: Alright then, I will be sure to not ring the doorbell. See u in a minute or two.

My heart jumps in excitement and I walk out my room and down the stairs, as I am passing the living room my mom's voice stops me. "What's got you so excited?" She asks as she smiles at me, her laptop on the side of the couch and the tv playing with some movie she is watching.

"Nothing, oh Austin is coming over, is that fine?" I ask and a knowing smile comes on her face. "Ah, that's why your excited. And I don't mind, as long as you kids don't make to much noise," She says smugly and my face becomes red. "Mom!" I whine.

She laughs and waves me off, "Shoo, go open the door for him, wouldn't want him waiting now, would we?" She says with a smirk and I huff before walking to the main door. I make sure my face is not super red before opening the door only to be met by a chest right in front of my face. I look up and I see Austin looking down at me with a small smile and his hands in his pocket.

"Hi," I say slightly breathless for some reason.



(Paris Above ^^)

Heyy guys!

So I know there wasn't an early update and I am sorry, I just didn't like the chapter and I kept re-writing it and all.

Anyway, hope u liked the chapter, make sure u vote and comment, it makes my day.

Eeeee they are getting somewhere and are slightly opening up. Sorry- I just love fangirling over my own characters, no idea why XD

Also, happy pride month to everyone!

Now, I can't promise an early update but I will try, and for my readers who read or have read TNSHE the new bonus chapter should be out by tomorrow!


Your Author, Human <3

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