What Is Happening

By parrillas_gang

26.3K 1.5K 190

SEQUEL TO 'WHAT JUST HAPPENED' 3 years have passed and Emma finally returns to Maine with her broken heart h... More

Sequel again!


865 51 9
By parrillas_gang

Regina was asleep in the hospital bed, uncomfortable as her body hurt still. She stirred a little as she began waking up, a shooting pain through her hip as she moved. Regina's eyes fluttered open, being invaded by the bright light above. She grumbled at it, flinching away. She slowly turned to look next to her, taken back by the absence of Emma. Regina frowned a little as she lifted her head up more, searching the room for her. A nurse the walked in, smiling as she noticed her awake.

"Have you seen my-" Regina started, hesitating as she had no idea what label to give Emma. "Have you seen the blonde woman I was with"

"I'm sorry, I haven't. I'll go get the doctor for you" the nurse politely said, excusing herself to leave the room.

Regina just rested back against the bed, thinking the blonde had left to go to the bathroom. She looked down at her stomach, placing her hand over it. As much as she hates to admit it, Regina knew her baby had died. She simply closed her eyes and thought about it, knowing she longed for a baby. As she opened her eyes once again, she caught sight of the doctor walking into the room.

"Great, it's you" Regina sighed in exhaustion, her ex wife being the last person she wanted to see.

"I'm your doctor, you're going to see me" Dr Carter said, her face showing she wasn't in the mood for jokes.

"Well, can I ask for a new one? Surely having my ex wife as my doctor isn't allowed" Regina asked with an eye roll, having wished she never saw the woman again.

"Regina, just be quiet and listen, I've got some tough news" Dr Carter said with a huff, knowing that this is going to break the brunette.

"I don't like that face, Laura, what is it" Regina asked, her face slowly grew into fear at something bad happening.

"I know you probably don't want to hear any of this from me so I'm sorry in advance" Laura started, feeling bad for the already broken brunette.

"Oh god, what happened" Regina quickly asked, sitting up so fast that she hurt her bullet wound.

"Ok... Due to the high levels of stress and pain your body was put through, your baby didn't make it" Laura softly said, remembering how much the brunette wanted a child.

"I guessed that part" Regina said in a cracked voice, looking down in order to hide her watery eyes.

"With guarding where the bullet landed, it ripped through your womb and... I'm sorry, it's almost impossible for you to ever get pregnant" Laura continued, hating to be the one to say this.

"What?" Regina breathed out in shock, her whole body hurting from this pain. She tried so hard but she could keep her tears in, letting two or three escape her eyes. She could see in Laura's eyes that this wasn't the end of it, knowing there's worse news to come. "Is it Reina? Is she ok"

"I'm sorry, Regina, I really am" Laura simply said, confirming the brunette fear to be true.

"No... No, please, that can't be right, she can't be gone" Regina began to beg, no longer fighting her tears anymore. As her heart began to ache and break, she sobbed hard onto the blanket now covering her face. Laura could stand seeing her in this much pain. She walked around the bed and put her arms around the woman, being pushed away instantly. "I don't want comfort in you, you'd be my last choice"

"I may be your only choice right now" Laura said with a sigh, forgetting she hasn't said the final piece of information.

"What do you mean by that" Regina quickly said, looking up to reveal her tear stained face. Laura just looked down, prepare to give more bad news. "Where is Emma?" Regina asked, her mind already knowing exactly where the blonde was.

"She left, she said she was sorry" Laura added, finally finishing off all the bad news.

"Of course she left, why am I shocked" Regina huffed to herself, knowing she should have seen it coming.

"I'm really, really, sorry, Regina" Laura softly said, her heart breaking for the hurt woman. She went to put her arms around Regina again but was pushed away as done before. "Come on, let me help you"

"I don't want it, not from you" Regina replied, once again hiding her face with the covers. She cried harder as she thought about her pain, allowing her son's to be heard by the doctor. "Why you? Of all people to be here and tell me that, why you"

"I don't like it either but please just let me help you" Laura begged, knowing she couldn't leave the brunette to cry alone.

"Why do you want to? You're the bitch who cheated on me and beat me up" Regina huffed, snapping her head up to see the sad woman.

"Regina, come on"

"Yes, sorry, I forgot. You're the bitch who cheated on me and beat me up... Twice! I do not want comfort with you"

"Look, I know our past sucks but I can't leave you alone like this, not after what I just said. Just let me help you through this, no one is strong enough to deal with this on their own" Laura said in a calm voice, seeing how much pain was radiating through the brunettes body.

Regina gave in and nodded slightly, trying so hard not to cry. As she felt Laura hug her, she broke down into tears once again. Regina refused to hug her, still scared of the woman, but she just rested her head and allowed herself to be held. Her whole body hurt, she could feel the heart ache everywhere. She had lost everyone and had to deal comfort from her ex wife, that's something she'd wished would never happen to her.

"Why does everybody I love end up leaving me" Regina asked in a cracked and shaky voice, not wanting to look up at the woman.

"What do you mean" Laura asked, looking down in slight confusion.

"If I love someone, they leave. I loved you and you left" Regina replied as if the answer was obvious to her.

"I was an drunken mess and an idiot" Laura replied, remembering back to her alcoholic years with the brunette.

"No one I love has ever stayed in my life, they either die or leave"

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