Almost Honest

By honeysympathy

1.3K 142 209

With dreams of chaos and destruction , June Liera is no stranger to getting her own way . Using what she has... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
chapter Twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine

Chapter thirty six

33 4 3
By honeysympathy

The next morning June woke up to shouting and a glass being thrown , the smashing jolting her body out of the cozy bed . Almost falling head first onto the floor as her feet got caught into the blankets .

With bleary eyes she quickly picked up Syd's loose sleeveless band shirt and threw it over her naked body , running a hand through her messy hair as she stumbled out of the room to see what the hell was going on .

She was greeted with the sight of a livid syd pointing his finger into Lennon's scared face , his eyes were dark and full of fury that was currently being directed at his roommate .

"I know it was you ! How can you deny it ?!" He seethed shaking angrily "we have a argument and then I wake to find my tires slashed ? Do you think I'm fucking stupid Lennon ? Huh do you ?!" He snarled shoving roughly at his shoulders .

Lennon stumbled back into the wall behind him from the force . His cheeks were red and eyes wide in fear and disbelief "it wasn't me syd! You know I wouldn't do something like this , not to you!" He promised him hastily .

Syd only scoffed loudly , narrowing his eyes "i can't even fucking look at you right now ! I'm this close -" he pinched his fingers together closely "to breaking your fucking nose you bastard !" He snapped abruptly turning around and spotting june hovering by the hallway .

He huffed a breath and waved furiously in Lennon's direction . "He's slashed my tires and wrecked my car !" He told her angrily , stomping over to the fridge and pulling out a burrito that was wrapped in tinfoil .

June frowned in confusion , eyes glancing between the two of them as the tension tightened dangerously in the air around them . Lennon looked seconds away from crying and syd looked like he wanted to murder him .

What on Earth had happened while she was sleeping?

"I didn't!" Lennon denied weakly sinking into the loveseat and placing his head into his shaking hands .

June ignored him and instead focused her stare into syd as he shoved the burrito into her hands . She glanced down at it briefly before walking over to the breakfast table and hesitantly taking a seat .

"Why would he do that?" She asked him curiously , unwrapping the food and smiling lightly once she noticed that he had made her a breakfast wrap with bacon , cheese and lettuce . With all her favourite toppings and sauces too .

He shot a glare over his shoulder at him "because he's a fucking idiot who doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut !" He spat , the chair screeching as he dragged it out from under the table and sat down with a beer in his hand .

She nodded slowly , chewing her food before swallowing and looking back over at Lennon with narrowed eyes .

"You wrecked his car?" She bluntly asked him her mind begin to work again as the weird feeling she had felt at the park yesterday started to thread through her skin again .

Something didn't seem to be adding up . As much as she didn't like Lennon , he didn't seem like the type to slash the tires of his friends care because he didn't like who he was hanging out with .

If he did then he was crazier than she was . It would be far too obvious .

Lennon looked up at her pleadingly, needing someone to believe him .

" I swear I didn't ! I went to bed just like you syd. Why would I do something like that for ? I'm not stupid !" He shot back at them .

Syd scowled "I beg to differ !" He exclaimed taking a long gulp of his beer making June tilt her head at him in concern .

"It's only ten." She said quietly, worried as he shot her a look of annoyance .

He ran a finger under his stressed eyes "and?"

She only shook her head , pursing her lips . "Don't be a dick . I didn't do it . When did this happen?" She questioned him her heart beginning to pound as pieces slowly began to slit together in her head.

The fight with jett . The feeling of someone watching them in the park . The blue truck she had glimpsed when they were leaving . His fury and anger towards her .

She realised then that he must have been watching them yesterday and followed them home . He knew where syd lived now and what care he drove , he had seen her with him and lost it .

It was a clear message to back off . A warning and June would be a fool to ignore it . She cared too much now for syd to allow him to be hurt in there twisted games .

She had been so stupid thinking that she could traipse around town with syd without him finding out . He loved her . Crazily so . He had told her time and time again that it was supposed to be just jett as June and she had ignored it all.

He wasn't going to let her go. Not like this. Not to another man . She belonged to him in his eyes.

"I don't know ." Syd muttered tensely "I woke up and found it like that . It doesn't take a fucking genius does it ? I argue with you and now my car is fucked ?" He inhaled sharply , scowling towards Lennon's direction .

His friend groaning in frustration as he dug his head further into his hands and kept quite . He had already denied it . There was no point in making any of it worse with his flustering words.

June swallowed her last bite with difficulty , carefully wiping any crumbs from her hands before sitting straighter in her seat .

The longer she stayed there , the more she was putting syd at risk . Jett was angry . Hurt and most likely heartbroken by her recent actions . She needed to set him straight . She needed to make things right again .

"Don't go pointing fingers without any evidence syd." She told him quietly, getting to her feet and quickly capturing his attention .

He frowned over at her in confusion "where are you going ?" He asked her in concern .

Closing the gap between them and holding onto her fingertips as she attempted to pull away.

Fighting back a grimace she became aware of just how bare she was in front of the two of them . His shirt was gaping wide at either side and she was surely giving them both an eyeful of her breasts , the hem barely reaching her thighs .

She tucked her messy hair behind her ear "I need to head home. See my dad." She lied pulling away from him finally and walking back into the hallway and into his room .

His footsteps hurrying after her as he shut the door behind him , watching her with a deep burrow between his brows . His lips tightly lined as he ran a hand stressfully through his hair .

"You're not gonna stay? My car just got slashed and you're just gonna leave?" He said upset , leaning over and grabbing her hips firmly to stop her from moving .

She looked up at him in annoyance , heart thrumming loudly feeling as though she was on a sudden countdown .

"Yes . There's nothing I can do here anyways . You need to calm down . Anyone could have done it ! You don't exactly live in a nice area do you ?" She reminded him , automatically covering for both jett and his non guilty friend in the living room.

He sighed noisily "I know - I just- I can barely afford the car as it is ! It's gonna cost me a fortune to repair it now." He moaned miserably leaning his head down into her neck .

June sighed pitifully "I know . You'll find a way , if not there's always the whole bank robbing thing to think about ." She joked lightly , getting no laugh from her friend this time .

He closed his eyes and exhaled shakily . "Do you think it was a threat ? If it wasn't Lennon then who the hell else could it be ?"

She grimaced to herself , feeling both pissed off and sad for him . She just couldn't believe that Jett could have been so stupid to mess with Syd's car like this .

He was the one that had said he was done with her . He was the one that had called her a child , over and over again -and yet here he was behaving like a jealous teenager who just couldn't accept what he had done .

He had been the one to cut the cord between them , not her .

"Maybe . I don't know ." She tried to evade the truth , her shoulders tensing tightly.

"it's probably just some kids thinking there cool. Don't freak yourself out about it syd ." She told him gently , turning around to face him.

Looking into his worried and weary eyes she felt the fire in her chest rise quickly yet quietly. She needed to leave . Now . She needed to head over to the cabin and give Jett a piece of her furious mind .

Her wrath could be just as bad as his own . He didn't just get to terrorise her friends and think she wouldn't say a word . She wouldn't allow him to.

She hated herself for caring so much . This was never apart of her plan .

Syd attempted a weak smile for you , nodding his head slowly "yeah you're right . Just kids ." He breathed out with a humourless laugh .

Shaking his head he reached over to tuck a curly stand of blue behind her ear . "I should probably apologise to Lennon for freaking out on him like that . I haven't been a very good friend lately have I ?" He sniffed .

June frowned up at him with a soft sigh , reaching out to squeeze his hand in comfort . "You've been a
wonderful friend to me . Don't put yourself down , we all loose our heads every now and then . It's apart of the human process . We'd be so very boring if we were happy all the time wouldn't we?" She said with a tilt of her head .

He rubbed at his eyes tiredly , unable to stop the smile from curving up at his lips .

"I'll just have to borrow your head when I lose mine then won't it ?" He returned with a amused chuckle , wrapping his arm comfortably over her shoulder and pulling her into his side for a warm hug.

Feeling the heavy weight on his shoulders slowly begin to lift , his jaw unclenching as he allowed himself to believe in what June had told him .

She was right . It was probably just some silly kids messing around . He didn't need to be so worried.

He was safe and so was June . He told himself firmly .

Her loud scoff echoed around them as she looked up at him with widened eyes "you don't want my head, it'll only make your eyes spin and your stomach roll . I promise you that you're better off with your own." She exclaimed seriously , hugging him back .

Syd's loud laugh rang through her ears , his face beginning  to lighten up from the stress that has been wearing him down all morning . He gave her a smile that rivalled the sun .

He hummed "I don't think i want to know what goes on in your head . The thoughts you share with me are bad enough . You must have a permanent migraine from your brewing thoughts . I've never seen a pessimist so pretty before ." He smirked down at her .

Rolling her eyes in humour she finally pulled away, savouring the warmth in her chest from his touch .

"Charming . Well me and my migraine shall be leaving now . Try not to kill the Beatle while I'm gone syd ." We're her last parting words to him .

June didn't bother knocking when she arrived at the cabin , her face had long lost any softness she had been carrying . Her eyes were cold and angry as she threw open the door and stormed into his home .

Nostrils flaring she looked quickly around , everything looked the same . The only thing that had changed in the room was the new glass/wooden table that Jett had been working on . It now say proudly in the middle of the couches .

"Jett?!" She called our furiously "I know what you did you asshole ! Who the hell do you think you are ?!" She shouted , her scowl deepening as she continued to see no signs of him.

Turning her head to look over to the kitchen she let out a startled scream as her arms were roughly grabbed  from behind before she was hauled into the small bathroom . The wooden door slamming loudly behind her , the sound of the lock turning made her heart pound in her chest .

Yanking arms away she quickly spun around to face him , her eyes wide with shock and anger .

Jett was leant against the now locked door calmly , his arms crossing tightly over his chest as he glared back at her . The only sign of any nervousness was the harsh falling and rising of his chest .

Dressed in a faded white vest and ripped black jeans , his hair was long and unbrushed curling wildly around his flushed face . He hasn't bothered to shave in a while and his dark beard shadowed his clenching jaw darkly .

A deep furrow sat thickly between his brows as he watched her assess him with calculative eyes .

"You fucking bastard ." She spat darkly , gritting her teeth and she took another step away from him feeling crowded in the already small space they had.

She felt her hands tremble , fisting them by her sides as she fought back the urge to launch herself at him with her teeth bared . Syd's upset face springing to her mind , the deep slashes covering his car from bonnet to licence plate .

He had gone wild with his blade it had seemed , while she was sleeping nonetheless . To know that while she had been in bed with one of her friends , jett had been outside and marking his claim out her on edge .

But underneath all her anger and viscountess there was a thread of unstable guilt pulling below her skin . She had slept with syd while knowing exactly how jett felt about her .

She had told him that she loved him then left him not even a week later . She was starting to worry that she was becoming her father . It didn't sit right in her stomach , her lower lip trembling as she struggled to hold her determined gaze .

Instead she focused on the wall behind him .

"You didn't need to slash up his car jett. You could have just talked to me ." She said angrily .

Jett looked over at her for a moment seeming to be judging her before he let out a short laugh . Shaking his head minutely .

"And you would have listened would you ?" He shot back at her quietly, his eyes cold and hard as he refused to look away from her .

It was unnerving . The intensity of his gaze made her shiver , pursing her lips stubbornly .

"It doesn't matter." She dismissed in refusal to admit that he was right .

"You ruined my friends car for absolute no reason other than you being a jealous twat!" She snapped at him .

She noticed his fingers clench against his thigh as he glowered back at her .

He pushed away from the stop suddenly making her flinch and take a panicked step back , only there was no where else to move .

The edge of the porcelain sink dug into her spine .

"I had every reason to be !" He snarled , his teeth bared furiously.

"you're a fucking hypocrite June ! A liar too . I have every right to be mad , you made me so this !" He shouted in frustration , roughly pulling at his tangled hair .

She gasped  , now fully glaring back at him . "I didn't make you do anything !" She denied shaking her head vehemently .

"I didn't make you treat me like a toy that you could use and throw away! I didn't make you ruin this ! You did ! Not me !" She screamed her eyes stinging with sudden tears .

His mouth dropped open , eyes widening in disbelief . "I didn't throw you away ! Not once ! You're the one who lied to me and ran away , only I was stupid enough to believe every word you said ! I'm a fool just like my mother !" He cried out , his face reddening in heartbreak .

June found herself frozen , watching him breakdown in front of her . Harsh sobs wracked his chest as he sunk down to the floor , his body falling heavily against the side of the bathtub .

She felt her heart clench painfully in her chest as she looked down at him , not knowing what to do .

She forced herself to move , timidly climbing over his sprawled out legs and into the tub . Resting her head against the tiled wall she ran her shaking hands over her legs , sighing in defeat .

Keeping her eyes locked onto him , she spoke "I didn't lie jett . Not about how I felt , I promise ." She whispered to him openly making him slowly lift is head to look at her .

His eyes were red and distressed "then why did you leave June ? I needed you . You told me you loved me and then you went away . You moved on ." He accused her hurtfully , sniffling tearfully .

She looked down at her lap guilty , chewing on the side of her cheek knowing that she needed to tread carefully .

The air was tight and tense around them , live wires running wild as there emotions threatened to break the both of them .

"You were hurting me jett . You didn't hold me anymore , you only took and took -" she trembled looking up at his through her wet lashes .

Watching carefully as the realisation fell over his face , his eyes softening considerably as he let her words settle within his mind .

As he recalled those last few weeks , he knew that she was right .

He hasn't even kissed her goodnight he had took it all out on june without a care in the world , so comfortable within there love that he was sure that she would stay through it all.

That she would let him use her , let him bruise her . That she would take it with a smile .

Perhaps they were more like there fathers than they realised . The thought made him nauseous .

"You could have reminded me . You could have done anything but runaway . Tell me something baby-" he looked at her earnestly "do you love him?"

June's lips parted in shock , startled she could on stare back at him in silence wondering what one earth he was saying .

He seemed to take her silence as an answer . A rueful smile tugging at his lips as he reached over to gently take her shaking hand in his own .

His eyes burrowing into her own "I saw the way you smiled at him June . I saw the way he looked at you too . He held you like you were made for him." He whispered softly , his heart clenching at the memories of what he had witnessed .

It hurt so bad to know that he was never the only one.

She shook her head with a sniffle , tears beginning  to gather in her waterline as she pulled at his fingers pleadingly .

"No , no ." She refused to believe it , shaking her head in denial "I don't . I don't love him like I love you . I want you . I do ." The words fell from her lips like a prayer .

He clenched his jaw to stop himself from crying anymore .

Pulling his hand away from hers he looked over at the mirror opposite them , a smirk tugging at his lips from the sight of the mess that they made .

June's small body curled up in the tub with tears falling from her eyes , her mascara running down her flushed cheeks like a reminder of the pain that they caused one another , often without even realising it .

"You don't need me though . No like I need you . I think that you like the idea of me more ." He told her what he thought , his words gentle and honest .

She looked at the back of his head in confusion , frowning as she rubbed the back of her eyes with her hands like a child .

"I do need you ." She assured him hastily but he only shook his head .

"You want the love of a father . You want me to look after you , you want me to hurt you , you want me in so many other ways but myself . I can't be your father june ." He muttered quietly, catching her eyes in there reflection.

Her face scrunched up in frustration"I don't want you to be my father ! Stop saying that ! I already have one . Why on Earth would I want another?" She spat annoyed at his words .

"Not a very good one ." He reminded her simply.

"it's not that I mind either but your expectations would make any man exhausted ." He said plainly .

She kneeled onto her knees and grabbed at his hair with her hands , roughly pulling on the strands making him wince . His hands automatically reaching up to stop her from pulling any more and potentially ripping it out of his scalp .

"Don't patronise me jett ! You're the one that insists on treating me like a child all the time . I just want you , no a illusion of you . You're making a villain out of me !" She whined managing to remove one of her trapped hands from his own , instead slapping his anywhere she could .

Irritated at his awful view of her . Is that how he really felt ? That she was using him as a fucked up version of what she wanted for a father ? That she was fucking him because she was pissed off at her daddy?

He let out a grunt and wrestled her slapping hands away from him , turning his body and shoving her further into the tub till her back hit the wall.

His scowl deepening as he glared down at her , rubbing the sore spots of his skin that she had hit .

"You make a villain out of yourself ." He corrected her sternly , reaching over to clench her chin between his fingers .

June made a angry noise before leaning the rest of the way between then and closing the gap , heart hammering in her chest as she kissed him roughly . Biting at his bottom lip and pulling at it , his palm cupping the back of her head as he groaned into her mouth .

Tilting his head to deepen there kiss he sucked on her tongue gently before letting go , inhaling sharply through his nose as he forced himself to pull away .

His nose nudging against her own he sighed lowly "you can't kiss everything better." He grumbled , letting her kiss down his cheek and over his neck , sucking and licking as she went .

She smirked against his jaw "I can try ." She made a sound of protest as he pulled away from her , falling back down to the floor beside the tub .

Rubbing his fingers over his swollen lips he smiled to himself . "You need listen to me june . You need to understand what I feel ." He told her softly , his eyes pleading with her to listen .

She reluctantly nodded her head "okay." She mumbled lowering her eyes from his, ashamed .

It was quite for a moment as jett tried to gather his thoughts , fiddling with the lion ring on his finger as he looked at his girl in adoration.

She looked so pretty when she cried . He just wanted her all to himself . She was all he wanted in this miserable life .

But even he had come to accept that love could never be so simple .

"I don't know what to do anymore to make you love me like I love you ." His voice was quiet yet steady as he leant his arm against the rim of the tub and looked down at her with eyes full of misery and love .

The two feelings often came hand in hand, he had found .

She felt herself soften , lower lip turning down slightly . "I do love you jett . I do." She repeated .

He only shook his head with a sad smile tugging at his lips . Resting his cheek in his hand with a soundless sigh.

"Maybe so but I don't think that you love me quite as much as I love you." he murmured quietly not looking angry like she thought he should be .

"I don't think you know how to . I don't think it's possible either, I think I could love you enough for the both of us." He told her honestly , hopeful for them .

He would do anything it takes to keep June by his side , his little girl . He would do anything . He really would. He had no shame anymore not when it came to her.

She frowned back at him feeling a sting of guilt hit her chest that had her pursing her lips in discomfort , simply wishing in that moment that she could be normal . That she could love jett Logan as much as he loved her .

But it was like he said . His love was too much . She didn't have enough in her tiny body to return .

"I do love you ." She mumbled her eyes soft and honest as she reached out her trembling hand for his own . His long fingers sliding between hers without hesitation, his pulse calm and steady against her wrist .

"I would do anything for you . I have killed with you jett ! isn't that enough ?" She said desperately trying to make him understand that she did love him , the only way she knew how to .

He was the first man to make her think twice . The first to make her want to be controlled . To make her want to be somebody's first thought . She wanted him enough that she was willing to try and feel what he could feel .

He was such a sensitive man . He felt twice as much as she did . It would be so hard and so long to catch up to what he called love . She wasn't so sure that it was possible .

He smiled back at her in adoration, lifting the back of her hand to his lips and kissing it gently .

"I don't think that any of it will ever be enough . I just want to be the only one ." he admitted to her unashamed by his honesty . He just wanted hers.

Her breath hitched in her throat as she looked away from him with a strong string of guilt biting underneath her skin .

God, she felt sick . She had really hurt him hasn't she?

"you're the only one i will always come back to jett, you're the only one that I feel this way for ." She whispered biting her trembling lip.

His eyes darting between her own and seeing nothing but the truth .

Exhaling heavily as he ran his nose softly up her arm , back and forth until a shiver ran down her shoulders and into her spine.

"Good. Because they don't deserve you , not even I do but I'm a selfish bastard ." He shrugged with a light humourless laugh .

"i've always wanted more than I could have." He said more to himself but June heard every word .

Her heart softening for him as she carefully climb out of the tub and into his awaiting lap .

She nuzzled her face against his own , closing her eyes as she breathed in him . He was familiar , he was everything to her . He was.

"You have me ." She told him softly looking into his eyes reassuring , gently running her fingers through his hair .

Leaning down to graze her lips against her own , she fought back the need to cry again . She felt like a fraud . A liar . He was right . She was the biggest hypocrite in the world .

"No matter what remember ? No matter where I will always want you . I promise ." She hesitated before finally kissing him again .

Feeling jett's hand firmly grasp her hips as he pulled her tightly against his chest , his thumb hovering over her pulse as he accepted her love . The only way she knew how .

She loved him and he loved her . Why couldn't that just be enough?

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